n of acton auditors report for 1965 jjacton town of acton jind balance sheet n c 0 cl 1 1965 revenue fund balance sheet iffs to the council and ratepneix december 31 1965 34031105 ol the town ol acton ontaiio il91602 deai sns assets entures wt have made an examination ol the books and accounts cash on hand 200 00 if sj ol the low it ol acton and its associated boaids and commissions i in ii ioj c if- 338 l8 lor the vcai ended december 31 196s oiu examination has been lw 5i ii conducted in accordance willi the auditing inslructfons ol the lunicipal department ol municipal allans and theie is attached a com- accounts receivable 284 669 89 pleted questionnauv loveiing this sundry 3105 62 it 4690000 the statement ol reenue and expcnilituie d slums a total 310562 k 4600000 sin plus on the eais opeiations ol 5139700 a statement ol trains less allowance lor doubtrul accounts j 37756989 ani losses lrom the budget is attached showing how this sin plus schedule 8 50000 unicipah- aiose 14721348 prownce ol oiituio i 1245 33 we call om attention to the following items on the balance dominion ol c m id i yoow shcel othei municipalities mil 371 70 outstanding taxes amount to 1043000 as compaietl with school quauls 16 uj71 s26o7oo0 a cai ago total outstanding taxes now icpiexcnl only taxes receivable schedule 5 3043090 lilties 63 ll x lcxv less allowance loi uncollectible laws iturcd debenture debt o the town stands at si 2i02so in aildi schedule 8 s86 s9 lion to this ihe town has assumed loi othei municipalities a net 36240000 amount ol 12167 00 and the sum ol 164042 00 has been bonowed pmpeitv acquired loi taxes schedule 6 36240000 liom the ontaiio vvatei rcsouiccs commission delened charges 38220000 t1e 1 s engaged in a maor lnghuiv pioeet which is total assets 310349 75 no mos pd lot bv subsidy lionl the provuici ol ontaiio as 69 549 75 no poinccs conti ibulion loi woik to dale had not been ie bioal enternrises ceied by decembei 31 1965 the town has temporarily excccdcil 1084o00o its boiiiminj limits liabilities 4690000 teinpoiaiv loans schedule 6 1ss30000 auditors opinion accounts payable debenluies and coupons due 121024975 we heieby lepoit that in oui opinion inteiesl municipalities i the financial tiansactions which have conic- under oui pi ounce ol ontaiio 179 37966 notice have been within the poueis ol the municipality except lor other munlcip ililies comm tempoiaiy bo rowing in excess ol statutory limits qthcl lotj bmuk ju comlnlsslors spcc intc a van- 2 thl n bll onducled in accoiilance with the due to water dept 13 000 89 56107 17626989 instructions ol the depu tment ol municipal allans planning boud 2 500 00 122746 3 the financial statements present lau 1 the financial posi 164042 43 llon ol municipality as at decembei 31 i96s and the icsiills 0l n p ol its opeiations for the eai ended on that elate- capital 12227 46 reserxes schedule 8 2 lever hoskin chagnon vlaegillivray suiplus torm c ure proceeds 161 35 2j9no5 total 1 labilities and suiplus v 161037170 jit liabilities schedule 16 1484 58 2 145 3 4 605 62 659 45 112 72 785 69 879 24 28844 31 802 51 330 70 188 504 82 26 000 00 57078 73 7 419 00 2579 90 57 552 19 i 5 s00 89 5 400 00 15 576 96 i 397 1 5 188504 82 town of acton statement of revenue and expenditure for the year ended december 31 1965 revenue ac toil budget total revenue hum tax i i ion schedule 3 480452 17 4784is77 long term dcbl charges recoei iblc schedule 12 expenditure contributions giants and subsidies gov el linie ills weltaie ksistaiice 7 252 77 highvvax i nipioxenie h 28 7s i is police anil 1 lie 529 40 miue ol i iciiin i laiiv ices i 108 29 likoiuliton il pel cipil i glints 1284640 rccic itum 247s 10 oiik 1 mil lie ip iltlc s c ounlv i ii ilton gove i nuieiit i nle pi isc s in id i iuxt omkc oiii ii io 1 cuo licenses llll i luills niilliile ilo t i s illu i s l 1 ullc s i u otlui riiiiiiu- re ills ill us i ills i lil 1 1 i lie use s 2 4 00 i i les 2 c 59 0 3 v llh 11111 111 sill 1 le m4 st rclcltllll ix hill hi ii sc i 1 s s 291 os so 042 38 80 042 41 7 s00 00 17 02500 528 00 i 000 00 12 846 40 52 9m ii 4 7is5 r9 4 7s5 n9 s uleilll- t sle it 1 limn lips ii lie pint i l i e ss ol 1 11 1 x ix i 111 sllllill pod ix t 01 00 4w 5 st s 5 00 s 1 12 72 1 00 7s 2 1 5 00 2 12 40 2x21 s sss44 3 150 00 i 10100 100 00 i mlolll 240 00 shot 25011 000 00 noo 00 p00 00 gl oss 1 ii l ri elllle sin p lis t mm i n ui tut l re vciiiis sc i u 1 i 1 i ill x lew t44 m90 14 tsss x3 4 p s- cx9 0x 43 41 in m gcneiil goxcrnmeni executive and legisl itiv adnunistialive othei aliial budget 6 000 00 6 000 00 21 903 17 21 56000 35 i73 hi 32 697 53 ploleetion io pi 1 soils mil pi upei l 1 lie 1 3 s22 24 1 5 200 00 police 32 vw 97 1 3h3 00 slice 1 1 ijllllll ii 217 ii 12 000 00 1 1 x ill an lent ii 9s issso 32 4 950 00 public woiks roads llijiw us ex sin sets 279829 i6800ll s nutation mil isle re nun il 11457 20 l 700 00 oisciv ilion ol iliallh 2405x7 245000 soelil well lie schedule 10 will he assist lllci k7 22 11000 00 i due ition in ludm debt di ii is is h liile 920ii25m1 19l70il recisilioii mil comiuiiiiiiv sciviee ll 13 273l05 debt hi r i ou teini deb elm s si hul i i i 20 xxyih 1 i ss ovs 1 sh lie o s il i il ll i tl 11 c s s loi te 1 ml 111 i i e s hi i o ii i 1 ii es v 1 le s vv 1 it tell ot i isuilllloll l hid pull le llllis dc llclts old 1 le s pi i lllc i loint hi spec il xpe nditui ex ouiitx rat s mlsec i incolls i xpee lt i l lixl tie tc i i 1 lllc i 111 x s ls 21 ii 1 22 s s2 mi i 1 ll 2 i 91 x i 23 7 i i 12 i 2 ikio mo s 2s 3 41 93 54 4 i8 9 s3 77 piihlslin toi mow 111 ex res lex 111 re on i units sihccluc s uiel i ii m i 1205 00 12 125 00 doss total i xpendiluie sin plus loi the ell to il expenditure section s57 64l 28 i 197 i s 659038 43 641071 s0