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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1966, p. 1

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ht sftt tt ninety second year -no- 3 acton ontario thursday july 14 1966 authorised as stcou4 clqss mali tv the post office dcpartment ottawa eight pages ten cejn invite acton track star keith ranney to british empire game trials in west tvventv two car old keith rannev of arthur st is a fine runner his best distance is 880 yards tonight hell fl several hundred miles to edmonton and if he is in top form on sat urday in the canadian trials for the british empire games he will earn the right to take off for the games in jamaica in august keith son or mrs violet ran ne and the late c o rannev decided more than a week ago that he was going to go to trials even if he had to pav all his expenses late tucsda night he learned that dufe to his excellent record he has received an of- licial invitation which means all his expenses will be paid more than five years of inten sive training summer and win icr including six tough tests this year has helped keith pre pare for the trials hell run against the best competition in the countr and in all likely- hood will be pitted for the first fme against one of the worlds greatest half milcrs interna tional running star bill croth- ci s keith and his coach and com panion ted franklin leave by plane for edmonton tonight the trials start on iyidav but he is not hkelv to race until salurdav morning if he wins oi il his time is cvcecdinglv good he will be on canadas team in the b e games from august 315 kcith is a conscientious ath lelc he trains vigoniuslv each night and duung weckcnds his training piogram is continued throughout the winter months and with his help several other acton bovs are good prospects amrack stars keith and ted franklin- study the stop watch at a tuesday workout stall ptiolo the acton youths credentials are impressive hes been a member ol the highlv rated guetph legion track club tor several years and on satuidav diell again be wealing the clubs 880 races this vear he also won colors blue white and gold the onl time he raced in 440 the daytime truck driver and this ear mghltime racei has chalked up in the past hi s challenged fie victories in six starts in highly rcgaidcd runnels and avon this time hell be tackling the nest and his chances of coming out on top are again good mr franklin believes a zoning b law amendment passed at tueselav s council inciting to rcilassifv the bevcr iv propel t at chuich and mar ia stive ts trom r1 lo rm will permit the constiuction ol ap aiimcnt and mutiplc dwelling units also in the amendment was the change ot the bowling given and tennis eourt propel tv on mill wilbui and church slrcits irom o rcc ration to ci ionniiiiciil b laws to aniuivl the oiikiii plan and i ik zoning bv i ivv on lots 8- 10 plan t70 wen parsed bv council the land is the aa propcrtv zoned r2 with the ix quest foi ic zoning to m2 liuliis li ul councillor leatherland saiel he mav h ive 1 conlhet of interest 111 the tutuh hovvevel reclassify several properties discuss twoyear council term at hot humid summer session reeve hinton acting as mavor did not accept the councillors objection because councillor leatherland did not declare a contliel at the picscilt lime declaration ol conflict bv coliiieilloi leathexland would have ieduced the number ot coeiikilloi- below tint required loi a quorum he registeied his obexlion to proceeding with less than all numbers present accounts totalling 7 479 92 wctc passed lor pav raent as well is the account tor municipal in suraiiee premiums and a 2 40 tiavel account loi cpuncilloi drinkvvallei the mavoi and eleik were authonzed to ittciid the o 1 a conlcieiice in hamilton later this month notice ot 1 rccionil ecds si in in u was ouleixel tiled a recommendation ot mo 2 committee to institute a two vear council turn w is lcleired back to the committee reeve hinton and eouneilloi leather land expressed then objections lo such a move a bv law to in troduec 2xcai terms nuisi ik passed be november 1 lo be come el leetive next heal a vole ol the ratepavcis is not iiianda- toi supporting the txvoveai teim eouneilloi dnnkvvaltcr said most ncighboiing municipalities now have i vear terms and the clerk pointed out legislation was now beloie the ontario government which would make it possible to have t thiccwear term af- tei i e studs bv the committee the subect will be presented aain when a lull council is pre sent lender the county equalization be law passed at the meeting ac ton s share ol the count of hallon expcndituies loi 1966 w l ii be 2 3682s pel cent tramp day at the m z bennett playground was a big sue cess on friday afterroon playground leaders and children wore their very worst apparel for the occasion shown from left to right standing are janet green don harding ron tcirkosz and robin inscoe sitting are david mills smiling brian ashley and dorothy bennett special events are planned each week by the leaders stah photo ringers is a game that can be en oyed by young and old alike and ronnie haefner stephen bankj and david drinkwalter seem to be no exceptions well over 125 youngsters participate each weekday in the recreation committee s playground program under the direction of recreation director howard pearce after lengthy delay pass land separation agreement acton can purchase streets for 1 after a delay ol almost four months acton council finally okaved the signing ol agree ments with t sevnuck and c griese it will allow the separa lion of 5 8 acres of mr sev nucks properlv west of acton boulevard and north of mill st to mr griese basis of the ag reement with mr sevnuck is the option lie is willing to give tile loxvn fgi the purchase of sheets foi 1 on all of mr scwiucks land in march an application foi rp of the land separation was nij to planning board subsequentlv the committee of adustment ruled in tivor ol the application subiti t to sat isfactory agi cements borrtg ne gotiate between the town and t current hot spell causes increase hi water demand water jrom acton two main wells is being used at a near re cord pace during the current hot spell but clerkadministra tor j mcceachie fursees no need for alarm while some neighbonng mun icipalities indicate water re strictions might be necessary again this veai mr mcgeaclue says weve got a long long wav to go before we even come close to a clanger level during tlie months of mav and june of this xear 21657000 gallons of water weie pumped trom local wells which repie- sents an increase ol nearlv 2000000 gallons over the same penocf in 1965 this xear 10146 000 gallons were pumped during mav and 11510 000 were pump ed during june in 1965 the may fiuic was 8327000 and the june hgure was 10855000 the per day use average during june ol tliis veai was 383666 the three pumps in operation at the two wells are capablc of pumping 120 000000 i month he said the water meters in opera tion in local homes arid busi nesses aic the major reason foi the small amount spf water waste that occurs in tcslvn mr mcgeaclue said he explained in some municipalities where meters aient in effect water is wasted at a ticmendous rate but tins isn t true here when vou waste water jou waste money mr seynuck and the town and mr griese the strict agree men was recommended by the acton development commission at the outset of the prolonged negoliations innumerable draft agreements and proposals have been considered bv v ai lous mu nicipal boards and committees since march a letter from mi scvnucks solicitor fred helson sparked couneil into action when mr helson wrote that if satis agreement was not reached att the july 12 council meeting his client would withdraw from fur ther negotiations with this ul limalum facing councillors the necessary bylaws authorizing the signing the agreement were drawn up at the meeting and finally passed breakup of the stalemate in negotiations came when council lor c f leatherland suggested theres no use talking about it anv longer t needs action and reeve hinton determined councillors had no objection to the terms of one of the early proposals mr seynuck attend ing the meeting indicated he was in agreement with the town taking the 1 option on land foi the streets for a 21 year teim mr seynuck pointed out his willingness to work with the town he was prepared to give the town all the streets you want he said he realized the sticets would have to go where they should go and he couldnt sec why we need to argue councillor bob drmkwalter presided for the committee of the whole session when the ag reement was pieced together councillor charles leatherland drafted up the bylaws at the meeting to expedite proceedings reeve hinton presided at the meeting in the absence of may or duby who is on vacation councillors oakes masales lea- thci land and drmkwalter pro duced a quorum at the vacation- ridden meeting approve rezoning off ajax property should be paid for over 20 ears councillors oakes masjles and dnnkvvaltcr appealed to favoi the shoi ter term the subect was referred to the finance committee for their lecornmendation the omb approval is for a 10 year deben ture a further application would have to be made to the om b to change to 20 yeais breakin a break in was reporjed at the cnr station on church st on sunday corporal ray mason reports entrance was gained to the burlding bv smashing a window at the north side it was belicvcd nothing else was distui lied oi stolen pay library debentures over 10 or 20 years whether to issue 10 or 20 ear debentures to cover the cost ol construction ol acton ccnten nial library brought forth di ergent views at tuesdays coun cil meeting ontario municipal board notification ot its appro val of the necessary additional debenture wa read councillor oakes in reporting on a delegations visit to the chairman of the omb iaid the chairman gave immediate verbal approval which was fol lowed up in the written notifi cation mr kennedy omb chairman indicated in hi opin ion the proposal was sound and said actons financial situation was very favoiable the s34780 additional debenture ap proved brings to 78 492 the to tal amount approved for the piotect clerk adnnnistratoi j me- geachic reported figuics sup plied to hirn on a 6io deben turc for 78000 would cost for a 10v ear issue si07 772 with an annual pav men of approximate iv si0 soo for a 20 vear issue the cost would rise to 139835 at an annual cost of 7000 reeve hinton suppoiting the 20 cai term suggested the 32000 dilterence in cost is not necessarily i saving when the moncv is used for 20 ears in stead ot 10 it would be cost ing the people in 10 vvais what twp permits top million there were s 000 win hi ot building permits issued in nas sagavveva township d u i i n g june uppina the townships to tal building di tho tn st six months of 1966 to tust over a million dollars clerk j c mc inure u ported this week june permit included four residences totalling 58 000 a service station for the mohawk motel at s8o00 ehinge house and shower loom at eden mills lutheran summer cainp at 000 md a pnv he swimming pool at 3 000 the l6f totu i 1 tvomto to- the lirst halt ot the sear major figures in the sm months total is mohave k raeewav addition at 750000 permits have ilso been taken out for is dwellings to date in the xear acton planning board thurs day night approved an applica tion from ajax engineers and eugene biaida to have lots 8 9 and 10 changed from residen tial to industrial and recom mended council proceed mimed lately to have the official plan changed tins action followed a discus sion with solicitor bruce payne ol guelph who had picpircil a dialt bylaw pointing out the necessary changes aiax engin eers had applied lor this change on sevcial occasions in ordei to expand present facilities mr braida is the property owner of the lots involved mr pavne also suggested am endments to the existing zoning bylaw to change the beverley property owned by beardmorc and co in order for a builder to erect apartments the solici tor recommended the change to the existing bylaw in older to allow the builder to start as soon as possible rather than wait foi ontario municipal boai d approval on the propos ed by law by resolution the board approved a bylaw to this cltect and will recommend coun cil adopt the by law attending the meeting were mi and mrs tom brankiewlcz and daughtci helen with their spokesman reeve h h hinton to lequest the brankiewtcz pro pel l v be rezoned rl present ly pait ot the property is zoned r n and part ol board chairman aldo braida told the delegation the propos ed zoning bv law was presently in the hands of the omb and suggested mr biankicwicz re tain counsel and attend the pub lic healing which would be held by the omb only one reply for the posi tion of board secretary was re ceived from iain williams and a committee was picked to in terview the applicant and make a recommendation to the board present for the meeting were mr biaida council representa tive robert drmkwalter wil liam wilson neil miller and sec- ietaiv j mcgcjchie absent were william pendleton and ed ward foot lit rally round the orange and hue was the theme on saturday as orangemen from ac ton and district celebratekf the glorious twelfth of july more than 100 marched from c k browne s store on north main st to bower avenue to mill st and down to the cenotaph to mark william of oranges victory at the battle of the boype veteran orangeman char- waft ptiolo lie allen 96year old c k browne who h been marching in orange parades since he was five years old worshipful master of local 467 and deputy county master forgus quee and ai lcjihman are shown in front of the pride of hal ton banner after the parade in acton many acton and area residents trekked to brampton for the district parade locals constable caiman wught 01 the milton opp is helping out in acton tins mouth v ton police it port no mi loi vehicle accidents duung the past week the quetn and her maids challenge acton wildcats at the park this friday evening a vacation consists of a series of 2s it consists of 2 weeks which are 2 short after wards vou are 2 tired 2 return 2 work and 2 broke not 2 acton juvenile lodge members gain honors at orange parade pmuillv displaving the ban ii i ot the blue and rrnge 18 acton and arca voungsters m lulled in the 12th of july paiade in brampton or satur dav and walked away with first place honors in the juvenile division members of friendship lodge j 0 l 457 from acton under the direction of mr and mrs ken mcdonald of r r 4 rockwood iwre udged the smartest juv enile group of tlie dav they vvre in competition with about six other juvenile lodges and had marched together onlv once before earlier in the day in ac ton this is the fourth time in the past seven years that the acton juveniles have won the honor youngsters who paraded on saturday were flag bearers sharon gordon and gerry snock haplain janette yate- mui alan mcdonald kenny vic kerv and mark bowen on the banner car and muriel holmes kathv roach sylvia gordon wade vickerv margar et bennett jeffrev gordon bon nie gordon arnold gordon james vickery connie gordon glona gordon and a visitor from campbell ville s u s a p stokes

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