wfot ninetysecond yearno 1 acton ontario thursday june 30 1966 authorized as second class mnll by the- post office department ottawa twelve pages ten cents dave hunter installed monday as new president of lions ifub installed by governor elect jim snow at the last meeting the new slate of officers head ed by president dave hunter took over the administration of acton lions club at the regular dinner meeting monday at the station hotel retiring president hartley coles handed the gavel to the new lion chief after reviewing the many activities of the past year and tianding out 100 per cent attendance pins to lions ray evelan al lauder murray harrison john criefender george lockerbie neil miller art gordon vic bnstow and peter papillon lion ai lauder ptrcsented the retiring chief with his and a pastpresidents pin zone chairman al accosted the lions as they entered the meeting with a miniature lim bo stick and an artistic lettered sign done by a daughter which proclaimed a fine of one buck for anyone who couldnt go un der the stick most handed over the line without an attempt but ore lion paid his fine and then fell oer it round up chairman vic bns tow read the financial report of this years show which showed the lions netted about four hundred dollars alter all expen ses were paid although all re ceipts and bills were not in gary mcfaddcn and tom manes attended the meeting as guests mciw member armando gomez back from a business trip to his native mehico city was also present loaded with pesos and bronzed by the sun new officers for the coming vear are president rave hun ter 1st vice vic bnstow 2nd vice murray harrison 3rd vice john gnefeneder tail twister neil miller secretary bob hall treasurer george locker bie lion tamer jim mclennan directors ray evelan art gor don lion gerry lamarche won the attendance draw conducted by new secretary bob hall lion al lauder led the club in singing jingle bells and other cooling songs two horses sold by dairy will ast use tracks here library tender accepted folly of delay cited known as a twohorse town until recently acton has lost one dairy horse and will soon lose the second don tirnmmgs of acton jei- sev dairy told the fuc press tiis week that nellie gray the favorite milk horse has been sold to a stiatlord dairy and tonv the blown horse is slated to be sold to a kitchener dairy mr tlmmlngs is going back to truck delivery noting the horses are unable to haul a large load he reported the loads arc getting heavier each dav due to the laige sale of thiccquai t bottles of milk new trucks ue equipped with extra racks on the back which can haul a large load recently kitchener and strat ford dairies decided to go bak to delivery by horse and wagon acton continued this practice after most dairies had got i id of horses fall fair board ladies perhaps appreciated the workmanship in the recreated historical gowns even more than the large audience which attended left to right are miss lorna bessey as the settler mrs lawrence hemsley as the rural belle mrs r l davidson as mrs staff photo john graves simcoe mrs lloyd robinson as laura secord mrs h h hinton as the belle of the ball mrs clark armstrong as sarah ashbridge and mrs wilfred waldie as cath erme tekawitha story on page 3 tractortrain crash town workman al kirkness had a close call wednesday when the grasscutting tractor he was driving was involved in an ac cident with a cnr train at the level crossing at the entrance to the municipal dump the tractor and train recciv ed some damage bv mr kirk ness escaped uninjured pupils urged to seek higher education by speaker at graduation banquet you can lead a good happv interesting life short ol a um vcrsitv education you are not a second rater if von haven t got one but the minimum you announce high school promotion list following is the promotion list for students at acton and distnct high school grade 13 usults are not available until august promoted to grade 10 5 year program honor standing 75d or over valene coks jud conncll slvn hanousek mark hurst pali ma last linda lawson cheivl lcc maisha mcrcenzic nanc morns benita pries ma ne tirnoers shaion white- pass standing tied antlun zenith aim sluing bi lan binnic jenmlei bishop william black paul biaidi bevcilcv brunellc man anno coles mithael cooper tci r cm ts linda damm dugald dick jaeoba doornbos heather dumarsh brian fisher fied fhsnik jocc fostei louise fueman barbara frost marv fuths gar heisler jean his cock joan hiscock olga hnat- ivv joseph jancar be th kai n lliclnit kukwood maik xowall robe it lasbv robe it lmdsa kitfuui lnih michael mai- eou vaughan matthews ro- heita ncssct pallida nicolak william nicolak cuspin nor man palle nb jackie palmci james pevcha connie phillips jim rucl gail ross louaine sen os james slaved llod smallwood maigaiet tumbull annie vuk anne watson dcbia ysinlei promoted to grade 10 4 year program arts and science pais standing robert andrews archie bin nic robert blth anna busche meer paul cooper ted cur lis linda gordon bill hagan roger haggett don harkle johanna jansen peter masales rodnev mceachern beverlev mcknight tern mcmullen bill pendleton colleen pel kins brenda rainsav gail reed ir one scvcrinski allan snow clie stewart donna ta lor promoted to grade 10 4 year program business and commerce pass standing hans andei son sam bailie judv dwvci susan tricker nane gordon janice jordan caiol kcllc bett phillips ro- beit tuikosz yvonne yatcrnan debbie rogo s promoted to grade ii 5 year program honor standing 75o or over jean bulmer calhv xrul su an pens jkathrxn sinclair di- anne stcwail paul youngblut pass standing susan allan neil andoson rooeit biltoil waltei blom ro- belt bonnette sharon bntton janet biaida bairv buchanan gladxs calvci joe cvganck gai dobbie ten dow ding damn foster linda roster lnne fioehheh edna good ridge allan goidon ann gordon colin gould rae hibbard raeleen hotchen mi chael joe butta larsen bill lasbv james lee barbara mc eachein heather mcgeaclue gail mchugh alan mckenzie brenda mdkcown josephine murrav marv jane new bai lv aia nicolak ken owen robert price gordon reed lnda rein eis patneia snnott susan taillefer promoted to grade 11 4 year program arts and science pass standing hcathci baker june benson eail butlei jim cooncv man in cripps gail dunne sean dwvei mane hank jell haik le trances ihins gar kel lev dean m icdougal paul mokrvcki doiothv o roui kc craig pei kins linda ralston ranch rulle nloni i rocchi don rogers dav ul smallwood ian stone mirgarcl sullivan anne svnion bnan wilkinson donna williams linda wood promoted to cradfc 11 4 year program business and commerce honor standing 75o or over maulvn mclntvii pass standing iiene andeison pat chisholm jud coinuci jcim dooinbos calhv gervais joan goidon charlene gough shnlev gieen wood bill hansen bob hul debbie joiclan judv joidan continued on page 2 should strive for is high school these words of advice came from e m hutchison from the national employment service in guelph as he spoke to grade eight graduation classes from the robert little and m z bennett public schools tuesday night mr hutchison was guest speaker at the graduation ban quel held in the robert little school auditorium and stressed the growing need lor a higher education if young people c pect to receive a good job the day is gone when vou can expect to go out into the vorld with a grade eight educa tion and expect to pick up a good job the speaker stated he told his voung audience it wis moie difficult to obtain a job today than it was 2530 scais ago as competition is keenei and employers are seek ing people with a higher educa t ion you hav e to prepare foi miur own futuie now jie em phasied the graduating classes learn eil that 75 pel cent ol people losing obs in industry can onlv two cars stolen on friday evening two cals stolen tiidav night wile i ecus el eel bv ae ton and milton opp detachments i he tirst one lepoiled siol n belonged lo phil mecusiall and was taken fiom the park con si lb it biuee meailhui ol the aelon opp iceovered the eai lain that night on mini slieet n01 til the second vehicle owned bv william williams was taken liorn the parking lot at the sla lion hotel and lecovered next da bv the milton opp in es uliisnii township blame themselves if they can t get along thev were told to take a self analysis of themselves now and check any faults the speaker told them to consult their pai cnts stating they are moie hep to things than children give them credit for mr hutchison told the pupils they were on the eve of them last day in school which brings them to the transition from ele mentary to secondary educa tion you have to make manv adjustments in vourstudv plans and do more thinking for your selves he told the audience foi eveiv vear thev stajed in school it vias possible to add an addition al s200 to their earning powel per vear his definition ol a dropout was a person who leav es school before he reaches the maximum level or education of vihich he is capable we meet a lot of them in our line of work he slated belore con eluding he reminded the pupils ol a motto o ihc late abraham lintoln picpare vourself to div to be readv for the oppor tun i lies of tomonow grade eight pupil miss llaine johnson was mistress of ecie monies and led in a loast to the queen and introduced the head tiblegucss dwborali sungei land w d timer smith olivei marshall tiona gulman mis b movsat fiom the dukcjol dev onshire chaplei iodl nancv lee ona marshall mr hutchi son chnstine brunellc vic bnstovx chairman of the school board lucienne pratt mis al vce goidon rcprccntin j the le gion ladies auxiliary ken mai shall g w mekenie and gaiv price kennv marshall gixe giaee before the hot turkex dinner continued on page five acton will have its centennial hbiai v at a special meeting on wed nesday evening council decided to accept the tender of e s kerr constiuction company of toronto subject to the approval of the ontario municipal board the kerr tender lowest of the three considered amounts to 72396 67 approval from the municipal board is required on an additional debenture issue of 532500 43000 xvas previous jv approved for the library pro ject the project is subcct to ccn tcnmal grants from the provin cial and ifederal governments amounting lo s2q0 in total the three lenders submitted were all within 1000 the cost of the building had been estim ated by the architect donald skinner in the 52000 to 55000 range architect skinner who attend ed the tender opening said thev are all good conti actors i d be happy to work with any one of them however coun cillors felt they had no alterna tive but to deal xvith the lowest tender a small galleiv of libiarv board members and keen sup porters of the project heard the discussions and were delighted at the decision to go ahead councillor earl masalcs remark ed a taxpayer had phoned him saying she would like to see the project go ahead regardless of the cost mayor duby declared we all have a profound feeling of the library we must use common sense icgarding the rising cost we are not going to find any decrease in prices in years to come he warned ol the folly of delay library board members fred new and ted pratt advised council there would be no diffi culty in providing the reference books for the library building they said the regional library cooperative recently establish ed has money available and can assist in many ways a dramatic change from the present bbrarv the new build ing will have the highly recom mended nylon carpeting for both the first floor and the base ment assembly room and ther- mopane windows in the four floor toceiling corner windoxvs sodding adacent to the building is included in the contract howevei the additional cost ol installing air conditioning throughout the building was considered a feature that was not essential it would have ad ded an estimated 6000 to the capital cost air conditioning equipment can be added at a latei date if lound desirable estimated total cost of the building is 7619267 the build ing tender price is 7239267 plus an estimated 6000 for i he- architects fees and incidentals less the anticipated government grants of 8 200 plus an estim a ted 6000 for shelving side walks and a bridge over the school cieek from river street at the meeting were the full council libiary board members mr new mi pratt george lee and rev ritchie mcmurray public school board chairman vic bnstow and several citiz ens resolutions passed by coun cil accepting the tender and authorizing the municipal board request were supported by all members with the exception of reeve h hf hinton the unsuccessful tenderers were len ariss construction of guelph and a j mccarthy con strucion of georgetown no supervision acton parks board and recre ation committee this week noted that swimming in fairy lake is not supervised and that pei sons swimming there do so at their own nsk a near drowning meidenl was reported to membcis but a cheek with parents of the child involved rcveald inis u s not the case as a lesult ol the i port board and commit llee memberss released the notice that swimming in fairy lake is not under supervision morning fire a poultry shed housing sev eral prize chickens and pigeons was completely demolished at 5 20am thursday morning and the neluby home of mr and mis fred archibald r r 2 acton was threatened a passing shell oil ruck driv er spotted the flames from the mad and awakened mr archi bald who called the acton tire department by the time the fnefighlers arrived the build ing was beyond recall lost m the fire were six japanese ban tams six hens 22 pigeons and one tluck cause ol the fire is unknown certificate for safety given to hydro workmen acton hjdro work depart ment came in ioi commenda lion during the regular meeting thursday of last week following receipt of a framed certificate of merit foi safety the certificate is the 1 it til to be received from the electrical utilities safetv association churman e g tici si and maior lcs dubv both voiced appreciation to the hvdio woik ers for their excellent salelv re cord the award is slated to join the other four mounted on the wall at the h dro office on elgin street hydro superintendent doug mason and commissioner wilf mceachern gave a repoi i re garding the recent session at tended by them at the conv en tion in ottawa commission members heard an excellent le poi t icgarding underground in stallations accounts totalling 553 47 weie appiovcd lor payment five employees retire today five beaid more employees in cluding ihc company vicepresi dent r r paikci who are com pleting a total ol 135 years pf set vice lelire liom the company today thursday r r paikei vice president of bcaidmorcs completes 24 years of seivicc pciey evans com pletes 37 jim mcdonald 19 w lcwandowski 31 and g poiig 24 veais ol seiviee with the company the men will be oincd by company direclois plant super intendents derailment foremen and as inanv other workers who leliied pieviously as possible at a get togcthei at the plant following uork board gives watches to retiring teachers aeton distiiet high school tea cheis wound up the term wed nesdav moinmg veith a final gathenng in the stall loom to heap piaise onretiring teach eis miss jean barber and mis alee on thele was also a spe eial piesentation to vliss mai git juliis who is being mairied this sumniei from the stall boaid chin man tim watson luiaiiee ehannian chestei all elci son ami icachei man igement cliaiiman rav ai hie weie on hand to piesent the two icln ing teicheis with pendant wal die- in ipprcciation ol then lung and faithful service the two also icecived cheques fiom the boa id tin accumulative sick liaxi mr watson expi essed appue- tiation from the boaid to all teachers who served this term ind wished those leaving the best ot success mi arbiitc piesseel sineele thanks to mis on and miss barbei and said lie had been t night b both vli aiideisoii made the piesenla tions pimeipil i a hansen think til slatl meinlei s ioi their ivoik mils tcim and wished those leaving even success he ilso handed out booklets out lining school poi lev and asked leaeheis letuiiuiig to leview them it possible clui ing the sum niei he w ishcel everyone a joecl suminei twocar accident at corner monday constable nick fanon of the aeton opp lc t lehmeiit inves tig ited a twocji crash monday neai the cnr eiossing and entianee lo wallace avenue a eai diiven bv mis helen divvkins allies sheet proceed nig east on mill and about to make a left hand turn onto wallace ave ind a eai dnven bv fiank h i riling fnn town ship pioccccmg cast on mill weie involved a passenun in the diwkins eai mis helen walerhousc ic- ccivcel slight i n u i ics when her head sliuik t windshield dam ige to the real and wind shield ol the divvkins eai weie estimated iioemcl s25 and esti mated diin ie i the harding vehicle iiotuu siso constable tnion laid i euekss dnving chaicx ag mist vti huding tour museum i be daughtcis ol knox en- loved a toui ol hallon coun- iv museum ind talk bv diieetor maior h j ne vv man before then last nice ung al ihc home ol mis tom wilson robert little school grade 8 graduating class m z bennett school grade 8 graduating class