Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1966, p. 2

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the acton free press thursday may 26 1966 recreation committee canvass will provide needed facilities rock wood the eiamosa recieation committee ate do- ing something about the sad situation ol cliiklicii saving theies nothing to do when canvasseis oil on xon good residents ol ritniosa loi a donation in tin ncii lutine it is hoped iht will ix gimi ouslv leceiwd last kai some people uut appiouruil hut manv homes aie still to be us ited the bull field was gixen a much needed lace lilting lust year with main ickuk ol till brought in giadni donv and seeds planted modern light nig was installed making night games possible loi thi in si time iuw tome now sm lounds the ball nw a haul lop aiva 70 m km was stalled last eai nut will promd kciws won by jean ntflis rcxlcxwiod lean nellis tivm rockalung 4h group ws om ej lour who look pixxnuial lum otn at the wcllmctoii counts achievement das rvscxntlx held in wax metmusal mall ljmorux ol guelph tlw theme was aecent on vyosnoiics proxincial honors meant the completion cxi 2 proioots while counts honoix is gixoni to m completed pixsrsts usil gnk with counts honors woiv mu ion baxno and bdikiia gainei trom riskalong xxith connu atkinson and dons tubman ot the utoka group among the group exhibits was rockalonws acievsoncs loi a basic costume xuth the com mentatot being data me plied ran utoka jcirls kiths osboinc ond karen reid took port in accent with atccssones one ol the sktls and demonstiations soon in- completed this will he used loi rollei skating ten ms etc in sunimei then hood id and used loi skating dm inn the wmlei months a pa announcer booth is nn ik wax up and a new well hung dulled ibis well will suppls a gixmt need lacking tot scats soon to be ciwleel is i two sioies cenunt block building 2 to leet this ssill house a ivlreshment booth change worn loi skateis a meeting room ami washrooms these v m lew plans ol the committee anil ieione knows tlun 4iv loiijj oveulue nulius alh then mi going to cost nion es ami svhen the nvn assets i all please open xoiu iumi 1 ami soiu ptiise lhis ianass will help all til the toxvnshlp since it is a town shin protect hall plaseis bold senioi and iuxenlle will be i mm ill areas tliemi racluile will k open to all township groups mich as lunleu laiinets 411 guides scouts eu oihcs cminmumnes hase nimle sue it a ptxijeit a smxess now it is oui hun to do ii in i in most harris farm in one family remarkable 146 years for roeksmxhl mow main taims has i bun in the same iannis loi t4 scars c ii mains ot rr roekxsxtod is the third onoiaiion to live on then aim ttri taken as crown land ox bis giandtathei the late john hants m lso vt that time the tuni ccmisisted ot ivtween 200 and wo acixs extending troni the present site south oxer the present no 7 htghxxas the rockxvood cademx tarrn and pa 1 1 ot rookxxxhhi cemeteix xvvrx anginal mains piopettx th cemetery land xvas gixvn to the ti lends church ouak- iis ltei setting up his home lohn mams mamed jane weth eralel and it xsas hei brothoi william xsho bought the land tmffl his bixitheiimlass and ei- ected the hisoouc rockxxood cadeiiis ot then six sons two sam uel and lames hai ns dix ided and tanned the onginal land the eldest son john richaid luunded and opei ited the rock wood woollen mill assisted in othet brothels hum les ii mamis ttnik oxei the taint lixuii his la i hoi sum uel anil although 88 enis oung still has a keen mtcicst in the laim he is loitunati to hiixt an interested and helplul laiinlv who supplx much ol the biassn the junior fwrmera of ontur- 10 nv making a centennial pixi les1 ot locating and electing a plaque nt the gate ol each 4 arm whiih has been in the same tanulx foi 100 eai s 01 more the icsponse has been veiv good in wellington but everx one quuluxing is asked to co opciate contact the wellington coun tx juniot taimei s pioxincial diuctoi wilbert freeman r r s rockssood 01 telephone 8so l as soon as possible theic uc application lorms to till and pe aliexidx supplied xeith these ate asked to hand them in bx june i the ctuectots in each countv aie on this centennial commit tee coilgialulations to all the girls lor then lint work thcx come home justly proud ot then achievement pins and ccititi elites churchiu family gathering on 85th birthday mr and imrs mike hamilton and jxlaik ol geoigetoxxn spun sundax at the paicntal home mr and mrs ron blnke and family of stratfoid xisilccl with mr and mrs ward hamilton on mondav a tannlv gathcunp xas held at the home ol mi and mrs r 1 dasidson on suncun in honoi of hei sistel mis reies1 keelel ot ei in who celebiatcxl hei 8sth birtlulav those s bo attended were mi and mis mosxud mi aithui mi and mis atlluii gitttm ml and mis williim mcaithui all ol i i in mi anil mrs thcodoic mai tin ol vim land mi and mi s wiltne i dax idson mi and m s rolui mil shall and steven mr and mis william thompson all of acton mrs margaret mcphail mr and mrs jim robertson and neil and friend of ampbollxille al so mi and mis j midonald trailed to wish hei longiatula tions mr and mrs rohu t c ag nexs helen and cm ol bi nil lout mrs marx agnew ot fbi onto mi and mis don met oil of jsloblelon xisited on mondax xxith mi and mis aichie ken and robeit mi ai thin swack liamei xisitcd on the weekend at lus sons home with mr and mrs ross swackhsiinei and claughtc bienda mi and mis ron saundcis attondexl the del anevbaidcii ssedding in the un ited chuixh fnu on situielax mastei n o i tu a n saundi i s spent the weekend al the woll cub ti unmg camp al camp samac at oshassa mr paul hamrlton spe ihe 24th ot max sseekend on the junior farmer bus trip to nash xille tenn mr weslex johnson ot bi amp- ton spent the weekend xxith mt and mrs chai les sinnie mr and mrs ken lcatch of ei in xisitetl xxrth mr and mrs brute lcatch and bewile mr and mrs norman turner and david mr clarence dennx joxxe and rax spent the tiovi day weekend at north bav with mr and mrs h g turner fish ing was the order of the dax the north bay waters xsere busv xvith successful fishermen oatchang maink pike and pick erel mr and mis ficcl macaithur spent sand is at their cousins home xvith mr and mrs arthur gnffin and mrs keoler in enn ratepayers protests defeat wrecking yard aimed sith a lengthy list of eomplunts moie than 20 nas- sagavxexa tossnship latepaxcis helped deal the final bloss to a pioposed xsieeking xaid on wcdnesdas of last week an application fiom lixeine wirdcn ol milton loi a xsreck ing xaid to be built on the guclph line north ol mohnwk race xx ax and south ot biook xillc was icfused bx toxxnship council alter heanng opinions hx neighboring ratepayers previously the township planning boaul had registeied us opposition to the pioject cit ing the piobable increase in lialtic on the guclph line due to ihc pioiect and also the nos sibk devaluition ol t adoinni homes is its icasons mi waiden and his solicitor h c junk ol milton presented then case and pointed out in then opinion the wrecking yard xxouldn t be a nuisance to neigh bois and wouldnt devaluate neighboring homes as xvas fear ed thcx piesented d complete plan loi the property stressing the fact that the wrecking xard xxould be enclosed bx a six foot high tenee and a nexv 25 000- xloooo home would be built on the piopertx txxo buildings xxould hase been constiucted xxithin the tenced in area xxith i piobable xahic of 40 000 ratepayers cited sexeral rea sons loi objecting to the xxrick ing xaid alter more than an houi ol discussion each rate paxer in the immediate vieinitx xsas asked xxhether or not he or she taxored the granting of the licence eight people xxeie ask ed and all eight objected a letter trom a ninth ratepav ei h k neaxe also indicated lie opposed the granting ot the licence and reexe william coul tei told of a meeting with a 10th latepaxei xsho also opposed the pioiect after hearing the discussions memoirs ot council qunklx passed a motion relusing the application mr warden thanked the rate paxers for attending the meet ing and thanked council for calling it there are no haid leelings on mx part he sud herd management 4h clubs topic the second regular meeting of the acton 4h calf club xvas held on wednesdax may 18 at the atton community centre president walter tryssenaar op ened the meeting and all mem bers recited the 4h pledge the minutes xvere read bx secretary caiolxn spear and the roll call was answered by 17 members ceof tavlor assistant agn cultural representative for hal ton presented a lesson on care and management of both beef and dairv cattle members learn ed that care must be given to the coxv before calving she should be in a warm dry dis easefree area advantages of i all calling mentioned were cal xes axoid heat and flies there is more time for labour and longer milking penod gained spring calving offers less la hour less shelters pasture and the calves xsill be prepared for the cold xvinter when the calf is born it should be left xsith the coxx for at least 2 to three davs so that it xs ill receixe the i leh colostrum which helps light disease the proper leed ing programs xxere discussed as xvell as methods of dehorning grooming and legistered cattle the unior and senior mem neis xxere divided lor senaritc lessons and quijes club lead ir russell murray explained to the juniors the different breeds ot dairx and beef cattle noting lndixidual characteristics of each xxhile mr taxlor explain ed to the seniors how inhen lance occurs betxseen different generations of cattle the meet ing xx as then adjourned harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all make of furnace custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n 856934 24 hour service rockwoqd 2610318 county sets capital budget a cuiilliil hudjyci outlining an iv mult i disiiission xxith pui liiipaliil mnjoi cxptiidiliut s lo uiiniv iwj an pusilud lo lltlloii lriiniv un ihiivs fiuil to ilu- x iii imdiil uiillin b x ii illi ion ol i h lluiliuiloii lius ih it r i ip ill l pi on i i xvliuli dhniiiiiis will ik ii in tlu- repml horn tin finiiue ssaiv on null h lo ilu eoiint iniiii ell ii i iiulid llie mill loi in vju t imlllon i i in admiriisliaiiun v7mih i anlllpald lo ion llllmllly w iii liim llie sliiiilinn ol iii ill xv 111 l iii ill ihc atl mailin mou i illicit i loiislllll lion n hi lo 11 ill mi ii it imial miiiui i sliiiiali loi i7 hi in i k264 ikk as llti miuiily s ri ml lui i in t p uisinii ol llie millnii ii ii inil suggislnf hill mi iiiiiunl his inill mi in ill i in i in llx y n tun isl a i ill 1 i tiling ilu piiik l il i in in nn i isis iiul ilu mil i i il i iinn 1 in iiw i it in 1 1 tin i is ins plum il slioxv i loxc 111 iui 1 1 ii aiiitiin p in iviiiiijii itin i linn m til t dislilu llispilil ii i m7silil is null i 1 n in imin i loxc in ilu iiiiiirvs intiiip ilid inn i i i11i1 hi l70 iii till iii xx illllullll iii lllllilll i iv deportation to yugoslavia postponed for ship- jumpers lowry boy 511 stands still long enough for his mistress mrs clarence smith of r r 1 wilsonville to receive the first prir rihtaon after winning the open western pleasure class sunday afternoon at style acres ranch horse 11 at meeting urban board wont fold up the lutuix ol the noilh hal ion uiban boaul seinud i link mou stable last xxcek xxlien ii connclllois lixini deoiileloxxii milton anil acton shoxxed up loi the mn nieitnig in milton a month eailiei the boaul neaih loliled up xxhen only ixxo councillois it liiiiliil a icgul u iiieetint i he boaid xvas estah lished in the 19s0s toi council lois liom the thici liaxns to yet togithci niloimallv ind discuss common problems in recent years jioxvevci it has become moie ilillicnlt to i mil an exening that suits most councillols as manv ol them aie tied up on council oi com mittee mielings oi olhei com niunilx scivice xndeaxois chainnan jim young ol geoigiloxxn xvaincd a month ago the bond xxould haxe to quit if the attendance did nol incicjsc last xxcek s meeting saw live fiom milton two liom george toxvn and foui liom ac ton in attendance the meeting discussed a xan ety of problems including am bill nice sci x ii i aihajc dumps tin method ol selling lixvn oxvn ill i mils n lllllilll ll piecls i lii c e ill i il oman regional de xi lopini nl association ta nil liilioii methods mil lihi uy se i xttls aclon maoi les duhv lb ink id ihc cliaiiinan loi xvhat iil leiiiied i vc1 suceesslul meet ing once again xxx have pi ox eil ihc xxoilh ol oui boa id mc m he is decided to loin i gcoigc toxxn s centennial pioccl dining the suinnici months show presenting the ribbon are ranch co- owners bruno sclisii and mrs tvelyn hatha way on saturday the english riders class competed tanhardt pup best lunior at london anotlici 1 mil lull kennel pup is xvi ii on the xviy lo miking a n mil loi hiisell m ihc show i nig uinhiiilis ouula knoxxn al lit i loll lli l is casi to hei oxxiin c d chapin in ol rr 2 kiiekxvood won the laige unioi iinx tltssttt a letnidii sltep lind booslci show in london on siluiday may 14 and then took hisl puppy in bleed lion oix und best ol working group honois in a sarnia show the nixt d iy miss i aula treble xvho opei ales ihc r r 1 gcoigetown ken nil handled the pup in both s hox s a li si ininiili ii pi u vi s ix i txxo y hilly ship lump i s limn ill pm i lion lo llun lioini i mil iii yugoslavia anli ivuu uul slaxko sill illi in xx u lo b 1 poi 1 il 1 inn 1 is ol i is in i lull iii in nil m liniiii i ill hi oi p ii liili ill poslpoiud id tit poi lm loi lui iii i sliilx i i hasl ixxo xxi ks now h is hope il un x iin pan who jiiiiipd ship in muni lll oh lllullllkl ii mi liavt in nut linn si iv in i i louilllv ll i iii v siluxx 111 i llll and ih ii ai in after jumping ship mi in xv lit l i olollll vs ii ill i polled in ilu liumvi j 1 1 n i pailiiunl mil iskd loi i ii i i ill id i in ouici in ill ii oinimmis null 1 ii i ilin inv pi lui iil ll ii illnil l iii lie viiii in it i il ll i whll ix ii i- 111 i i u lx ji m wi i i mill i x i iii iii w in il tin i 1 t limiii ill i ll in i i n iii iii ll 1 llil ii ll j ill dlil ii il in 11 i 1 i ix l i a loii ol willi in i i n in il ii n i i i i pn h s holden optometrist v loik si 1 ail a 1 1 pll phone 1a 2 7150 may we remind you that it is time to let u clean and store those valuable winter garments for the summer month call us for safe insured low cost storage service custom cleaners cash and carry main st n phone 83311 so same day service ixcept saturday in by 10 am out by s pm county will buy reforestation farm pitioliase of the 200 acie gcoige roheitson fai m on lot 11 concession lxe in nassag i xxexi xx is appioxcd by countv council on lucsdax the farm puuhased for s20 000 xs ill be used toi leloiesta hon und will be opeialcd bv the department ol lands and toi ests jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer a farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv class fs f acton phone 8530730 a little moore paint makes a big difference with moores house paint house pain sparkling fresh colors brilliant nonchalking white longlasting high gloss hides all surfaces quickly easily protects while it beautifies white is fume and mildew rtsistant calling all students free want ads m53 gordons hardware limited get a job through the free press free to all students public and high schools who live in this area no phone calls please if you are looking for a full or part time job heres all you do place your ad in the office 59 villow st acton 1 one ad to each student may be repeated up to 3 timet if you contact the free press by each monday before 5pm 2 you must use your name in the ad 3 you may use up to 20 words of copy deadline for your free ad is monday 5 pm

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