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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1966, p. 1

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ht tn ffittt t mmetyfirst year no 51 acton ontaftio thursday june 16 1966 authorized ns second clnwi mnll by the post offjctt department ottrnva twelve pagestert cents over 900 applaud variety show as a follow up tohcr original 1965 round up the lions club show saturday evening follow ed a different talk from last yeai but it again proved to be a highly entel taming vanety which delighted over 900 people in the community centre headlined by the rhythm pals an instrumental trk lca tured on the tommy hunter tv and radio programs satur days show had something foi almost everybody it was run on a western theme but the mu sic and the humor was not re striued combining popular country and comic songs in the two and a half hour pioduetion imc was vlnce mount ford popular entertainci and wit fiom brampton who tied in the dillercnt acts and ltd the cheei ing sections partial to the lions since hes one himsclt vinie was introduced by a pha innx i the acton club welcom ing the crowd on the arena floor and spilling oei into the blea chers on tile south side ol the arena gailv tleckcd out in their re galia topped bv 10 gallon hats thev advised ccrone to smile and aftei a shoi t welcoming speech bv the i ion chief thev sang along with vince until the rhythm pals recoered a lost pick which slowed up the show opening on came the rhythm pals and they quickly found the audience receptive to then instrumental and ocal hanmonv the led off with tumbling tumbleweed and went light in to popuku western and folk music the ipas weie followed by jovcc carpciitci and her danc ers who first sang the folk song blcwin in the wind with jovee accompanying on the gui tar and featured a dance num ber bv karen ashlev mao franees marcoux and marianne coles the girls lornied up for a square dance and norm wil cox called off for them billed as a banio virtuoso chuck foid an amiable oung man whose attentions include a boyish gun and a real feeling for southern and al jolson mel odies didnt disappoint satur das throng with background from the rlnthni pals lie kept them toetupping and humming throughout his puformance led b george mussel le the 30 voice legion male chorus from acton gae a rendition of an old scottish number mv bon me lassie and the bells of st marys in loui pait haunony which changed the mood of the audience until intermission when acton citizens band en tei tamed with music from the sound of music some s lining marches anel the theme iiom exodus j second part of the program was ulenticil to the first with some new acts thrown in les duby actons singing maor backed by the rhythm pals received the loudest ap plause of the night for his ihicc western numbers the mavor saiel it was one ol the greatest tin ills of his hie to sing with the pals and the tuo afterwards commended les foi the quality of his work the pairs and squalen ac tons square dance gioup ciilci- tained as caller noun wilcox led them through militate rou tines in the squares were mi and mrs mansell nellis charlie pei it jovee blundell mai g and e whitied and geolie and mane hargraxc the chorahers sang the rol licking the happy wanderer to polish oil their pai t of the sec ond hair and the rhvlhm pals appeared twice and along vv ith chuck torel chairman of the erv success- ful show was vic bristow anel he was assisted by talent and food booth murray harnson and bob hall purchasing and sealing ait gordon stage con struction geoige lockerbie neil miller and gerry lamarehc ticket sales dave hunter pro gram advertising vic bristow and al laudei promotion rav evelan ushering andy nolan gate petei papillun und rav arbic transport department calls another millmain survey actons singing mayor les duby had plenty of accompaniment saturday night when he sang during the lions club annual show at the comrpumty centre the rhythm pals pop- stuff ilmtn ular tv entertainers played background music as the mayor sang three numbers left to right are michael ferby emcee vince mountford jack jensen mayor duby and marc ward councillors debate fines total 354 11 cases from town acton opp detachment had 1 1 offenders up on charges in police court in milton mondav fines totalled 354 with court costs amounting to 51 included on the docket was one local vouth charged with drinking under age who paid a 95 fine and 5 court charge a guelph offender charged with drinking under age paid a 77 line with a 23 couit charge other charges related to min or traflic otfenses including go ing through stop signs and speeding taxi fare manor rate increases high maple mortality in county fourteen surviving trees of the 92 planted didnt sit well with council at their icgular meeting tucsda deputy reeve parker repoi ted his conversat ion with the deputy county clerk had indicated the same situation exists throughout the county the clerk has been in touch with the nursery and billing ol local residents lor their portion ol the costs of the trees will not be made until the situation has been clauhed mimeographing of the audit ors report and voters list was approved at a total cost of 220 sarnia architect meets hydro commission here sarnia architect william an chews and his assocntc hank wasvl niet with acton hvdio commission i s at a special iiieeing wednesdav of las week to discuss possibiht es of pioctdmg with pi ins for a new 1ulio building onahec street piewous attempts to con slracl a new building with plans diaw n ov arctvtccl don ld skin nr were met with excessive bids on two occasions an cmi nntcd vrflooo building bv archi led skinner and cniniissincis was consielcicj bv the lowes bidder at around sio0oo0 following a visit to stiathrov where cummissioneis viewed the rcccmlv completed hvdio build in built there at a considerably lower cost local members ag reed to mcvt with the sarnia architect w ho designed the slrathrov building at the special meeting mr andrews mr wasvl and the coin- nnsson toured the present alice street werkshop in order to discuss tentative plans it was agreed later the sarnia archi teel would review proposals foi a new building submitted b the commission before an ap pro- imatc cost and future plans are maele during the meeting it so agreed to considci house at a future elate in some ol the new ill electric homes in lakcview subdivision accounts totillin s21072 vvcic appiovcd lot piviiicnt the ten per cent pel diem m- cieise in cost of care at hal- ton centennial manor was re poi led to council the rate has been increased from 5 per day to 5 50 the owrc repotted visits to the local waterwoiks system and inspections indicated the proper chlorine level was being muintaincel and the water qual- itv was quite satisfactory the request bv the local taxi to have the maximum rate in ei eased irom 50 cents to 75 cents for local calls establish ed bv b law was sent to com mittee for further study coun cillor drinkwalter suggested the 75 cents would oe the maximum i ate anel councillor masalcs said with the insurance rates the wav thev aic todav we aie lucky to have one taxi in bus iness increased costs vere cit ed as the reason tor the sug gested increase the cleik was authoi izcd to t tend ontano municipal as sociition clerks and treusur- eis convention to be held at hones haiboi june 20 21 and cheques will be issued to councillois lor hall the yeai s annual honoiaiium mayoi du by expressed his appiecialion ol the clloit put loiwaid bv coun cillors during the lust hall of the yeai solicitor sharpe advised coun cil that hcveilev blvd was nev er opened for traflic and could become a pai t ol the property for an lpailmeit project il the town passed a bylaw rt turning it to the uv ner ol the adioimng lots or an erdci could be made by the countv udgc returning ihe street allowance on the plan of subdivision to the owner ol the adjoining lots notice was received that john dunn had been awarded a class a sewjr and wateiworks opci ators cerlilicite as a icsult ol training with the ontano wa- cr resources commission woid was also i ccivcj that assessor yvllum lrskine had completed his three cji course in mumc lpal assessing anel icqucstcd council to present him his cci tilicatc al a liter date at council meeting tuesday clerk admmist latoi jack mc geaeiiie icpoited inlormation icccivcd i torn the department ol iianspoil indicated anothei suivev would be taken at the mill main intciscition it was suggested il this survey indicated the installation ol stop signals was yvai ranted this would compound the pai king problem on mill st complaints have been received about double pai king ol dchveiv vehicles and buses on mill st between main and willow mayor duby in speaking ab out the haaid lemindcd coun cillois that anv vehicles which ciossed the solid white line to pass a double pirkeel vehicle weic bi caking the law anel could be held responsible lor any accidents which occur reeve hinton suggested coun cil should be actively trying to get oil street paikmg lor the present piopeities mayor duby leplied to the reeve saving coun cil has been consideiing pai king lot three veais and said this pioblcm cannot bt solved with out costing the town moncv he was almost sine tllcie woulel be no parking on mill between main and willow sts if the stop lights aie installed concillor dons lyvci suggest eel the pal king pioblcm could be eiscd if businessmen would leave then cais at home or park on back sticets solicitor aldo biaida was an thoueel to institute the eollec lion of business t ix aricais up to december 31 1965 he was vuthoiicd to collect them through the division com t il nc cess uv cleik administ ritoi jack mc geaehie lepoited business tax an cats up until may 31 1966 amounted to ipproximatclv 14000 he lelt this was not too bad al present but reeve hinton pointed out the town had no security on which to col lect business tax and he thought ol the arrears as representing two nulls ol the present taxes another complaint icccivcd by council was a letter fiom pai ks boaid cxpicssmg strong dissatisfaction with the made quacv of police supervision in the park dining the busy week ends the ic lie l said the race liack was being used as a diag strip lor motorcvclcs and recommen eled regulation and coopciat po centennial new lion i alliums have been installed on each side ol the main entrance to the post office this is pail of caiclakcr george collins ccntennul piojcct shrubs weic planted icccntlv ion ol council il a tragedy is to be avei ted the mayor commended the puks boa id loi speaking in such strong terms indicating then concern he deplored the laik ol lespcel accorded law and ouler out didnt agree with councillor frvers suggestion tint paiks board members themselves might endeavor to coiled ol lenders at the park councillor robcrl drinkwal tci advised council he would be bunging forth a resolution to pioviilc lot a twoyear council icmi lalci this vcai other mcinhcis ol council might con sulci that mailer before he bin uhes the subject again he said improvements to eastern ave vmic appiovcd when council ac cepted then share ol the costs i in pioicet will see the widen ing of i astern ave west of young st widening ol the rail way crossing and the installat ion ol warning signal lights to tal cost ol the proecl will be s 19 730 ol which actons cost will be 2 385 annual operation and maintenance costs on the signals arc anticipated to be sjoo twice a week garbage collec tion returns to a year round schedule next week by resolu tion council set monday and 1 hursdav as garbage pick up clavs lor the whole town ii a holiday talk on the monday or thursday gaioage will be picked up on the next day the twice a week pick up was made possible when council pinch is cd the new gaibagc packet to spilcl opciation collection wnl bin a 7 a in and the two woikinen and drivci will be i unshed work for the day when the pick up is completed reeve hinton objected to this policy on the basis that it would tend to make the workmen hui- rv and might result in less safe ty a bylaw regulating the dump ing of sewage effluent and sludge withm the town of ac ton was given two readings the by law which was recommended to council by ha i ton county health unit sets up conditions under which sludge may be dumped and was submitted so uniform legislation would ap ply throughout the county another bv law authorized the clerktreasurer to sign quit claim deeds on lots in lakeview subdivision under the agree ment with long term invest ments ltd car wrecked narrow escape norman smith rr 3 acton had a nanow escape from seri ous injury saturday morning when his car ended up in a swamp a complete wreck at rockvvood the driver received a few minor cuts and bruises after his cai went into a spin after enlci ing an oil slick on the load it careened out iff control across the road struck guard rails and nosed over on its roof in the deep swamp below the big hill entering rockwood from acton wav mr smith was returning to ins home from work in guelph after finishing the night shift 96th birthday 1 rank f rawlings former icsitlenl of acton observed his 96ih birthdav on wednesday june 8 a patient at st josephs chronic hospital guelph tie is able to be about most of the time and enjoys visits from old friends reading writing and a friendly game of cards esquesing council debates road to fourth line lots the road designated no mans land two months ago by three esaucsing ratcpavcrs came back into prominence at last weeks hseiucsing council meeting flic owner of the land on the 4th linj ust north of the old bannockburn school clarence coles isked councl foi tenta live approval of the road if he brought it up to department of highways and esqujsing town ship specifications he has sold several lots there recently why would ou go ahead nil sell these ots and then come to council asked councillor pat patterson you sell the proper ly and then expect the town was 1 1 opm poli more ponce supervision at park sought by board jipcellcis eaieless ilnv els hid di inkers at prospect park came under fire st week vshen pai ks board members discussed the ileisl tor more polin pruto lion to prospect paik pat ions i rom oltendirs sierctaiv aii t cooper was in tnieteil to write i letter u mivorles oubv outlining parks boaicls cas is stand on ihe need lor more police protection and iitusst a hcansi at th iki council meeting to dseuss the problems member gordon harding was ol thvopinon mui police pi tocthmsrioud be illotid to the pai k nino braida said patrons should be protected from speed in mil thel he lelt the police cnuser did not patrol the park ollcn enough to diseouiage noting timers from lacing and iansig disturbance he iso claimed liuor was being consumed in the park and stressed this should be stopped nev member brendan aherne was of the opinion ihe ban would be heavv handed as many pienickeis enjoy a beer with their lunch ml braida sluck lo his opm ion about ihe ban but agiccd there was no use laving don n the law without piypcr police backing board members ic lined about an iiicideiil opening dav junes when mdlorevolists raced dovyn the beach area scattering vocin swimnieis mi braida added lb is was anohci icason to sik added nolle protection the new park charge bv 1 ivv pe mills ae ion residents fne id mission to the park on week ends and holulivs recent stiek ers lor ear windshields w ere mailed to all ltxal residents the usual 1 chaise per car till applies lor outoftown patrons with no charge lor psdestnaiw confirmation of hiring cam ejiew as park gale attendant was m eu at the- meeting at the rate ol s per hour pieseiit lor the meeting were chamian geoige williams v ice- chairman nino braida clilf bradley corel harding bren dan ahrne and secreiarv art cooper the meeting was held thin day of last week in the communilv cciitre architects sketch of actons proposed centennial library for which tenders are called and will be opened on june 29 ship lo pu a oad in mr cole denied this saying he was going to put the road in but onlv wanted to know if council would accept the road lor maintenance purposes after he brought it up to specifica tions councillor george c u r r i e pointed out that mi coles would have to put in entrance culverts also but mr coles thought that each individual householder had to provide their oivn culverts mr patterson felt it was up to ihe township to set down the specifications o mr coles would know what he had to do the road superintendent should have that information said clerk k c lindsay the discu- sion closed on the adoption of mr curnes sug gestion that council visit the arc i bclorc coming to any de- ctsiort in presenting a report to council donald law son esques- ings representative on the georgetown high school board pointed out thai ihe large num ber of new courses olfercd up- ped the cot lo the taxpayer- he suggested that larger units serving a whole area might be cheaper the vocational courses are ex pensive to operate he claimed nd felt it might be wiser for only on school in the area to offer some special courses ra the i than each one duplicatng the courses it would be cheap- civ lo transport the students than to hive he same facilities in neighboring schools he con ic nek d thats exactly what we had under the old north hafton area high school board com mented clerk k c lindsy mi lawson pointed out that lsqtiesing s high school popula tion has not increased a great deal in the past few ears but cxpl uncd as georgetowns pop ulation grows esquesing s fin- uncal share will grow accord- inglv in conclusion he stated that no member ot the georgetown district high school board has accepted remuneration for their duties as thev could under the present legislation building inspector informed council that permits valued at 254550 were issued inr the town ship during the month of may these were all residential build ings

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