Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1966, p. 1

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ninetysecond year no 5 acton ontario thursday august 4 1966 authorised an second chiss mull by lit post office department ottawa eight pages ten cents library progress sidewalk superintendents are plentiful at the site of actons new centennial library as work men continue with excellent pro gress few people pass without stopping to take a peek footings have been poured and blocks are being laid this week work superintendent dean crowe stated tuesday there might be a slight holdup with delivery of the brick mr crowe had been informed at first the brick ordered was not in stock which meant a pas sible delay of three weeks for delivery however on tuesday he re ceived confirmation trie speci al brick could be snipped on notice the huge pile of earth from the excavation is providing an excellent bleacher for young sters who climb up for a better view of the work underway 25 accidents in july tally only 25 accidents ihe low est monthly total to date in 1966 were investigated by mil ton opp detachment during july there were 14 persons in jured and si 1850 in property damage in the 25 accidents and no la tali ties january still ranks as the big gest accident month of the year as 57 accidents were reported that month the same month has l he highest property dam- aye toll to dale this vear 52490 tocialv in 1966 the opp have investigated 268 accidents in north halton there have been four persons killed 100 injured and ji 13270 in property damage in the seven months museum grows add building for centennial three recent donations to halton county museum have de lighted director maj h j new- man the three are from john gamble qc of guelph and are on display now first is a huge bell weighing a quarter of a ton from ihe old christie lime pits it was rung to sound ihe hours of work and also as an alarm next donation was a litillton stone used lor lorming car riage wheels 11 was used in bob monies blacksmith shop at cainpbelville years ago third was the old side hill plow used originally on llie al exander latn at kelso where the museum is now attendance at the museum is up this year maj newman points 011 1 the iigrecment lurning rich mond school over to the mus eum is now completed and re pairs here will begin meetings will be- held in this attractive small school near ihe museum no lonycr used in the area plans lor the ccnlcnniil buildin al the museum are con tinuing and it is expected ten ders will be called very soon french to english is made much easier for paul youngblut as his french speaking pal mar cel paquin from portneuf near quebec city translates with a french to english dictionary marcel is winding up a twoweek visit with paul and his family on a student exchange basis harness maker most of his life george edwards 92 on friday a former harness maker who officially retired in 1963 jovial george edwards is celebrating his 2nd birthday friday he started his hade in 1910 in aeloii at the time horses domineered llie road time has not dulled ihe mem ory ol the senior eitien who- lives with his daughter tid hei husband mr and mrs liarvex wallers on church si he slill recalls minv vivid inemoiies ol his experiences nd enjovs jok ing about some ol them although he is in lair health he is unable to take walks o greet his many irietuls bul he does cnioy a chat about old limes he recalls how he lirst worked al the lornier storey glove shop he lore qui liny to learn the harness making trade at ivrt llurton michigan he then returned lo aclon to sel up shop vvhen ihe horse was kinj ol llie road he was always reads and capable ol handling any thing i10111 a minor icpau lo i major overhaul ii keep llie farmer on ihe land he especial ly liked children and maiiv a lime he received visits i rom tiny tykes to have a gun holster re paired or even just to watch the craftsman at work in 1958 when the horse began to take a back seal to ihe latin tractor and oilier mechanized equipment george as he is hel ler known lo his associates de cided lo give up business in a hig way he sel up a sinnll shop at the rear ol his daughter luevs home to while axvay the hours his linal rel iivmciil didnt tome until live years later lie was continually asked bv la rul ers who hadnt given in lo the mechanized equipment 1t iepu i r harness mr lidwurds was horn in woodvale ontario in 1x71 but moved lo avion belore the linn ol the centurv lie married the tormir minnie stalham on aug ust id 1899 his wiles parents operated slathanis bake shop i lamilv business in aclon lor it ii n veals lies ides his daugh ter iticv mr lclwanls has one sister mrs nelson melcod liv ing at canninglon and a grand daughter and treat granddaugh ler liv ing al noival a brotherinlaw 11 roy 13 ling ol kalamaoo michigan is a frequent visitor with mr l wards and his family and ex pects to be in acton for another v isii soon still anvinus lo keep abreast with the times he has his daugh ter luev tead him the weekly issue ol ihe aclon free press since his sight is not as keen as it used to be although the i inner harness maker is reaching his 92nd birth day no special celenration litis been planned he will welcome s main ol his old cronies as can visit him bill in his quiet unassuming manner he doesnt believe in large celebrations and is content to accept another vear w ithoul i rills the aclon lree press joins with his iniiiv friends in ollering hearty congratulations to one ol actons most senior ciliens who has contributed so much to ward goodwill and cncouiagtccl youngsters lo lake ai interest in the meaning ol friendship reengage architect to overhaul plans for proposed hydro building prospects of a proposed new hydro building on alice street increased considerably tluirs- fliy oviic of last week when commissioners agreed lo reen gage architect donald sjjjnner lo overhaul building plans vvilh hopes of continuing with the project original plans for the build ing were prepared bv architect dun skinner bul when tenders stuff photo poul and his newly found friend recently return ed bore aflor paul spent two weeks with the paquin family left to right are marcel mike joe and paul as they translate an allfrencb newspaper top trophy tojoepetric a t irst vear camper joe iv i lie lake ve won camp brchculs highest honor lie received the camp s top awaitl the cup lor outstanding camp merit tor the camping period from j iibr integratldlm means nothing especially when il conies to dolls three prize winners with their dolls are shown after judging friday at the park during the summer playground pro gram special event day left to right are trudy teebes who won third prize- cindy mcgill6way with her blackfaced dolly which won firsthand emily hodgson second place winner ampin 3 to lulv 15 he also won a crest lor sportsmanship the 1 1v carold camper is go ing into grade nine he is the son ol mr and mrs ivliic nil he i unped lor the i i rst tune with ihe senior group- there weie about iso at the camp near rockvvoocl the cup was donated by rcv joseph ryan ciishop ol ihe ham ilton diocese this is ihe third time the cup has been won bv an c ton box in hil paul briida son ol mr and mrs norman hiaida won it and this vear despite his vouth he was accepted as a junior counsellor a i ihe eauip because ol his ex cel ion record counsellor- in- l raining peter muo son of lr and mrs 1 miru won the cup in 9is another camper i rom aclon was peter arbic who was with the juniors joe keeps his award lor a year before returning it for next years competition were called they proved too high deletions were made and tenders called ti second time these were higher than the first alter thiis original plans were shelved temporarily and archi tect wiliiam andrews of samia was asked for his opinions on a new hvilrb build iiigtt to date no icpy has been received from mr auh ews al las weeks meeting the commission decided to proceed vvilh the project and agreed to recall architect skinner vvilh hopes of making liirther dele tions in order to proceed with well as finishing the restring ing of ihe main feeder line be- txveen numbers one and two substations along church street a special meeting lias been called for tonight thursday lo discuss the future of the new building present for ihe meeting were chairman ted tyler sr vice- chairman doug daw kins and commissioners orval brown and mayor les duby wth sec retary treasurer mrs audrey urqhart commissioner wilf mc linehern was unable to at tend owing lo ihe death of his brotherinlaw building plans at the brier meeting superin tendent doug mason reported his department had completed installation o i underground sheet lighting in lakevicw as french speaking youth visits at home with exchange student marcel painiin a grade lostu- ilenl from portneuf near que bec city is winding up a two week visit his first out of the province ol quebec on a stu dent exchange basis as a guest of paul youngblut and his par ents on miir ia st the voung french speaking youth likes ontario verv much and is quite happy in the eng lishspeaking environment two weeks prior lo his coming to aclon paul youngblut paid a vi sit lo ihe paquin home near ouebec cilv the exchange program has been in operation for some lime and ibis summer many stti- denls from ontario and quebec exchanged visils and as a result gained a new insight into i he- lives of each oilier the barrier ol a diflerenl language proves lo be a very minor one e marcel who hails from a lam ilv of live sisters and i wo bro thers luis a little diflieullv with the fnglish language but if ask ed a quollion bv a person speak ing slowly and clearly the french vouth can reply he is an avid sportsman and plavs hoekev and baseball as well as swimming and badmin ton like most boys he likes lo eat and enjoy life since coming lo aclon he has tourneyed vvilh the youngblut niilv to their cottage visited iagara falls and loured throughout ontario he linds little dillcreiicv here out side ot the language and feels his visit here has been a worthwhile venture paul youngblut who spent lwo weeks with ihe paquin lam ilv loimd il difficult lor the first two or three days with his french hut vvilh the help ol marcel and two ol bis sislers who speak some linglish hcrol bv quite well one il the major ilillerenees for ihe aclon vouth in quebec was ihe freedom youngsters en joved he noted children were left quite on their ovyi and their parcn have he also marvelled al ihe irce- ilimi youngsters enjoyed riding bicveles common salelv rules of the road practised in ontario bid not seem to apply join corda the lirsl lirm in this region to join ihe central ontario reg ional development council cor porate membership section is dills printing and publishing company ltd jail escapee in us fail i the man who escaped from halton counlv jail in milton earlier this vear probably wont be back to lace trial here it was learned this week paul iuianm beau lieu ol cati bou maine who cut the cell bars and lied tie local jail has been captured in lniled suites but has been sentenced lo 10 vcais ill a washington prison lor a number ol breaking and enter ing charges laid bv us police parents expected i vvn ifien i i o he derry day parade nonagenarian charles kelly browne prominent orangeman is looking lorwanl to the annual deny day parade at owen sound saturday august 13 the 96yearold acton business man has never missed taking pari in a derry day parade since he was 12 years ol age vvilh llie exception ol the vear be was too sick lo attend il is expected he- will ride in a car during the parade safecrackers rit gampbellville po the paquin family was very friendly toward paul and were of great assistance with ihe dif ferent customs it was his se cond trip to ouebec cilv the lirsl time he visited with his parents during a motor trip this saturday marcel leaves nv train from guelph for his home lie litis made friends here and although he has enjoyed his visit he is looking forward to gelling home again the slculcnl exchange is spon sored bv ihe canadian council ol christians and jews the idea ol ihe exchange is to help people i rom the various parts of our nation understand their dis tant neighbors safecrackers got little re ward for their efforts when they broke into campbcllville post office early thursday morning and peeled a door off the office safe the in vaders caused approximately 1000 damage to the safe and the building but got only 130 most of it in stamps from the safe milton opp report the breakin was obviously the work of amateurs and they arc following all possible clues in an attempt to appre hend the safecrackers supervising p o s ftnasst c r waller bell of milton sautlne thieves damaged more than they stole police indicated the breakin was through both a door and a window although it was earlier thought the thieves gained entry through a rear window and broke in i a rear dour the safe was tipped over on its back and the large front dnor was peeled back with a crowbar sledge ham mer and hacksaw the thiev es were thwarted in their at tempt lo pry open an inner door to a compartment hous ing more valuable items const dave hardy who with cplj parkinson is in vestigating for milton opp said it would have taken three men to tip the heavy safe over after the breakin was discovered by village post master doug agncw thurs day morning four men at tempted to put ihe safe back on its legs and couldnt const hardy said damage to the door window and safe would total 1000 mr agncw said mail ser vice was only slightly delayed by the robbery among the items stolen was the post masters p e r s o n a i stamp which was of no value to any one outside the office some mail was ransacked but no- nail appeared to be stolen bill nelles to be home soon after close brush with death william bill nelles who risked his life lo save fellow tannery worker lildon rawding monday of last week is pro gressing favorably in guelph ieueial hospital and is expect ed lo return home in a week or two the worker he is credited vvilh saving the 1 if- ol lildon rawding was discharged iroin hospital last weekend mr raw- ding tell into a luge tanning drum in the chrome ilepai imeiil and was overcome bv carbon di oxide lumes caused by i inning eliminates in hc tanning pi o- cess alter other workers al ihe sile failed lo reach the stricken nun due to lumes mi nelles went down a ladder and lied ti rone around mr rawding he- lore he loo litis overcome bv fumes through these elforls and the help ol other workmen mr rawding was hauled iroin ihe drum mr nelles was alsu removed both men were given oxygen by acton firefighters and attended to by dr david van der bent belore being taken to hospital by ambulance first reports slated mr nel les was sullcring serious eye injury but tuesday of this week his mother mrs cecil nelles reported lie was progressing laiorablv and expected to be home soon he will possibly have lo vwar stronger glasses in llie inline when hauled iroin die drum both men were unconscious but al liisl no pulse could be de- ici led on mi nelles until heart massage ixas given bv tannery vvoiker and liivl ightcr norman price plant in si aid siiperv isor theo papillon applied mouth lo mouth resuscitation lo vlr raw- ding to iciive him fzveryone who figured in the dramatic res cue has been praised by both mens lainilics as well is tan nery ollii iils and dr van der bent plan circus in arena for playground program jljff pholo okay judges let s get on with the contest teems to be ihe expression of thought registered on the faces of two brothers and their pet dog as they waif for playground leaders to judge the dog contest held last friday jeff and doug cooper ended up with a first place ribbon when their pet hockey copped the prize for the animal- with ihe most original name fortunately in spite of the many dogs large and smafl in the show no fights broke oul among the animals actons playground program is prov iding plenty ot exi ileuieii lor youngsters igain this sum mer belore the progiam ends ihe youngsters can be assuied ol in dull moments tuesday evening ol last week is kiddies enjoxed ihe annual sleepout under canvass in liie park playground leaders and chaperone john leilheiland had their hands lull looking al let ihe small ol excited youngsters lv crvonc crowded into 14 lents lor nights sleep alter ei i jov ing zi c pi i i c v i u l vvilh hot dogs pop and toasted niii iniallows in the moininj ihe earlv risers packed their gear and liculcd lor home lor a lie- u is break isl i eadei s sti v- ei behind h lake down tents and pack aw av equipment today thursday close lo umi are cnoviir an altcmoon t evening al roekwood conscrv a- lion park where thev travelled bv tvler bus the big event everyone is look ing t one ard lo is the playground liieus lo be held in the aiena thursday night aueaist ii the one rim ci isi is v t ii tenure plen ty ol entertainment i rom games and competitions lo perloiming aniiit lis anl perhaps a magician parenls and friends will he ml come to tit tend livery friday a special event day is planned and uist week kiddies trundled to the park with their dogs some had rib bons attached to the collars and others were held back by not one but two voung handlers dogs varied in sie from young pups to 12veu olifs and play- en und leadeis acting as judges had a dil i nil lime choosing vviuueis fin he voung mas ters luckv enough lo win rib bons were piesenled for the poodles dog biscuiis vsere the in clei ol i he al ei noun gills also appeared vsith dec orated doll buggies and dolls judges also awarded prues in events for the bfs dull and best dec orated doll carnage swim ming less his i- continuing at ihe wading pool and iiixlruc- hrr 1 i 4r f- o i hint paul conper have quitr ti num ber of lining charges la king les sons to ruiniil mil llie niogiam liicie will h i losine cvruiscs 1 1 c 1 1 s i 1 1 i- i v iil day has been pli uied loi i ills lime recreation director howard peaice has imi planned events lor the leenaeis i a hack to school da i he- is planned iridav scptcmbri 2 al the arena with two bauds in attendance one is ihe igk ducklings 1 1 om toiuiito and ihe other a local lieiil named i he plaques lot llie inoie energcl ie hovs lacrosse is n alive pasttimc en i week ai nl boili novice and pee wee have games planned agatnsl oi ingev i i ie al iheaiciia the interior ol ihe arena has been painted and bleachers arc a combination of blue anil gold to match the acton tanners sweaters with this chore com pleted and days getting shorter the recreation director is al ready planning winter events

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