nassagaweya education costs up by six mills educational costs throughout the nation arc skyrocketing and in nntiagaweva township this year hey will result in an in creased public school hoard lew of aliout six mills ihc total education low toi the nuvsjijaweva township school area will be about 20 nulls ap proximately six more than the 1414 mills assessed in i96s township school boaul than man horace blyth reported the sad news to township couniil mon day night the boaid which will look after about 600 grade school stu dents in 1966 has estimated its total budget at j2is144 of which 121198 will be obtained horn grants the remaining 94146 will have to come i rom township ratepayers in i96s the board budgeted tor total exncnclitmes of 172000 but actually spent about 182000 the construction of a portable classroom adjacent to the brookulle school plus in creased tiansportation costs were cxplainvtl as the leasoiis for the 63 deficit the chairman said before passing a motion ap proving the proposed budget councillors queued the school boaul representatives and hcvve william coulter thanked all the boaul memhers for attending the meeting maior causes for the increase weie listed as salary increases of 12000 transportation in creases of iivooo an mciease in debenture charges of 4000 and smaller increases in nearl cerv one of the othei depart rnents board spending will be divided up as follows deficit 9197 teachers salaries 90000 instnic tional supplies 9 1 sftom of act ministration 6000 cent ol school plant opeiations 1100 cost of school plant maintenance si sofl cost of auxiliar aienues 8 000 capital outlay 8000 fees toother boards 000 debenture pa ments 24497 interest ls0o and transpoilation 41000 the dramatic increase in eniol morn in the township schools was best pointed out in tiustee dr chft young when he umai ic ed the population figmiv weie quoting now weie pioieoted three years ao for 68- in 196566 kindergarten classes were establishxil in the township school system for the lirst time this year explaining board mem- beis noted live large incrcase in tiansportation costs during the past veu the liiuml also puichas ed a four and one hall acre par- eel of land adjacent to the brookville school it was pointed out the boards pei pupil cost ol about 0 is well under thv depu tment ol tducv tions ceiling library workshop offers apt program actan library board members will be represented at the first workshop oiganized bv the rcc cntlv lormed southcentral reg ional libiary cihoperativc board to be held at mcmastcr univer sity on saturday the alkliv woikshop will in volve libiai liflers and board members in tlio threecounty sys tem the purpose of the uoik shop s to help on the best use of existing space in libranresi ways 10 icnovatc buildings de signing new buildings and how to compile presentations to sel piograms to councils and the public architects stanley roscoe of hamilton and philiip brooke of toronto will analyze buildings and plans to show how dcsgn can help provide the best pos sible sei vice to the public n is expected bonid membcis attending will be 3eo lee ed ward pratt rev ritchie mcmup ia and tied new the wot kshop comes at an apt time lor actons board with the pioposed new libiarv the towns centennial protect novelist is speaker ucw thtmkotferiag stuff photo so sorry it couldnt be more was the remark made by acton fall fair board president jack marshall as he handed over a cheque for 200 to len lovell chairman of the recrea tion committee lefr to right are mr lovell new recreation director howard pearce and mr marshall the fair board president expressed appreciation for the cooporation ex tended his board by the recreation committee personal notes of actonlanj visiting outoftown points and of visitor in acton homes council debate continued liom page one tenclents cotuse at duelph llin veisitv approved spending 87 to send two ol the school pattol memfheis to a salelv pati il jam boiee in ottawa on mav 19 20 and 21 an equal amount will l paid in hamilton automobile luh spoiism s ol the salelv pal- to tngafod poittand sales i id to do the line in u king on the streets ajdedarcd the week ol ma 8 jjfl 14 as tlowcis ol hope week in coniunction urili the noith ilalion association lot the men tally retu ded which opcilcs siutshlne school and ho p i wot kshop at lloiuln aitthoned the cleik to at lend a wellare conleieiue in ot lawa on lune 6 to 8 8auinafad 4h girls hold tea in chufeh mi nul mis i i ink smith u iiuil hack home i lorn tin n isit in i iijjiiihi mil upon tin- uii llni was had most ol tin tunc lhc ui u iult 11k iii dills mlcil mud at a lea in tlu i inn ill hiinuiil on sllin il i il l i lliinii i ik scout molhc is ik kl a ilinii in iik h ill on liuliv niilil some i loin it illinit id attendid tlu henri 1 1 i iiuc loi iiiulon iliuhciick which wis held it itiookulli hall on siliiuli cnr agent j thine i retirement at paris aliadian national railwav if enl loi pans who in the 2fls was agent here james dobic reined apnl 21 aftet 49 eais set vice ik has in en agent in pans loi tlu past i glu eus ami he and his wik whom he met m acton will mitltmu in live in iu is j mi doliu oiiicdlhc iailioulit the ii- ol is and his lust oli was in llailislon sum thcn hi has vvoi kid at aclon weston hiinvpton n in ii town i uipton w hambiiil ami i thr arton trer pitii thurihiiy april fi j9r 1 1 sold o tree program is big success kitihenei nlei tlu n in pai is 1 mr john spiowl is a patient in guelph generil hospital mr ionic mulhn is a patient in guelph geneial hospital mis jim savers has teturned home alter ten das in guelph general hospital lollovung sm gei- ospringe fly to winnipeg for rcaf graduation mrs willred mcmillan was able to leave the guelph hospital duimg the week and is now ma king her home with hei daiightet and son in law mr and mis wm stevenson cookstow n sympathy is extendi d to the family ot the late envit suntei of acton who passed awtv on sundav mrs g sunkr ol the village was his stepniolher mi and mis goulon ait ken flew to winnipeg for the week end to attend the graduation ol their youngest son sheilock congiatulations aie in order as he was the only one in his class of filtevn navigatois rcaf tooman how she came to wute novels with a cause and a oinstian theme was described to about 7q who attended tlu- ucw thank offeting meeting m he united chuich tuesdiv at tci noon pio- lessional author miss jessie beat- tie ol hamilton hns pist publish ecl a new novel stieivth loi the budge about japanese in cana ila pive wuulovys ol catons store in hamilton arc- devoted present ly to promotion ol the book it will be 1 1 anslat ed into japanese and published in japan jjue to a senous illness she hax been unable to travel and she- has done her detailed research through personal nlei views she- hopes to wilt about natives ot india in canada next these mm orimesajl comprise part ol cana dasmstorv she said she was introduced by mis dvvight engcl and thanked by mrs 1 shields mis r knaplon anil mrs g w mckenie look the woislup ser vice and mis long plaveil the on tuesday afternoon match 20 live ladies who lepixsented unit 2 ol the united chinch wo men ol ttinity united chinch paid the lust visit ol what thev hope will be a senes ol monthly visits to the minoi at milton tin ladies who went weie miss m 7 bennett mis shoemakei mis mccaulev mis veldhms and new ecreation director how lnl last week he is still living in on wednesday ol last week guelph wheie he pist limshed m mis ilany mainpne his univeisilv couise hut he hop r home diet spending uh two hv tin n lames dohie was cs to move to acton soon mi and mis ron gillespie and lunulv ol guinst mi and mis eail lambeit miss mane lambei t allen mochi u attended the- first birthday pailv ol jen niter arbic daughter ol mr and mrs russell aibic ol oakvillc obtain honois misses bonnie sharp ami pat whiskin of hamilton teacheis college are teaching this week at the local school under the guidance of mis d cemgan dining then stav in the milage they a iv guests with the robert sons miss nancv giundv of guelph spent the weekend at tile home of hei patents mr and mis george grundv mis dai k ol addlestone sin rex england ami daughlei svl m anil barbaia nesbitt both of toronto visited during thv week end with mr and mis aleck ste wart and sons mrs rose robe it son ol pies ton and miss net la ellis ol de troit visjteel iccenllv with the formers nephew d g and mis robertson the first meeting of the- 4h garden club was held at the home of judith ellis meet me opened bv repeating the 4 h pledge lollowed bv business foldeis weie discussed bill no decision was leached the leadeis miss doiis fines and mrs c hurren askexl the question why plant a garden gi ing some goid suggestions and telling thv benefits ol a good garden a quintet s uit including mrs 1 b velhuis mrs blundell mrs d i van fleet missduiothy simmons and mrs engel i guests fioni othei chinches m acton and other towns attended the scrv ice and tci which follow eel redhead in green is model at show on sundav at zhe king edward hotel the i c was a special pie sentation ol hail stvlcs lor the italian canadian haiuiiesseis association whun tilippei ol rome and otlui liaueliessei s ele monstratcd chosen as one- ol the models miss c lairo w as monika oehl iieh ol clon who has modelled at shows he i ore in the sumptuous setting of the ciwjj bauixiom she had her i eel hau stvled xveaiing a gieen veket i bell bottom outfit vsith diamalic ciitotils highlighting ly- q the top she carried a flower i dc keel basket loi i oilers she wntcs lur final exams in han dressing in two weeks and then will be ii turning to the ren ekzvous beautv silon vvhcie she b gan her t taming eindei mrs k h i id man a numbei horn acton baplist church attended the faieweil service and fnesidc at first bap tist church geoigctown lor the rev llovd whan his xvtlc abd thiee children jmi whan will be chaplain with the ontario de partment ol relorm institutions paul mcgeachie son of mi and mrs jack mcgeachie wntcs his hnal examination tins satur day at wateiloo luthirjn uiiiv eisitv and will be taking a sum mer iob with r v anderson as sociates engineeiing inm in tc- ronto acton golden age club mem beis weje the guests of milton senloi citiens cliio in imilton wednesday apnl 20 piesident r l davidson intioiliiceil the gol den age rhvthm band ms shoe makei gave leadings and mis cossai lecltcd i attending the cooking school in milton wednesday evmm ofi last xveck were iode membets mis cccil nelles mis j mann mis e foolitt viis a oir mis r h elliott mrs h helwig mis j jocque and mrs maiguci he tavlor the school was spon seveial pleasant months at lag una beach cahloinia and vu ing iclatives in vaneouvei lu quent companions during then stay in cahlornia weie mi and mis kei i bixiwn horn the west mi brown lived lieu- vears y and is a bi other ol the late r n blown the mainpnzes weie de lighted on i i iday to have a sm pi ise visit horn then son jack ol montieal who was supcivis ing installation of a tin bine at oullia loi his company and they returned to montieal with him this week lor a shot t visit the soi ed bv rtcultiiie and the home mist was in charge- department of ag econo attending the antique and cralt show sponsored bv the wellington county hfistaricl society in guelph last saturday from gieenoek vvi were miss e pcaien mrs j mcculloh wallace anil mrs c ait who displayed a collection of old coloicd glass which was admired bv many visitors oth eis attending were mr ind mis gordon leslie- miss noima les lie umrs a gates mrs a ait ken and mrs wayne ait ken edvanhoekelen new position well known thiougliout the ac ton aica and a lot mer high school student rduud van hoe kelcn now ol geoigetown has lomed the 1 edei al tai m corpoi ahon in guelph and stalls h- duties as assistant appiusoi may 2 the family came to acton in 19s4 he worked on the hum with mel mccullough loi seven yeais and has a wide knowledge ol tanning which will be ol bene fit to him with rum coipoia tion ho will be covenng the te u toiv conipiising peel dul lei in halton wellington and per l counties as well as a poi tion of wateiloo and huinn counties he was quite active in farm or gani7itions when in the acton district he has completed a two eai associate course it the uni veisitv of guelph only 165oo down lous like a mother he coddles his customers with good used car bargains make mother a queen buy her a car from lou f lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 remember may 8 its mothers day no down payment if credit approved the new 6 hp john deere 60 lawn tractor theie ins never been such an inexpensive quality built liac tor its i mowing towing snow throwing weekend free elom machine by john deere com e neiit eredit call fraser s of burlington 6375901 for a home demonstration cancer month as c iiieei month diivvs neai lis close- i impaign ell mill in mis rav aibie explains that lew in is havi not vi t been co wud hiiaiisc ol illness sonu camisseis hivi not vit done llu ii lollllils bin tlu v i pi u to lu liiiislud within i wnk until till town nid loiiutiysidt all cuieassid in this iniiti il dim sponsoieil hv llu alton hi uii h ol thi c in ul i in met i soeuiy no utuin liguus aii iv iii ihll e i he was in aclon in the 1 020s woikmg with 111 1 k midilleion uu di i ii s holmes whiu he wis lui in man led an alton gnl aiius dobbic whose iiiihi com luknlilk was al o naineil inn dobiu otii son 1 hum whili t in v livid in at ton ai ton 1 1 ii nds i c c ill hi was a pi is loiiiinlwai inwoildwai ii doth lu and bis wik wiu at theieliii uu ill pnlv loi mi and mis dob u h hi iiilloul ml dobu ii is iimnin on tin liinik liadilioii hi s the cnk station agint at sliihol mitobu sav when i slultd wolk it uls clll kill iblv llllll nil i in u tun no li in ks tlu n and i ic i v llunc was haiulli il bv i ul a woi kil iv thin was ill i vvi i n 11 mil i imiiis mil tin p iv j2 a month i in i nh o ul ii i matli in inv iinpioit nu ills sun t i st ii t ed ind tin v ie all loi the bet it i alton i in nils willi wish ml dobu iihimis dobit happv vials ol hint nu nt llu ountv iiual tree planting pi up i mi was tlielaild a ciinilelc siuiiss diiilnj tin ountv nun i il nut- iui i iitscluv hit iisponsi to tilt loiintv ol lei ol lues it st cents eii h loi plinliii- on iiual liontape tlitw ipplualloli loi 2 2 so nets lo u main uiihin the butlget it was llettssalv lu uu l onlv llu lust 122 lu alions loi i os lues llu c in mills e agiiid to ollei tin itiiiaming applit nits ims at tin iiinlv whok sali tost ii thev still wish to pai impale umlei tins ai i ingi iiient he white ash ims woultl bi olliitd al l ml mil the i ttl in siijii maple at vttuxo- lluli w lluntei ol uoiltt iovmi than man ol the eonunilltt it vit wttl that the pi dim mi was in tioilin i il on tin basis ol a lt piiliiitiit til agi it iiltiiie giant ol i s2 hx with a mili liini amount bv thi couihv jut stioiud on win the piogiatn l was ii- it il in i in 1 1 hal ton onlv i lie t h in in in noted i ik piov iiicial im ml siipul hi d tins i it iiulii at it howtvci the ties nfleied at ih whole sili pine would be iv ulilili in iinil i m b in hal ion isli w r i ilu in l i is it ii il i d mil tins woultl bi pit kill up it tin oiintvmluildiiig in mil ion w t ilitbi i i ii t i iiivwiith lllll till i i p list wi it i t ivi tl i ii iii in iii lliinlti i out itttli l llu nllii wis made llnnuili one adv ei tlscmcni in the lounlv in iv spa pi i s ieiiovalion aie lontlnuln at i hi site ol i he in v ding shin- to he iihinil m llie loi run hell i cliphiiiit hiitldiuc al the toiiiei- i ol mill and mam sneils piopii i i tins luipi- loi an eailv june open nii a inntlein sttite i ltml woulaw iiiiii inn uii wav hive luen hi stallitl and woikmt il aie ctilnpli t ui uileiloi vvoik false alarm a i list i in alai in phont tl in vvid ik tl i it loii ot link lv all iniulenlil it tl i inlil sit tin i lu in sciiiiiilini i iii nun winl to tin lioim ul i u k dl vstl iii in w n uu inm bin thin was no lilt tf ottfvg- weve the product that puts up a renr knocks out colo moth my ni6ht ri ll69963vffirockrvooo name elders ki 1 1 nils t ii i ii il i lilt i il i lit tlmlitl iiiiii ii in william mm i isiin i nt i lit in killoi i jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire concrete brick clay brick stone fully insured pcv class fs p acton phone 8530730 minwikuihl bowl for pleasure bowl for health well guarantee youll enjoy yourself sacrifice sale speed equipment full line for all cars over 2000 in parts and accessories must be sold everything sacrificed at wholesale price 0 buy now and save jack mccallum texaco service 1b6 mill st acton 8531500 acton bowling lanes 10 main st n member o bp a 8530170 halton cooperative medical services will continue to offer county residents complete medical health care paying surgical 1 00o of the general 1965 tanf anaesethesis assisting doc tor x rays doctor s visits in hospital home offfice calls pays beginning with the first visit also imections eye exam nations every two years major medical prescription drugs ambulance laboratory tests appliances twelve months accumulation of receipts si 00 00 deductible pays member 80 of balance ontario hospital service commission we are off cial collectors for ontar o hospital service com mission plus semi private benefits have you got a minute dad drop by and see our wonderful collection of gifts we have everything she wants for mothers day f5 si r coverage effective may 1st 1 for further informal on write or phone or drop in our office 143 main street milton dial 8789712 halton cooperative medical services 1 ixmlj theres fun inthesun j y actionwear t thf most beautiful lingerie the cutest robes the most wonderful sweaters the cleverest separates the smartest dresses the sheerest hosiery the very latest gloves for easy shopping gift certificates established 1947 free gift wrapping mothers and dad day is because mom likes nice sunday things shell like her may 8 mothers day gift from 1966 nl ielse is clothing 37 39 mill st e acton s5322m i