ninetyfirst year no 44 acton ontario thursday april 28 1966 authortxecf fcs second dan man the poit olflce department ottawa twelve pages too cents ropose new apartm on beverley house council tuesday evening learn cd a prospective buyer for pro perty owned by beardmore and co ltd bordering on the corner of church and maria streets re quested a change in property reg ulations the beverley house formerly occupied this wooded corner lot nnd was owned by the beardmore famirysome time ago the house was demolished and since then the land was subdivided for hous- ingt during this time a street was planned and deeded to the town through the centre or the proper ty the prospective buyer request- cd the town relinquish the por- tion deeded to the down and re turn it ito the owners as well as zone the area rm in order to al low erection of an apartment building clerk administrator jack -mc- geachie informed council the zon ing bylaw which is presently at the ontario municipal board for approval contains the change re quested to r although council tentatively consented to return the portion of land owned by the townjo the prospective owner it witfrtc nec essary to have legal advice before definite action is taken expect to call tenders for new library in month actons centennial library mov- tributed to the increased estimate ed a step nearer realization thurs day evening when the committee unanimously recommended that architect don skinner be linstuct- ed to prepare the detailed plans for the building present at the meeting were mayor duby coun cillors oakes drinkwalter and masjhcs from council e pratt and mrs e franklin of the li brary board and david dills ot the centennial committee as well as e taylor secretary of the li brary board and clerk j mc- geachic the architect reported he had engaged a professional estimating firm to give a cost on the project the estimator had come up with a quite disturbing cost of 67- 000 on the original plan review ing ihe factors which have con- citizen of year hired wright widelyknown and highly re garded longtime resident fred wright is actons citizen of the year he will be honored at the chamber of commerce dinner thursday may 12 announce ment is made in advance o fri ends and family may be present when the recipient hears the cit ation which will be published in full later and receives his en graved plaque orval chapman announced mr wright as the chamber committees selection for publi cation today of the cost over a year ago mr skinner said he decided to reduce the area of the building and on the revised plans the cost had been estimated at s52000 origin ally the building had a floor area of 5462 square feet on two lev els which has been reduced in the revised plans to 4373 square feet mr skinner reported on his dis cussion with the supervisor ol provincial library services who was of the opinion the revised building would be quite adequate for library service in acton mr skinner felt the estimate was on the high side but point ed out the construction costs were rising almost monthly he said the plans would be ready for the calling of tenders within a month if it takes any longer than that for the detail plans well know the cost will be too high councillor oakes posed the ques tion to the architect would you say it was a modest building no frills and not elaborate to which the architect answered that it was pointing out that there were no frills which could be el iminated to reduce the cost which left the only way cost could be reduced through a reduction in floor area mr skinner said the building could be enlarged at i a later date if it was found to be i necessary by extensions on both sides i the clerk said a debenture issue iol 43000 had been approved by the department the building i would be subject to federal and provincial grants of 4100 each i the possibility of a further h- brarv grant was to be investigated b the clerk and mr pratt peals last stand councillor presses for stop lights at dangerous millmain corner councillor hamilton peals la week pitkup throughout thelthority the first of the year to parting words to colleagues tuesj year when the garbage packer pay such accounts when due and clay evening after lie tendered arrives reeve h h hinton op- 1 final approval they have been his resignation was to urge fori posed delaying the twoday peri paid is noted at regular council stop and go lights at the mill- week garbage pickup session due to work on the town main intersection demand for trees budget several regular council deputy reeve r r parker op- j canadas 100th birthday next meetings were cancelled and ened the subject when lie asked year is creating quite a demand these accounts were not noted on red maple trees as council found out continuing its tree stuff pholo 73 pigs were lost friday when the barn owned by peter whilton r r 1 acton went up in flames the fire was raging out of control before acton firefighters left town within five minutes after the fire ivas spotted by a passing motorist rudy hanousek the entire barn was a mass of flames 73 pigs burned in friday fire as area barn completely gutted seventythree pigs burned to death friday noon during a barn fire at the farm home ot mr and mrs peter whitton rr i acion acton firefighters were called ham peal resigns council mrs fryer fills vacancy hamilton peal acion couik illors wciv un animous in expressing rcgict when councillor hamilton teal resigned tuesday evening mimii lcs duby commended mi peal lor iris splendid woik and cooperation during his term ot ottuc and keen interest shown as road coin- niittec chairman the vacancy on council will he tilled b iormer councillor mn doi is fiver who ran seventh in ctccritin last cir contacted b clerk adminis trator jack mcgcachic yvcd- nesdav morning mis fryer accepted the position had she declined il would have iwn ollvred to william wikou who polled w voles to mis fivers 44 and third choice would have been neil miller who polled vo voles council would have had the authority to appoint someone to fill the vacancy had all three refused mr peal who has been a resident of town the past 2s mrs fryer niipiclcd years completed lour years m council and this veal began his tilth term lie also served two vcais as a member ol ae oi planning hoaid he is leaving acton so lake a posi tion with a vucking tuni in sainia married with three child- ieii one mirned and two it home mr peal and his wife ada expect to move to samii as skii as thvir home here is sold past president he is a past president ot the roval canadian legion blanch l7 and this year was appointed poppv vhiirmiii theic he sings with the le gion choralieis and has been a diligent worker for the branch tuesday evening at council the resignation came as a shock to members who indi vidually expressed their re grets and congratulated mr peal on his fine work at coun cil level vvw state conditions for new subdivision lacking a quorum of members at a scheduled meeting ol the committee of adjustment last thursday evening the chairman j g w mekenic discussed the ap- i i plication of t seynuck and cranston griese with the men and with two councillors c f i leatherland ol the development commission and r drinkwalter of the planning board the thurs day meeting was tailed to review information requested at an april 7 meeting ol the committee ol i adjustment a special meeting ol the com mittee was held on monday april 25 at which the chairman mr mc kenie and the committee mem bcr murray smith considered the application and gave approv al to the proposal subject to two conditions the lirst condition is that t sevnuck sign tn agree ment with the town ol acton cviu- cerning the inline street pattern on the balance ol lot 315 the second condition is that cranston griese enter into a planned subdi- vision agreement with the town of acton on the six acres to be separated under ihe application there are three members on the committee ol adjustment mi two constitutes a quorum commit tee member frmc matks was nn able to he present t the application bet ore thcvoin- miltcc is lor a land separation ol approximately six acres apart ot lot ms plan i0s oil v toil boulevard ileal the high and m beimel i svhk councillors leatherland and drinkwalter appeared at i he meeting as represent lives ul the development commission oui planning board o presenl i he rccvmmcndatioti that provisufn iv made lor iisiiung access to churchill roivl wallace avenue anvl ac ion boulevard coimollor di inkwallc s iid tlieie ueu omc changes he would like in see in the piiis and there mav hcolhcis planning board won id want chiimm mckcnic suiumd up the discussions sivig llicic appearvd to be an area ol agree ment subject to two prov mos he sud the separation must he satistving to mr scvniick anvl mr griese as well as to the council ihe planning boud d the de partment id 1oronto i here is io use sending it to tnonlo tor approval unless we are in agree ment here a the special niecing on mon day approval was given subject to the two conditions the agree ment between the town and mr sevnuck was presented at coun cil on tuesday evening and is to be studied by the solicitor but the barn was bevond saving by the time they arrived cause ol the blaze is unknown fire chief mick holmes estimates the loss around 12000 burned inside the blazing infer no were 65 piglets and eight pigs mr and mrs murray leaving mrs murray to turn in the alarm the two men roturned to the fire but were unable to get near the barn for the intense heat mr whit ton was the first ol the family to arrive home tfter he which were heard squealing mo- i was notilied ol the fire his wile inentarily by the crowd of spec- followed later both tound only tators which gathered at thcia skeleton ol a barn remaining noon hour fire flames and heat a i arm pond nearby the house prevented their rescue also lost provided a source for water but in ihe blaze was a quantity otthe barn was doomed before lire- if the department of transport had indicated a definite time a traffic survey would be taken at i planting program started in 1963 this corner mr parker speaking council advertised maple trees from experience he was involvj for sale on a sharethecost basis ed in a minor accident at the in- with ratepayers a total of 43 lersection stated the lntersec1 trees was requested and road tion is extremely dangerous j chairman peal notified council copy georgetown tuesday he had been unable to road chairman councillor peal locate any red maples as the de- suggested council do the same nand had been so great as georgetown install traffic deputy reeve r r parker lights and let the department of told ihe chairman county coun- highways rule on them later j cil had ordered close to 800 rub- we have a stronger case than i rim maple trees and was of the georgetown the intersection is opinion acton could obtain some the junction of two main high- from the same source the clerk ways whereas georgetown instal led lights at the intersection of a highway and side street com mented councillor f g oakes it was agreed to have the until tuesday vsr2erhsil was authorized to place an or der for 50 trees through county council subdivision plan council studied a draft plan of clerk administrator investigate subdivision on land proposed for the possibility of a traffic survey j sale by tony seynuck to crans- being conducted as soon as pos- 1 ton griese for future dcvelop- sible i ment it has been proposed to garbage change j have both mr seynuck and mr normal procedure each sum- griese enter into an agreement mer lor council is to adopt two- with the town regarding road al day per week garbage collection trip to ottawa for rita mccrea early in may however this year it was decided to postpone this procedure for a week or two un til the new garbage packer ar rives lights and sanitation commit tee chairman robert drinkwalter in recommending this action suggested that adopting the usual months ol method of twoday pickup al the and march lowances throughout the proper ty before this is done william sharpe of milton will be engag ed as the towns solicitor to stu dy the agreements current accounts totalling 760779 were approved for pay ment also approved for pay ment were accounts lor the january february totalling s2057v25 rita mccrea grade 12 student rita mccrea has been chosen to represent acton high school in the annual rotary sponsored adventure in citizenship she is the daughter iccounts i mr aml mrs charles mccrea scene st she flies from malton to ottawa sunday may 8 and returns thursday may 12 she will be reporting to her sponsors the rotary club and writing an article for the freo press o acton high school first began sending a student each year to ottawa in 1952 this year about 240 students from all across canada will see a recommendation lo appoint man bill williams made jjhc prov j ottawas highlights and meet fel- normal time when a week or listed as miscellaneous two later the program might be j these accounts include salaries changed would be confusing fringe benelits and oiliei pav- he also suggested il migjht be inenls which must be made at possible lo continue a twoday j due date the clerk receives au- j mayor reeve councillor involved in crossfire joe t hurst to actons develop- sentalion grain and straw and a set ol har rows out or control the windfanned tire was rag ing out ol control by the lime the lirelighters arrived and sweeping cross tinderdry grass in lields the lire was clearly visible lor miles across the counlrvside rudy hanousek rr 2 rock wood lirst spotted smoke rising irom the upper corner ol the barn as he drove along no 25 siderosd he knocked on llu- door ot the whitton home but re ceived no answer as mr and mrs whilton had lot t for acton where they both work mr whitton is employed at micro plastics and mrs whitton at beardmore and co ltd mr hanousek then went to the nearby murray larm anvl alerted lighters arrived al the scene skeleton remaining although the entrance lo the farm known as whitton acres sports a for sale sign the new owners mr and mrs clive hale have nut taken possession mr hale is head tea and col lee- buyer loi national grocers across canada and works irom the tor onto oil ice the deal tor purchase of the win tton properly was clos ed tuesday morning at g alec johnson real listale oil ice mr arid mrs hale recently sold their i arm on rr 4 acton and will he moving lo the new place soon on saturday morning lirelight ers returned to the scene when smouldering ruins began to blaze again ment commission tuesday nighi at council meeting sparked a heated argument involving may or les duoy reeve ii h hinton and councillor robert drinkvvai- ter reeve hinton wiio was a mem ber of the commission last year but was not included on it this yea r mr hurst but asked both the mayor and councillor tor their frank statements why he wasnt warned on the development commission reeve busy councillor drinkwallei said he felt strongly about this and not- d it was apparent the reeve had supply services council agreed to a request from j h gov to supply watei and sewer services to his lot ad joining iakeview subdivision with all expenses for installation paid by mr gov sale of water as not included on it this a i vices will be at a said he wasnt opposed to i hie rate winch is the normal 1 charge lor outoltown users reeve hinton deputy reeve r r parker and councillor robert drinkwalter opposed a resolut- low students litii vvho is 17 has lived in acton all her life she hasnt been to ottawa before gloom future for urban bd the late ot the north halton liban board rests with council members in georgetown milton and acton who must decide to at- inlorm couiyl council tend future meetings or disband loll to through the county planning as sociation that acton council was not in tavor ot a county plan ning department information jditficulty attending some of the regarding urination of such a new golf course north of acton new goll course- is presently under construction nu the lirst line ol frin toveuship just two and a halt miles north ol town work on the project began last i ill but vine lo poor weather con ditions h was impossible to make inuch headway this spring work resumed and is being rushed in order to complete the lirst nine holes future plans v ill lor an ul- ditional nine holes to complete the membership md piv asou pliv course si partners are involved in ihe project with george gibsiui ol islington mateiinindiiig it mi gibson piesenrlv owns i golt course in i akcsliore boule vard other p irlicrs include mrs helen haiihlctoi sielgio e pel tioid terra cotli george reeves branipton jci ry prid more watvrdown and geoigv mcgowan divk plans ill tor a clubhouse to include dining area anvl pi o shop with a large parking area seed ing at vd sodding mav be complet- returns to h5 mu intel hcvan lias cabled irom lngland to say he will be re turning to teach at acton high school he has been on a years exchange teaching in a british schiril he was replaced here by exchange teacher miss rosemary high eil this i ill in nine holes a natur al spr rig mi the property will pro- vivle plctiiyul water lor irriga tion 5lln ugh ihe land is not too hil ly the ini ol the couise will v tin plenlv ol skill over water holes ami through bush with dog legs added lor interest t present a home is being viectid near the cntraikc lor mi meciiiwan who hopes to oe- curw it yv it nil a lew months la ter ml other p i tilers cxpevl to build h the c expected enlivc own goiters who pivsviitlv drive manv miles to pliv to visit the club ihe l icit inn rs lust north ol the home ul mr out mrs topi shields and iiiiulv on the hue iiics r themselves ose pioynnitv to acton is i ir om i just seven appear in court in milton acton eases iii milton mondav were light this week with onlv seven iflendcrs appearing a total of 94 in lines and 20 in court coms was paid a charge ol tailing to v ield was dismissed but lour speeders were loiiv icled yna paid a total of s4 in lines failing to stop at a stop street inl causing an accident cost a driver sto in fines and an other involved in a trallic inci dent paid 12 in lines meetings last year because ol other commitments he also i stated he was of the opinion the reeve would find it more dillic- ii 1 1 to attend meetings this year because he was warden ol the county i dont think you have any more right to he on the commission than anyone else remarked mr drinkwalter j mayor dubv told the reeve there was nothing pergonal in his decision but vvondcrod if the reeves conscience was bothering him mr dubv explained it had been understood the reeve had given the impression he would be too busy this war it nas the mayors decision not lo appoint mr hinton to the commission he said councillor drinkwalter inhum ed the reeve there was no reason the reeve couldnt help develop the town even though no u mem bcr mr hinton noted lie hivi jus returned lioni a development conierence in seattle and indic ated his interest in tin- line ot woi k mav or dunv staled the trip was strictly ot a personal nature but as mavor he xvas interested tl anything developed i rom the trip worthwhile lor acton i have no reservations m this you were never slighted con cluded the mivor receive awanl ihe decision lo appoint mr hurst to the development com nhssjon was reserved lor lur- ther studv at committee level fire chief mick holmes md firefighter harrv olleibein were present to receive an award til merit certificate won during a canadawide fire prevention scrapbook contest the award presented hy tb national fire protection asnocia- tion with headquarters in boston cited acton fire depart men with honorable mention in the contest for communities with a population of under 5000 mayoi duby and fire committee chair- department had been lorvvarded to council lor consideration originally it was believed only a planning consultant would be engaged lor use by individual municipalities and a committee ol council was of the opinion this vonlvl be an asset when it was le lined a planning depart ment was proposed at an estim ated cost ot s2s0o0 council turn ed thumbs down on the pfopos al council also- appi oved superintendent all dunv attending a road superin continued on page seven he organization wednesday evening ol last week only three members attended the april meeting in acton attending were mavor ics dubv and coun cillor robert fi inkwaltcr from acton anvl the ldd c haiiinan dep uty reel e inn young irom george town milton souncii was not rep resented ihe entire ineeliiig was spent discussing t ii merits of continu ing or disbanding the urban board it o s viceidch to write each nuluuliiil council and re- uest three coiiiiu members at- lend i iiimv i rbm boaivl meet ings lu the eyiiit lotipeialion is not given bv en u iiimv ipalit v it is ens led the biunl will be forced lo di hand staff pholo tca airline hostess miss mary english was one of the guests at acton high school careers night monday who spoke to the students left to right are rotarian jim ledger who introduced her miss english and assistant principal joe bray