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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1966, p. 13

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the acton fraa prtw thursday june 1y 1964 the sunshine school for retarded children at hornby held its annual open house tea and bazaar and display of childrens work on fri day afternoon with a targe crowd attending shown admiring some of the students handi- stuff pholo work are acton ladies auxiliary members mrs robert adams and president mrs r louttet with acton students george adams and joyce bonus lets pla y bri dge by bill coats did ou notice 1 mistake made b declare whaj it ho al lows the king of clubs to hold the tuck now then is no plav to cut oil the cntr to dumim last ueks winners ucic inst gloria coats and pal jet lares second brian hamilton and bill baibour third cam sinclair and george soltv library services will be examined a committee has been set up by the south central regional library coopcrativc board to begin a detailed examination of library services ih the counties of brant halton and went- worth the study will establish which ureas are without ade quate library service and nn what ways the bervice needs to be improved willi this basic inlormalioii the regional cooperative ex pects to set up realistic objec tives for its tuture programs the survey will in lact be used bv the regional board to back up us requests lor funds from ft he provincial library service the may meeting or the re gional board held near george town welcomed librauanwmnd library board chairmen from north halton libraries present were geoige lee ol acton ro bert mackay of milton and miss m naerand h allen ol geoi getown as there is at piesent no trus tee on the regional board ironi the noi th halton aiea it was suggested that the local librar ies appoint a representative who would attend the boards meet ings mi mackay of milton was chosen the next meeting ol the re gional board will consider ap plications b membei libraries loi funds for special proiects several board members and guests commented in how use ful the recent architectural building workshop lhas been and reported on followup ac tion that has been taken an other workshop on the training of library workers is being con sidered for the fall the regional boaid decided to send a member to the can adian i ibrarv association s an nual convention to be held in calgary in june st albans guild told of australia h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 27150 the language of contract bridge is lull of special names tor t pes ol plas that can be made there is the squeeze the end plav the upper cut the bath coup the vienna coup and rnin moie few ot these names lerfer to defensne plav out there aie two which are verj similar in nature these aro the deschapelles cou and the alerrinruc coup both ol these involve the sacnlicc of a trick the former to create an cnlrv in partners hand and the lattei to destros an cnii in dumtnv i had occasion te icsoi t to a mernmic coup in a rubber budge match last week hue are the hands with wcm the dealer and neithei side ulnei able- north s s s 2 h k j 10 9 7 5 l o east pass pass pass south 1 d 2nt 3 nt l 7 3 west last s- 10 4 s 0 p 4 h- 6 4 h- 0 1 t- 8012 d- k j 4 c- 9 012 t- k j 5 south s k j 7 n s 1 i lo 7 5 c q 10 fo lawn care hints 1 s oiii lawn 1 tec ol weeds ill i1m hilt 1 ela ik f lcvll iii eol the bidding west north pass pass pass 2 h pass 3 h all pass the onlv pai t ol the bidding that i wish to delend is east s pass 1 held east s caids and a it duplicate budge i would op en this hand everv time but this was rubber budge and i can alford to pass this kind ol hand west led the spade ten m an attempt to hit my best suit this v is illowed to ride around to eteelaier who won with the ek since hearts oflei the best chance toi tucks declaiel led i lieu mc plaeel the aek liom elunirm cast won with tile queen now eist knows th it tlu ill uiioiul queen is not an cntn hie thm to do is to knockout uumim s elub ace lou club is no ooel dccl ii e i will ust win in ins hand the onl caul is 1 fie elub kin anel this was led declaiel won in dunum anil ie allnu thlt the he ills ttimc ileael led eluos loi a tniisse beii with this woikmg llleie was no plas loi nine tucks in all ikelaixi lost mo he u is two ill imotuts anel a spade do it yourself doesnt work in insurance either why run the risk of do it yourself insurance our expert help makes it easier safer and less expensive call us today be safer save money see your safeco expert dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e acton 8530150 residences bill 853 2645 harold 8532565 safeco imsurance in ii ill- not sonic ol the till lowin steps nun inipioxe uhii law n went s ill he ellilllll lleel h vpi iv ni wiili j4i anil eilhn nilvcvm vceopiop ihise null tillletl lilolt lies call he ie llllh pillvllisell lle shlullll te ip- pllell leelheillv iii illl cetloils oil wailll elixs whcll thclc is little wind tii must be tiken to aoid elnl l ol ihe spii onto the anli l llowcis wevels mhii as ilanile lions ehleksevil planlaiii aiul cliieon will be killed in order to keep onr hvvn with a pikil eleilsile uul a cikj eoleii leliquale lelllllle and prev xr eiiunii teshmques aiv im portant leltlllel should ts ap- plleel at llls thles tllllcs a mi it care is taken when ipplwng tertilifer oielniarv tield leitil ler iui he useel with a reat samjlg in eevst it is oltiil ejesn able lo wttei the lawn tollow inj the in tiliei man liw ns arc runieel b close clipm in the hot di weathoi hi sumnici this em b- piexelitesj b lllc ixasinp the height ol tile- liwil mown lilt ting high does not nn in to let the glass become tall before cutting 11 tile m ls should be cut otten enough so thit not oer an nieji it growth is cut at a time otherwise the glass will hocxiine unsightlv and slow to recover dull mower also causes the lips ot the gras to be bruised and cause a brow n- ish appearance publication 44s lawns and 529 weed control in lawns are available at the ag ricultural office milton mothers again its baby bonus contest time at milton department store participate in our summer 1966 baby bonus contest just pay for any purchase small or large with your baby bonus at milton department store fill in a draw ticket with your name address and amount of cheque and drop it in the lucky draw container in our store milton on june 25th a draw ticket will be puued i0m the box and the winner will receive the amount of 200 main st s7b9261 her baby bonus in cash of fully air conditioned for your shopping comfort store the june meeting ol st al ba n guild was held at the home of mrs t oakcs with mrs g rountmn presiding the meeting opened with a hymn and the guild prayci the sciip- turc was read by mrs c lind say members veere treated to some lovel sniping by a double duet composed ol bonnie biis- tow diaiine bousfield baibua piatt and catliv hinton the oung ladies were thanked by mis g cut nc minutes were read hv mis c lindsiv seconded bv mrs g cuirie followed bv ihe itreasui- crs lepnrt bv mis d huntei seconded bv mis v bnslow the date act lot the annual stiawbem social was june 21 at 6 30 in i lie palish hall mrs r mcmui rav spoke on ihe pioposcd coordinating com mi i lee mis j lia oluiiteeied lo ivpiescnl the guild at the lust meeting the meeting closed with the mipah benediction mrs r hoarc intioduced the uicsi speaker miss ventv me intosh a tcicliei from the ro bot little public school miss mcintosh showed lovely slides ol her native land ol austia ha she showed slides anc spoke of the australian aborigines sole survivors of a distinct hu man race the australoid thev aie a very olack skinned people who are still centimes behind accepted civilization some of these primitive people wander ihe wastelands practic ing the stone age arts ol their ancestois while others are em ployed in mines or on cattle or sheep stations some live on mis sion stations or on government reserves only a few jive in the cities any way yoi figure it the finest welcome to acton is welcome wagon a visit from our hostess will make yoia fel at home with her basket of bifts md answers to questions bout the town its criccs and facilities just miss mcintosh sulci that everv so olten thev go on a walk ibout and seem lo uvt dis appeal into linn all foi a lime thev aie not eiv interested in t lie creatine comioits piovided oil the government loserves there were slides ol kanga- kiiis koala hoars lngc hntls that tiiite easilv icuii to speak an ant hill much lilln thin a iiiui ileitis ol sheep and sheep biiiii shelled slides welc shown ol biiiiimg stiu cane lulils lo iimm- nil poisonous snakes be lore the eulteis in the sugai caic is nol hainied bv the hie as ii is encased in bamboo which dois not buin i ovelv helds ol wild llowcis till huge aeis roik a stiange land loi in lound at the cenlre ol the continent il is six miles a round and dates bick some 210 million years and ultra mod e i n buildings and cities were among the many interesting things shown after miss mclrttvsfi iiid n sweicd many questions she- was thanked by mis v bns low a lovelv lundi was served bv the committee in ehai ge three limestone blocks 63 x 13 x 10 leet in the temple of jupilei built in ad 150 at iailbek ncai damascus arc the laigest ever used in building remember when income tax was paid onlv by people who could afford to harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service ropiirt to all makos of furnaces cuitom aheet mtil work oil and oa furnace inttalutioni convartion burners main street n 8569934 24 hour service rockwood enjoy quiet comfort by the roomful all day lone all summer long no more miserable sweltering toss n turn nights choose from a wide va riety of models one for every cooling job for as little as 175 00 manning electric 54 mill st e acton ont phone 8532950 i call phone 8534945 v welcome newcomers use tills coupon to let us know youre here njmc address town plcs tlac the wel come wagon hostess call on mc i would like to sub scribe to the acton free press i already subscribe to trie acton free press fill out coupon and mail to clrxul ttlor dvpt the acton free press riding school ross lake park farm instruction rates evenings and weekends 300 per hr morning and afternoon iz 200 per hr pony riding lessons 200 per hr trail rides 200 per hr prices effective june 20th anne vernon riding instructress for further information phone joe ross owner 8773895 georgetown prices effective june 15 16 17 18 we reserve the right lo limit quantities watch your post office box this week another of our value packed hand bills will be there to greet you with savings galore in all departments shop today shop now at ledgers iga where you always get a little more than you expect

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