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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1966, p. 9

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progressive development for future provision of modm living accom modation for elderly people of limited means was the very important subject discussed at last weeks meeting of the acton development commission the meeting of representatives of local or ganizations was called fcy the commission to explore and discuss the possibility of establishing such a program in acton while attendance at the meeting was rather limited this was mainly caused by the relatively short notice of the meet ing and certainly not an indication of a lack of interest it is encouraging 1o learn that the acton branch of the legion had previous ly discussed a similar program we are pleased that both the legion and the development commission are conscious of the need for acton for this type of accommodation and ar actively engag ed in a review of the srps leading up to the establishment of such a project in our youthoriented society we have many taxsupported and volunteer organizations contributing to a rich and full life for the younger members we think the establishment of modern living accommodation for elterly people of limited means and a recognition of the requirements of this rapidlyexpanding section of our population are problems which we have not yt recognized in acton senior citizens as a group have dif ferent housing requirements than those of other age groups these special needs must be recognized and planned for if their accommodation is to be suc cessful both from the comfort and safe ty point of view of the residents and from the economic acd maintenance point of view of authority providing this housing as psychologists are quick to point out independence is one of the key stones to a healthy m ind by having this accommodation provided the resi dents are not only assured of this very important feeling of independence and of their place in the community but they are obligated to look alter themselves and provide the effort necessary to ade quately keep their own domicile accept able as long as these cldrly persons are occupied independent and happy they are less likely to enter fully subsidized and heavily regulated homes for the aged this accomplishment is not only commendable for the good it does for the people directly involved but it sets an example to our entire society mr ryan of twin pines apartments attended- the meeting aid outlined the various procedures and some of the problems that would be encountered in the establishment of trc project the local requirements as outlined by mr ryan included i a local cosponsoring group and continuing supervisory committee 2 a survey of need potential ten- a ants acceptable to central mortgage and housing corporation 3 well located reasonably priced land 4 local municipal council agreement to rebate property tax excluding local improvements in full if possible but limiting the tax to not more than 25 per apartment per year 275 per year for 11 suite standard bgilding 5 local participation in the owner- equity financing of approximately 5 per cent of the total capital cost of the pro ject including land this equity may be in the form of lan cash or a combina tion of both the twin pines apartment program throughout ontario is a cooperative ef fort with local groups and individuals who are prepared to assume some re sponsibilities of the partnership in order to effect satisfactory end results both in capital costs and lowest possible end rents best results have been obtained to date with local advisory committees sponsored by a specific service club church or fraternal group or by the mun icipality itself continuity of responsi bility and interest is of prime importance while twin pines apartments assume the entire financial responsibility of op erations and management it does how ever depend extensively on the local advisory committee in matters of survey of need municipal tax rebate selection of land equityfinancing selecting ten ants continuing full occupancy well- being of the tenants plus general super vision of the building and the building- supervisor usually a male tenant mr ryan said he attended the meet ing and spoke of the project subject to one important qualification no new pro jects were being initiated by his group at the present time pending a decision by the ontario department of welfare on an increased grant towards the pro ject the government of canada through its crown corporation central mortgage and housing corporation provides up to 90 per cent of total cost of construc tion this is amortized over 50 years at 5 per cent the welfare department province of ontario provides a grant of 500 per suite approximate this is a capital grant and is not repayable as this is a shared program federal- provincialmunicipal the municipal coun cil must provide a tax agreement with the local twin pines project of collecting not more than 25 per suite per year this must be approved by the minister of economics and development and the ontario municipal board the local group whether service club or council must provide the bal ance of the equity required over and above the cmhc mortgage and provin- v sugar and spice by bill smiley we went through a beach village last weekend on our way to visit the grandparents you know the sort of place perhaps 83 yearround residents and once the weather warms about 10000 parboiled foreigners every weekend and all through july and august its not my cup of lea but such a resort has something theres a csrnival excitement for the teenager and for fam ily groups and the middleaged it means getting away from the city yet not having to cope with the wild frightening silence of the real country sun and sand and sky at these places arc magnificent so are sonic of the bronz ed bikiniclad goddesses wriggling past the penny arcades and shooting galleries but it isnt these things that give the beach village its atmosphere no its a compound of other things that makes them fascinating there arc the wonderful smells ham burgers frying stale beer gasoline funics fish faulty septic tanks there are the freshair sounds eight thousand gulls fighting over garbage the squeal of tires and vroom of exhausts as the punks scatter kids like quail the whine of powerboats beheading swim- and of course there are the sights here the pen falters words alone cannot convey the impression of that pink pot bellied man in purple sport shirt that lavish lady whose slacks match exactly her orange hair nor do the beach villages neglect the sense of touch theres the stovehot sticky asphalt underfoot theres the cool thrill of bare feet on some kids dropped popsicklc theres the satisfying crunch underfoot of a halfeaten bag of potato chips im not knocking these places they have their own charm like zoos at any rate there we were heading for this beach village which lies across our route to grannys and suddenly they started to batter past us in pairs in threes in gag gles of five or six the motorcycle gangs there were at least three different ones with such names as the marauders across the backs of their black leather jackets oops looks like a rough weekend at the beach says i my family was en thralled just watching them fly byblack jackets cowboy boots dark glasses we stopped in the village to buy something the invasion was on they were everywhere the storekeeper groan ed when i mentioned it i sure hope they dont start nothin we got a closer look my wife was appalled shed never seen such a collec tion of females in her life greasy hair dirty clothes and builtin chip on the shoulder i guess its difficult to stay dainty on the back of a motorbike but they did look like a jam of tarts from a glasgow slum tho men were equally interesting you could tell them from the girls be cause they hadnt taken off tlicir leather jackets to etposc every inch of legal flesh they were obviously into the beer alrcadv but they werent having any fun they werent relaxed they were tense they didnt walk they swaggered they didnt jaugh they sneered big burly brutes dirty longhaired i must admit they gave me a small cold chill down the back nothing happened we werent beaten up or insulted we drove off glad we werent staying there the next day i heard thered been quite a rumble at that village on our way home over the same route we were wondering whether they had left there didnt seem to be any sign of them then we rounded u corner there was a big crowd in the middle of the road a policeman waved us by on the pavement were two bodies covered with blankets but you could see the cow- hoy boots sticking out a greasyhaired girl crouched stroking the face of one of the young men lying there i dont know whether they were dead i dont think so because nobcxlv seemed hysterical and the cops were calm even indifferent it was rather like watching the last scene of a tragedv when youd only seen act i and then had to leave cial grant invested as preferred shares in twin pines they may receive up to 5 per cent interest return on this agree ment applicants must bo nearing 60 years or older and physically and mentally able to take care of themselves minimum is 750 income annually for individuals and 9o0 for couples maximum is 2700 income from any source annually for individuals and 3600 for couples the local advisory committee is re sponsible- for screening and approving tenants on a nondiscriminatory basis having regard for priority for those in greatest need waiting lists are usually treated on a first come first serve basis normal tenancy lease requirements are applied at all projects rents vary and arc dependent dir- ectly on construction costs cost of land month for the bachelor suite and 5900 for the onebedroom suites we appreciate and we are aware many acton citizens will appreciate the leadership being evidenced by both the legion and the development commis sion in considering this project while there may be a temporary hold up it is safe to assume this type of project will rjever be completely abandoned by the senior levels of government and any plans made locally now could be im plemented as soon as clarification of the provincial capital grant is received and degree of municipal tax rebate- ex isting projects are as low as 4900 per brief listening to a band concert in acton park on sunday just in front of the water area of fairy lake that has been one of the towns natural assets for years the thought occurred many more improvements could be made to make the park eve more pleasant perhaps the service clubs would find park beauti- fication an ideal project student reports implications of christianity topic of church conference anglican divinity studknt laurence g duby has written for the free press a re port on the 14th annual elgin house-jccs- wtck conference of united church men which he attended last weekend i should first like to publicly thank mr bruce shoemaker of trinity united church in acton for sponsoriiij mtr at this conference it has been a vcrry significant event in my hie tho conference was hold as usual at tho two confervneercsort centres of keswick on lake rovju and elgin house on lake joseph in tho muskoka district they arc both idcl settings for such discussion and medutjttion as were the norms of ho conference program the theme of the conference was the implications of being a christian and tho theme speaker for this xcar was rev earle gordon of wiruiipcrf mr gordon presented three main addrvsses under the headings of concern identification and where do we go frvm nere the last of which he delivered during the clos- ing yorship and communion service on sunday morning the main thesis of hus talks was to make forceful note of thw fact that the one third of the worlds population which is well fed and wealthy is both christian and white and that the lack of real con cern that we ihow for thc other two- thirds cexeals how muchi we believe in the scriptural words of christ tf you have done any of these things for the eat of thee jour brotircsrs ou bait done them for me- mr gordon vos a a cry dynamic and sincere speaker as tho theme speakers of the past have also been according to reports from members of the united church men of acton who hae attended conferences in the past rising early in the mornings at 645 to the tune of a frcqucntlychascd bell- ringer several hundred delegates at each centre had a full da of singing listening to theme speeches discussion groups workshops meals worship and fellow ship there was one period on saturday morning during which the many forms ol recreation at the centres were avail able for the delegates this period was welcomed by all in the discussion groups made up of about 10 persons ach the themes were discussed and the members became deeply involved with the implications upon those of us who call ourselves christians these groups were also one of the many opportunities or real fellowship which was the highlight of the conference in my eyes some of the topics discussed were what is the difference between the caring of christians and norvchristians is it possible for a man to have a personal relationship with an all-power- fur god i couldnt cars less is an expres sion we often encounter today what prompts it are we in the church guilty of the sin of the priest artd levite preoccupa tion with the eubhrrvint while the world cried out in its nfcad what about jesus and the cross arc we expected to be involved in as costly a way the several workshops which were available for specific study were extreme ly relevant the new ciirriculum what should the christian and his church be doing in todays world christian understanding of the al coholic what is in a beer parlour for the church is temperance modera tion or abstinence the policy of the uc what causes alcoholism how can and should christians show proper concern for alcoholic persons youth challenges the church you tell us christ was involved in worldly things but as his advocates vou leave the care of the social outcasts criminals drug addicts homosexuals indians etc to nonchristion social of welfare agen cies christianity and your vocation lack of self analysis and lack of christian maturity in the chosing of lifes wxrk the christian attitute toward sex sex is for persons not puppets hcalthv sex is beautiful the rural church christianity and poirricaj affairs parliamentary democracy feeing an insti tutionalized form of controversy makes it impossible to have christian politici does this therefore make it impossible to have christians in politics the conference dosed on sunday with a very impressive communion ser vice at the keswick centre tfce dekltcj from both kcavici aod jejn house ivfcrc in attendance and the atmosphere was one ot awe and reverence which should always be the case at a holv communion service a eucharist or a mas depend ing upon vour tcmiinologv it reminded me of another eucharist whici was administered to four thousand delegates at the conference ot the nation al student christian federation in ath ens ohio christmas 1963 there the form used was the ancient riu ol hippohtus which was used by the christian church in its early liturgical history both of these services the one in athens and the one in keswick revealed to me the pro found importance of this observance in the life of every christian this conference provided an excellent opportunity for me to associate with lav- men of the united church from many walks of life and from many pjrt of the country and to feci the spirit ol their christian convictions i recommend fu ture conferences to those of the united church men in acton and hope that thev too w ill share their experiences and con- vitions with their fellows m other de nominations in the community regard less of the future of the proposals for church union christians should be be ginning to share their feelings wth their brothers so that some of the silly miscon ceptions we have of one another may be removed to clear the way for construc tive building of one important institution the kingdom of god i recorded the main speeches of the conference and would anyone interested in hearing them peue contact rre and wc cm araaage a time to play the tapes back issues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 20 1946 at a meeting of the school board mr e e harrop was appointed school at tendance officer following the resignation of mr j h rcid who has served so faith fully in that office for 25 years mrs hazel orr was engaged as assistant n the continuation school staff at a salary of 1800 this now completes the staff of both schools r last tuesday acton and the families welcomed home again two more mere re turning from overseas service serpt wil- lam elliott has been overseas for five years and cpl w buchanan has been overseas for some time both were pas sengers on the aquitania at the regular meeting of council on motion of coimcrllors creighton and ben son the board of directors of the yimca were appointed the committee on phys ical fitness for the tovn this committee met later with acton athletic association to plan a summer program for the park it is intended to provide playground equipment for the small children base ball track and field volleyball quoits and socce f day will be held at the end o7 summer john gray will be available to supervise one of the bestknown and highlyre spected citizens of nassagawcva matthew job passed away in his 76th year- basements are excavated for two new homes on main st n clarence rognvald- son and a e hufnagol are the owners acton park was the scene of a clash between old rivals acton and milton and the countv town went down to defeat footitl masales lindsav and snyder made the difference for acton 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 22 1916 whv ruin your eyes the white light ray lamp will give you as bright a light as gas or electricity and as cheap as your ordinary smoky dingy lamp special offer push only a taylorforbes lawn mow er trom 4 up the recital given by the pupils of miss iiuretta m gray mus bac in knox school room was largely attended the pupils acquitted themselves with credit those who took part were misses marg uerite svmon margaret and jean wilson jean kennedy olga moore edna hendei- son marguerite ryder jessie russell elsie and marguerite stewart may vi ld- gust jean stalker and anne akins and masters david and kenneth henderson duff wilson melvin williams and willie stewart mr fred t hunter made a petition to council bearing the name of the beard- more tanneries praying that the daylight saving scheme be discarded and that standard lime be resumed mr hunter made a strong plea on behalf of the work ing men in town and of their wives and families at home he alleged people pet up an hour earlier and went to bed no earlier and were consequently not in good condition for the ten hours of work a day- required james h reid said farmers are much inconvenienced and church services arc presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckcnzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday june 26 1966 9 45 am church school 1100 am divine worship and celebra tion of holy communion homily on the christian passover friday june 24th 830 pm pie-coin- niunioir preparatory service everyone most welcome trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engcl ba bix organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday junl 2t 9y church school withdraw for summer months if 00 ajn divine service the sacrament of holv communion nursery dur ing service sermon mauida- torv options nevt sunday joint services with knov in trinity church at 1000 am nursery provided during ii am service acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidev ave ph 8531615 sunday june 2t ie6 945 ajn church school adult class 1100 am morning worship the fun- away preacher 700 pm evening service who is the prodigal son tuesday deacons meeting wednesday prayer and bible study 750 thursday choir practice 730 thought for the week if god be for us whocaibe against ui roman 251 mixed up councillor bell thought not ten per cent of the citizens are in favor of it mr robert bennett said its aill right at night but its no good in the morning the petition will be further circulated rev wilson just back from the pres byterian general assenibly in winnipeg says the church has had to drop many mission fields due to lack of funds after spirited debate a vote was in favor of church union 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press or thursday june 25 1891 the park should soon be in good shape it is costing a good deal of money some thinking citizens say that more than is warranted is being expended on the race course when it is well known that acton is not a racing town mr john arthurs horse which was so badly injured a month or so ago and was for some time expected to die has almost entirely recovered and is being driven evory day mr j lawson vs reserves credit tor this triumph of veterinary skill a gang of telegraph linemen have been at work putting in new poles here fhe past week they no doubt did a good job for the telegraph company but such an exhibition of slanting posts and un sightly supports would be hard to imag ine there is- certainly nothing- aesthetic about the telegraph company rockwood the eramosa council has at last decided to patch up the old rotten bridge at rockwood if nearly all the members of that body did not owe their existence as such to rockwood there would be some excuse for the treatment we receive at their hands the acton a free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 frmiiiricl in 1a75 jnrt pubtilirri evry lltui sdrtv nt 30 willow st at- ton on tario member of the audit bureau of clrnilntloin uw cwna and owna advertising rjtph on request subscrip tions payable in advance 400 tn canada 700 in all countries other than canada blnsle copies 10c authortxed ai second class mail post office department ot tawa adveruilntf la accepted on the condition iliat in the event of typograph ical error that portion of the advertising ptce occupied ry the erroneous item together with rctonibl allowance tor signature will not b charged fnr but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for dt trie ipplicihlc rate in the event of i typouriphica error id vert il tiff coods or strvicm it a wronjf price good or services rrwy not be sold advertising is merely hi offer to icll and may be withdrawn it nv time pahlithetl by thr mils rrlnllne md publishing to ml drfvid it cills managing editor cop right idfio church notices bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebc van dijk phone 8531585 sunixjvy junk 26 1966 lofloam english service 2j0 pm dutch service 345 p in sundiv school evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 chun hill road rev s m thornan pastor 8552715 slda jbnb 26 v 11 00 a m sundiv school or all ages 1100 am morning worship service 700 pm evangelist service tucsdav 8 pm pracr and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambasxidors the church of st albam the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcaiurra ma st b trinity iii sunday jlnl 2t i9i 00 am holv eucharist 10 jo a in closing ot the churih school lor the sejon the rector will be cclchritinp the holv eucharist in the parish lull tor the students and teachers ot the church- schoil 10 30 am mitins conducted bv mr lau- rence dub paients and those in terested are imitcd to inspect tho iluldrvns protects and to meet theur tcaiheis immediately alter tins scr- ucc in the punsh hall duiipj juk thtti- ii he one service matins with senium and music at 10 a m under the direction ol mr laurence dubv maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday june 26 1966 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pan prayer meeting acton 631956 georgetown 877666

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