Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1966, p. 4

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friends will be sorry to learn that mr henk barens is a pa tient in hospital in hamilton friends or mr melvin e burns regret that he is a patient in quelph general hospital mr roy arnott is recuperat ing at home after surgery in giielph cjcncral hospital mrs hugh mckay and child ren of rexdale spent the holiday weekend with her mother mrs stuart sinclair friends of mr g s mathexxs regret that he has been a pat ient in the guelph general hos pital this week mi and mrs james gardner and son of bothwell visited mr and mrs fred lemon and fam ily over the holiday weekend mr and mrs garland mac donald of sarnla spent the holi day weekend with mr and mis e grischow mrs robert pfaif of ottawa visited on the weekend with mrs jack chapman and miss madge chapman mr and mrs l m micdon aid of detroit arid mrs w t a bell of toionto were houlav guests ot then mother mis r m macdonald mrs marv mcaulcv who has been spending a couple ot weeks xx uli her daughte and lamilv at lucknou ictuincci home monday evening mr and mrs allan lang of calgary alberta have been va cationing with her parents mr and mrs chester allan and other relatives in the district ross swackhamer a recent giaduate of hamilton institute or tcchnologx began xxoik vi i 16 in the engmeeiing deput- ment ol allis chalmeis runic lv ltd guelph friends and customers aie sorr to learn that mi ben rachlin is a patient in mount sinai hospital toronto expect ing an operation mrs herb pnce4s helping out in his store miss susan heard has comp- ictedher second ear at macdo nald institute unixeivn ot guelph and is woikmg foi the summer at schneideis in kit chener i the grade 13 students celebia- ted the tact that their room sold the most magazine subscriptions at a shovx and pai t fi ula e ening after the show inguelih thev went to tom gmgei s home friends arc very sorry to learn mish madge chapman is a patient jn guelph general hospital mrs george williams is substituting in the library for her while she is away best wishes for a speedy recovery mr calvin j mclntyre clerk or nassagaweya township at tended the convention for as sessing officers of ontario in windsor last week his wife mrs mclntyre acconipanieil him diane swackhamer having successfullv completed ik inst year at rverson polv technical institute in home economics course will be spending the summer months in acton woik mg for force electric pioducts ltd visiting sunday with mi and mrs g w masales weie mi and mis john bell and mrs el izabeth mokinnon of toronto mrs mcklnnon mrs masales mother is in lemarkaolv good health for her 94 years she wnl be 95 this september mis bell is mrs masales sister mi and mrs ray everdcll and fimilv or st calhannes spent the holiday weekend with mrs eveidells parents mr and mrs wilfred kennedy nassaa weya and other triends in toe acton district the expect to be moving to hamilton in the near ruture john miplesden visited with his giandniothcr mrs c ctits and mr cults on the weekend he has just completed his sec ond ear at queens untie sil economics honor class foi tv summer he is working in toi onto in advertising resaich he is the son ol dr and mi d maplcsden of ncshanic station ny neil fianklin lias rccixcd wold llul lie has succslulh passed his inst cai in engineei ing atqoiens univeisit he is woiking ioi the sumiiki at camp calumet neai elsa ii the yukon vith a mmin tit in when he llew in two weeks io he found snow and the lkes weie still tiocn theie is still light in the skx theie at 3 am mis mirx manning who his been director ol musing at geotgetovn hospital or ihc past 18 months has lesigned lo enter the field of psxcvatiic nursing at the clarke institute- toronto mrs manning who h ed at one time at spoxside was also on the start at the school for the deaf milton foi a while she was ieccntl presented with a siher trav tiom the nospilal board bus trip to ottawa planned by bannockburn wi members mrs albert brooks was hos tess for the ma meeting ol ban nockbum womens institute- mrs thos gordon presided and the meeting opened with the institute ode and mar stcwai t collect nine members answer ed the roll call b naming a garden cnetnx and how to com bat it the minutes ot the last meeting wcrc read and adopted among the items ol corres- ponelenee was a letter irom him chiang tostei child ot the insti tute telling oi his excellent pro gress at sehool mn t gordon mrs w me donald and mrs w linhani were appointed clelegites to the distiiet annual in ballinataei acton has entry in lions parade l urns clubs trom w7 eom mumtles that eeei all et que bee and ontiuo will swaim in oil london suiulax max 20 with the- bluest paiade in can ada so 000 to 100 000 peopk aie i peeled le iiik the mixcts ioi in alunioonot ieil e moxnicnt m most vh1 entiles meluele 4s bands 1 floats ig miioielte glvlips is elceelllled ells lllel lloists i 1x1111 a six llose tllteh elew n the acton club has an entrx iii the ph leie ilkhldllv e low 11 bltul belli t 2s lie vxpeeted lei paiuk i ixmi town the bands uiehide intel na lional champions from le isute bamia ouebee cits terxnte and man othei places big steam engine tixm bui toiel w ii its hiiltmg putting and whistle will be the laxonte ol thous anels ixxciitv thous md liens club incmbcrs 1 1 lends and theii children will come to london to put on this speetaclc three thousand ol them will remain for the entire four da coiucn lion business sessions and en tenainnieiit are at the hanhoe culling club on mav 25 all membcis were enthusiastic oxer the plans the committee had made ioi a two- dax bus tup to ottaxxa the mid die ol june a numbci ot arti cles of biibx clothing were turn ed in to he sent to the unilaiian seixiees ottawa mrs c coles convener ol agi iculture and canaelian in dustnes x as in charge of the program she read an article heaxen is your home and also ana musing item 1 he dax m wile bought i dishxxashei the past president mrs w mcdonald xeas presentee xxith an institute coffee spoon and a xase in appreciation ol hei leadership during hei knu ol oil ee mis mcdonald expiess ed hei sineeie thanks te the nieiubei the meeting closed with the singing ol the queen ihc loiels piaxei and the institute giaee luneh xs is serxed bx mis b leiteh iml mis d russell milium k raeexxax c 1 ei e s saluidax until the tall meet etoil iill provide elliploxecs mild spe titor bath cillclll wion pietllles lie published without elm bx the cluimpion pie ise submit a tmi ullll bx thlee lllell pi lilt is elosj lo the giaeluatlem elite as pesslole mi and mis mel mccullough ol rr 2 acton xxeie among 39 canadian guernsey enthusiasts who lell toionto international airport on tuesday foi a iluce week loui visits to southern england scotland iieland nltl guemsex island the ancestial home ol the gueitisev breed xx ill be part of the tout foui canadian provinces british co lumbia ontano albeha and manitoba xvill be icprescnted on he tour mis bettv mathci ol hall artls banchorv scotland anil giandson bill houghton ol lon don england aie spending thre xxeeks xvilh mi an i mr geoige roheitson rr 1 ac ton mis robei ison and mis mather xvere lnends in ocot land mr houghton work toi the home olfice in london mis robeitson mrs mathci and mr houghton left horn mallon anpoit lor nexx yoik last xxeek to isit xxith the ioi mers daughter thcye the acton free prfss thursday may 26 1966 work can be fun and at ho pufclgthe adult workshop in the former horntby schqol is planning an open house wednesday even ing june 1 visitors will see the retardates being trained so they may some day be able to accept a ob in industry this is the latest bllff pliiilo proect of the active north hnlton aiioci ition for the menially retarded in the picture john ambroise hnrold atkinson and paul be ittio work oh roxvehbing i liwn ch iir while h opi inanager mrs wiimifreel ish un mil volunteer worker mr kilph kmgdon look on plan open house for hope june 1 i he ne x i el in did adult xxoik shop at hoinbv million oppoi 1 urn t x pioiliuls i utci pi ises xx ill hold lis inst pulilu opi n housi on wednesday txeiung june i lioin 7 lo ihc sponsors hit noilli ii il ton assoc i ilion idi tin men ill re i 1 1 tie i i it iik ik d tilt xxoik shop nit kn ti tie tl ii i i t u lit i i his eai and his tielit ullllls xvoiklllg theie ulldei lilt stipe i visum ol m in il1 i mis wiiiiuliid ish un ol milton i lit xx oik shop is im itid in tin lot in ti lliuiihv st iidoi on hit ii ist i me iist i isl il lilt st v t nth i iik i sik sine w ii k tin it laid ilt s ii it tloiit xx ill ht ilisplixid mil pin pt i l ix t i htploxi i s id it l ii tl ilt s ik ol ll lllv im iii ll 11 st i xx ii ii i ik xx oi kt i s t an do uiitlt 1 supti x isloii cancel meeting kc k il mn loiiiiuitlii un t i mi i isl i inn mi ix ix is i iik i ll suit t i jiioi iiiii oiiltln i how to tell some hmilci s trunk thev enn distinguish the tiack of a buck dti i i torn that of a doe by its sie mil tin xvav its toes urai 1 pi tail algoniiin pink niliii ulisis sav that this is nn uncei lam method and suggest a sur ti xxix good hoxvevei only xx lit ii tin it is suoxx when xvilk ing i buck doc s not lilt his feet as high as i due and in the mioxv in it ixes txxo gkkixcs he t xx 1 1 ii ills loot pi nits xxhtie un ips ol ins spilt hooves jnsl uuili lilt sui i ue ii it diags its in i il s a buck tickets now on sale for round up 66 thi yonri big show in acton community centre i ix ol i ink i i f xx is poslpollt tl mill ll i i i lllglll wl lilt i iv i 111 llll i ioi i u ill li ii ik xl xx i k sat antique car club rally visits esquesing farm the fust spnng outing ot the antique cai cluo of canada xvas staged in this pai t ol the tountix sunday may 15 the gioup ot appioxim ilclx is staitetl liom toronto cai ix in the morning and lunchj a rattlesnake point then dioxe to the roui 111 line rsqucsnng tai in ol jack peinberton xxheie thex lined up in an open i ielt and inspected mi pcmbei ton s massive antique caiuigc eollec lion tlie club is the laigcst in c u ada and the gioup xisiting this uei xx as the loinnto aiea e incill president is ntn man b ii ilh axx ax the oldest eai in 11k ion xox txis a 1916 s ixon run ihoul obituary the newest a 1917 clu violet coach i he club is pionceiing a post elassic class to include the cais ol the i9w t the c n ix 1950s gioup piovtduig thev aie ol special inleicsl toi instance kaisei luekcl cusluiu maile etc also on hand xxis a hoich eahiiolet once used h a high l inking nai olheei complete xxith mag stindaids on both lionl icndcts prohahlx the lastest niaelni e pitscnt xxas a 1917 mtittjts ssk most of the people nit mill max haxc seen a tall nioustaeh ed gentleman cinploxing a aigc mux ie camel i xx 1 1 ll in an ol polite complete pi ilessionil funeral service on thursday for prominent lodge member a xxell knoxxn letucd larnici john aberdean leslie passed axx ax at his home 111 boxxei axe alter a shoi i illness on mondax max 16 he xxas 70 xcais of age- he i limed ioi manx xeais on the louith line ol esqucsmg loxxnship he xs xeix actixe in lodge aclixilics as a nicmbei nl walkci lotle and the scot lish rite he was i past mastei ol walkci lodge no 121 ind i pisl chstiict depiitx 1 mtl mas tei ol wellington distnet he xxas born in lsquesing loxxnship in apnl 1s96 his in si xxift hael stexxait leslie passed axx ax in 1947 he mir ned alice get ttude bloxx xxho suiwxes him in 19ss and hxod in acton lor the past 11 ciis also remaining aie a sistei mrs k s isabelle lmilsax gemjrgetoxxn and brother geoigc leslie georgetown he was pie deceased bx txxo biothers blake and lieut ldwiil leslie xxho xxas killed in woild wai i he was a mem hei ol the piesbx tei i in church the rex a h mckenzie ol knox chinch conducted the xeix laigclx at tended luneial seixiie on max 19 at the rum lex shoe make l luneial home intel nicnl xtas in gcolgetoxxn pallbeilels weie john watkins louie d hi i linen don ild lincls ix neil boxxles heib rllehie mtl wai i en wood manx masons it tended hie special m isomc seixice il ill luneral home on vvednesdax exemiij max 8 the popular eton icsideiil xx is a i inuli ir liun lo minx irei inmeis and loc il isi clenls he alxx is liked to ihil nil iceall ioi mei luxs he elloxed tl ixellllv xxith ills xxile and the couple ae ilionetl in floi ida e ieh e u tkx ilso enoed oinc lo sue i il tune tions throughout the distnet l headquakiebsl fertilize your lawn now large selection of lvcrgrecns shrubs and trees fruit trees fruit bushes rcadv for planting roses potted ready to plant begonias gladioli dahlias all varieties fertilizers garden tools seeds patio stones etc cut flowers and potted plants open 7 days a week 8am til dark phone 8532980 we wire flowers anywhere caroline flower garden shop two miies west of acton south side of highway train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times per informttion prion th local cn pmnor salts otfic cil canadian national ism and thought sonuvxlun t in x ll itl setn linn lie line ihtx pin ihlx h id and iintloulili dlx liul sten ins xxoik i in mill xx is rox i ish i noted in i in i hil iphel itttlltix le tilled hi i elt x isltjll s leleseopt 111 i loiifi time liieutlol ml im i i lull the clubs lie xt llleetlllj xxlll ilt ill cn axi iiliiu st were right there when you need help when theros an omorgoncy a call to us gats action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8530640 june 11 ii iliiiini i he rhythm iiiih chuck lnrtl hih lluiijii ihc cluiriilltrh loyie ciirpcntcr h dancers ialrs and siiureh our slngliik mayor ac ion cltltiis ikind vlnce mminlford m c t i an oin ri i i tl i ion iii llll iii i lllllll i iii lllll lll ii kihcrvcd seuth kiikii sciih children s s i lie llll ilmj il in ill sinipso wiikiihx i i l oil acton s depol si 50 1 oo 73c is seirs all proceeds for lions community work lego short cut whole or half loin 0 iamb 29 lamb 65 c lb whole flank on c lb lamb in roast chops stew etc sensational offer blue diamond neiwe tulip colored margarine hospitality cherry pie framjrvale rrozen fish chips l choice cut green beans prices pffectivc lav 25 produce ofusa canada no 1 grade california 10lb bag potatoes 69 produce of usa can no 1 grade cauliflower size 16 29e produce of usa florida green peppers 3 29 c ea ea 24 ot pkg 59c 15 o tin 227c 27 beef or irish york stew vlmcr f ancy tomato juice i unehcon meat prem 1illsburv moist cake mixes 24 oz tins 2 89c 48 in tin 29c 12 at tin 49 1s in pkgs 3l we reserve the right lo limit quantities beans pork corn flakes tomatoes libbys deep brown kelloggs aylmer choice tissue purex all colours iga ovenfresh bread 5 loaves for 100 ledgers iga

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