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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 1

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minetysecond year no 9 acton ontario thursday september 1 1966 authorized as second clasi mall tlu post office ilcputmcnt ottmv twelve pages ten cents 59500 building to be erected for hydro prospects of a new hydro building on alice street appear ed brighter following a meet ing of the hydro commission on thursday night of last week it was learned from architect donald skinner whitney con struction olbranapton was will- in with a few minor changes ir the plans to erect the build ing for 59500 contacted by phone d r crawford of the brampton firm slated his company was willing to delete all wiring and the loading ramp at the rear of the building as well as a few other minor changes without chang ing the general interior or ex terior appearance tor this price it was slated however the company would approve of thes changes providing it was chosen as the contractor dur ing the past two years com missioners have been studying tenders ranging as high as 3125- 000 for a new building origin ally h was hoped a building could be erected lor around so000 after all attempts had failed jvr skinner was reengaged to revise plans and talk lo some of the contractors who had ori ginally bid on the building mr crawford is to be notified that if revised plans meet with the approval of the local com mission and ontario hydro his company can proceed chairman e g tyler sr in formed mayor los duriy the hydro could be in ils building before the new centennial lib rary is opened yet in reply the mayor commended workers on the librarv lor the excellent and speedy work they are doing hydro superintendent doug mason informed members he had a visit from an inspector who arrived in town to study the new hydro building un able to produce such a build ing its only in the blueprint stage mr mason said the in spector left and hasnt been heard from since secretary treasurer mrs audrey urquhart noted safety badges for workers had arrived the hydro department obtained the safety badges for having an other accident free year ac counts totalling s295980 yere approved for paymenl back to school issue today this special back ot school issue of the free press is of particular interest to students on the front page of the se cond section and inside the is sue youll find news stories that include robert little school m- z bennett school christian school eramosa schools nassagaweya schools esueslng schools youll find special articles and informative advertisements that cover school bus routes school supplies high school uniforms full page ad on safety two safety patrolmen attend training camp public school safety patrol men henry van stralen from the m z bennett school and john rosell from the robert fcirdesehooef iwoajiiesdryl ur rlie second annual officers training camp for school pat rol members at canterbury hills camp near ancasler the two pupils were chosen before school ended in june and will return the day belorc school begins constable bruce mcarthui ol t lie acton opp detachment is unable to accompany the buys but hopes to attend saturday lor the general review the camp began last year and is sponsored by the hamilton automobile club which spon sors the school safety patrol two parked cars struck in accident two parked cars in the lot at pele mas son motors lid came out second best saturday night when struck by a car driven by ray hibbard acton constable bob joyce of ac ton opp detachment investi gated and reported the hibbard car was travelling north on churchill road and crossing the intersection ol no 7 highway diesels delayed buses bulge no strike settlement in sight acton members ot striking railway unions are reading papers listening to the radio and television with the rest ol the country to learn the latest news in the possible settlement everything seems to be at a standstill remarked sm- lion agent charlie perry wed nesday he has no direct word irom his union but any settlement will have lo be voted on he eypecls the nun would be phoned and asked to gin to union hoadouarlcrs lo vote lor him beadqumeis are in st rat lot j since there is no strike pa there is no icquircinon lor the striker- here lo picket there arc demonstrations in some largo centres mr perry explains that the t seven employees at the ac con station belong to dillcrenl un ions six or seven unions arc nvolvod n the strike winch lias hailed all rail service in the country jean maivonx is the operat or hero and cicorge colli us ol kitchener is the clerk there ire three seoiomnen under toreman beil i rquhari there are several elliet rail- was employees living in avion and not working here who n e mooted by the si ike the station is closed and the hacks ileni all di there have boon more pas senger trains thui iroiyht trains each day through ac ton but onl 1 hive ot the pas- senger trains slopped here the morning commuter train to toronto the evening com muter train west and the mid night train west willi about a weeks notice that the strike was coming af lairs at the station here were in good oilier when the doors were closed freight in the warehouse was cleared out thcrcxvas no rclund given on tickets bus service has increased considerably billowing the on set ol the rati strike with many extra passengers because ol the exhibition in toronto and a few taking the bus ins ead ol the train extra buses ale earning through at tlie re-riili- times as piany as three puk up passengers wailing bore however as well as the reg ular buses there arc about lout extra buses a dax pas sing thnuigh and picking up passengers if an at unspcci lied times 1 en adams at wiles lu s depot sivs the bus service is verx good his week some ol the drivers are on tins route lor the first lime and ae asking directions one wen into watsons res tuuaiu bv mistake thinking it was he bus station local truckers are so busx they cant keep up with the woik semv shipments ti oni this district have been re i used bv truckers in other lonjres who are unable lo transport them blither due lo ilie increased volume ol business 1 he lii si class mail is all going through savs posimas- tor gordon mokeown there is an embargo pn second third and fourth class mail going out ol the province inside the piovinee all mail is goinh through by truck twoyear council term sparks lively discussion a week early but anxious to get back to classes a group of youngsters watch school caretaker colin aaccoll paint the entrance to the m z bennett school teacher mrs glenda benton answers a few questions fired by the stnff pkoio youngsters left to right are robin inscoe jane leader joan leader john hansen eddie ensinq and chris tennant with mr mccoll and mrs benton nursing dispute adoption ol a twoyear coiui c lci leached the first pla tail in clay evening when the majority of council members favored the move a bvlaw will be prepared lor the usual three readings and final approval both hydro commissioners mcl public school board mem bers are already serving two- year jlerms with some of the members elected each war in the annual december elections on a rotation basis to prevent a yearly election it the i wo year council term is approved at the next municipal election colors would name a full hydro commission and full public school board all lor ivvo- ycar lei ins during the discussion reeve million suggested ilie two vear council tciiiii be let i lo ilie deci sion ol the ratepayers- and a ple biscite be lalled at the next el ect ion councillor h s doris fixer said the twovear term was in ell eel in many places now and let erred to a rccent visit lo owen sound where the plan was adopted she said council there lound it to great advan tage mayor lcs duby informed the leeve council members were el ected to represent the public and were lamiliar with the problems entailed he noted ii was the third time i he two- year term had arisen at coun cil the mavor said lie had been opposed lo it the lirst time sug gested a plebiscite on ilie se cond occasion but was now convinced it should vie accepted because ol ilie dil i ieullies ol the present working year tor coun cil members dont take office until january the budget isnl set until april and it isnt until around september that things jevxl ulxand new husiness can die twoyear term on the basis of the time the ratepayers were asked by plebiscite to approve a new municipal building that was over 10 years ago and now we are building some of the fac ilities required at a higher cost than at thai lime most com munities have adopted this two- year term councillor robert drinkwalter greed with the mayor and not ed the ontario government had icceiillv passed legislation al lowing communities lo adopt a threeyear council term they must realize the burden of council cant he accomplished in one and even a twoyear term in some cases councillor karl masales fav ored the twoyear term noting that as a new member this year he found it took several months to oecome acquainted with routine and business mrs fryer said it took more than one year lo gel into the lout inc she also said the coun cil knew best wha vvas involv ed and were familiar with the benelils ol a twowar term in transacting business reeve hinlon was of the op inion the town wasnt toady a iwoxeur term mrs fryer said il was as several people had already spoken to her fav oring this smoke from dump terrible longlield man tells council county turns down consultant itallon county council has turned down an attempt to en gage an outside consultant to i ep resent the county in negotia tions with the 22 halton county health unit muses who plan to resign on monday september 12 special twohour meeting ol the county councils personnel committee and board ol health was held in camera on friday allernoun followed bv a 45 min ute session ol ilie whole coun cil b panlin ol the firm ol fcr- euson montgomery cissels iind mitchell barristers and sol icitors appeared briefly at the earlier closed session but stav ed just live minutes it had hoe n expected mr paulin would he engaged bv the county to act on their behall in the dispute with the nurses there was no open discussion ol the nursing situation during the hriel open council meeting a report irom the wardens special committee was listed on the agenda but never dis- cusscil this special committee had met a week earlier but the report wa no made public following the meeting r r parker deputy reeve ol vum iiui chairman ol the countys board of health said lie had un statement lo make at the time ilio counts council has decided not to make the ropoi i public he said mr parkor indicated the board ol health has no vet made del mite plans tor any meetings with the nurses problems over the health in- it nursing stim began a soar apo when the muses applied through t rogisteied nurses association ol ontario for cer tification under the lanor rela tions ac the counlv council blocked ibis move bv invoking section js 0 the labor rela tions act excluding themselves luun its provisions the board i closed lo icsog iie i he rnvo is 1 b again ing unit at no time sine the present hoaidiook oil ice in january lias ihcic been anv re tjiiest by the nurses ot die conntx health im to discuss working conditions or other matters mr packer points out the rsiaos director oi em ployment relations lloxd b sbarpe has asked the board of health to begin a series of meet ings pertaining to salaries and working conditions further correspondence indicated the v rnao would grevlist the halton health unit bv asking oilier nurses in ontario not lo work there and bv having ilie present siallers submit resigna tions it the board did not coin- p the board of health uotilied mr sharpe the board was pre pared to negotiate vxilh the nur ses when and if they were cer- lilied as a bargaining unit mr sharpe was i eported as slating ll- nurses do not wish to be certi iecl on august ii the letters ol resignation were mailed irom 22 ol the 2r public health nur ses indicating ihev would re sign september 12 in an august 16 letter lo the iurses 1r parker uoled the board can decide only that mr sharpe is determined lo obtain the power to negotiate a union contract for the halton nurses without recourse to the ontario labor relations board why he should choose lo operate in ibis way he board does not know if you want a union by all means tcll us it on the other hand yon are concerned with other matters we are reaclv it anv lime kj discuss lieni with you he urged the nurses to tall a meeting with dr a bull mcdi- sil ollicer ol health lo discuss their problems be considered if we had a twovear term council could plan ahead and settle down to continued busi ness air dubv siitl council could justify themselves bv adopting a one man delegation aired his grievances regarding the acton dump burning suggested action be taken immediately to relieve the problem aid loll council with a smile on his iict tuesdav evening george collins 155 longlield roiul told members the smoke irom i he dump created quile a problem nol onlv lo him but scwral residents in the area the tannery is no problem to me but tin do nip is tei rihle lie- stated as lie noted bis home filled with burnt smoke causing diseom o t and pre venlino him and his limilv from sleepinj mr collins told council the dump sili- is loo close lo ihc low 11 anil is not healthx ilie whole thing is eockeved be emphasised lie stiggesteil the dump should be landfilled in place of b whic vvjuld lesuh in the area being idled in in place of constant nurning the delegate was told council was quile aware ol the prob lem and bad been irving des perately lor several wars to ob tain another dump site coun cillor robert drinkwalter told hi in dilleivnt silos had been negotiated lor bill no liualia- lion could be made to obtain the land mayor les duby said council was very much concerned about the dump problem and was do ing its best lo contend with it i am concerned ahoul the tires and want to gel the dump clos ed as soon as possible he stressed mr diinkwalier told the dele- gale it was not easy lo obtain another location as other town shipcouncils bad objected to a dump within their boundaries when a new si i e bad seemed possible our hands are lied to a cot tain oxleiil nut vve ale not quilling now we know we have lo gel out ol ilie present site wiihin ibis year lie staled mr collins said he vvas wor ried someone might become ill result ol the smoke hi u wile had hung clothes out on the line and had had to rewash t hiiii because ol hie smoke belore leaving he thanked council lor its altcntioii and said lv hoped ilie problem eould be oveiionie shortly change in council pay studied tuesday night town clock not on strike pressure ol business can he blamed on the largest timepiece ijluvu indicating i he wrong lime local jeweller ii k raelilin is well aware his large clock on ilie loimer post oil ice building now owned bv himsell anil his pui- iei tieorge roberlson is show ing the wrong hour both have ciimivil the ininv sidrs in tle tower lo inspect ihc intricate inecbamstn but lound the troub le ot i maior nature hen as be is better known to his in itx pairons takes great puds in irs elock and watch re- c of c to discuss university hind the next meet ing ol the cliarnljer ol connnerce on thur sday september s the purpose end iccjuii oments i the cuielph ivverimmieii fund will be ex plained to members 1 lie pi esid nit rev v h mekenie has lenuc ed a good linn out ot nienilvis to bear a request lor an n plant solieil ol ion ol vu- ulis avion niilust i us will ir iv na ralph ortheb cochau inen ol the employees lioup divisiun will mend tlie meet in- tliev will explain the develupment funds objectives from both the point ot view ol management and labor thtv will outline the univei silvs plans tunds needs and particu larly its relationship to acton pairs ami is bothered about b is largest timepiece being inaccur ate however residents aie re minded tils- clock al the old toronto idly hall is also oik-ol- killer and so tar even the cv pel is havent come up with an answei there men intends to ivpni lus clock ain1 gei it set ao match but cine i the pressure i il busi ness he i mils it dilliiiili lo take lime oil aul check evivihuig iiielullv ii- pionnsid the closk will bs bu k in vxoikmg oliler l al all possible a change in pay lor council members eatiseil a iciilmiix ilis- iiissson tuesiiav evening wilh sexiral ililfciiiives ot opinion aired belore il was agreed to dril l a bylaw increasing the rate to si2 per meeting irom i he prcseni 510 beloic ihc coirclusion was iikbed iuiiiihi1 s were i orcod lo deal wilh a resolution an am endment to the motion and an amendment to the amendment ilider the present bxlaw i omii illoi s rcceivc an honorar ium ol s10 per meeting up to a maximum ol n meetings per year making a total ol sliol an nually iuilci the proposed ihange to s 1 22 per uieeling wilh a niaximuin i l 5il nieetings per year tlie xnik total will not i hange lollowing i iioinuienilai ion bv no i lonruiltce to itlopt the change and a disens- sion bx menibers in connniilce ol the whole reeve 11 ti hin lon moved a motion lo reler the recoinmeiidalioii back to no i commillce councillor c t leilhcrland vniceil aineiulinent lo pio- eeed and prepare a drall bv- law adopt ing the twovear term and councillor robert drink waited moved aiiainendmenl to the amendment lo change a part ol the rceoinincndation hum a lotal ot 50 maximum meetings per year to r0 incel iigs al ler the mot ion tni aineud n ii- 1 1 s wcic so teil nil it wis ileiiilosl t lie i coves motion should be dealt with lust tins was dele ueil w lb everyone bill the i eev e voling in the negalive 1 1 wjs then agreed mr diink wallers inieiiiliiieitt pcikiincil t i i in- i fews iiidi ion a n d should hi- dealt willi next tins loo was delealid wilh mr drinkwalter lotincillors p g oukcs ind william williams gi ving the onh amirinative voles mr hen in- 1 lands amendment was eonsideicd lo bo a separate issue mil taken as i resolution whiili was mil ills approved ov er opposition bv i inincillnrs driiikvs al lei anil makes councillor drinkwalter staled that ilue lo business one com- iniliee might atlend more mec-t- ii gs than the olhei which loulil iiuli i liijh as 70 meet- iitls jsor year tie- loll ilieso iieinbeis should be paid lor all meetings attended n didnt giee wilh the 50 mccliivx per veil maximum lor payment c lei k administi alor jack htieis ii ic quoied attendance icoumiiiicd on cage six make changes in ic a store acton icia stoic iiitoineis bail to look elsewhere mil sup plies the lust ol the week ren- ovations were underway at the siipci mai kc as now eipipnicut was iving insialled and several ilianges in nui oil nulls ng ar- i aiiee inci it inuli a new liiie dei k meal elij oialiou i u m ei has beii insiall el a hi- xv modil ll tvpe h e id la k new iiielal shell n ig air i mo lent met al store ii ml in stalled owner lac manes icportcil he was attempting to keep ab reast with modern changies m hopes ihe interior changes will be to the advantage ol patrons he noted that with additional lines included il is necessary to change some of the merchan dise atoutid scarcely recognizable were the girls of ihe acton wildcat softball team when they donned their best bib and tucker for the sea sons windup banquet at ihe legion hall tues day night even coach frank spiclvogcl hdd staff photo difficulty recognizing the girls out of uniform the girls gave manager coaches and umpires gifts in a surprise presentation during the pleasant evening

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