Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1966, p. 14

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bo the aclon fra pratt thuriday june 136 lets play bridge by bill coats this has been a groat week for bridge for our columnist wc played- at acton on mon day georgetown on tucmiiia erin on thursda and iwo ses sions at the hamilton tourna ment on saturday olliei plav- crs from the district lso isited prudhommes garden centre tor ihc hamilton tournament duke wilson and miss murloi le mackenzie plaed in the mixed pairs on fiida night on saturday i punetl with m father jack coals while duke wilson plaed with lkd kier ot georgelow n m the open pairs on sunda a tuun ion skiing ot duke wilson marione mackenzie bill llamiltun nut hare frost the lust lvo trom altitun plaed in t he- team lime with all this budge i should hie lots ot hands to uilk about the one that strut k im uik the must was a hand b u putnci bob ditkson ji at iht tlupluate budge guiio m gwrsetuw n fxatei noith north sj o 4 h k 7 d 4 0 j 10 5 xc4i ejmt t s s r hj 4 h a s rx o s il jo c o o 4 o k r n souh s- v o s h o 10 s rv 0 o 1 bid i north east x south west rsv pwv s paw vr rsv h paw rs ml pas in a column a tew wevlv ajs1 1 jv discuwjn leads i pro- ieht ihi- hand undei tht tate- ort ol what not lo lead- it sx1 jv a dc lender have a fair l long hump suit it is generally un- wise to m toi a rufl this iusi helps tltvlaioi manage hump on ihis hand wet uil the queen ot clubs declarer won in dumm with the ate and led a trump when the queen won in his hand he stopped to decide what to do declarer ltd the club nine which was won b eist east now cooperated with declatei o leading club south discaidcd a diamond while west rufled too laic west led the dia muncl king south won with the ace cashed the ace ol hump and led a thud spade to tluin miss kenney wl hostess miss noia kcnnev wav host tss lo the june meeting ot ihe act on womens institute the piesident mrs r lmd vsa opened with a poem it is great to oe a canadian the roll call was answered bv nam ing a past premier of canada after the opening exeicisev minutes were lead and adopted a letter of thanks was read lioni the children s aid loi help mrs andeison lomenei lor tlic bus trip gae a npoi t or the 1 1 ip loi june 20 toisit the adelaide hoodless home sa age shoe co in gait anil the piomci illage at doon with luncheon at the hohda inn at kitchenei sexeial ladies ottered lo make smchtithcs loi dccoialion din mil ilvo olltixd lostixe a don it ion ol 10 was lo be gicii airs lindsay reminded the lulis who were wuiking on the ilisplis loi milton tan mis irwi mis wildcrspin and miv han is to iimiic for the atton displat mis i i unbelt gau a use lul hint lot hei home economies upon mn wvnn education anil ot iinvliip convener gavi hi te- poi l that o canada was to be tin national nthcni miss noit kuimv npoi lid on saletv with a timil vvaiumg lor the holidav sijson to be ena caixlul the kk his highwavs ui mrs i rver rcprcsmtid the vi at a meeting chaired bv lis i ntl to tr and coordin ale the town groups toi welfare uoi k in ihe commumtv mrs e lambert and mrs a il tki spin gave repot is on the dfs li let annual held in balhnalud mrs lambert gave a humorous reading s this meeting was the pit nie meeting mrs davidson and mis anderson conducted some indoor contests miss kenne and ivirb brown won the waist line eontet and mrs dcnnv miss kenney and mrs linnlsay won the bo contest everyone enjoyed a verv dei- ciou lunch a vote ot thanks was extmd- ed to mjss kenney o end a very enjoyable meeting nn ihe talk of trump mii veil two functions ii was an ontiv luilumim uul il look out wests hist trump two good iluhs were taken and a hwattjeil to establish a heail i lie i in all deiluiei hhk nine ti ids lour tnimp one heail one diamond and three clubs hont a top boiiid i think that deelaiei lan io- tuallv be tleleated v duumuul lead but ill lot ou wmk lliat ottl vouiscjt nest time sou have length m trump as a tlr- itiultm nv lo make dtelaiei mil b leading vom long suit last weeks winneis veu hist hill coals and laik coals siioncl mis i pol lei and jk- ni ats thud hivan llanill ion aiul bill huihhh i0en mills business meeting during cleaning bee intended toi last wiek the membels ot the ladies aid held a shoi l business nitet mg at their annual church t kan mg hev on mondav duung the lunth houi it was dciidco to ask toi a donation instead ot having a congregational suppei altii the anmveinan this viu ov terns a tv to be bought tor the pulpit and a committee p- pointed tts om the sumlav school cveculivx lo help with ihe piviu this eai annuel sin sc rvii o is sundav june 5 mrs mclean at lead hen homo tor the next meetim it c weiihci pi t mils it will nv held on the lawn mr and mrs fd jinmiigs spent a long wxvkend visiting m port pent bowmanville and rice lake mr and mis r w light wue in whubv sunuav guests of mi and mi v jack gixnlaw a crowd of about 100 attenckd a calhcung ot brownies guicliv cubs anil scouts also pirentv and tnends in eden mills hall on wednesdav evening whin mr hart from si john vmbu lance and helpers irom acton gave a demonstration ol sa ing lives eti following this mi jim cann showed movies of the activities of the scouts and cubs in the past vear including their father and son banquet this wss followed bv lolfee and doughnuts mrs richael scott was intei- ied in eden mills cemetcrv on wednesdav afcrnoon shi w is a fonner icsident of eden mills charles kelly browne was honored satur day night by members of acton loyal orange lodge 167 on the occasion of his 96th birthday he received an honorary membership into the lodge and his wife leceived a bouquet of flow- niuii ihiiiu ers from r b p 877 guelph aar ind mrs browne tro shovan with norm tryer deputy master ol lli guolph lodge wilhoin orchnrd county master and torqus quee master of lol 467 life membership in loi 467 given as 96th birthday present eions oldest aitiu me chant charles kellv uiowne was gueni ot honoi satuidav night at the loval oiangi lodge 4c7 at crxwsous comers when he ixioiv cil a lite numhciship into the lodge on his 9otli buth dav mi browne who has hieii in orangeman loi the past 7s wars moved out ol llallon couniv foi a pciiod ol lime mil as a number of the guelph lotl ge hadn t tianslerred back to ac ton lol- his keen inlnevi in the home lodge sparked the liti membership presented b wot shiptul master heigus once both mr and mrs biowm were seated at the liont ol the lodgi whin mi biownc uenv cil his mimhiiship and mis blow ne was picsenleil wiili t houquel ol llowcis hum r i3p 877 guelph lodge nicmbu s gave both i licirtv lounil ol ip plause lollouiny ihe piiscilta- lions couniv mistii william oi ili- aul was puseiit lo bung con- giatulalions 1 1 om the couniv as well as inanv outol town lodge membcis who wished the coup le many nioie seals ol happi ness and pai lieipation in lodge all ins a biilhdav ciki with lightid candles maiked the happy oe- casion ot the nonagenarians huthdav the couple led a giand match and sing sung in complete ihc hiitliday celebta lion beloic ihe ptogi un wound up willi a dance mx lunch shverwoop history book in first place achievement day for the 4 ii clubs was held a i mil ton may 28 miss debbie rojji i gave the comment uy on the txhibil- loi the sophisticates ol silvt i wood seveial dilleicnl kind ol saudwichis suitable loi allii noon tea made an ltliactlvt exhibit rout members ol silvitwuud women s insltliili ittiiulil ilu llallon distiict annual ul ilu womens inslllule at ltdlioilnl mavs silvcrwood ltiinfi svuti llrm lor then i vi ci in in i iiiiiiv mlw dorothy wiimhi ul walk clton visited loi 1 wi i k unh mi and mis iliiiy miililii ton teeeiillv mi mil mi fjlllllll will imiichitiglun s ml and mis l ipli wlulli id mi miss i dill wliillli id ul ji don wite sunday viiiiui- nh mi itid mis if ii i y sl mi hen ii h iii iii i i torn a se vi n bout ul mi silviiwood wl iivd pi saiidwn in s mil edln at 1 j booth at the sdcriiniia ma iluiiussoi y nun poll in d uiu nil i s lu ptuvldi iiioii in il i piiiuiics lu lax nuii robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountain view s georgetown 111 mill st acton monday from 4 pm for appointment 8773971 cubane at horn ribbons for racers mure wlrc ml cubs from ac ton at the cubaree at flora j pt i- on saturday they tiiivrlltd by biii ccth leaders mi i ail ionian md mrs with ii and iwu tttutlii ri mis john fi i i v ii mil mr k miin in in ilu ii van ilui 20 ub lii re aluvi tin r lfjfn llufuljv iilii williauii llilhriif l uf val uii tnn mii ai inn alii i tin up iwiy iii ml h ll mi fe ly rvn ia i i y buy- ehaiiji il f- u in jj 41 i ui i lllll i- alij tin l ii it luh trails lirfhl- tt lyirj fiss a- itkli s d i soil erosion and wondenng at ihe strange natural formations ol ixjck there none of the boy had been to the park before eden mills bird sanctuary loans birds to the park and these vveie interesting to the bovs ai tir lunch the sports compe titions began with threelegged s ii k bean and straw races and tilgolwar lh races were run off in iii if ifll pll ritv ol acton boys iii r hbun thm came the iii 1 icld mn of the acton iv f w d ribbon- thee llu a f h i i i ri i lu ir hl th 1 truit i iii v mil ttirt ititt i irl iri f il vtlf i ul hohi il li h is uf guests iin till rnous fw sat iwh esn hatlluiah trail in sm n i i if carroau pm ftmr i llday and salij-vl- stssu n ttfl i isjjjji 4 ji j ai lm cuiiut tijti yilli marintt iuuitdtf 1 i ft hai xr won juti vto bameolf vl i fs i v- s thur5 wmat ltjt mchalfs navy joins th aifi kjcs jot i i r su- i casby in th mts j show times j mosu4v 1ursh4m tmlrswir rl j iuivy nd itlrdy kx 7 ssd lml pollock and campbell miinufactureis of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 6217580 ourlam spray now kill out those weeds for prompt professional service call rainbow landscaping milton 6782097 8782741 white cheese royal gold butter royal gold icecream kraft cracker barrel coloured mild cheese piices rflcctive june 8 9 10 and ii wc reserve ihe high i lo limit quantities hospitality loved by the family of which he was head neds only fault was smoking in bed dont light up after lights our careless smoking caused more than two out of three home fires m ontario last year 6822 fires in all klany of the smokers some men some women lost their lives dont be a careless smoker above all never smoke in bed or on a chesterfield when you are likely to fall asleep dont give fire a chance to start t a co olkratohs insurance association vxxtk home life auto rhubarb pie 49c family size polar king frozen chip steaks 4 1o tablerite canadas finest red or blue brand beef blade short rib roast blade bone removed or lb 49 cross cut i rib roast or boneless shoulder roast 59 c lb libbys deep buttered 14oz tins vegetables 79c aylmer assorted soups 75c iga canned buy a case for 165 ioox tin soft drinks 07c iga canned buy a case for 165 ioox tin only save 13c white swan twin paks tissue 2s45c golden ripe chiquita bananas i 2 lbs 29 prtxlutc iif i a an no i tradc strawberries pt 39c produce of isa can si i grade sweet corn 5 for 39c dinnerware this week cups saucers 5 roundup special l granulated b l i gm jk w 2 b per s ii bj jq j customer 35 t daeat av

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