Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 9

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ieeature vwsr i expect 4089 pupils back to school when classes begin tuesday morning staff photo back to school tuesday for pupils means lots of preparation by teachers this week principal g w aackenzie vice principal doug copeland and new teacher mrs terry masales from lake- shore teachers college check over the routine for the term new addition ready at christian school the reccnllv opened gcoigc town district christian school has added a stall membei to cope with uicieased enrolment there die expected to be about 120 bovs and gnls al the school 35 of them from acton nunibei of legislations on opening clay ma be een higher principal j rot gcorgclcm n stiv other man members are a baker miss i anlonides and j t roost the course of education at his school is godcent led and covci s the same cuiniculuni as the regit lu public schools most students amcnd the chiistiau re loinicd church most t the students ai c ol dutch descent while the sitall mcmbcis lue also been ol dulch ongin until now the new tcachct is ol scot tish descent she is miss wesl man a giaclualc ol teaeheis collcgc all the lessons ale in lnghsh a new tworihini addition is icidv now making 1 1 e class looms i he- si hool is located on llle seventh line wesl ol denize tow ii principal polruxmi was pun upal ol ailinc chnsiian sehool lor ten cars beloie coming lieu the past wai was the hisi et operation lot tile sehekll he li last ears grade eight giadu ates ol the chiistiau school went on to woodbi idge chnstian high school over 4089 pupils go back to school in this district and close to 1430 in acton alone this com ing tuesday record high enrol ment is expected everywhere but principals and staff members are prepared for the large flow of traffic opening day board members have ironed out bus routes although there is still a possibility of further changes acton high school expects to draw close to 435 students the robert little school with the use of three rooms in the old stone school will handle 580 pu pils and the m z bennett school expects over 415 pupils brookvllle school mn nassaga- wcya township expects an enrol ment of 600 pupils esqucsing schools about 1300 pupils and eraniosa schools around 700 pu pils not all in this district the sunshine school at horn by expects about 24 pupils with some from the acton area and the georgetown district chris tian school expects 120 pupils with 35 from acton as usual some leave town for city schools or private schools while others will be attending universities or technical schools school caretakers work in holidays cuielakiis i who have the two public schools all iuid loi the list ilav hack lie jim biaclshaw gioige bailies ab robinson colin maccoll mis mai maccoll and mis li e lie balogh 600 in nassagaweya schools irrfpeirportabieat brookvill s t am ovei 600 pupils aie expected in nassagawexa township schools next week and to assist in ac comniodating the ehildien a new poi table elassioom will be opened at biookvillc tills eai something else new will be add cil when a hall time ioiai ss tein ol teaching cicogiaphv his toi seienee guidance cicatiic lnghsh music phvsieal lduea lion and ait is slai teel tin glades 7 unci 8 agun is lasi cui nun ning and it ternoon knielc i uai le n will ik held at biookulli mil i morning km iliigailin al oaniphilh tile returning to biookvillc public sehool ale is i inubi uli is piincipal 1 1 ihitlicld isiee piineipal j ehi ii p via ha too mi lloiciice pa i sons mis lllcv lelthead miss llee sheiwood mis ieloiia james mis liuhlh missinpci glande held mis helen hoiiklt and hew teaeheis mis bett dlcdgi in memoriam cards in reply to many requests the canadian cancer society has made available in memoriam cards which may be used at the time of a bereavement availabie at rumleyshoemaker funeral home or phone 8530150 harold denny miss delldie towels miss lo ann campbell miss kathvin mai sden and mis kathlcen hannah mis maigaiet tolh letuins as in ulc ipal s uhef at ca in p be i 1 1 lie public school i d walson uuniis as pimeipal with mis muionsn tlei mis man iiiulliv and new icachet miss hen isc mitchell mis maigaiet mitchell icluiiis as pi ineip us i ehc i mis 1 ellol 1 vlckciv lelilllls as liuisie supeivisoi al both c ampbellulle and biookvillc sehools custodians are si in robinson wilh assisimt noi man kennedx il biookullc and mis mai j l lhot at caiiipbillvilk lei mg llle slall ale mi s wil nia lc cma n mis shiiln ehi and mis lee wood whoaie tak ing up household duties uicl mis loan lliinlei and mis muilin branibuigci whoaie tikui- pos lions m sehools neaici to the woi k ol llle 1 1 husbands i ol 1 t7 pi ills llle utile a llew aeldmoll 111 blookllle public school ol si i minis plus llonic leononiks uicl liulusiiiil ils i ooius anil a 1 tbiai v this service vnd provide you with x plenty- of hot water for all your household needs hydros new hot water service a itvw monthly charge covers installation of a modern auto matic electric water heater all service and maintenance including replacement if necessary cost of electricity our staff will be glad to tell you all about this allinclusivd hot water service -r- acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n 8532410 wojootni wr lntnuhoiit witk ww 5000 hosteuu till mor than thirty yvtrt txpirunc in hwtlrinf good will in buiintss tni community lift for wi inlormt um about webriupvagott riunu jouvm nikomi vnv omirs ts on v s jprxi to let u know ou re hrrr town t fleas he the wc- come aeon hpctcva call on me i would like to sub scribe to the acton rree pre- i alreudv mibiribc to tile at ton ftcc prs pill out coupon and mail to i irrulahon dcpt the acton brcc pre- high school with rohails si teaming svs- teni well established and a new piogiessive six da cvclc being instituted the 25 on the stall ol acton distucl high school tins dav will lind the incehaiucs ol opetation all leads loi the he ginning ol the academic tei in thcie was a sltghl chop in en lolnienl last uji lo 411 hut a iccoicl 415 aie expected stall is inc i eased one this eai hum an cicn two doen to 2s nine ol the teaeheis ale new aw michael bcvan is back allei a cai s exchange leaching in england most ol the teaeheis aie cxpc1 icnced aniniiovalion will be i he so- called si dav cvclc which dolsn t involve- mv classes on satui cla s i he schcdul will opciale c actl as outlined toi siv das 111 succ sslon lllcl i l 1 lellllll to ihc lnsl dav s classes then when a hohdav intervenes classes will conlinue on the same schedule a day laid theic will he seven pel loci s a ila lalhci than nine in the lolly t tin this sac is consiiloahic lime loi each subeel as ihcie lie icwel class changes tlic six day cycle has been us id in olhci sehiiols and loun i ci siicccsslul il sokes some piohlenis ml hansen savs it s a piogicssicc step aielakeis will ell ingi mini he i s in the hill vsliicb will show llle pupils whiili da s selnciule is i opeialiou thiotighoul ihc school mislei plannmg ihc scliielulc is all done and it s iead loi the in s clac s lessons principal ted hansen points out lb il niosl ol the changes loi lowing the institution ol slieam nig heie aie concluded the loin en business and coinnicicc couise is now enlcting giade ii and this was the last couise lo continue thiough b net cai all the ai ions courses will be in opeialion in all glades tluoligh out ihc school willi loin cat slieam and live nai slie im uicl special com ineicial i lie i e aie niluialh inoic classes than ihcie would ha e been willi a siiaight inc un academic c on i si as beloic ihc rohai is changes this tall llkie trc lid i ulc nines loin giade ids loin gi atk lis lorn giade- 12s and one guide 13 we are again i ec omnie nil nig uniloiins loi ihc- students mi llailsell lelllinds the mlllllg people and mien paicnts the idea which inilialk loiind w ulc lavoi was instiluted last eu hut not lolloped laithlulh b ill llle sludcllls ncltllll llle school noi ihe boa id has ihc uithoiitx lo insist uniloiins be win n bin tile e ale sliongh le lomnu nded i ik ma he sei u iii li icd slolcs lllc ciii1isi ol u skill iii house is nil blae i m sw c il c i w llllc blouse 11 slut i i u 111- leel lljic clellllllih iv c lllolle v lot c llllll 111j c on ipe i il inn ill il il ss won lit in i imiui ill il iiul si hool spn il would i 111 jll i iv e il adck a loi ailils mi iiul sc ii during ihc snmmci i m phoile svsicin u is nisi illiil llu high school h is iwu hius with phone s ml ill 111 i in l 1 1 c lllcl r uk c ol ih i i 1 1 1 ke il i ik ih w sssil sp 1 is iiiiii i pill i 11 iii ll hi 111 sludi 111 n mil i ll s in in ills l lei ls c ci k 111 llle 111 jl hi ii 1 i v i bo iks ll ill 1 i 1c s 1 r e llspl leel willi ted hansen is pnm p il loe hia is ic c ii iiie p il and expect 24 at sunshine 1 iiciiu loin c tnlilii n i mi moic than i isl i n w ill lie n iiish al sunsii k school al i h nb on 1 in sj t mi 2 lui n i i u s ml h s hi i pi iik ip il as sunshine si 11 i it 1 1 111 v 1 11 mis ji in mitilill mr mis li mini h in 111 k will bl itlc 111 is mil is vw 11 ihe lc will b seielll voluiltcel wolkels bilpmg oil botsll mis je i lies and mis mitchell look i suiimici iiim m on tcachiii- ic aided chiklien at i oi k i nil c i si in rev m clnistciiscn will einve ihe ehildien lo school each dac 111 the school bus depaitineni head in science back tiom a veai leaching in lnglatid michael bevan ol klcinbiug vmii tyich science and agt leulluie bill coates ictuins as head ol the math elepai tment leaching math and phv sics ross lam bom n comes b ick as head ol ihe i nghsh elepai luiciil after seven vears awav mis mai ion reed leluiiis lioni last yoik lollcgiatc lo head ihe licneh elepai imeill she lues in llle lnnik home it noival leel cuitis who is assistant dc partment head in science look a suitie t couise in ciuelph mai tied dining ihc minimi i vac it ion mis maigil juliasg laslo will again lake guidance and sonic jcogiapln allei a siuiiinci com sc i line s holmes will he back lo leach lnghsh ian mcgillivruy who took an oci sllllllllci couise will leach eollimel ciil loi his second cai mis i uba imidickv who lues on mill si icluiiis lo leach his ion mis kueii walkci will leach i i elicit and be inchiigcol ihc libiaic i ill iik sullivan will again leach cotlinie i cial claietice riignvaldson will now leach inclusti tal ails eve his ivclv oseu iiibei will again leaili nialhe inalics mv ron mcealhim bovs phvsieal cducalion there are nine new leaeliiis loinuig the sill sonic ol llic ni teaching loi then lnsl veil lis welcome llonli lo bo s phvsieal education icaihci buiic andievvs who has usl giaeltial cd hoin scion ii ill south ol angi new jeisev mil taken a suinmei course al oci in loi on 10 he will also leach a hllli gcogtipbv mi aiiihews son ol mis gwen aiiihews m ison blvd went to hiyli sehool heie hunsell mrs shirley brown w ho taughl i isi veu in luclpli will be leaching maths and science hci husband attends univetsilv in gue iph husbaiuuiiid wile team com ing heie ale paul mailindale head ol i hi leoziaphs depul llle n t and mis oli mai lindalc who will leach spanish and i it m ibev laiulil picviouslv al 1 1 iiiov el lllcl look s u in in e 1 colllscs t he v ivpicl lo live 111 lllvl 11 mis i siilhci laiiel who his business eve iciiee has i ikeii a siiilllllcl couise and will he gin hci leaching eaieei in llle coin meieiil classes hcie she conies i mini oi and v i lie v misscarla v a n il c i g i i i i ol gtiilph begins teaching i nlish heie lllcl a sllllllllci couise mis dina huciiiken who his ius obtained lci ilegicc al the llllvelsllv ol watclloo will be lc idling ie l in i n and hisioiv shi has laugiil on siiuielivs u the ieiiiiil lingiiue school in citiilph mrs h it bua lu is ol on iw i who gl idllale el luilll llle i illvel sll ill cillelpll will le nil lie llle economics miss i lialie ih iki v who look i 111 lee i c lllol e oil si ll llle i iiivc i si iv ol ille iph mil vi i willi the icile llhlll pie nil in vtllclpll lllls pisl stllllllle i will ic ll ll cii is plllslc ll c elllc ll lirll ll llle lllllc ilclc wll be llle s llli lv o s i e i 11 i s mis i i nidi i iiicl mis hill pi mile i iii c l i c i ike i s ig 11 11 hi klliliilptl spiilvoil km mckinnoii iiicl o 111 isnbe i is hi mz bennett llle i e 1 e el e 111 illlle 111 111 i i ip iii 1 loi llle 12 le mil m heiuiel si biitl tu 1 lucsiliv i le js pup s i lis i it lie ll il be up lei 41 s his i i il uic i pal is i line i smith mil v lee 11 llle p ll n ll li i illinois bolll will le ic ll 1 leies sivell lllel i igll oil i lie llli i sv ste ill graduate of v on lneli silllhll lllcl uaellils eollcll llss k il 111 he lie i will li 111 lie 1 ic le lllll- i iii i i 111 llle k llilc 1 11 lell ll llle m u si li illbi lllll i 1 i 1 i v ii ilii t w il ii 1 ib i ke ii w is i- llu ri obi ll s h 1 iv i ii n of- iii w ill ll ii ll llli iv ml the otlut teachers iu i i urn ii v to llu still i n i hrt us lllll mis l lilli hlllce will iclcll i ides seven aiiel eirhl on ihe mil i svselll i cl lellhelktllel villi le lell glades tiie and siv miss dons lelch villi icleh glades i oil i illtl llle mis cilellela helloll jlllle s llltii mid lllll miss ilil small glades two and thiee miss ddima latiellv grade two miss ji in mudonald giiade one mo mis hilhlccn alyci giade olle leiin banks is nitisie supervi soi ihe school seeiclaiv is again mis i il willi mis during the summer the wood en clsks vveie telinished and some cvlerioi panning was done the iron hall ceilinj and lour classiooms vveie painted the usual gencial suinmei house cleaning t eadieel all ihc school toi classes robert little imolnieiil is expected to m- eiease bv about 41 at the ro- heil 1 illlc public school this cnmiiii vcu piincipal g w mckcnie savs he thinks ibeie will he s80 bovs anil gills in the school compiicd lo s40 last veai bin the- 1 1 miii niav tie ev ell lllghil as will as the s80 acton e b i lil 1 1 n lime will be two classes ol spi v siilc students in llle slone school the past vial ihcie was pis one class i nun spcvsiele with mis llmet smith as leaeliei the new addi lion al spiv side school is not c completed both giadcs five nd six w ill be coming lo ac ion meanwhile in the stone school as well will hi ihe libiaiv am llu spi clll c i iss lie looms aie how all illlc il dm mg the siiiiiiiici ibiii looms wele l icliioi ate el anil llu llouis llllll there arc 16 elissiooins in tie main school llu e l m llle slone sehool and ihc shop anil lioinc iiotioiiues looms the nie i ease in nunibei ol students is spi cad ihiougboiit the giadcs uicl the numbei ol teaeheis has not increased thcie ale siv leachcis leaviin and siv new leachcis all bill one of ihe new leachcis aie ex pe i lenccd principal mckenic will leach illillieillil ics vice piincipal tutu copeland ba will leach science mm maths 111 blades si veil anil e igb i glenn banks icluiiis as music supeivisoi rcpl icing home ec n iiniis leai hi i mis linn doli ci line ii is miss vl a gall nigh i i ill she llllll lie she i illglll llll si hi nil home ec list veal tlelv lllcllcl miss i llllle i lbs lioni o ill w ill bi in chue ol the spin il class in llli slum sehool nothei new ic iiiiii doug llniis ol si c ltliu im s w ill tiicli shop uicl gmgiaphv veterans mi the stall mis i ille gamble mil mis iice rciil will aun leach gl ide one miss miiv mclh i llioll will le k ll kllltle i r ii le ii lot i hi se conil veil miss e 1 i v mc illtl ish w ho i illlc lie i e ll i 11 allstl all i a veil i vi i ii le ic ll j i ulc two miss lo ovilv llllll iis 111 iii i s c unci v e il to ic tell i ulc two mis itoseiuai v iii k k leluiiis 10 le ic ll l ille iwu a iii 11 is i iv sk ll c cllle ll loll miss hill pllcsi s i i mil 11 ll ic k lo ic ll ll gl lell llllll lllll ms vl 111 i i 1 ml lllll to i i 1 iclc i ill ml s i i epe i lllcl ll ii ol llle i le e pi iii i li i tki s 1 llli i iii 1 1 ill mis m ii line while will iii tc ic l 1 lell 111 i r ll llii ll i ilk l i i s i lllll s i ll is p m iss 11 mi i ki i i ii ii t ik i i h in i i ii ish ill i nli s s c p i i 1 r h s well il till lew ll mile ci 1 ii ll 1 l i lj ll i ll i i is c i i lli ll 1 e tlle c hum i ic w s i llle llllie im i i jink t in s 111nn v ve ii hue i r nie si c i home it 11 i lc w c li 1 ll 1st ill hi is llls is ill jlc m s w is k i i iii toin sin line ie nl li h i i nli si v iiul i i 1 i u se hum i lilis ms vl u iii i 1 is lies will i ic ll lell iii ec till loi ille 1 m ii iii i t- i im o mill ni k 111 c ci lllll m is ill s i c c 1 v j i h iv ll i i ll l ll iv i ll 1 ii i ml m i v i i tn to mil iik h i ai r llv going t i i i k r ll loin w im i mi i v k i iv ik in iht ni lb ws i iitcmiis mis poi mm hviiiuin who is going to giiclph mis june dubcithieii is now siivn honii with new cl iii- he i list bob gllvellloek who lit limine ihe pasl uai lice ulsc 1i illness s still ilot able lo leluiil lo leaehinj school acelvtiiv lb mis bet v si ill photo advance registration at both public schools tuesday and wednesday drew a large crowd of children ind parents many were newcomers to town while others were families which had moved from one end pf town lo the other which means children will attend a different school this year principcil emer smith takes down details from mrs al green as her daughter janet listens in janet attended the robert lilt le school last year and will enter grade three at the m z bennett school tuesday all is in readiness in esquesing township lsillcsuig townships seven public schools aie iciclv loi t lie kill onslaught ol pupils with ihcir lull complement ol teach ers i his veai lot the fust time ihc posilion ol eo oidinilmg piincipal has been eicaleil i i le balkind piincipal ol l urn house sehool has been chosen loi ibis position bv ihe sehool boai d cni don basscll who loniieilv kiugdit al anihe isibui g will be v ice pi inc ipal al i iniehouse as well as piincipal s ichel al spe v si tie other new teaeheis ibis ill an mi and mis pi u i g u d iik i who will liaeh it slew n i low n and pincvicw icspcclivclv i he v t iiuh t lasi mii ii ga i son mis dmiiia b mm in 1 1 mil loi onto and mis thiisdl hiiks limn hamilton both al spevsiile ro lint clint anil mis palnua iu iv pisl giailuated 1 1 nil leach cts college at glen williams mil mil ion heights mil miss i i vils lollllelll ol lllll billion al noival ronald h illi n ol i ill s i k will hi llu in iv piuiiipil at slew 11 how ii lepllelllg kobe 1 1 son ibbons who his i ik v posiiinii in llu si in i ompli le h acbi is lit 1 i 1 nv s hi 1 lilllllloiisc i i ll piiiiiipil tiiiiibin bissiit in imi ipal kobe 1 1 nibli mi voiiiu milch mi mis oliic ll g in miss rohm still mis i lc n rogmi ililson mis muliiii ih e s mm slcwil llown um ilil c li it li 11 pi llle ip ll ml s 1 ii i i me ke iv i s miss ilil i h i llss it 11 b ii 1 willi lice ml s i he ll l i hiains 1i lie uk mekelivml i mil il cl liekson pe lei gllillilil glen williams r ilph me keow ii pi llle ip ll mis wciidv glass mis muv oiuen miss duns dull mis i va picsswood mis bob miimhllan robert chin plnevicw kv dick sun prin e ip il mis die mi i c onnoi oil i ille v s 1 1 hide is ll d i l vv hlllll mis i ihe i r llil ii ml s i i 11 1 lllll ml s sill ii i iw 1 i lice 1 l s i ihc i t ii iiiiii l spevsiile ii v diwkms pi llle ip ll itnlli i i ml ilcglm mis u i iii sim i ii mis i v i a mill liili mi k 1 1 il ii i iv sun mis lellllll p i j i ll li s dunn i hi i in in m i c 111 i tel hun s orvtl inks in re ill pi n npil miss gwen kohi i son miss ii e plllllc i vl i milton heights mi muv iinphc ii pi iik ip d ml p id if ii puiv auxiliarv inn i up i i or mis miiv kiihuv priilitpals ullot sun 1 s i m ii ill 1 til 1 11 k it iii i liw lllll s i s i i mow ml s 11 le 11 urn 1 in i il llle i iv ol ll h i oik l tl i wilh lllls mis i mil i it e i i ill ll mis lu i iiii ii mill n iii lll in iiiiii hi in 1 mii li ii mil s i nl lie i olll i i hi i i sp lis t li n i i v i 1 lint i i pi tc i i tuil i vmi i 1 i ill i st iu si ii w h i iii i i inn pup i v i i i ml i to i i i i 11 i 1 sell i t i i ii i liil i id i i ii i is v i i till j 1 po i s llli i ll 1 ll i ii i 11 1 line i ll ji expect 700 pupils in eramosa to start classes september 6 iv lilil v isimii ning lo elisses in i liliti l i w llslnp this cini ic ill bi tim pupils who villi ike el isses mloui sc bonis i mobile nt is op i nun is4l pupils who alle iieted list veir i niobium at t lie koikwikid public sillimll is ivpiilill to ik i 12 which slmws a inii kc cl in iii isi li mil i is v i ii i nn si i llli i i ss i nuns i tuich i mi s in ic i urn it llu ko kv i siol to is u il temp u ilv uiilil i iu w miimii lis i phi a r in lal puip t 1iiin i u t ell lllls is hop i lo bi op mil in si pit mbii itist at the t lamosi sivni loom school enrolment is expected at 240 pupils ihe- loui colllels school wilh two looms ixpiels an eiuolniciil next tuesdav of ts4 pupils while tden mills iwo- i ooinschool wijj house 64 pupils oeiiii1j dav i m p u i id m mu n i m s u i be ttaebmi still i d i i i i i i 1 i i i idle ii ii i mi i s i i im mi i i 111 i 11 mil i 1 1 mi fiis r c k i i i lii ml i m i i 1 k i 11 l i i i ii pil t j i ml 1 ss mu il i m m i mi 111 i m i 1 1 s v 1- r 1 t m i m mr i impf ji al rfj ml s i lo w ll 1 1 i llllosi pllblli s hr p aid mi ion pi iik pi miss m u ilvn dennis mis ii e lie hmdlcv mis je iii jn ksoll mis cllole selllllldl j lilies spi ks llld miss v llje slle kill i re nie dial teacllei will be clif- loul i lluicks ami miisie supwji- usurmii robeitalloi a13dvs

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