the aclbrl fw pntt jhuniay rsferuaiy 35 19os i miiloyrr or oanum hv the i court ol tanployroea thli i chute daefhot il the infur d warknua mutt lake xanrvir queens park by a kerr volunteer firemen owner parj ner fend executive officers be mw lroms3voovis200i couragp more people partlcular- iy students to work on our arms and hrlp relieve the labor 1 shortage tn this industry one of the highlights of ihtf legisuture this wefc ua itu wmmhhfcoeawmt by the honour sbfc leslie rowntree minister of labor that change wuuij be made tn the worfcmnixumr ertastlon act affecting cot i rage and amount of benefit it is recommended that the minimum rate ol coverage for perwtum with the mairimuml to remain he umt 6000 thiv coverage is by appbcalion only and thus perwlts municipalities in respect tovolunleer firemen and implovers to select an ana ol coverage bettten 12500 and lojooo which uill -tcil- reason abl i be varied earnings hipuh out the protinoe workman lias choice in negligent caw vhrn mon than one partv xs involved ihe injured workman present l has the choice of mher taking com pcmaiton or going to couil in tascs whirr tru third partt i an htlni1 ttk hfl u hating bmartdwrl tt- agf innprtliirl fhiig if to tiwfcrr dearthat th dentil or he right of uil is limited to those cases w both parties are uithln the course of their employment at the lime of tsj accident independent operators and those persons who do not em- plot workmen but who do ca on a trade business or profes iun will now be covered under the terms of the workmen s compensation act to covar fartu worker the act is to be amended to a i lou coverage lo arm worker it i honed this change v ill crv i feels th permanent total ud i permanent partial disability pen uoners who received their awards in years past ulun the benefits of the aci were at a moth louer stale and wages un- oh which the benejits vere based also were al a substantial- is jower level t li it nuu recommended ihit all pensions be vocreased to the lecl of 75 per cint yt atrrac wage which is the- lurrenl basis and in addition that minimum earning be intnased lo a let i tthith sstll reflcti current er age earnings to a gruut dtgrei jno psi probe promqlemechcarhy-967- the oakvttte and district labor i mailed correspondence t various council executive board has the minimum piuhmi for j tut allv disabled pensioner kill he conve 1100 a month under the ntu formula dett loped rten though current l at mints ma b be lou this uwl this uill a met l mam handi cupped workers in walton and throughout the prututte who halt iui ti lettltiny tuned ts has rd on a vjii ts um j- 2s tears ago community and county elected representatives lo urgje supjvorl for health charter fur canadians in 19a7 ttie labor bodv in endorsement of ihe canadian lahuur congress cuieuship month februarv i1a iheme slated that ihe re tent rtfusal lo call an inquiry into port and recommendations kr ftohart s aul mpp george kerr as requested bv the ontario federation of labour and thrt v oak vt lie and distriel labour toum t uvntyle proof thai pn vale carrier can hever do a job its accordance with the keajth re- quirrmenu of the canadian pop ulation and jhe financial means a b ihe tm o iactvs the hmll co re- should be a must for the eh tire canadian malioti they tald c kerr member of provincial parliament for halloo couniv who vau requested to press for an inquiry in the ps f rates on november 77 1464 told the la hour council in a letter that ps is a chartered corporation uhuh des not come under ihe tuniruf of or within the authority of g ernmeol lh inckfjuue labour council officials stated thai if a private earner of msur anrtfxan raise its rates b orr oper cent line w4 terfereflctf bv gjovrnuawssi agjasv ties or electod rum uiamini the4i ihe lime has ccoa a for all cwimliai potetble mrdcare oul the haiard of the hall conimisxioa that the governmestt plan will he roughly oae fifth lheaper than private psaa cower- ayes meaniime all area lacab kave supported a card v cm lav paign fur implementation of muli care bs iu7 the labour cosancil has in affiliation over ijtad uamhs- isis in the area keep ontario green help ptm- 1 venl fiirest lire v yn v mxm0nymm in the hoc up youi fltt make moniy inviioh at youi louaw stoii today no hjichasi nictssaiy in iach uauo maki moniy emvftoh k l of a maki moniy wlliithfl ssoossoosioosio ol 1 00 savi youi ihil whin you collect both thi lift and thi kioht halt of any oni of this iius you win that amount of cash uhiiiii ui ma luwai im hi lutoii n mil featured in the presfdenfssak mis b weus to onto 900 wmnit mis jom aomcoukt smo wtnnh mrs ieona mcntll wiliowoaie 300 winner n yokomto mrs i rhd niagara fails sam wmmu mr a mark toionto 100 winnta 4 is b dfacimdis toronto 100 wtnnm mrs t d french kinoston 100 winner miss m mcfhum toionto 100 winner mh bv maunowski new toronto -s- w mrs o oleary toionto mrs s zimboiatti toionto 400 presidents special off rig price maxwell house ahav amiaa instant coffee 109 presidents special tasty treat mar mm a ice cream 75 presidents special m a aw i a iffy sc n a ag vflwkiai ottle m4r0 taf ritsioinrs sriciai rusioinrs shciau hostess candies swifts til chocoiiate jm ptrem ax 9 v mint creams v presidents special aunt jemima presidents special hostess biscuits pancake and 4 chocolate wafrle mix afa9 blossoms w laf presidents special fancy halves 01 slices presidents special heinz fancy 2 4jjc jui 2 05 pmsidents special presidents special lux 44 beehive toilet soap st corn syrup xul presidents special choice cieam style presidents special aylmer v jr loblaws light corn ov malt cake mjfs w mmoonaid toionto si00winnm miss t tims toionto si09winnjui mr a atkinson toronto floouwimnts mrs gheaid oakvuxe 100 winner mis stc back mrs mitcheu london peterborough 100 winner 100 winner a downs simcoe 100 wmnkr k keuy kinoston 100 winner mrs j mwswien mrs w matthew north bay toronto j100 winnttt 100 wn4nrk b kvva tt zi m tict liv r ir