Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1966, p. 3

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first skate saturday the acton free press thursday may 19 1966 pounding the sports beat beat bits lacrosse registration for boys 1016 will be at the communiln centie batuidav and again on wedncsda even lnj next week station hotels intercounty team actons only representative in the league this season hopes to start the home season on fnda june 3 under the ales nucleus of the innkeepers vim be holdovers tiom last veai s team but theyll be adding some players to strengthen the squad haidest position to till at the moment is prtchmg good pitcheis aie lav and lai between and ed phillips says we don i want to go too ti to g them mev marshall is again tending the nets loi ikhavva gieen gaels in the jr a lacrosse ciicuit picked as the outstanding plavei in thewinlocup finals mciv has also been twuieunding tor whitbv seniois in earlv exhibitions he s the son ol mi and mis albeit marshall roseloid tciiacc stanley cup bets aie commonplace but few can match the pivoli seen in ncvv himbuig altei the most lecent sci res cv shant clad in his p lamas cooked stcaks ovei a barbecue at high noon and seivcd thm to enuison juti who needless to sav had picked montieal caniclnns to cop the cup scene ol the pavolt was a satetv island on lie mam diag acton open goll tournament is eletinitelv set wii hoinbv loweis course on satuielav june 18 leeoll is horn 10 am to 12 noon tickets can be obtained onlv at the spoils coinei you can ar range vom own loursomc oi go and take pot luck this scrlbblen was pail ot a loiusomc at the halton heights lountrv club sat- urclav scene ol last eai s acton open the greens anel lairwavs were in excellent eoiulition but it didn i hcip mv score geoige ware his lust tunc out was the onh one to bieak a hundred but the lest ol us weie close hemv haibeis a novice on his thirel outing almost stioked an ace on the is aicl seventh hole his drive bounced ovei tht cup and lolleel a scant aid behind hcniv made it a birehc pai is thiee more beat bits ladies who want to shed some suet will have the oppitunitv at the slim and tiim elasscs to be held at the y tuesdavs and thuisdavs stalling june 30 recreation directoi how aid peaice agieed to stai l the comse when requests from the ladies continued to mount appaientlv the mactivitv ol the wintei months has told on some ol the guls hcieabouts and a bathing suit figuie can t be had pist ten the asking classes will exercise to music ineidcntalk rcc director peaice is cinbioil- ed in the- spoils anel leeieation piogiam in acton to the point wheie its a seven dav concern vho was it said theies nothing doing in small towns thev should tiv living in one aside to the dufters at the baulmoie olliev guess xvhus been piacticing for the annual challenge between the iluet lioin this familv ioui nal and the biace from bcaidmoie s one of the fundraising projects planned bv the acton ladies sottball league is an appeal ance n julv by the oueen and her maids a female vquivalent of the king and his court the team consists ol foui sistcis managed bv their father home base is in california a place called rolling hills rosre beaird the pitching sislei had 670 stukes in 71 games cer tainlv a challenge to ed feignei the king ol the com i this female teignei has a choice ol 14 dtlieient dehvxias md can thiow strikes- 90 of the time when bhndlolded kind ol an inboin iadir ma chine anothei unusual wunkle is a s bill otic rod after a game to anvone who can hit one ol thice pitches bv oueen rosie and more beat bits acton wildcats anxious to be sell sutlicient arv planning a en wash m the ileal lutuie to buv equipment loi the team charlie thomson whos been on the lellicd list loi the past couple ol veais decided heel to tr a bit of rullci skating at the commumtx ceiitio i cecntlv in ease he torgot how haven t been on the wheels foi 40 xeais or moic said charlie but i didn t tail hope weie all as agile as that when vveie doweling 70 one of the silliest eontioveisies cur ientl laisuig hackles in western ontnio has to be one between jucknovv and kmcaidiiic ovei the bnthplicc el paul heneleison of the detroit red wings heneleison lives in godeiich in the olf season ntrr both licknow ind kincardine cuimn him as a name son kincardine claimants point to the buth lnnoumennnt which lists him as being bom in kincaiehne hospital lucknow tub thumpers sav he was boin on a sluuh on his wax to hospital thev could ol com so settle the aigumciu l asking henclerson but the icsultant public itv loi both places might lust be plavmg a small pai t sialf ihoio acton lanes were honored fr dav nigh during the maor league bowling bjncuct when they received he eharnpionsh p trophy front row left to r t it arc hirley deforest captain dee deforest and carl deforest bevo j rc r giit are don deforest join demi and ken hutord bovts row ccorcjc long street and jim buhough horse show and pony draw style acres ranch fourth line north sat may 219 am 6 pm jr and sr english son may 222 pm western draw for pony tickets at gate or from any rotarian 1 adults 25c children excellent facilities for spectators refreshments line up for roller rink poller skating at the arena op ened to a lineup and 110 pairs of skates were rented within 40 minutes the innovation brought 135 to the communitv centre salurdav evening lor the initial program which the recreation committee hopes will be succes slul and provide a summer at traction in the arena there will be roller skating tuesdavs thursdays and sat urdavs with dances following the saturday program rov goodvvm lents out skates and operates the booth and busi ness in both sections was boom mg saturdav about 30 paid admission to watch the ibfler rink for most on the teenagers it was the first try at the new sport some of them found when they had their boots laced they were able to stand up but couldnt take a step it took a little instruction to get them rolling as far as the stairs with a second lesson on how to man- oeuver down the short flight once out on the ice whoops the cement they were on their own and seemed to catchy on quicklv laughing helped patrolmen were murra hai nson and steven dubois who showed the rinkfull of novices how to stop another import ant lesson thev blew the whistle each time someone loll so thcplhcrs would slow down and be cautious staff photo roller skaters had their ups and downs saturday night during opening night at the arena some proved to be quite expert while others donned skates for the first time roy goodwin owner of acton sports corner rented out skates and is operating the arena booth music was to popular ruck and roll tunes taped by don price skaters found the rhythm not always just right and songs with just the right lumpv beat will be added a favorite sui- pnsinglv was goldrmger brenda aherrie took admis sions a section of the auditor- um was devoted to changing into skates quite a few staved foi the ilance afterwards there will be a band this saturday mos of the skaters were teen ageis with a lew adults and very onnjj children those who weie not capable of gelling tilted lound thev could take over the skates of people who were leav ing there was no lowdvism oi rough house but the police dropped in to check and will continue to keep an eve on the arena so the sport mav be sure to giovv in populautv and ac ceptance of course iheieweic lalls but jio serious injuries at the end ol the evening it was discovered a mistake had been made which will have to be corrected all evening long the skaters had swirled counter clockwise around the arena as thc ice skate but here theies a dilfcrence the skates vveie noliccablv worn on one side af ter tvv0 hours of use it vvjs then that somebodv le meinbercd that on cement moors the crowd must change direction icgulailv to keep i he- wear and tear on the skate wheel even on tuesday aobut 45 went roller skating next time lor it i tonight thuisday recreation director howard pearce played the good samaritan saturday night during the opening night of roller skating at the arena he is shown above lacing skate boots for edna goodridge as brenda browne watches how it s staff photo done total attendance for opening night was 1 35 dancing in the auditorium at the com munity centre was enioyed following roller skating sports page a company tops annual bowl roll tjirrii 1 lit wildcats prep for opener form girls softball league here guis sottball will be a going eonccin in acton over the sum mei season in addition to the new ladies sottball squad entered in the gland allev sottball league leeieation dnccteir howard pearce is forming a town league loi the gills who tumid out 4t stiong foi the tllst pilctlec ot the ildcats name picked out toi the- team since cvcrvonc can t be a wildcat the town league will be loi gills 20 cais ol aec and unclii the league is still in the nlan ning stages but li pearce slat ed thele will eletinitelv be olle iii addition to the gnls who tinned out loi the lust woik out then arc numcious moil anxious to plav meanwhile the wildcats have been vv oikmg out uncle i the whip ol tiank spiclvogcl who hopes to have a contending team in the gi and allcv en cuit it looks like a toui team league with entiles from teigus fclora and hillsbuig as well as acton tit tccll sw cite is wcle doll 1 1 ed to the le nil bv oik local turn iikv aie old with bluk sice ves i itoils u lvm made to lalse lllllels loi the le mi to buv the equipment huomu to stai t the season off one ol the first projects planned is a cai wash boys register for box la sat registration for boys pee wee bantam and midget la crosse will be held at the com munilv centie on satuidav mav 21 ind again on wcdncsdav ve nuig mav 2s recieation directoi how aid peaice reported this week all bovs tiom 10 to 16 vears ol age arc welcome to egister a coaches clinic will be held on mav 28 and us expected fust games will start on max 30 v eooidinattng executive ol bairv lnscoe and johnnv kra pek is starling things olf with suppui t liom latrv tailleler and john gov jr the committee hopes to ai iinjc in exhibition sr b iainc here sonic time in the neai in tuie between last veai s fastem canadian champion tcigus thistles and ohsweken war nois the indian team which plivsoutot hagcisvillc to help iusc luiiels it s a new venture so we le going to have to get coope la lion from parents ol the girls and interested citiens to dine ihcin li the games said the recreation duvetoi frank spiel vojtcl and chaihe thomson coach and managei lespectivelv will hate then hands tull with then ow n eluties eccu t lie electee loi the team consists ol picsidcnt kav chis holm seeictaiv donna lands boiough and ticasuiei joanne lands boiough a company linally did it tor the in si tune since lie acton fuelighteis inaugurated t lie an dual loll loi the bowling chain pionship ol the elcpiilincnl a companv cmcigccl vieloiious stiangelv enough a companv who in picvious vxiis ujlllcl ncvci threaten made i lie n win tins leu a big one rohing j team seoie ol 1024 in ihc i list garni as against c com pains j49 ind b companv 90s the a bov s weie never huttlul ot lucateiicd tlic second game sau a coin panx with 1iss c company with 949 and b company wit li 942 in the thud and linal game a companv continued to boxil hot and lacked up 103 loi a total nl 2i2 c compmv linishecl up with 950 loi a total ol 2h28 anil b coinp oiv last veai s ell impious bad 90s loi then total ol 27s2 lule ill ol a compani did the 1 i sll lie ot c iptllllll the title the big guns wcle i oll john tin kos 727 1 lovel me inlvic hu don vanllcct 607 and i eo svnotl 604 tile singles ol 217200 horn bern vmlleet didn t hint a comp in eli in e c n c companys top should s weie i d vlefjilloxvav 6ss and will duval 24s john kiapek 618 jack pink 208 nniiii pncc2i0 mick holmes 229 214 weie best lor company b i individual honois went to lohn tin kos loi bis triple ol 727 mil lohn kiapek foi his silicic ol 270 i lovd me inly ic gained luitber houois loi a ciiinpinv when he hit the hidden stole light on the nose with 194 we are pleased to announce that mr bill mclean formerly of hanna sales service ltd guclph has joined our sales otganization halton truck sales limited hwy 25 north milton 8783121 take the road to the isle quintes isle your island paradise on lake ontario make beautiful quintes isle of lakes and bays your island of family vacation excitement you ii find great fishing sandy beaches famous sandbanks historic sites good accommodation scenic beauty all ust a pleasant drive away write for free booklet secretary bav of quinte regional tourist council po box 50 room 1 116 main street piclon ontario please send mv lice copy ol quinte s isle 1 oil 1st vssoeiit ion booklet v acldlcss li one j registration minor lacrosse saturday may 21 acton community centre 10 am to 12 noon 1 pm to 230 pm also wednesday may 25 6 pm to 730 pm for pee wee midget bantam acton open golf tournament saturday june 18 1966 hornby towers golf course teeoff time 10 am to 12 noon tickets 600 includes golt weal and prizes available only at the sports corner roller skating acton arena come on out and meet your friends skating nights tuesday thursday saturday 8 pm to 10 pm skate rental booth its easy its fun its healthful dance in auditorium saturdays 1012 pm music by the sabres headline round up 66 rhythm pals mike marc and jack tops in western music the pals now feature every thing from popular ballads to instrument novelties stan of tommy hunter tv show they ll be featured at acton lions big round up show saturday june 11 acton community centre tickets available now from lions or at the canadian tire store vt i ng p in mi imipsjnj ears windcw reserved 150 rush 100 children 75c

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