m 2 bennett public school robert little public school chairman details public school education program the public school board re port follows as of june 1965 the eniol- hicnl at robert little school das s19 it now stands at 539 pupils theie ate 20 teachers on ihe staff it is felt there mav be some u 1 1 her increase in pupil load fltai ting in september 1966 at the m z bennett school the enrolment is now at v0 lupils also a slight increase v ei the starling liguic there tiro h teachers on the staff at this school this number of pup- ik a total of 929 puts our class- n at near capacitv in addition to this 120 child- n are bussed in from brook- til it lor home economics and jnduslnal arts classes foi the last ear uc have accommodated one class from 5xvside m the stone school tliev are in the process of c- atindmg and nct eai this auoin will be available to us along with one more now being gtiepared at the present time a sure i undeiwav to deteiminc the int mpatcd numbei ot pupils lio max be coming to our nhools in the next tive ears a a result i this urvev the fiuaicl will know w bethel ex pulsion is necesaiv oi whe the i oui school bourdaiv will need to be changed onh a standaid mini lie i of ulects aix- taught at oui iiuhis now out it is tell that in he iicai liituie lenieelial t vailing nia be addeei to the cm i lellllllll n opportunity e ha- been lai opeiation foi the past ear ilcl will tx centimeei it has juen its woith u niinging a ia pupils up to stimtjld in tigard to salarv schedules till- minimum was uicicascd lon s 4110 to s3 700 ir an el tort to kesep some ot our teachers who had proven then worth i nj to help acquire the new vic bristow chairman teach stafl ers needed to it a high level keep the this is a position that acton schools have enjoved over other schools in the area this past vear the acton school board made available to the centennial committee an area of land on which to build our future centennial librarv this land on the robert little school grounds will add to the appearance of our school prop erty and be an advantage to the pupils in thetn studies as in all things there is need for change in the interests of progress we are no different here we feel that a larger school area would be an advantage in regard to curriculum benefits to children and cost to the pub lic discussions are underwav with the halton consultative committee along these lines a brief has been sent to this com mittee outlining oui suggestions lor these changes we the acton public school board hope this oricf outline of the school sstem will give the public a somewhat clearer pic ture of how we look to the fut- uie of our children as the citi zens o acton and of our coi tr itl- j acton box manufacturing co manufacturers of wood boxes crates pallets and bases for electrical appliances r r 4 acton ont hwy no 7 east 8531641 ajax engineers and marley canadian 30 years in acton manufacturers of steel structures forest ranger towers and cabins industrial commercial and residential water cooling towers steel and wood fabricators acton ontario po box 130