staff photo horaliers and bandsmen teamed up for the opening number at the sunday concertat the high school when they played and sang o canada the chorahers decked out in their new gold coats complete- with legion crest blue trousers white shirts and legion bow ties and the bandsmen in their scarlet ackets and blue with red striped trousers were an attractive sight fofthe audience of over 250 people ospringe urge safety measures inquest into dennis schmidts death a five man jury inquiring into the death or dennis schmidt on highway 25 just north of milton nun acidetuon 11 placed a high degree ot respon sibility foi tht accident on tho- mas johnson rile jury ruled that schmidt died ol injuries caused in un ac cident involving his car and that driven fey johnson it lecommun- ded the canadian automotive manufacturers association be in quired to incoiporate all salety features in all automobiles the dent- of highways erect caution signs warning ol the dangerous cuive north ot the town and that the depai irrisnt be required to reduce the speed limit in the area of the fatality following completion of the ev idence- liny foreman donald law son questioned johnson and ed ward brown who was a passeng er in his ear on whclhei they had concui red on the evidence thev would give both admitted they had talked ol the accident at var ious times but both had given police statements belore seeing each other following the accident the loreman expressed surprise each could remembci speeilic de tails to a point pi 101 to the acci dent but neithereould remembei anything concerning the accid ent edward brown the first wit ness to testify yiaid he had gone wi supper presentation visitors tr district news rev robert and mrs snyder and sons or kapuskasing spent a few days with the formers par ents mr and mrs gordon snydei ski accident mr and mrs bruce storev and children of barne visited recent ly with the formeis parents mr and mrs clifford storey bruce suffered broken limbsjast winter in a skiing accident and is con fined to a wheel chau but expects to enter hospital again short tor further treatment mr and mrs orlev dingman of victoria harbour visited with their cousins mrs g suntei and miss e baldie mr and mrs don wheat lev and family toronto were guests of mr and mrs gordon ait ken mr and mrs george lang and bonnie spent the weekend with relatives m belleville george s mother mrs lang sr returned home with them aflei visiting foi a week in belleville d g and mrs robertson vis ited on sunday with mr and mrs nile shanti in orangeville and with mrs reg carter of stratford who is visiting with her sivtei mrs shant the children ol mr and mrs earle rav are confined to their home with the measles mr john sim ol toronto visited on sundav with mi and mrs david stewart the mcmbeis ol the ospnnge womens institute entertained their husbands and lamihes at a pot luck suppei on wednesday evening at the school following a bountiful meal the ladies held a short business meet mg the spring 4h club will be accent on accessories and miss dons fines mrs c hurren and mrs e archibald will be leaders the ladies are to have a booth at the storev sale and pies will be verv acceptable first euchre of the season will be held januarv 21 at the school bei ol hei pictures both local and alai which were very inter esting and entertanung the february meeting will be an afternoon one at the home ol mrs d g robertson in the vil luge- presentation a laige crowd attended the pre senlation on monday evening at the school for lormer residents mr and mrs murd mccutcheon and muriel who sold their iarm on the second line and moved to acton lasil spring due to several circumstances the presentation was belated an enjoyable time was had in playing progressive euchre with prizes toi high scores going to mrs alvin fishei and beverly bruce playing with a mans card mr ward bruce called the gath ering to order and invited the honored guests to seats on the plaitform mrs byron bruce read the address and the presentation ol an upholstered swivel chair and cofifee table was made by ross ferguson mrs ward bruce and mrs e archibald a pan of bed room lamps were presented to muriel bv beveilv bruce and lin da- ferguson in a lew well chosen words mind epiessed then smceic ihu liaditionalk ends the season thanks a bounlilul lunch was loi the tiguic skating club served bv the ladies and a social different groups are begin ning to wonder what they can do as a special project foi centen nial yeai theies to be a new addition to georgetown high school which will have 1 410 students next yeai sam mackenzie is comtiactoiand jack gordon superintendent purchase ol cedarvale school lor use as a community centre has been approved as geoigotown s centennial project pioyicss continues at ihe medical centie now plisteiing is being done this week some disluot laimcis weic actually out plowing lields on mild thursday januaiy 6 be lore the snowstorm several eus had to be towed monday and tuesday morning loi a start when temperatures hovel ed near era several cars travelled thiough town on the weekend ladened with skis and toboggans ski re soils welcomed ihe snow believe it oi not casting be gun tin- week loi the ice eai nival public school pupils arc skat ing at rhe community centre with then classes again this winter moi i is phai macy has a new sign above the store this week one ol the new houses just huilt at the lai end ol lakeview subdivision is already occupied a maiked increase in the inci dence ol tables has been repotted in the guelph area to the milton inn aftci the hock ey game and met tom johnson there after two draftsanil two- other s she looked b cul pints yigv left in the johnson car proceeding up mttrlinjst north of the base line he looked up saw headlights realized the ears would crash he sullered several cuts and a head injury and was treated at milton dis- tnet hospital di dingle of the joseph biant memorial hospiuil testified schmidt driver of the othci cai was severely in fined and died ab out 3 15 am in an autopsy a blood sample showed no alcohol in the blood di d aikenhead testified he- attended schmidt at the milton distiict hospital and realizing the seuousness ol mimics nans lei red him to builington he was iiccompamexl uieie o di c hillz he tieated johnson who had a head inurv but was not able to arfflpci questions he did not remember smelling any alco hoi thomas johnson teslilied he finished woik about 11 pin and went to ihe charles hotel then to the milton inn where he met brown and altei two chads ol beei left to meet a iriend at the alpine 1 up highway 2s he did not iceall a speeilic cai in front ol him on martin st and he did it recall seeing the car with which he collided the crown attorney reviewed his re cord ol convictions for speeding and other traffic infractions norma j mclcod testified she- was in the cai with schmidt and had come- olf highway 40i onto highway 25 she recalled seeing two cms coming fell the cat swerve she iccallcd no other de tails ol the accident saw johnson car gayle eat le testilied she had been dnving past the milton inn shot tly alter midnight when a cai backed out ip front 6t her she blew the horn and passed on the recognized tom johnson pro ceeding up martin st she said a cai pulled in close behind hex id front ol another car and she though t it was driven by tom johnson it followed closely jnc she belived it pulled till about the holy rosary chinch she- ie membeied the eai swerving and scaling me maiy mowata pis- sengcim the eaile cai gave sirb maiks he- testified the point of impact was two and a hall 1eel west ol the centie line the schmidt car was damaged along the whole- left side rmd the john son vehicle was damaged amthc liont the constable teslilied johnson had refused to give a blood sample toi alcoholic con tent constable w gullijji teslilied on his investigation ol the- posit ion of the vehij stantially the same evidence couldnt recall recalled foi tin thci evidence thomas johnson did not iccill waving to miss eai le noi did he lemember pulling in close behind hei cai he agreed he might have- but did nokiecall it iricu johnson took the witness stand to ask when the constable had determined the point of im pact the constable said he noted the lads at the time ol the aeci dent until he consulted the ciown he would not know il chaiges were to be laid summing up evidence the ciown alorncy noted neithei johnson oi biown seemed to ie membei anything beyond the base line road he emphasized the inquest was an inquuv not a tnal and called on the jury to bung in its veidict the uiy delibeialed lor an hum and a quaiter beloie re turning its vei diet the acton free press thursday january 13th i96d sixers conference saturday attended by acton cubs akela wol cubs from aclon headed by akela mrs fail jordon joined williams and biampton loi an ill day session satuldayjt si johns united chinch georgetown wlnn lhiv alitended the annual sixcis conlc-ivnc- dining the dav cubs eiioed knot tieing lusl aid astionoitis mai k rowe ken jordan blaine cleland wayne bannon peter ive and joseph mccunncil the- ac ton cubs arc to be invested as full lleged stxeis in the neal inline car rolls over an r r i campbellville woman was linhui t but hei cji received wxalher conn ol badge quizes and 400 damage- ti idav morning ol learned techniques on weed ton last wck when her ear lolled uol and elemental v mechanics- mc ine t nassaga- dunng woikshops the voungsteis vslw ivibel mcnabb was weie buv building ntrdhiiuscs peeking thiough telescopes and imkcnng with baliteiyheuiled motoi s akelns demonstration mis jordan demonsii tied lot the black slii and talked on gai dening including weed conti ol caie ol lawns and giowmg bulbs pail ol the- demonstialion includ ed making small plant el idles horn l in cans attending liom acton weic mis joidan and sisteis in liaiimig the di iu i plans are being made lot the mass luheieulosis survey at the iialustiics eai l in february y h s holden optometrist 36 colic st east guelph e phone ta 27130 s wanted old spots any size any type any flavour bring in your vpotted garment or give o call and we will coma ami get them we will take the ipoti out at no charge clean and press your garments at the regular price and return them to you before you can say spot custom cleaners seme day service except saturday in by 10 am out by 3 pm cash and carry main st n phone 8531180 wrsift inst good skiing ol ihe sea son at kelso on the weekend nine cnoved mam lavoiable comments weie heai d legal cling the fine aeeom itiodation piovided lor social gath i a eek ago toda was so mild enngs in the audhonuni at ihe eiocusses mil tulips stalled to new school and local residents come up and latmci s weic woi k aie quite proud of ithc line new ln on the land what a dilleienee building with mis s rullci mis c aich ibald mrs g giunch and mis d wuitei as a committee legion choraliers continued liotfi page one aichugh accompanied b george elhojt at the piano diew larje i applause as he sang rose of no mans land and o sacicd heai t o lovodivine ucw annual meeting held a week makes stieets houses sloie win dows and living rooms all look drab without the chi istmas lights the occasional decoiation still show s the continuing incicase- in puces geneiallv a snukv scarceh noticed advance seem cd to be piett obvious the past weeks cigaiettes and cigais went up and then buttei lose milk is next pioduuj maiuitactuicd in i aclon aic incieasmg in pi ice as ol januaiv 1 overseas puiccl fiost kites inci eased considcrublv h dro kites aie changing and ol eouisc oui gioeeues escalate no wondei then aic sqmanv x in memory loi the giaud linale choialieis i lined the stage with lights dim tmtes dons fines showed a uum nicd and a spotlight shining on a large silvei cioss at the icai o the stage as thev sang the- icli i i toils uiimbct were you there t leadei geoigc mussclle told the uidiciice ihe next selection wins peiing hone was being sung in incnuiv ol rae wot who had xvokn aul mis t shields was elected pie- passed awav recentlv and noted sident ol ihe united church wo- the iiumbei was one ol the late men at then annual geneial meet elioialiei s lavontesi mg hi the chinch mondav even i othei numbers included hap jng mis r knapton is hist vice pv wandeici battle eve president mrs g w mckenzie uld lang svne which the aud second vicepresident mrs a ii lencc weie invited to nun in win secretarv mrs sampson singing and the closing numbei treasurer mrs b veldhuis attei god save the queen noon unit leader and mrs h pat- hearts rounds of applause- terson evening unit leader mrs i throughout the entire concert marguerite tavlor flowei conve marked appreciation ol the haul ncr mrs m symon visiting con work bv leadei george mussefle cnei and mrs c rognvaldson and his chorahen alton citiz ioeial convener ens band and individual entei the retiring president mis l tamers i idkca thanked the group toi mavoi dutrv on behall ol coun their assistance over the past two cil and latepavers expressed ap- xearb mrs engel expiesseil pieciation to mi mussclle anj thanks to mis lidkea and pies ithc legion choialieis toi then ellted her with a cup and saueei splendid work aud excellent mu the new olliccis were installed sic and wished them eveiv sue bv rev engel i cess in the luluic the repoi i ol the last annual meeting was read b mrs w wa seal sales up a total ol lust ovci 33otk m been collected to date from jr i96s chi istmas- seal sales ca t paign ol the halton county ti jh eiculosis and health association an inciease ol about 43000 ovctaff the- total at tins time last ycarsfc the association announced this l wjokw- proceeds from the christmas seals will be used foi conducting the mass tb locating survey in halton county beginning in feb ruarv estimated to cost 10 cents pel capita seethe world s lightest direct drive chiihm sweet and juicy florida mcculloch mic 110 the greatest lightweight of em all is here wi lbs of fast cutting dependable casy- handlin mcculloch itll tackle any cutting job youve got around the farm cabin or right at home pettys garage rockwood 8569571 tangellos 3 1 produce of usa can no i grade vine ripe tomatoes lb 25c produce of us a cu jo 1 grade size 24s florida celery stalk 29c produce of usa can no 1 grade bunch carrots 2 for 29c frozen turkcyjhickcn beef 8oz pkgs morton pies 5 for 100 york fancy whole kernel fc corn i aylmcr choice irult v cocktail h k ga doghouse dogcat food 12 fab or surf 40c off detergent i ills i 01 lo i mis i ol i ho i ins i 01 h ml- slzc i 01 14 15 prices effective jan 12 13 we reserve the right to limit quantities mi rriiiitiig jormr iir wf f 1 fresh chicken cuts terhousc mrs sampson read the treasurers report mrs m sm on the socij report and mrs loungblut the sick and shut ms report mrs de i crest and mrs wil derspin reported lor the two un its years projects included teas bake sales quilts and selling cards to raise monev for church work as well as the foster par ents plan christmas boxes bales and flowers the year was very cuccessul financially 24 hr film photo developing kodak film photofush supplies cameras hintons 5c to 1 store buynow deal up now january cleanup sale we have these clean mechanically good used cars 1966 custom 500 4dr sedan 390 motor automatic deluxe seat bells tinted ws silver frost red interior lie no e5919i 1964 ford tudor galaxie 5008 cyl automatic mdicon lie no e77478 1964 plymouth savoy 4dr sedan 6 cyl automatic lie no e57645 1958 meteor 4dr station wagon v8 automatic radio lie no 99499x 1957 monarch tudor hardtop 8 cyl automatic power steering power brake radio good lireo lie no 570 s low down payments low monthly payments at v thompson motors acton ltd your friendly ford dealer bcrri orange juice 3 aylmcr fancy tomato juice 3 choice peas 6 aylmcr canadian style beans pork 8 chicken beef or irish york stews 4 jy pea or vegetable id habitant soup 5 sswwskjif n xsik v8fci legsbreasts 21 alpine primrose triangle beef steakettes 2 1 tablerite 16oz pkg bologna b swift premium lib v p for wieners si i ga royal gold regular or nippy cheese slices iga colored margarine gor pkgs 4 for 100 mb pkgs 4 for 100 choice new zealand whole or half leg o lamb lb 55c choice cu cilind whole i lank on loin o lamb lb 29c choice gcu zealand roast chops stew lamb in a basket lb 25c taplc icaf sliced i lb i lat side bacon lb 95c ledger iga mraap