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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1966, p. 2

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j v ospringe the aclon frao prpss thursday juno 2 19o6 roofing painting ar church meeting graduation in news workmen have completed the shingling of the roof of the lo cal presbyterian church ready for the painters to commence painting the interior pntti ellis cntertoineti her classmates after school on-wid- nesday on the occasion ol hei 12th birthday mr and mrs john hannn mid four children oxnri aitior mich spent tlu7holidiv week end willi mrs hithnas paiertts mr and mis waltei cuuk reg and willie bulloch und friend from georgetown spoil the long weekend at the lonuei s cottage in the biacobi iiljjo aiva rev hugh and mis moore house and children anil mis moorehuuse sr ol torest hil- odor monday with mr and mis gordon ailken mr and mrs mike hutchlvon and children of toixnto spent the weekend at the same home mr and mrs cameron tiasn and david rockwood mr and mrs miuray jvlillson and lamih guelph mr wesley watson credit torks visited recently with mrs m jackson mr and mrs george mitchell 3rd line returned home tlui ing the weekend irom caliloinm where mr mitchell attended u convention miss nttiu hulloch anil n couple ol ghl ti lends ilixmi hi amnion visited in nashville lonikwsee over the weekend sympathy u o tended to the members t the ilnnev lamllv in ptissing ut ru liune mi mil nils i mno weio loiniei residents ol lliw tommtiiillvr when tho luiiued on the su oiki i iuo on i ho i arm now own ed t 1 himloll mi and mis vei non sicwii i iul lamlk spout sundus lit tioi i outage at imwooil i like a number ol hos scouts ami litdois lisnn oioigelown jumip el ooi i he weekend nl ross mebvsan s itiim stiniltiv this itlctkled the moining seivue nt the uvil pivshsteiliin chuich mr k usher has sold two ol his houses on the llighwav it the i list 1 ine the centre house kiupieil liv ml and mis iaile rav hns been pm chased b mi and mis liinmonils vvho got possession i une i the ras are moving id ii house neaiei guelph on the highway mi and mis i ciemasco ol guelph hae pin chased the sniallei house piesenlly oc cupicd by mi and mis kelly anil gel possession july 1 mi and mis s smdei and lets play bridge by bill coats when you suspect a bad trump split it is often advisable to try to make your trump sep orately if you are lucky you can often force a defender lo ruff his partners tricks and give you a free finesse just such a hand occurred last week in a rubbei bridge match here is the hand dealer was south and neither side was vulnerable north s a s 2 h a j 8 6 4 1 c j 10 6 west east s k q jli 4 i s 10 a 7 h o 2 h k 9 7 dmk j 9 8 2 d 10 6 5 ovoid c k 8 4 3 south s6 h 10 5 d a07 3 c a q 9 7 5 2 the bidding west 1 s 3d pass ss pass south 1c 3c 4c pass 5c all pass the only thing that id say about the bidding is that out friendly rubber bridge matches are quite aggressive north 2 h 3 h 4 h pass pass east pass pass dole pass dwe west led the king of spades and deolarei took slock to lake ii tricks seems to be quite a task but since declarer can taki thiee side aces all that can be done is to take eight hicks in trump this will include all si clubs in declaieis hand plus two yufls in dummy so here yve go win in dummy with the ace ol spades and lead a diamond to youi ace rulf a diamond in dummy and rulil a spade back to voui hand rulf anolhei diamond and lead dum m s last trump when east plays loyv it doesnt matter if lie covers you duck too now lead dummys last spade anil ruff in vour hand lead a heait and if west plas low you fin esse must not let west get the lead the best that east can do is return a heai t just to make east feel badly you ruff a heart and lead voui last diamond west beats voui card but east must ruff his partners good tuck and lead trump you lake the last tyo tricks with the queen and ace of trump last weeks winners at the acton budge cluo weie first bill barbour and bill hamilton sicond gloria coats and duke wilson third kay campbell and cam sinclair spiralling costs are foreseen as hindrance to conservation spiralling construction costs may cause a slowdoyvn in the help yve can expect from the province chairman r k mc mlllan told the members of the credit vallev conservation au thorny at last yyeeks meeting mr mcmillan was reviewing the budget statement of hon j r simonett minister of energy and resources management ah applications for grants under the new reservoir policy must be in by december 1966 but we have reason to briiee moffat vi extend call to minister a joint meeting of nassaga- weya and compbellville congre gations yvas held on wednesday evening for the purpose of o tending a call to the roy day id nicholson of melfort sask if mr nicholson accepts the call he will not be able to take oyer the work of these congregations until the nd of august oi first of september the congregation of nassagavveya has been grate ful to the interim modcratoi lt col j m anderson for taking charge of our church and hope- he can occupy the pulpit until mr nicholson can get moved here mr harold allison is getting ins new home built on 15 side- road the nassagaweva w jv1 s and ladies awl will meet on thurs day june 2 at the home of mrs m pyatt some moffat property is m th process of changing names ngin wedding bells are ringing that some type of reseryon pol u will continue into 1967 he said last year the total money al lotted in provincial grants to conservation authorities yvas s86 million this year the bud get has almost doubled to 14 66so0o almost 93 per cent of this money has been designated for water conservation the statement added mr mcmillan anounced that he had recently received yvord of his appointment to the execu tie of the ontario committee of conservation authority chair men this is the fust time that the credit vallev conseryation authority has been represented on the executive of the group r r parker chairman of the flood control and pollution ad visory board spoke of a meet ing held recently yvith deputy minister t r hilliard the cv ca is seeking a change in the conservation authouties act winch yvdl allow the authontv toysork on priyate land yvithout busing it it seems ridiculous to buy all the land ve ssish to protect mi parker said if we could obtain easements or temporary leases from priyate owners the land could be turned back te them yshen the work is complet ed the change in the act is nec essary before dredging opera tions proposed by the uthoritv for sjltedin small reservoirs could be put in use last sunday with the kind cooperation of thomas niven georgetown mr mcmillan flew the credit river from its source to its mouth he said that there yvas trouble in several places which could only be seen from the air but the overall situation w as encouriging lanilk i list line moved last vseek lo then nesv holne in ciiielph neai the univcislly member of the local piesby- tciiiiu t lunch at tended the ser vice it hums chinch erin on sunday due to flic- panning be ing done at i lie local chinch j mis t pi ncs uul dorlsjimrs william milton mis v jjstchi- bald and mis geotge gnjndv u muled the dislnct annual ol ccnlle wellington womens in stllutes held at bel wood mr byron bruce was guest soloist at the coomvuree wed cling on iildav evening at st aniliews pusbv lei uui chinch hillshmgh mi goidon snyder is a pa tient at guelph general hospit al where he is to undeigo eve- suigeiv lot the lemoval ol a calaiac i mi and mis s baldwin and ihlldien ol ancastei and jnck sim ol loionlo vlsilecl on sun day with mi and mis david stesvai i mm noniinn mckemlc at tended a school foi enumeialois lot the coming census which is lo bo taken in june i he school was held in fiamosa township municipal oh ice at biucedale mi and mis baiiy claike it tended a bowling banquet at ac ion band hall on i ridav eve ning mis t tines unci doi is ic- lompamed by mi and mis wil ham hendei son ol belwood spent the weekend at howci pol island on geoiguan bav mrs e fisher was hostess foi llie monthly meeting ol the la dies aid ol the local presbylei inn church the piesident mis r mc- fyyan piesided scctelaiv mis d claike lead the minutes and tilled the roll tin financial ie poll was given by mis g sunt cr the devotional the gloiv of hie gn den yas load by mrs 0 giundv business items yvtte discussed including the seising at the loi ihcoming wedding folloyvung a hymn and pravir the hostess assisted by mis n mckenie and mrs b claike served lelreshments mr and mrs fred adams of smhhville were recent visitors with d g and mrs robertson slim sessions attract 29 monday evening an excellent til 11 on t ol 29 ladies registered lor slim lot sumrnir coiuse ol exercises at the y m c a the ineny gioup thats trimming ofl pounds logellici will he exercis ing lo music mondays and wed nesdays horn 7 10 to 8 30 lor live weeks the theme music foi the class is a taped yeisionol colillingci lo which the mcmbcis do three solid minutes ol loe touching the ladies aio taking it easy the lus lew nights till thev gel in foi m however ihey lift the- y mon day leeling limbei and lull ol pep and enthusiasm inside the building they lell then leadei 1 pei spuing and pintiiicr rcci ca tion darectoi rimcinbo he explained i had to do cveiv- thing issicc once to show the in hid once willi llieill the class is hckl tvciic- a week since once a wtik iist isn i enough to be cllcclivc speiially i iped musii is used loi the group bul mi peaiec said once or iwiie the pnees hid to be leplaytd whin the yioup got out ol lime thiough laughlei 4 mr frnnk tiiylor photo third birthday party of star of hope lodge 544 rockwood was hold recently in rockwood pnrish hall front row mrs g mcgladrey past w m mrs j french w m mrs m bolton d m and mrs c grahnm d d g aa bock row mrs r edge of brantford deputy grand mistress mrs e petherwlck toronto past grand mistress mrs fdna kirkpatrick provincial grand 2nd lecturer and mrs k kerr financial secretary star of hopo lodge receives degree miss jacqueline davvi ol r r 4 aclon a pi actuate ol aclon high school icceivecl a diplo ma in nuising education liom the univeisity ol winclsoi at its sth convocalionon mnv 28 mm fiiink taylor photo c h harris shows wilbert freeman of the junior farmers a book containing an interesting account of the early harris settlers in eramosa pioneer of pus i inch marks 100th birthday mrs john macdonald one of the pioneer women of puslinch township celebrated a quiet 100th birthday last week still hialthy and able to be up and aiound every duv of the week mrs macdonald celebrated hei centenary birthday on may 24 the anniversary of the late queen victorias buthday in iccogmtion ot reaching the milestone a flood of congratula lions armed and among them yyis a golden centenary scioll presented bv the milton senior citizens club club president fred harbottle and his yvife the club secretary and milton mem bers mis a prentice and mrs w service travelled to her home on thursday of las yveek to mnke the presentation she received a telegram of yvarmest congratulations and gwd yvishes from her majesty queen elizabeths private secre tarv and a framed proyince of ontario scroll signed bv the provincial secretary as yvdll as a number of greeting cards and flowers mrs macdonald was horn georgina fletcher mav 24 1866 in glasgoyy scotland and at the agi of 12 came to canada yvith her sister they lived at puslinch toyvn ship yvhere she married john macdonald and they fanned there until hei husband died in 1919 a son donald took over the macdonald homestead and since the death of her husband shi has hyed ysith hr son and five daughters this past few years yvith daughter mrs jim simpson of r r 1 moftat their home is on the puslinch side of the puslinch nassagaweva town line noi th of 20 sulci o id she has seven children don aid at the rr 1 moftal home stead maiy of guelph mrs wil liam mclntvrc emily ol ac ton mis j simpson geoigina ol moffit mrs t r pickaid beatrice of guelph mis don s mpson annie ol guelph ind mrs william mas elizabeth ol moflat there are also 18 giandchild len anil 14 gieat giandcnldien up each day foi a t houis she loves her cup of lea and is very lond of hard candles she always loved to read and knit but lading eyesight in iccnl years has caused her to diseon unuc that mh macdonald can still iced herell and insists on drying the dishes if she is up her onlv career yvas as a yvife and mother her home and family vveic her first interests in lite but she ysas always reach and willing to help her friends and neighbors whenever the need aiosc says hei daughtei mrs simpson robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountain view s georgetown 111 mill st acton monday from 4 pm for appointment 8773971 any way you figure it the finest welcome to acton is welcome wagon a islt from our hoitesi will irnke you feel at home with ht r basket of gifts ind answers tt questions bout tht town its s rvicei ind f id nik s just c ill phone 8530943 wftxome nfwcomer8 usea this coupon to let us knov ou re here address town please have the wel come wagon hostess cflll on me i would like to sub scribe to the acton free press i already subscribe to the acton free press fill out coupon and mail to orculition dept the acton free pre may we remind you that it is time to let us clean and store those valuable winter garments for the summer months call us for safe insured loyv cost storage service custom cleaners cash and carry maim st n phone 8531180 same day service except saturday in by 10 am out by 5 pjn mllton llsgj4vi tt7b thurs fri sat june 234 2nd best secret agent in the world in coiot tom adams blue water sports cartoon lets slitk together matinee saturday at 2 pm montueswed june 678 that man in istanbul in color horsr bochol7 cartoon magoos checkup adult entertainment june 91011 in color thurs fri sat hallelujah trail burt i acvster cartoon pimk phink friday and saturday show will start each night at 6 30 pm owing to length show times monday through thursday 8pm triday and saturday at 7 and 9 pjw 1 qnt 20year traffic project calls for 4lane highway 25 hal ion courftv hihwiiv- mc in for sonic longiinyc cxpin slons incl mlcvuni piiiuns nciltlimt lo 1 20mii s7ihhi0 000 liiiihwivs i xpinsiiiii ii i tliim i in- oiiiiiki nmuimu nl is pliliniiii lo iiiiiiici llh fhi ing subiii i in liiflic inoic ci ilv uitii ind oi 1 1 of loionlo i lit ic uul no pi ins unmiiiu ecl loi wicicwiiiik ol iiikiiwiv 7 winch ocs llnonyli acton i lie loiiiiito kimion wcsuni section hitiliwiv iiiiiiiiiik stu civ iiimoiiiiccci to picss 1111 iiitinicipil nl he i is liom mellon uid peel counties at 1 conlci ence last wetk shows iiiut irii nr piogiims plinncd loi ihi iici soul i til milton llicv in chicle widen int oi i liplnvi v 2 fjoni milton to iiliimo to loin lines cxlcndiiii i lie snne midi ciy sontli f mini piliinio lo bixmlc rel ind constitution ol a 21 niih section ol ilithuiv 40 liom us presinl e11 ini in htiilinlin lo hiiliwiv 4l west ol hithwiv 27 plunii ul cull fin 1 in w hi i field 1iecwiv hnkine foi toun wlli fie if ic id dine 111 i to bicokc b 1 12 mile ioii iioiind the iioiili side ol liiimi ton a iicw spin will he bin it to conned i lie onccn lliihclli llifhwiv lo lliliwiv 401 in 1i11 ninth line oikcilu nci olhci hijhuivs lo ik unkn cd lo ion 1 iiik s include i iilii wiy 10 ind hifjmuv s hint wi 27 norlli of 11ikiiwi 401 will ilso be ivihyncd loi 1 seven mile sec lion in announcing the results of the study mr me njiuihlon sud the findings ucie only iccuin mendalions mcl the pioiim wis still flcxilile bv iws llie mmistei epecls llie ouecn tllx jbeth wav will be lundhnj i9so0o vehicles 1 eliv hound for loionlo liom llie wesl compar il lo the pi esc nl s7 000 1 dav lie said 1 ik oiicin i bibclli onld be widened to ii lane s liom oikvillc in lliiiullori aflei 1hs three prospective dairy primesses the ilullon dairy prlncesn compellllon u cheduled for tliurkduy june 23 ut tom haya i ami uukvllle to dule tlusre arc three competitor and offl ciuim ure expecting a couple more ilione ulready entered ure murg hunter r l 1 bur- ibiglon ijiuhelli norrlnglon kr 6 milton und doreen car ney rr 3 leurgcatvm the ilullon milk committee lu hoping lo nee a great many vlnltom ul the oukvllle chamber o f commerce rural urban iiikih in uddllloli ii the dairy prlnccbb competition there will be a greiil many other attrac tions injury slight f spile the fic us car was involved in one ol the more violent iccidcrils this year ac ton hiili school icichei i ie ut col i giccii 44 chulton ave w hamilton icportcd onlv a iiiccciiiil nose upon his exit liom his wieckcd vehicle he was pioccedint south on high wav 25 one half nnle south of vo 10 sideroad oakville when the eai went out of control sinking the budjic lolling over ind sliding on its roof weclnes el iv ol last week headquakiersl fertilize your lawn now large selection of evergreens shrubs und trees fruit trees fruit bushes ready for planting roses potted ready lo plant begonias gladioli dahlias all varieties fertilizers garden tools seeds patio stones etc cut flowers and potted plants open 7 days a week 8 am til dark phone 8532980 we wire flowers anywhere caroline flower garden shop two miles west of acton south side of highway may we tell you about the change at atlantic signs and emblems like fmavb thls one are u on p n 1 1 nearly 100 doors and office ukmlf j fronts throughout canada bjnnia it 15 the emblem of gac international finance cor- imternational poration ltd on may 1 what were formerly the atlantic finance offices- were taken over by gac international gac international is the canadian loan subsidiary of general acceptance corpora tion gac now operates more than 500 loan and finance offices throughout the unjted states in canada puerto rico and in ma jor cities in europe and the far east it is a company with a reputation for integrity and p dependability a company with a thirty- three year history of profitable responsible operations the considerate and businesslike gac loan service that has helped families in other cities for many years is now available to you the people you knew locally are still there to serve you thank you for the confidence you have displayed in these people in the past their every effort will be to provide the kind of service you can count on you are invited to stop in at your new gac international office ask the manager to tell you about the change that has occur red let him show you the kind of company and the kind of service thats behind the new emblem on his door gac international finance corporation ltd am north krviok hdad qaxviuc ntari9

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