acton proud of topnotch band active since 1875 as winners acton citizens band glanc- back into its past outlines is present and takes a peek into the future r scai let coats shining biass eparlial music evciyono loves t a paicido and every town should have a band actons band has 1 been playing and parading since j ntooul 1875 there is some doubt about ihis exact date it may well have been oarliei hut solid j evidence places the bands be- giiuimgs no latei hum 187s i thus acton citizens band is i one ol the oldest and most ven erable institutions in the town and loda it is still actne nnd ihnving producing music amis itoi tomoi row tile band was loundcil bv a rval musical enthusiast lohn 1 hill away back in those eail davs john hill opeiated a stoic in lon and foi main oats ap- paiiitlv bandsmen musical in diiiiileiits and hade ciojs cum ii ted foi space in ills pie niises in latei veais he moved tile hand to nunc adequate quarters in the sons ot tenii- ciane hall loi the legulai pi act ices it vms here ihat ik instructed mans ill the bens ol tin town in the tinei points ol playing a musical instmment one sioi ft om ins davs as bauclinastei tells ol acton band taking inst prie at the countv tan against competing bands tiom nmval milton and oakville the covet ed 1 1 t st place was won in pait through a special anangement ot tin queen which jolin hill hail picpired foi the event anolliei sloiv tells ol him catching a voiflig lad pounding on the ciaoi ol the hall timing 0 pmitice the would be nils chicl nukor was subsequent 1 convened into one of the linest dinmniiis the band eci iiicl the foundations john hill laul were solid ones and mam 01 his rov s as men kept the band alive through the eais thev in turn have passed ilong john hills tkulilions so that these come still livsh to the joung plavcrs in naming toclav one of idjui hills bin s xvas cluiles vason an octogenai urn lodav charlie as he is lannl- larlv called was still a cr act ive member ol the band until about a veai ago he has a spe cial place in the memoi us ot manv piesenl dav band mem bei s back in the earlv 1940s the band almost ceased to exist tumnjei men had gone oil to the vvai and oldei niembeis of the b ind lound it too ditlicult to caii on all b themselves thai lie gathered togethci a gioup ol about 2s oung bovs iccuieii the bands insliiiments and a sinall donation lioin council and enven its blessing mailed i band with much coinage and eiioi gv a eat deal ot patience inel haul w ii k and a gentle manlv elainn ot two he made a bind this bovs b rid scxn became a bins anil on is band and it plaved lot manv a pal ide and gaielcn paitv in acton mil the miiioundiiig counli side the e 1 owning achievement ol ibis b mil and clinics masons wink came w ic n he led i to a hst place in us v 1 iss it the clin cian ationil fxhibition in j47 unfortunately as alvvivs lnp- pens the bovs and gu is iicvv up nd iclt toiv n loi schooling oi jobs and llu band lipid lv dwindled these bovs and 2irs hovvciei h icl leceivecl a puce less legacv ot training fiom hat lie s bins have conic a ct tiinatian a clic tor two lawsus two phd s in science two ebem ists i iicle spapei eiliter anil a lieut comniander in the fslavs to mention a lew the other- bovs and mils have become vvoithv citiens making conlri bullous in service and public responsibih tv tar a the crage lfftheu communities not all of the bovs lei t how ever some staved and these en thused willi the tiaditions ol band music in acton leoigm- ied the band into its piesent ilav loi m lhev bi ought some ol tho old inembei s out ol ie- tiiement sciiuleil out new inein- bei s aim pi oe ceiled to 1 1 am a new c i op ol bov s charles mason letneil as the bandmastei although he contin ueil as an active plivmg meni- hei ol the band his expei lence and knowledge weie made use ol in subsequent veais as he served on the band executive in his place as bandmastei in ls0 came a ii ieuolt a veiv tine musician with manv band championship honoi s to his ne- dit as leaclu ol the i ol lie scots legunenlal band he in tuiii led the band to a lust place in ted tyler jr president the band competitions ol the wateiloo musical tetsival and has continued as bandmastei to the piesent acton citizens band today has i2 niembeis in its semoi section 12 of them tccnageis and n in its nitei mediate gioup 1 he intei mediates vouugsteis vwth a spi inkling of adult leaineis will veiv shoi tlv shoitlv havi completed two veais ol naming 10 become lull hedged seinoi band members twelve bcitiiineis have stalled ti aimng on various instiuments and will eventually om the sen- ioi band vloi c beginneis will be taken into classes as more instruments become available the band is suppoi ted bv the municipal band tax bv law which allots one ball mill on the geneial i he lovvaids suppoi t of a band this financial suppoi t has peinutteil the band to con liiuie and expand its piogiam of musical iicicalion it can ollei to as manv bov sand men as ate mteiested lite use ol a musical mstiumenl mil lice tuition on that insti iinicnl the band is cluliialcil to tvvo pin poses its lust anil most mi poitant one is thit ol olleiing in the coinnnin itv musical ice leal ion loi ihnse c it iens young anil old who cii anil pi ol it liom it its second ind peihaps no less impoilint lunetion is- lhil ol supplvmg uiusic loi pai- ailes ciui luiiclions and ion celts ll ilk e ii ml ill lilts hut what of the inline i he hand is ust note lomplitmg lonstiiiclion and id vi lopmetit nl a commiiiutv musie centci and puk i his music centei peihaps unique ill its design and ecoiiomv ol loiistiiictiiin mill hi pi iiiiai 1 1 v used loi i lu ll mils own piacliees anil m si i lie lion classes it is hoped lioivevei that it will he used as will loi musical ciitei tainments anil iccitals ol ill kinds and is designed with this obect in view the music eeiilei i now solving even in us unl unshed condition as 1 eentei loi social activities and bantiiets loi mam community pumps the unto has an out elooi conceit plitloim attached to it and whin elivelopnienl ol the paik in completed will be 111 ideal localion loi oulilooi smimiii band cornel is picnics mil gaiden p11 lies the band tluxiligli its expand irg ti lining piogiam hopes to have a lullv developed conceit band ol so numbeis bv us cen tennial vcai in d7i in addit ion a juntoi hand of 25 01 30 plaxeis is envisaged the in- stiuction ptogram as it is now being developed makes use ol manv ol the icgulu band mem be is us beginning instiuctois loi thiee to five plaveis loi a pel 101i ol a veai at this time tlie bandmastei takes ovei and develops the whole gioup ol begmneis to semoi band standards the band executive is also consiclei mg a pioyiam which will include gills activities bntil now this has been impossible with lacil hits ol the music eentei avail able moie conciele plans can be developed the band has also discussed was in which othei tvpes of musical leciealion in the com iniiniii might he sponsoied and encouraged peihaps this will be a held loi inline expansion ol hand activities s the band en lets its 91st c11 its immhcis cannot help planning board outlines projects includes expansion planning board chulnnuit aldo brnlcla expresses the views of this board to clar ify the alms and purposes of planning following is his re port many people think llial plan 111114 is iiuuece ssaiv ami that it mei elv adds an additional 1111 eleii to the lost ol opeiiting the i own ol acton i liese people do mil iealie that tin pi 1 1 pi isc- ol planning is to assist 111 the oideilv and pioj4iessive ilen lopiiienl ol the i own ol ae ton and that without piopii planning and idettialc bylaws iheie would be- ullei elnos 111 111 ban development which would eventually cost mine to lemeilv than the small amount expended foi piopci plaiimng in the inst inslincc a few years ago the i own ol aclon ilamung hoiul iiahid lliaf llu piesently existing zon ing bv law was inatlequite loi i lie inline development ol the town ol aclon and utaiiieil con sullanls to diaw a new ollicial plan loi the town selling out i lie long lange goals in develop mint and expansion ibis ollicial plan was passeil mil appiovcd bv hie ontano cove- 1 11 men i a few weeks ago and the planning una id is now 111 a position to present the new zoning bv law and map to loimcil loi its appiovil anil af lei it has been passed il will be loi wudeel to the ontano gov ii mucin loi itsappiovil this upproval will he given aftci a public hearing has been held by the ontano municipal uoud to heai and deal with anv objections ov the piopeitv me net s ol the town ol aclon iv ho thuk that they have been unlaiilv dealt with in the on my bv law pnoi to the planning hoaid ippiovmg ol the ollicial plan and zoning bv law ilimii bv the lonsultanls main iiieetmgs vicic belli bv the boaid to eon sulci them and two public meetings wen held al which oh lections weie icecivcd anil sub siqunitlv lie lit with r hut teel ihat il john hill could lelurn among them he would sunn be ught at honu in ins old bind his woik has been cai lied on today we have acton citiins band an organization pioiul ol us past anil lull ol enthusiasm loi the chilleiucs ol us inline aido braida chairman tlie aclon planning b nil al so ileals with applications loi aiii liilmenls to theoflicial plan mil lo the lining bv law and lliiiiillv m all aieas while 01- ilei 1 planmng is nccessuy vlost ol the 1 emileiitiil anil indnstnal aieas loi inline ex pansion in the town will in util- ieil within the next live to ten veais and lown council in the ileal inline will be contemplat ing iniii xalion ol kinds 111 the li w nship ol ksquesing i in alton planning bouils lux iioect will be along with us uinsult nits to dtlcimme m li i pioblems annexation will giie use lo with lespect lo tial lie how capacity ol sewei and vialditiams seweiage disposal strict pat lei ns puks and con sei v alion aieas population den silv mil commercial 1 csiilc nliil and iiidiisti 11i development without planning piopcilv lor the inline- and obtaining an id- ci of the pioblems wtlucli we shall have lo lace development and expansion ol oui town will be e 111 tailed and remedying ol unloiseen problems will cause addc el expense to the taxpayer the members of vour plan ning mo nil ale appointed by council on a slaggeied time vcai li 1 in and in addition two mini hits ol council aic ap pointed vcailv planning board niembeis lor l6 111 as lollows aldo hiaida cli 111 man les dubv council rc- picsc illative robert o11nkw1l til council lepicscntative wil lion wilson lid loolitt cil miller william pcndliion j viccic 11 hie secretary all the above membe 1 s and thin picdcccssors on past plan ning float ds have worked toje- i tie t oi the betleinicnl ol the town nl acton 111 the pist and loi 11s uicieased prospc itv m llu lu tin c j b mackenzie son ltd general contractors coal georgetown 8 james street phone 8772207 suppliers of lumber building needs two locations to serve you better acton 12 church st phone 8531640 serving the georgetown and acton area since 1900