Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 8

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0 jr the acton free press thurcuy sptembm 1966 hifcjli school stilt mcl boaiel an hopuig the sliukius will ei t lie niomiimiilul school umlottii soclcling has been completed al soino ol i ho new homos le- ienll loniplotod ui likcview subdivision losis clil supplies ai o out on displav in aiious stoics and i li uki amian coup this cikciul iili vvoiknuiijjix punt iiij stcil lighl siaiulauls aeam ieuk loi the ictuin nal tucs this ck hwlio wuikniiinv paint ihildicn an aliead getting da appeal of stone farmhouse draws city pair to township iomuiio sioi in 1 1 idav s ioiimihi lilolv and mail told ilvnit -lie- iwppx iiwiuiv il a tme smo uiutliousi vm nassau i ev lcnsup mai hikes wimle ilio stoi illiisii iinl with li phtiuiguiphs ovisuisol ihe home i ni ltuxkillc m houl aic kit iiihukii redpiwe 11k ki bigins i i ban dwill iis wliii diiun ot oiiilmj the da biithm in liesh ccniiiliv u no ha ing to lihk longet and go lu ihei toi a house pat and hckn r cd g i a c sikhiil lot moic than a eai and ended b going as tu west and notth as biookvillc a small illage liv ihe nassigawcn i tow n ship torn milts noi th ot the rockvv oid cu oil since the micclimilcl c ai tiei llighuiv pushes pas halton counlv nasmuavviv1 township with n wealth ol fieldstoiii faimhcjiises has at ti acted a giovunst number ol iirnimukis liom tim onto the rodgiaes fieldstoiie fai mhousc is a6 cluve fiom downtown toionto the rdiiiis have l accs ol land nios ol which thes unl lo laimii v loi pastun in i lilt i- book iillid the fuh llisloi ol assigawia bv i noil is ol fclcn mills this jeioid ol the redgidm house is noted the in si stone house in the township ll was built b thomciv cisterbiook on lot 18 thud concession in 1841 the book gziics on to sa thit biook ville bun when thomas fastei biook built a stou in 18s2 the outwaid ippcaiince ol the hiuse suggests thit the fas teibioks wen pel sons ol eon sulci a wo taste but the intc i ioi tolls stoi ot successive own cis la iiticis and their lamihes mitsreclgrae opened a small dooi lending up a steep slinvviv lo illustialc how dismal some palts ill he house livd looked when she and he i luisb ind took possession ol the i lie placed hul been hoaided up lo make vvav loi eheapci healing ciuipiucni such as sieves she sllll in tuiiiishuig lui house mis ucilgtavi has collected manv npiiscn tative e a i l ontuio pieced in doing this she is lanving ona tiadition set bv hei lalhei sn cvnl fo sn tviil vvvs dieitoi ot ihe nation al museum ot wales loi 2s veais has win ten moii than a doen books in eailv hnlish civ ilii lion unci gave his daughtei an appiesivtion ol the woik ol ii aftsnien ol manv countiies in- ilucling hot adopted eounliv canada mis redgiave ippieciates ihe dillerence between ihe eailv luinituie protuiied in ihe man times quebec and ontano and has an eve loi the simple lines ol onlaiios eailv cabinet mak cis allot desci ibing some ol ihe looms luinituie and accessoi les the slot v continues in dis cussing country veisus uibm hie mis redgrave sas that coimtn lile can be bonng wilh out some deeplv absoibing in iciest heis is collecting eailv canadian she has tinned a diivein shed at light angles to ihc house into a small work shop heio she strijis lurnituie ol manv cois ol punt eolois eailv canadian lithogiaphs lor liaming and sells the occasion al piece ol luiniluie oi china sin his collected that is not suited to hei house willi the hoevs anel the new- tons in nassagawcvi mis red- gi ivo is included in i sm ill in w uatlct which indicates that ai tic les ol special intciesi mav be pin chased at then homes at ihe redgiaves theic aie ant loiics labile hooked iiis sil- vei glass and custom i taming at he hoevs labiics tile and wool at the new tons hints and vegetables ms iclhes ci- cei and honcv full ers honor stan on 25th anniversary ml lilclmls still lullcl wele plclsllllv sllipilscd lcccnlv whcll lllcv wele llshe u el into ihc iimltiput pose loom ol ospimi public school bv then son bi im to be jletecl bv lbllll so lie igll hols hid lillivis i lie oeels ion vc is the u 2tli vvc elding an niu i u thcli loom was tisulullv tleeoi llcel with hells aiul stle 1111 ims i 11 w lllte piltk sllvl lllel bllle tllcc tie i el wceullllj c ike 111 tele lllel elceel liell bv lls decline 1 lit ol pick i llll ce iii 1 eel a 111 c t lllie vv i ll pink lipcl s ml sllvel c ullllc slle ks oil licit side ill the e ike s tile bi ele lllel hhih ol 2s ve 11 io c lite led tile i ele 111 ml s hviel rlllec ll tile pi lllel ulel i lie i 11 ks cliche l i pi ive el tile vaoddlll lllllel e 111 me hllc 11 pell 1 i lid i w is te isi 111 istel ls t iltl of pick i 111 ss lei sll ll b lele lllel l thill 1 lllle i ol pallid is the loills hleitllll lite del lilts j t tile vv e el dill puselllej the eemle vv 11 1 si ve i tc 1 se i v le e i nil lu lei lines and ii lends rob bill lllel lollll 1 lllle 1 vetllll sills ell ihe elllplc 11 e sell eel till 1 pil i ills vv llll i silve 1 i iv v bi it lllel i 1 111 111 111 111m1v e up lllll sniee i i leull le i l ll iv el wei slkllghtils a lei toill semls sum lliankcd ce i voile ten the gilts mil ivuvoiic dinccd to ihc niusie ol ihc 1 ii ks mai lenc ui ind bi im inllei ablv is sisteilbv cil bildwin st in me hugh geoigc 1att ind mi anil mis robe 1 i maephel son sclved the lllle ll ol sanelw lehcs cookies and wedding iakc guests wcic picscllt tiom osll ivv i plckelllv dllllells llellllbv olkville dl lllll ciim a ul 111 1 c iiitit five injured near moffat live pusolls vvcie ill llll cei in sllllel 1 mounn lecldent en 2 side load west eil the cuilpll line i i issiavve v i township whe 1 us el lell hv i me 1 1 md i h iiulltcll in in colli j eel milton olm u emt the in 111 e el pc seuis uk lueleel the ell 1 vcl i e le e 11 lllelllll hei l k is mel ll i lei lie l siste 1 ml i i i llle llelev lllel 1 1 s le 11 then e 1 1 ouls hev ut kmeleiji c nun milton 1 ii i o el ot h inullon di i l i the tlel e 11 lllll i 1 1 m e wele llsel sll ike ll up 111 lie cell isleill school is just around the corner scnd your school garments now youll be all sot for a fresh start this fall custom cleaners same dav service except saturday in by 10 am out hv 5 p m cash m carry main st n phone 8531 180 the geoigotovvn paper mills wcic sloikpnlhng clav beloie the sli ike begui so no lavolls would be necessli- wunt l lie sli eels be quiet next week ted roolitl loimeilv ol ac ton is again this veu helping stall the kodak exhibit al the cne tea hue ol ihe booth is the piesence ol laiimett kellv j i the clown molonsts might be remind cd to take iveiv pieeiulion at liilvvav cplssuils even thouih the stuke is still in died it could become habit tin mint to lluioie eiossini- signs while the tiims aie not 1111111111 mil toigct when thev begin to opeiate again a s2sooo ivnovatiop pioieet al the loi inn millon 11 nioui ics has ehaniied ihe loiniei head iniuleisol c coinpanv ol the loi ne scots into 1 union untie new ovvneis 11 e the locd 1111 ion ol unitid auto woikus ol o11t11 10 sleil piodiulv the hall will be used loi union meet nigs social i unctions and loi lelltll as a last minute icinuidei to bung cm back alive liom the summei s last 3 dav hohdiv ltiboi dav weekend i he uannl ton utomolile club leiinnds us that ibis weekend should not in anv more hiaidous than olhei times ol tlie ve mi oakic managing diiectoi ol the ham ilton autoinobili club points out that hohdax campaigns sticssin death on the highviav not onlv piesciil a soi did and lalse 1111 picssion ot iiuik1iv hiuds but also leads to undue complacence during nonhohdav peuods the oveiall clfcets ot these teu iiduciii wohdav campaigns is c ell menlal to lialltc salclv and il anv thing causes a pool chiv ng climite oi manv nioloiisis he dec lai eel churchiu 30 enjoy afternoon gormac lake picnic veiv pleasant tune was spent on sunilav at to noon when about 30 lelalives ii lends and neighboi s gatheied at g01 mac lake with mi and mis w j medoiieild and guidon tablis vere laden with a pie 111c suppei coin on the cob beinj 1 special tieit to end the occasion some cinie hack lo the house and iiioeil piano and violin music with a sin song mr and mrs manv villus c11v and coidv ol wvommj michigan 11 e msituu at ihc puentil home with li and mis allied winlei loi two weeks mi mil vlis clinks binnic spelll tile weckellel with ll lends at a coltic it bohc ivjjtion mi inl mis 1 loul 1 astoii and childien ol miclugin visit eil on tncliv with xli and mis tom rot relatives and 1 1 u nds ol chin chill aic indeed sou to beat mis clinton swackhanici is a patient 111 guelph geiiciil hos pital and llepe loi 1 specdv le cove 1 v miss hni sw ickhantci is spellllllll 1 weeks hohdiv s with be 1 1 1 lc lied miss rubv dv e k 111 njil mi mil mis tob rot 1 inda mil mike spent the vvcekeiicl at boilci beach at knieiidiiie mi cliieiice lawn mi and mis j 1 m law 11 and thin hov s alse mis mabel bclelwm ol to- iiinto visited on sunilav with then unit mid ullele ml lllel ml s i icel lc l 1 llll 1 crop science herbicide building at guelph to aid teaching research club plans another season of german language school the new crop science herbi cide building at the univcisitv ol guelph loi which the lon- li let has ust been let is sehe dulecl loi completion earlv in 18 it will pioviiuoi4ilaiiihng liaeliing and lesearch licililies loi univei sitv students and lac- ultv and will also pla 111 mvihi able lole loi ontaiiu agueul tuie the new builelinji has lieen de signed to piovide the most up to dale laboi atones lo cu iv out lescatch into inipiovement ol eiops loi onlano lu ins a ma ioi emphasis ol lesiauh will bo placed on 1011i10i ol weeds tin 1111 ii lobhui 111 mil he ids ol mips w wish to glow a unique feature ol the binlil nig will oe the luge plant glow ih laiihtv thit will enable scientists lo glow plants undei unit rolled eiivuonnieiitil lonili lions the veai lounil batlciies ol sinill plant glow ih labinets will iillow leseaieheis to stml plant glow iii in detail undei manv eouibinilioiis ol light 111 leilsitv tenipiialilie and lingtli ol ilav luge itvlh looms tin sie ol gienihousis but 10111 pklelv walled in and usinj- utilieiil light instead ol sun light will allow scientists to conduct leseueh on luge quin titles ol plants all veu lound aloilciii agi iciilliiie as il he conies 11101 e and moic spmah ed is incieasinglv dcpenilnit on use ai eh developments such is will conic ironi the ciop silence buililuig tin plant scientist woiking with held ciops is at tempting to impiove the elhc- lencv ol plants he develops new vmeties with high ield and lesistanee to disease and insect pests lie- develops methods ol weed con trol and stieamhnis planting luiivesting and stoitge techni ques his goal is to develop tin elhcient plant covei on agiieul- luial soils a gieen canopv woiking as a facloiv tiappng the suns ctiei gv and stoung the eneigv this eneigv stoi eil in the plant tissue is the loocl supply tor man some of the plants aic eaten liicith suck as wheal as bieul 101 11 as a bieak last eeieil beans as baked beans anil so beans as cooking oil and 1n11 tu itie some ol 1i11 plants aie used as food loi animals and hence supplv ihe tneiv to pioduce the steaks polk chops ihiikin and milk lhit canadians like to eat canadians both on laim as lood piocluceis and ill the cilns as lood eoiisumei s ilav t a stake in lac iht ics such as the new ciop science meibieide build ing al ihe univeisily ol guilph the lesciich 111i01 mat inn how mg conlinuallv liom this build nig will help impiove lai 111 111 come help pioduce iht extia lood 111 1 led iiih veu lo lent tin glowing population and lie lp kccji lood costs al a 1e1son1ble liv el the university ol me i p ii thiough the ontuio ajiiiciilluiil college and assisted financially hv ihe onlai 10 depaitment of agi leulture and food has a spe cial inlenst 111 this mlil piob jilem ol ihc vvoild today food loi man ihe hinds to maki itus new c lop snince llcibieide build ing possible aie coming iioui 1 luic soiucis one is i lie out alio dipu uncut ol univcisitv allans a second is ihe onlai 10 depaitment ol lood um agn- cultuic anil the thud is i lie urn 11 sili ol guelph development i unci through which ihe public cii iclh p11 ticipale band play ac ion ciliens hand lias been engaged 1o plav al i itnni on saluiilav dining i aboi dav vvnkiiul cede illations ihcle is a paiadc and band tatloie the german language school sponsored bv the germancan adian club of halton counlv will leopen loi lis second term dur ing the fusl week ol september club picsiilint kudv arbeiter of milton and vice president dieter geisslei ol acton announced die school was held 111 milton sa tin dav mornings loi 10 mon ths beginning last september mc ending 111 june with over v clulitilii i rpm the noill halton aiea emulled this vear the nun sis will be switchid lo an ivining eilliei riiuisdav or i 1 idn cvciiuiys and a new liicliii has been engaged she is mrs bert king of horn bv who taught school lor 17 cu s in gcimanv and liasbeen supplv leaching 111 this area loi seveiil vears mis king loilhe past thiei viai s has biinissisi mi at the ge 1111111 language sc houl in oakv llll resist alion i still open and the club hopes to have about 30 students bv the time the school opens the lessons will be conducted in ihe union hall in milton anvone interested in enrolling students is asked to contact mr ai buter at 878 3558 or imr gcis- slei at 853 2384 grand champion poultry at cne local poullrv bidder freil kintner ji won two grand liimpionships at th canadian national exhibition wiednesdiv ol last week with his pne buds lllspuc leghorn loosteriop ped the oi and championship as will he won a cn and cham pioiislup loi llie hist two hens and 1 coc k i ast c11 he also won a 1 ind championship al ihc inhibition pnultiv show and has been a lonsistent winner since enlciing competition theic noted herdsman speaker at acton 4h dub meeting the august meeting ol the ac ton 4h cal club was held on wictnesdav august 17 al the i 11 111 ot wall ne lasbv pres ule nl wallei 1nssenait opened the iiiietuv and the seeietnv icacl the 1 oil call and niiiiutis ul the previous meeting once again the uieiubeis de elded to cntel a lloit 111 the lif acton i an puailc tins llnil will hi i oint pioieet ol llle ve ton 4h call and g11111 eluhs a tloat executive was chosen anel plans ale being niadc loi tlie best lloat vet the meeting was then tinned uvci to club leidei nino biuili vrhxi tntioduced tin hosts mi biaida also uilioeluced the lam cd hcidsnian loi ahcilcldv lu ins 1i john vlckuinon vli mekinnon demoiistiaietl to llie menibcis how 10 show a bccl animal piopci lv the pio- pe 1 glooming ol 1 bee i animil was shown and iiiciiibeis leain- ed ill uiv veil impoi taut lips such as mm washing the am niil on show d i because tint would make the hun haul lo ii anagc he also discubtcii how to c lip c lvcs ham hoi 11s teed ealxes md cxeiclsc the ill ml vie ls ill ileins idviee was jieillv applet 1 led the ebni 111 111 ot the hilton ih club leadcis council bill wilson conducted the lesson on held health loi bed and clanx lie ids vlembiis leaiiicd ol the e lllses elicits ellles and pi cv eiition ol such diseases as pi 11k eve loot lot black leg scouts 1 13 md main ot heis club leidei russell mm 1 ix k 1111 mint niiinbets ol thill qui night august 3 the meeting was adourncd and the hosts suved lunch nm 1111 leslie thanked the hosts special savings reserve accounts 1000000 sweepstakes at red white kickoff date monday september 5 every customer is a winner aunt marys 24oz loaf bread 3 59 fred a hoffman optomctust 5s st noigc s bq cuclph out telephone 8242071 interest on minimum monthly balance withdrawal in person at any time but no cheques may be issued no minimum deposit ask for folder offices open laon thurs 9 00 5 00 fridays til 6 30 your local trust company halton peel trust savings company 252 mam street miiton 878 2834 lorne skuce manager open september 23 in georgetown why be strike bound lou s got the answer buy your own car now lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 check his commuters specials forget those blue days no down payment if credit approved aylmer 24oz jars jam raspberry or strawberry 2 89c libbys deep brown save 17c 19oz tins pork bean atppc king size picnic 48oi 0m0 129 29c vogue 4 to pack toilet tissue 39c lee brand tid bits sliced crushed 20oz tins pineapple 4 99c meat department specials- specially selected grade a 3a2l mild seasoned skinless vac pack wieners 49 7 i lb tender juicy rib steaks 89 lb sunshine fresh produce ontario no 1 25lb bag potatoes 79c good size oranges 3 doz 99c

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