stcmuk bastille december 2 t964 to tfce editor freedom fnternltyl liberty wa the cry of the citizen of natnpcy on monday night o they stormed into the bu- title at brookviue led by a fsir albeit pttunp joan daxc on the right by the handsome lord of rock e i m farm the free people came in their wrath determined to bring back democracy to their beloved township ftut alat the people only got to enter the outer hall with the beautiful ttrvanwr at the crll tag and the hard chairs on the floor not for the iwwant and second clas clttken ibe woft cushioned watt in that inner sanctum plui furance rwjm pliu kltchrrt where dvu arc cook ed up to deny vole the tyrant put up a jthud dc- fenae they had looked afnr tlu health and wllheing of ihrir people and had behaved a ktnd and gentle father lo ull llu cituens the chief tyrant did ivot drn that the price of bnad and even cake wsi high but pointed lo the reduction in taxlt ui the people could buv cake and eve bread the roadk and bndtfr were improved and even lighted so that the people could gtl to the villaae to buy llwir food but harkl another voice i heard down from it ilmnu hold on the upper ctulph road it came whal u dm mlol uiwoti the voice demanded do we need it in navvagaueya if it it five cent fctamp it whmild be called five cuil lamps and the voice prolcited againl und ing thousandt of good navmiyn weya money lo an alkn yovirn ment in ottawa picking up ped and power the voice ihuruund on do we need a mw hasiilu this one of limber will iht streamers under citliny and tin hard chair on the floor hard enough to gel into now hm could the ptniplc he ul7tns the ratepayer get into a concrete block ba hi tile as mhi tt int who rephved u of out iu pro pose to build wc uihild ruti gel in the voice haul and if ui did half the people would haw to stand in tlu kiuhen and halt would have to mi in tlu toilet after that great charge hv her faithful ally joan again took up the cudgeh and fated the chuf tvrant eve to eve joan acticed the tyrants of bringing foreign merccna rics f rom torun to to help them deprive the peopte ol ihdrvotc the chief trant uas shaken but he kepi his voice low and respectful j he an wcred ihc charge be vide joan h a ladv the hour is mm letting late the tlrcamcrs are stilt under the ceiling and tlu hard chairs arc getting harder the antagonlsiv are still holding then v renin tl bul both sides arc uear and a truce in called with u promise ol timnt uul ervhlp good admirmi ration more park and a soking ol the high school problem joan and her cohort k witt attack again on december 7 uhen eer uttr armed with a ballot ten tlu stone of rock tim farm will roll down on rrookxillc and de liver democracy your iruk gird1 l miss 60 imftovffs at fwrdikre andyco ltd rettvad tlwjir final inllueu vattirve otoh fnday at live plant docor t b aaoof and doctor c hutchison completed ih program which had marled earlier in tr fall lelt lo right are dr moore wei mart hment afi employee fur 29 yratv parsonnal wparvnor let duhy harvey palmer an en ployee for jv year and dr hutchison 100 at meeting three speakers informative at 5th anniversary of aa tlu lillh jnnlmtui ul hi in ll in mil pulilu lluci muhik icihii ol alioluilui an minphln f 1 linn i111i hi ii liinvmotls ickbruleil in llu ssnul 1 in in in vslioni iliiiikini m i hjii i ii sjlulilit ilriu jn il i mi pmlilim ml llnl ill ill iliinlimi 11i uvir 100 11lh niiin iliuhilu iuilil in ilu s is r xi 1 1 hiii mil thiti liunun pouiinti 111 his mil i- mi mil iinl aa h ul hum imtlwnu tovsns in 111 ikt iht liiniiiinliitil llm 111 nuler in ihijsloil iiik in tv mm mlxuil ijiiii i in mi n ntcd llu liaikinn 1 ami itimmlhiiil ii sull ik imiiii nl snlillujl i 11ii1 in ii ul in ilm 1 loi llu illu jddnsms yisul li uliiiui in llu cinul sliipluiil i ilia llint spulils jlld lot llu iliiil in llu ii ul muplunl sluxis pil luyrllur uvtr ulusli ilmhil i mints allirwjrds i li mitwn viikiiii nitmnill i tlu illu hawir uis wjik kmiuil pnlililllm mil hmm ml winn i iis lulpuvv and linpu sup 1 111i1 111i1 nl nl iiiiiihmiki lss and ulnii i had nn nllu r s mil 11 nun 1 ni in unusii 1 lull plan in un i luuudluaa in mspii ui l ilk h is 1 upnii in in i viul i had hkil all snls nl lini hi knmlnln nl hi ilk inns uul all soils ill ansucis m nl a a plus 1 sntlillil lull m lis siiind liniulcss kn iuiiiii nl iliiilmlisni k and i n is kshialh ill pml sm 1 ik ii u is nlluisi is thmutli aa i iminl n vs m ilnllli iinkaa lnsilni iniuls and dial puiar ijnali hm d nl lu duiisn ilvnul llhln nnllis uhi usliinil in 11 in mud ll nu mil 1 s in umli tlu minus un in i lml i ik iii illllud iii i 1 lin lliil i iihildn i in 1 hi s 1 iluilus 1 mn 1 h hill mil h 1 ills nl siantd lun mil llliiuship li ih un i hid luiikul ins nn uliniii ll nslills i r slimuun thai uas in ss mil suhl is i 1111 sin ihn i haxi nun likm 1 nmsl i nu dn mil il drink and m lilr has hrn hip lin nudum slmnll s mil i firefighters hold ladies night aloti lliiliyliliis ladles nn hi v is vvi ii ovi 1 i i utiy ik l 11 lit siren similukit at i tn ihc liuiiun ieiils hivi t v 11 nilt riuplitl i it l h the 1 11 in dtils i i in ki iliniu 1 wis mhui in il liiiiun hill hv the liyion i i ilus auxihi it- in van i uil wis lit isti 1 til cvit monies lot itu ivi v loitudi in hill hk eflullillitd nut lluie wis il nu inr to ve 1 n 1 nil on 01 eh t ti 1 lo eomlude he pleasant cv tiling sht 1 ll j lit sts wl it loiiitct lu tlml iml hoiioiatn hie m in jit k st w inn who eailk wih mis ntwloti i nun toionlu honoi un hit m n hill c hisholm iiii mis t hislxihn lor me i de p ut tn hi i hill with uns lit w hit m ui jtihn v 111 ix f hunk nl mis 11 ix 1 hunk uul mis mi ill ixhi is it lit i llls tut nun s 1 dus nikhi al tlu i ithts tttt ivttl e 1111 it 1 his pinrittl un hv ki i i nwlti in eh hn ol iht pi on mi wui it 111 v mi ik i luil i iulu j 1 k tuik uul diiimin i m1i iode bazaar al legion hall despite a downpour laketidc chapter or the iodc held a nry sueecssful bazaar lavt sjlur day afternoon in the legion hall mn c hicllm and mrv george musvelle conceited llu annual inuntv uising event in diiw v made a l llu end ol the a i ten toon h e hi hire n ol menvher halhv hinlun hill ken ddls and julunv mllujh wiiiikis milt as lollows j2s inoiuv tree rwoiuu mtjl tdt is c ii nation and muni centlepitte lioill 1 ikevitw jifcnhouse s mis ujlui ttitwns hhu apiott malt h mis j iiiliis mis hss t ig twv nl t uidv mis mussefu thikul he ikt m d hv mrs slhs mis ja k vv t ing itht 1 h it tn id h mis sn hi aduiwhi nl all ju out i i love 11 inimtici nl 1 ul thipul mis hill mn intrmii 1 d lk vet is mis t trg h ms l ivvii s sit 1 i ink i ix t nl mis w i s si nl ihitktn mis h niv m im cum vt in 1 s ul i ik iruni t il s vhith dul sit ids hiism ss iht un hotit llw 1 iiiiv il it 1 mw 11 v t it nnsttll inttmis mis li ii hint in hiking mis nn i ish n an kmttii mis it k i mis k spitlvofcel t uidv mis j hn mthiirli tonnlts si it mis w mi mis i lmt ipions mis i ill mis h m iih m ihiui llu it 1 st 1 vi d hum in al it uliu tt 1 i ihk ojfutis ol llu kh iplti pooled it 1 ind tullte duiytiltls u soi m ol 1 hi nu iiiik 1 s is si si itl s i villi chutchlll th anion free pre thuftday dcemnbr 3rd 10j farewell party held at school a farewell party was hfld al vatuklsidc school on saturday iveniny for mr and mrs tonv in tnl who au moving lo near ruciph a iriendlv time wis spenl a mf viny kd hv mi leslie hail lu mr jatk titid calhd on mr and mrs van tol lo come forward unl mis k dph ikimv i it ul 111 idihss ihtv were pre iiittd with a vvitltl a eassertjh with mid ci idle and uaimcr rid a law n iiikjiu i f inn se i i he isolh 1 plud i hanking tu n in i un li was si rvt d ami dim inir toll rntl i ntiids 11 s riv lo har mi snimiii ltniut hid llu mist r un l 1 svtilv spiain h s it kit whil it vv lk list wttk lloh in sun tan ik iiotintt itam 1 il is 11 hi nihil h lit ihiwiih ll w k wm mi s d m in li 1 i mis v 1 1 m insh i t mi u iv m s 11 1 iknurlis ind mi 1 1 mis iliaru ih hiiim ii ii ul i 1 ill illj1 itnl hlons in miss k ii 11 ii on ll mi iv i vt is hmioitt lo 11 tl iv i slldillt i mhhll iw lid nd ih i 1111 id null i llu kov il tn idi 11 i t n auili tv ivt nd t i mm distu 1 llich vh i n 1 i iii ml s i is s i i 11 iv t vi iiiil vmmlm 27 mi luntmii mtc unl ol oiling vt visit d with his dun 1 mr i h h kt m j t 1 ih wttktrid i f 1 u nits 111 v 1 v pit ivi d 1 hi 11 mi amittl wuih is whihisutii n m mil siu 1 ii ill il luioiilu uiiiltiy nny miiluv itlurrud i in lisl i nd v mi mk mi h no i nihil al trndcrd le warden dhiiur oil tnday evening at fergus mr and mrs fned macarlhur accompanied mr and mm g w masalr and visited relatives in welland and thorold lasl wed nesday and thursday jiusls at the itonte of mr anil mrv ward hamilton on the ueik ind wru mr and mrs jim allen willuudali miss muriel meniih ol weston and mi and mrs miki llamillon and mark georgetown a nurwrry at knox church for infants and toddlers during church service is being conducl- ed bv giru of ihe ccit undr their leaders miss dune mc connell and mrv david clelarvd christmas cards jnd parcels doth overseas arc arriving at ihc post ollile already and a few chnstmis 1 irds are coming from olhe towns rtyhl in ont ano lo alert the ilow renders on december 8th vote to elect john shadbolt for acton town council you upper will b apthmulwj vote as you like tuesday december 8th 1964 but vote sfonsortd by you acton chambh of commitci for your festive season gtcoup outings go by bus and leave the driving to us tv i cd transport i lck 8531550 in st mm cmdets held m ttw half bud wcutlvcr klowitl sales al lite si john caeleis haau in ihr counc ii chain hens ol 1 he low n hull salurdas at te i noon the euing guts hael tnaile mans al iruellxc items lo sell under tlu three liun of mis goili llu grnvt assihtiny al the sale we it 1 uul i beincit pals smuhiii himui i lrvi mais jane u mamie mas alet chiistnu 1 limy 1 tlvn m eicr drink and sandia haiytuve p hevonet measure the seiond spclkil wis hi cnirdon hastings nl si p mis prwhstn i in chin th in tin lph thvit wis a time ht s iui wlim the atlilndi ut tin ehiiith to- uarels iht aleohollt wis iiuuh i he s inu as iht tttluide t ike n milton the lullnvtlmk is he tl til ill pietuu in mtuun mund iv olits will ht iskttl lo tlut tint siluhl ho ml liusii tmlv ah otlui nos hums vvtu hllid in kklmnl ion inlit ilt s intuink nt m im s childs 1 ml ritvt oi am ii tin attl deputv ktvvt austin lttl with iiul couiuil lie hm hum llest gens addison thiilis 1 as ch ii lis johnson ch u us mukiv all bv aeel school tiuslexs 2eat teltnsl noi th ward in stuimin aeel i asl vv ml d hil1 is t tuieksh ink aeel south w ul ron h mis iisuila jiiksnn oik in ih ilttl ed hvilui will mi uovvikv aeel 2 mii turn lulp i ir wluir hi h tlu p tnd alont th m ti m two iitkt ts hk kt v y hilt huh dtnhls won i i ik saturd is nh hi bill williams town council for sincere concern to public office your vole will be appreciated tuesday december 8 1964 jlss ml niik isi sh ippii your support and vote will be greatly appreciated tuesday december 8 1964 j bert wood reeve with yhkee vears expettlence on acton council oni its chairman ov watht ano uwett committee two as finance chairman and one year as deputy reeve i imi ufbu f rkrtanllnfl tk tpve el lh town l aclon im ih btf lnlmh l avaryatw l caunly cauttdl lvl j bert wood x sale large up to date stock fine furniture rugs and appliances saturday dec 5th 2 pm milton fairgrounds milton ont underneath grandstand this fine stock s4s000 00 ordered to re liquidated in detail without reserve and comprises in part of luu mwll rfriorln skvlwkrttv saltcembin lion slrw hifi sl quality hand tufted provincial llvinfl rftom suit colonial danish and modom ckatlarflald suilai loalhor chair laiy boy cfcalrt r scandinavian and modorn rodroom suilat dinoho suilaa bad choitor- hatdt lampi mahraitat all sina quantity of fin rugi all slxet and many itamt too nurnoroui to mention goods on view all day saturday from 9 am terms cash cheques accepted n i goods on view saturday from 9 m up to time of sale sale under supervision ofjeffs furniture toronto prlrci i ifccllvc ivs j 1 ami 1 ur kctcrvc ihe hlglil lo until uuanllll llbbyi 15ol tttt 1 fruit cocktail 249c maple lear 2lb tin mincemeat 45c raipberry or strawberry j4m tin york pure jam 59c auilrallan seedlc 21b pkg raisins 53c chiquita nil llllsll iii jllllhll 11 1 ins heinz baby foods 10 for 90c ol llln i k iki nl ml red rose tea bags 79c whiu in uiikiii hi iikiis robin hood cake mix 3 pkgi 31c ml iihivis s ii l j s roses flour 49c huspimliu apple pie ach liinilioii 1 min 1kis i 2 lb french fries 7 for 69c cr39c bananas 2 25 pnuluce of hi can o i crude corn on the cob 5 for 39c pnxluc of d s a tan o i lniilc slic 24 california celery 25c a salad favorite pnuliilc ul lb tun n i rudc cucumbers 3 for 29c protlme ot via tun no i lniilc california carrots 2 bunches 29c lnlnitlom tjpt will extra a total op 4600 in bonus tapes itciclvc an rk 7 iii ui j ii instant coffee chock full o nuta simoniz floor cleaner vltla 33ei omo detergent 30c oh klncj rrrclve un i lra un tape with crown corn syrup 3lb tin hfcckcun rxtre mm tape with solo maroarinecelorad a mb pktji iga mild cheese wedges ol sin imi pk sliced cooked meats tablerua 10lb h 11 p e i potatoes can no t gratu dragon chinese food froianplo fri dec 4th is studebaker day bo wro lo watch supor tv bingo friday doc 4th thali th big day winning oniric will bo drawn al each tv atarion conrauanu will bo phonotl and atkod a ikill totting quottion you could bo tho winner of a 1965 studebaker wagonaire i i fresh lean pork m 9 shoulder fresh lean pork butt roast 39c lb fresh tasty and well trimmed pork butt chops 49c lb burns wieners llb pkg 49c burns shamrock rindless sliced side bacon 14b pkg 69e burns small link pure pork sausage mb pko 49jc m