Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1966, p. 11

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halton 4h club news awards ror service the acton free press thursday june 9 1966 b3 halton h grain club by murray brownridge a talk by vern mcarthur weed inspector for hal to a county was the feature topic of the second meeting of the hal- ton 4h grain club held at the agricultural office milton on may 24 mr mcarthur discuss ed some of the more destructive weeds in the county and then handed out a quiz to the mem bers during the second part of the meeting the juniors discussed weed classification and control and why bother removing weeds under thd leadership or geoff tavlor agricultural ex tension assistant for halton weed control topic for 4h the second monthly meeting ol the acton 4h gram club was held at the farm of gordon leslie on thursday alay 26 the meeting was opened by the pres ident bill lastly who led the club in the 4h pledge the min utes of the last meeting were read and approved the roll call was taken and answered by all the membeis the meeting was turned over to geollrey taylor to stait the meeting he gave the members a short quiz on pesticide safe ty conducted to learn the members knowledge ol these chemicals after correcting these tests he went ovei the mateiial to see that the members have the necessary supplies booklets were distributed on bai berry he pointed out that if this bush is present in any place it should be reported to the local weed n- spector the subject of mr taj lots discussion was weed contiol he said that it vas necessarx to contiol weeds because they rob the ciops ol moisture decrease eiop value and increase the cost ol pioduction the weeds that sometimes exist in ciops lowei the iced value and many times cause heat in graan while in storage weeds an elassilicd into spung and winter annuals bi ennials and peicnnuils the ncl pail or his discussion was on contiol two common methods ol contiol aie cultuial and clu imcal some cultuial means ol weed contiol nc mechanical means sow weed liee secel and use clean equipment some methods ol chemical contiol ale use eorieet am ount ol chemical tollow elirec lions use chemicals when weeds aie at the nht stage of matin it anil keep up with the iicw chemicals thele ale two laws that aie to be lollowed bv laim ouneis anil seed pioelui el s land imneis aie icquiicd to see that the weeds aie killed licloie tlk bcai seeds seed piodueeis aie icq lined to seiul sunplis ol seiels to iutontu loi listing the meeting wis tinned on ol rodiiev oats to udge ollie ji the iliseussed willi the iiiinhiis tin lann maps which the membcis wcie to complete toi this nice tint some ol the mcinhiis told tin lest ol tin eluh the position and n line ol the building anil pointed out tin kes thai tins lollowed in the making ol the maps vl i allot then led the illetn ixiv in a stunt uli util ication ol sonii ol the common weeds tlic members ieii gmn u eliss ol lleiti hulc and one ol roiliuv oats to pidge ollie id u ison on tlu classes wlu j l e 11 b llll nil ke n tllel rll sell mllllll ltei the iiiilni- i slinit inn was coiidiic in hi ml lav lot 1 hi niei imp vv is adioui it eel llel till lollelllslon ol the illiitllv lelleshllli ills vviu si i veil in the hosts llu hosts wile th inked 1 cilheiuie lasliv on biliall ol tlii elnh underground wiring in at subdivision itin ilviliu liiksnieii hvvi completed tiinikii uv uiiilii guuiiul llvlllo si iv lies to two liivv honiis i in teil in the iiiwlv llivllopis seitloll ell laklmlvv subiliv isioii the nun ai wilting the at iival ot shi ial e mi be line the pel iliailejlt sn ee 1 lie killing 111 ilcrgixnniil wiimp tot s t 1 i e- t lighting eail be eimliplclcxt split festival llu linal illusion el hilton eoiinlv imisii listutl wasniiile last inht idnesea at a nuoting in thi sniioi public sehool milton the north and south sections liom now on are eonipletok separate the musie testnal itselt continues as usual but with diltcrent organization attending the meeting were pnnetpals music superwsoii and school rtpresxutauvei county the seniors talked about the application and types of weed spray all members then judged a class of garry oats east halton 4h calf club by thelma carney the highlight of the east hal ton 4h calf club held on may 12 at howard tarzwclls was the judging of two classes of holsteins the lirst class was three year olds in milk and john mcgee and don brander gave their rea sons and tom hunter 4h club leader gave official reasons and placings the second class was mature cows in milk and bert stewart jiave official placings a film on oreeds of cows was shovvn the meiiung- was- adjourned and lunch was served west halton 4h holstein calf club by douglas stokes the second monthly meeting of the west halton holstcin club was held on tuesday may 17 at the farm of guidon sin clair burlington during the first pari of the meeting club leader bill ben nett demonstrated the desirable qualities to look foi in a hol- mein cow and then tjie mem bers judged a class of holstem cows provided by mr sinclair the meeting then plit into two parts with the tumors led b club leader brll sinclan dis cussing dairv breeds and their characteristics while the scn- iois led bv extension fieldman geoll taylor talked on here ditv and the ellcctive use of a bleeding progiam 4h beef calt club by david jackson the third regular meeting ol the halton 4h becr call club was held on may 19 on the farm ol james mccarthy near george town the meeting was called to 01- tlei b the club piesident lairy gardhouse alter the 4h club pledge and the roll call the club nominated a commit tec to piepaie a cne demonstration and the beef call clubs display loi milton fair the members ol this committee are larry gaiclhouse pat swectman don hai i is and verna thompson the club memoeis then judg- cl a class ol summer yearling hellers with the oflicial placing bv john willmott after judg ing the heilers the members pioceedcd to a class of mature heieloid cows reasons for iheii placing ol this chiss viere lien bv don hams pete swectman verna thompson bill jackson and lai r gard i ouse tin ollicial placing was given bv john willmott the junior members mere in stiuctcd bv john willmott on the 01 ignis ol the ai lous breeds ul cattle and w hv tin brahama li om india was crossed with untie in western usa the biahania de eloped heat resis taut shams ol cattle loi the west the juniois also discuss u i he tactois to considci when ihoosing a herd the most i in put tant laelois aie pn sonal peilcience and the tpe of cat tle- suitable lot that elimatic 11 el the sen mis with deull ta loi mstiuctiiv iliseusseei inheu- linee 111 cattle pete i swectman thanked mi mecaithi loi supplving the two liielgnig classis and allowing the il citing to lake plan on his linn i he meeting then ad limine el mil the niiinbeis vine si i veil lelleshmellts honor 10 4h club leaders on thursday june 2 the hal ton 4h club leaders held a meeting in the agricultural of fice milton to discuss the 4jh program and future events the 4h bu3rip sponsored by the kiwanis club of the kings- way is scheduled for wednes day june 29 all halton 4h club members will be guests of these toronto kiwanians for a tour of the new city hall and subway systems the practice judging county livestock and the seed judging competitions were outlined and members will be receiving de tails by mail the highlight ol the meeting came when several 4h club leaders received certificates for outstanding service to the ruial young people the following club leaders were awarded cer tificates toy henry stanley agri cultural representative for 15 years service maur ice beatv rr 1 jvlillon ken ella r r 1 hornby jim mc kay rjr 3 georgetown and george pelletteno r r 6 mil ton for 10 years service nino biaida acton jim carney r r 3 georgetown a p galloway rr 1 milton brock harris irr jmilton and john will inott rr 1 milton tor rive years service r c alexander r r 2 georgetown patm heart field day june 25 junior farmer news notes service certificates were presented on thursday evening to halton county 4h club leaders with long records of service shown n the photo from left to right are brock harris if rr 6 milton 10 years george pelletteno staff photo of rr 6 milton 15 years john willmott of milton 10 years jim mckay of r r 3 george town 15 years and nino braida of r r 2 acton 10 years halton s agricultural representative henry stanley made the presentations on saturday june 25 halton county junior farmers are hold ing then annual luld dav at nelson high school and nelson park stai ting at 9 30 am george swan has olfercd his courtesv car to broadcast events lor the day winners of the vai ions events will be participating at the guelph area field day to be held on juk 9 at the guelph univcisity the junioi faimeis puichas cd a 75cup coltee peieolalor which is to be used lor eountv board meetings olhci agiicultu ial meetings held at the ague ultural ollicc local club and eountv activities held through out the eountv applications for 82 cenlenmal laini protect signs were rcjceiv cd in halton counlv and 4725 signs have been ordered for the province the danv pi incess contest is tc be held at the hays sales ai cna on june 21 a baibecue is to be held horn 5 6 30 choosing ot the pi incess irom 7 8 and an old tunc liddleis contest from 89 miss llsic gall liom scot land one ol this veai s oveiseas delegates will oe in halton counlv liom june 14 to 28 a special night has been set lot el sie on june 25 at bovnc com munity hall at 8 30 pin every one is invited to come out and welcome her to halton halton juniors have been invi ted to attend the county coun cil meeting on july 19 at the counlv building at 1 p m tentative dates have been set lor a county exchange with kent county on the weekend of july 1618 on the last weekend or july it is hoped carelton county cvill oe visiting with hal ton noival juniors are holding a baseball game and wiener roast on julv 8 at hornby park at 8 30 p m evcrvone is invited to at tend this lun night acton juniors aie holding a dance on june 17 at 9 p m at balhnafnd hall at 60 miles an hour with good brakes and dry pavement it is dilticult to stop allowing lor reaction time in much less than the length of a loolball lieid frank szabo shoe repair acton plaza the place where quality counts closed friday at 7 pm yellow rocket pull clip or spray it away yellow rocket have you noticed mustard blooming during the pas week in almost even hav and pasture jicld in halton count this is not common mustaid hut the noxious weed yellow rocket it is a biennial or shortlived peienmal which makes its ap pearance in new scedings thus the best method to prevent this weed becoming established on our larm is to use clean grass seed ii there aie only a lew plants in the field thev should he pulled and ourned oi bui led ii thev are piled up they will go to seed fields that arc heavik inlest- cd can be clipped oi cut foi caik hav oi glass silage to keep the vellow lockot fiom going to seed this cai with the dclav top quality floor coverings avlon vinyl surface 450 sq yd gold seal congoleum 9 and 12 widths 129 sq yd homh furnishings 127 woolwich st guelph phone 8222420 relax about your boat safecos boatovncrs policy pulls you out of troubles hke this because preferred risk skippers are covered against all risks except for a few standard exclusions on land or water call or visit us today for full details and your free 40page safe boating guide dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e phone 8530150 acton ont residences bui 853245 harold 8532565 afeco nwanc cd spung yellow rocket is con- sideiablv ahead ol the hav crop and this clipping ma be pos siblc b the time the crop is eadv lor harvest some ol the cllow rocket will have gone to heed 2 4 db h 20 o acid pei acre can be used to control yellow rocket in the tail when the iluilli is doi maul an eai y spun lieatment ol 2 4 db is also iccommcndcd but this must be- applied beloie the llovui buds appear on the weed tlieie is also some i isk ol damigtc to the allilla crop with the spung application ii luimcis do not pun the weed clip then ileitis oi spray this hill the luial landscape will he- vcllovv instead ol green in the jcuis ahead were right there when you need help when theres an emergency a call to us set action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8530640 acadian the doharstrclrhiiig budgcljoying irini- size bcautv fiom general motors vtciian low ptiec ear ami prihiel ol u it u in t tt to cotlv niec vchl it s an evpcilmve eat ol eollfc other people til i cel an illpltcel impiession ol vulini n cost ihcv ii env v vou von new cidian i h it s eonlempoiuv stvlni lor oil nil c lelt 111 ills so llhlell llvuiv collllolt ioommess and pet loi m iiiee uk 1ick anv ol c ulian s si low prtec niodclsarul ou vc ust ulileel unothci hmljzct lover lo the tjmilv nd as wc ill know voujnsiem t pet toe main ol ihcm on ii tmel a wide selection ol models at vour e uii in pontile hiiiek elcalcr s i riele ill allowances are iiiltii the deals arc leal and delivetv ii ijslei than even acadian by general motors a ejlnlrac motors valuc x sure lo ujkh icioeorc the i limine ai i i he red skeins 1 mr r on televi ion elak loejt listings for lime and channel authorized acadian pontiac buick dealer in acton pete masson motors limited 351 queen st east j acton ont summer help school will soon be out and youll have your young sons or daughters helping out around the farm but dont forget that then experience is not as great as yours they may be willing and eager but take time to show them how to handle the equipment efficiently and safe- iv before expecting them to op erate it such instruction could prevent an accident v cattle buyer c e thompson acton was one of the buyers at fi an nual dual purpose shorthorn sale at the sale tarns george town seven head were purchas ed to go to cuba sunday june 19th t fathers day cards for new father huibond son brother unci grandfather mc our complete aelectloefe dymo label maker 995 esterbrook felt tip marker several styles 49c guest book registers for special occasions special now 165 sheaffer pens and sets a perfect gilt for fathers cay from 98c to 25 4 color ball pens only 198 office and personal stationery miscellaneous five year diaries name and address books trip books foto albums writing paper dills stationery jer a enoiplrt mlerima vrdfiing tantttnrribmlu tyterf or th disertat- dills station ery 56 mill st 532030 ai3jvs oadiw i rnd

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