advances irt flood control plan are cited by credit authority just a year aym ve were w4d that we couu not expect financ ial help from the federal govern ment on bur good control plan after roll coll u jwas noted that thetewas 10 percent attendance but with the help- of the ontrfia government we fcavegone ahead anyway chairman r k mcmil lan said at the inauguralmeeting of the credit valley corisetva- tion authority if we cant build six big dams well build 12 small ones on tlie credit and its tributaries we are well on the way at orangeville glen wil liams and have a start at mea- dowvalc we are in an excellent position financially and can meet any charges without furthef stress to the municipalities he continued the members of the cvca ap proved the budget for 1966 and set the municipal levy at 90 cent per capita the same as if ha been for the past four years eric m white mono twp was elected vicechairman a pos ition he has held for four years j w pawley brampton was re turned as chairman of parks and recreation advisory board r r parker acton chairman of flood control and pollution r f har dy horrtby chairman of histor ical records a m greenaway port credit chairman of public relations jack bailey streets- ville chairmanof reforestation land uscand wildlife vice-chair- from catedoit twp alfld petri from cbiaguacousy twpi and ww- ijam vtefeer bom erto village with both old and new raetbbers present from the municipality land acqiimhnn a year end report staled that with the purchase of an extra 90 acres during the year the totaj holdings of the a now are l979 acres thesp are divided as follows multiple use conser vation area developed 330 acres undeveloped 400 acres forest and wildlife conservation areas 718 facres water reservoir site 531 acres -work- is progressing or has been completed in glen williams orangeville fletchers creek in brampton and meadowvale roodlihe mapping has been com pleted from lake ontario to cre dit forks the information con tained on these maps will- be of utmost importance in the formu lation of fill regulations along the river the dam at the orange- villcjmono conservation area was completed early in decem ber this will be filed in the spring and the water storage res ervoir will contribute to recrea tion in the orangeville area iii cooperation with the ont ario water resources commis sion the authority has carried men of these advisory boards are out a water quality survey along t j dale toronto twp g a the credit river samples were blackwell georgetown clarence king east garafraxa twp b c smith port credit and charles bryan amaranth twp in that order w g bagill erin member of the authority since i960 joined alex maclaren of georgetown as an honorary member he has been replaced on the authority by william veber a member of the erin council magill has worked hard during his years with the cvca chairman mcmillan said i want him to know his work has been appreciated and he will always be welcome here i want to congratulate this authority it has adapted itsen to the facts as they are and gone ahead with its work f g jack son said mr jackson is with the conservation authorities branch department of energy and re sources management in this present day people try to change what they do not like but the tendency is to forget to use the resources that they do have you have had disappoint ments but instead of giving up you have used what you had to go ahead with the work of the authority keep trying to change things that you dont like but go ahead with your work mr mcmillan welcomed five new members to the credit val ley conservation authority frank webb and t j dale from toronto twp edward black taken twice monrhly in six points and chemical analysis reports are sent to the authority the channel relocation at glen williams to prevent fcank erosion by the glen williams cemetery has been completed and the two upstream weirs at erindale con servation area have been repair ed these weirs were damaged last spring during the flood re pairs to the huttonville dam are almost completed during the spring 450000 trees were planted on privately owned land in the watershed authority staff and machines planted 248250 of these and the others were planted bv owners wirh a subsidv paid by the cvca the ponds at terra cotta con servation area were stocked with speckled trout during the trout season with the coopera tion of the department of lands and forests during the summer a fish sur vey was carried out on portions of the river in cooperation with the department of zoology of the university of toronto the field work was done bymiss d a ro berts a graduate student and an undergraduate assistant the au thority supplied a vehicle driver assistant and a portion of the ex penses for the accommodation of the party when the report of this survey is compiled it should pro vide interesting information con cerning the distribution- of fish species and environmental condi tions in the river and tribttfaries lmidvte the credit valley conservation ajjjiboruv participated with the afetro authority in the peel county land judging competit ions each contributing 59 per cent of the expenses during the year the field of ficer inspected and reported on 14 proposed subdivisions and 10 changes in zoning regulations most of theselvcretn toronto twp where the land use pat tern is rapidly changing public relations display and information booths were set up at brampton and er in fall fairs and at the streets- ville trade fair the first edition of the credit valley conservation commeht edited by jack davis was produced it is the intent- ion of the authority to make this a quarterly publication parks and recreation regular visitors to terra cot ta conservation area will be hap py to learn of the recommenda tions submitted by the parks and recreation advisory board a new entrance roadway is to be constructed into the areaaway from the swimming pool and pic nic sites the roadway will lead to two new parking iots which will provide parking lor about 400 cars it was recommended that this work be done with win ter works labor and be completed before may 15 1966 so that traf- fie in the park would not be dis rupted trees and shrubs are to be planted along the township road boundary to eliminate dust and rioise superintendent n j mcmahon reported that 86999 people visit ed terra cotta during the season and 29307 visited belfountain this number is based on 45 per sons per car there were 5174 campers during the summer in spile of poor camping weather fiftyseven buses loaded with picnickers visited terra cottas group picnic areas orangeville mono cost has been kept at a mini mum in the orangeville mono conservation area due to the fact that gravel deposits for the road and parking lot were found in the area this gravel was moved by the contractor for filling and packing at a very low cost cvca vicechairman eric white asked for a progress report at the parks and recreation board meeting and was informed that the dam on the property was completed and the other work was progress ing well this park with camping and swimming facilities will be opeqj sgt j grant milton o pp head is sergeant w j grant a new sergeant arrived recently to take command of the milton opp detachment office on bron te st milton tie is sgt w j grant an 18year veteran with the ontario provincial police who was transferred to the milton de tachment essex proposal to plunkett oakvhe sees gigantic city of 250000 sgt grant takes over from sgt c g tiny wilkinson who head ed the local detachment nearly six years sgrt wilkinson was transferred to oakville on janu ary 17 sgt grant began his police work at essex later working in maiden township near amherst- berg then at blenheim before moving back to the 60man essex j dence in the government detachment he was promoted i loss of these supporting baiunafad the afton fri prtthurcfay ffhrunry tirrt lcvio birtht sickness meeting training school highlight district news for 4h dubs congratulations to mr and mrs sales on the arrival of a wee son in georgetown hospital snow shovelling has been the- order of ilia day for the past week and still was on monday as no letup seems to be in sight j m sanderson srwas taken to toronto hospital on friday where he will undergo treatment we wish him a speed v recovery i a dance was held in the ballin- atad hall on friday lifght when the shavnes orchestra provided the music the annual mating ol hallin- alail united clilirihvas held cm friday night the voung son of mr and mrs sam snow was in guelph hos pital with whooping cough but we are pleased to say he is home and cldinj line harley to h alton by dr harry harley mp from corporal uarv 15 lo sergeant jan- would kas expected the throne speech has v to date produced three votes one oh the technicality of who should speak next and two votes of nonconfidence in the new gov ernment in both of these latter votes the government was able lo survive with the support of the five social credit members from alberta anclwbritish columbia on neither of these voles despite their closeness the last vote was 134 to 126 was there any sug gestion in the atmosphere of the green chamber in the house of commons that the government was in any danger of defeat the house of j commons was relaxed and this was evident even in the calmness of the packed galleries where no one was anticipating in any way the defeat of the new government two more votes will take place before the throne speech debate ends and it is anticipated that the voting pattern will repeat itself without any serious problems these votes do concern coiili- iut- a votes 4h homemaking club leaders from halioh county are attend tng the training schoof for the spring project on wednesday february 2 and thursday fen- i aiary 3 at grace anglican church miton the 4h unit that the girls will be taking is the club girl entertains loaders are attend- ing from ashgrove baliinafad dublin hornby limehouse pal ermo scotch block and silver- wood womens institutes j in their meetings thegirls will learn about many of the various aspects of hospitality such as en tertaining a house guest being a guest how to set the tahle how j to entertain at a lea party ideas for both menus and entertain ment and good etiquette for all occasions to add party airs to their enter- there is no- indication as vet to what particular legislation the government will propose first on completion o thi supply motion tainingthe girls will learn how to hard on the heels of milton planning boards proposal to i is chatham all probability precipi- l tale a general election which cer- served overseas i tainly no one wants at this time prior to joining the opp he i immediately following this a served five years in the armv in- j s motion will he called gantry during world war two he which normally lasts two davs served overseas and was promot- i lnc allows the government to ed to sergeant his original home j consider the budget estimates ol various govornrrtcrrrdepai imcnts i- had the opportunity las week ol partjeipating in the throne speech during this time i spoke on medicare and car safely and the need for clumyes in canadas divorce and hilt li control laws i have been receiving much sup port for i he views 1 expressed that in both of these latter mat ters out laws at present are gross ly out- dated mid cry out for changes to hiiiijj rhetri up to date in keeping with modern clay life it is expected that one of the first measures hrougjit forward for debate will he capital punish ment as i tun sure everyone is aware this will be given time fur- debate by the government and a free vote given l members ol the house of commons in keeping with the views of their consti tuents and their own views on this vital andini portanl matter as far as hal ton is concerned mv mail and conversations i have liad with many constituents are in favor of the abolition of capi tal punishment bv approximate ly three lo one make fancy sandwiches and how to arrange flowers to make pleas ing displays for various occasions this project will consist of eight meetings and the final meet ing will be a party or afternoon lea which the girls will plan and invite guests any way you figure it i the finest welcome to acton is welcome wagon m llleclive modern treatment for arthritis coneen tunes ulpon the prevention ol disability and de formity and the restoration ol lunclions a visit from our hosted will makr you feel at home with tier basket of gifts and answers to questions about the city its services tnt facilities just call agon needs study commissioner tho mas plunkett lor a 120-squaiv- mile area to be the new milton oakville council made public on tuesday the details of its brief to mr plunkett the oakville plan calls for a gigantic triangularshaped metro polis t serve as a buffer be tween toronto and hamilton bounded on the east by port cre dit on the west by burlington and on the north by orangeville the new city would see the js5 wvt lets pack exchange student describes sunny tanzania to ys men theres con- mount kilimanjaro tinual snow railways were built by germans along the old arab the slavc- ys men forgot the wind and snow thursday when they heard all about life in tanzania from one of its natives who came with his wife to address the members routes of notoriety richard mallya is working to- sjsa is wide r used ivard hs master s degree in agrio gunny sac cordage cof- fee is the second cash crop j then come cotton cashews and peanuts in importance commerc- itiiral engineering at the- universi thtof guelph the exchange is sponsored by the canadian gov ernment unci he hopes it can be arranged to have him continue his studies even further before returning to his homeland hwr maltva expects lb work with the tanganyika govern ment when he returns home and will have plenty bj scope for the country is mainly agricultur al industries are badly lacking he said diets and dialects tanzania includes tanganyika mainland zanzibar and pemfoa there are 112 tribes in the 12000- 000 square miles each with a dif ferent diet and different dialect club members heard of chagga meals of bananas meat ially grown for local markets arc maize beans tea and tobac- co 1 tribes settle down formerly nomadic tribes are settling down now to mixed farm ing to these tribes stock is a symbol of prestige and a yard- stick of wealth counted as bank j notes on the hoof mr mallya explained provision of perman ent watering points and introduc tion ol better forage grasses are aimed at settling down these tribes to mixed agriculture his descriptions of the warmth the u pamlined beaches fascifuition of serengeti national park and to the public in 1966 it is locatedscrapping of the present halton on the former crazier farm just north of orangeville on highway 10 the park is a joint project of the town of orangeville twp of mono and the credit valley conservation authority historical records early in 1965 this advisory board was instrumental in set ting up the credit valley conser vation authority foundation since then the foundation as sisted by the authority has pur chased a turn of the century farm near hillsburgh equipment to manage this farm as it was in 1900 has been purchased and is being repaired during he win ter the foundation has also pur chased a school near the farm and all the equipment to furnish it is at the school administration ttie administration office of the authority was transferred in september from the terra cotta conservation area to meadow- vale offices are available there for the chairman secretarytreas urer general superintendent field officer and the foundation a drafting room has eased the work of mapping considerably the new board room seats the members comfortably and pro vides space for visitors and press couhtv governmental setup and- the establishment pf a city coun cil composed of a mayor and 10 councillors elected on the ward system follow watersheds boundaries for the new metro polis are designed to follow the watersheds of the creeks spencer creek on the west lake ontario on the south the etobi coke and humber watersheds on the west and the northern drain age basin to orangeville on the north the new city proposed by oakville would include all muni cipalities presently in halton plus portions of what are now wentworth dufferin and welling ton counties leaving brampton dixie lakeview and malton to metro toronto it would have a population of roughly 250000 and an assessment of s52s mil lion mr plunkett is currently hand ling regional government needs studv in halton and peel and is awaiting submissions from any interested groups or individuals in the two counties on their thoughts for the future the de partment of municipal affairs halton and peel counlv councils are sponsoring the study estimat ed to cost s6000 he is married and has four children ranging in ages from 15 to three sgt grant has been a masonic lodge member since i 1949 joining at central lodge in essex he is also a member ol the royal canadian legion i the milton opp detachment j has 26 personnel including the sergeant three corporals 20 con- stables and two secretaries the office serves highways 481 25 and i 7 in north halton plus the town- ships of nassagaweya and esques- ing and villages within the twu townships dance every saturday evening v 900 113 pm royal canadian legion acton orchestra in attendance 200 per couple phone 8510943 welcome nkwcomkbsi usi tills know you a wiiim oupnii h re llllvi till hnstcs1 woltjom liiil on i i would ifko a svtbncrlbe lo thf acton free press i i already subscribe to the acton free press fill nut coupon ind mnll to circulation dept the acton free press i and beans and the masais fond ness lor meat milk and cat tle blood english is the official language and many speak swahili as well tanganyika was owned by ger- many from 185 until 1918 was the memories of the romance of exploration in drlivingstones house in tatora made the ys men ready to pack their bags young y the y just started in 1959 in tanzania established by well- then under british rule until the j known men influenced bv mis- gt anting ot independence in 1961 sjonaries the y has a youth rainy season now i hostel several y groups a train- right now the country is in the wet season of rains which last until may then comes the cool season till july and then the hot and dry season from july to j mallya were the guests of october at the top of famed and mrs g w mckenzie ing school and four model poul try units on the slopes of kili manjaro while in town mr and mrs mr r jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock and fertilizer fabm servici concrete brick clay brick stone awl sumies dump trucks for hire insured bab acton milton livt4y 8783272 thursfrisat feb 345 emil and the detectives in color a wlf disney production brian russell walter slezak cruising waters cartoon fire chief matinee saturday at 1 pm montueswfd feb 789 joy in the morning in color richard chamberlain yvette miniux world next door cartoon yankee doodle mouse adult entertainment thurstoisat feb 101112 boeing boeing in color jerry lewis tony curtis on the bounce cartoon one of the family show times monday through thursday on complete program each evening at b pm friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pm saturday matinee 2 pm now is a good time to clean up with a want ad make a list of the things you will want to get rid of this winter such as furniture that you no longer use farm machinery that youve bought replacements for tools that you no longer use sports equipment musical instruments and other items that the youngsters have outgrown and hundreds of other things that may be cluttering up your yard house and storage room sell them turn your dont wonts into money with a classified ad in the acton free press 59 willow st n 85320102030