Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1966, p. 3

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kmmis8irmsrih needs study r report ready this week that longawaited report designed lo hape the ruture of halton and peel counties the plunkett report is due to be completed thls- week and is expected to be in the hands of the mlnlitcr of municipal affairs by fri day just when special conunls- doner thomas plunkett re port the peel and halton local government review will be made public is any ones guess local govern ment representative feci it will be within two weeks but like everyone else hey are guessing the report was originally scheduled to be made public sometime this fall at a joint meeting of halton and peel county councils with the minister no firm dutchunr- been set for such a meeting and if one li held it is not certain whether the public and press will he invited thomas plunkett biiitjajuv o council pay altered continued from page onc siclor grant to the salvation army it the time of striking the 1967 budget representatives from pirks board and the recreation com mittee will meet with no 1 committee next week lo con sider amalgamation of puks board and recreation commit tee this was spurked by- dis- ciikmon by both- these groups two readings were given a bylaw for submission lo the ontario municipal board re garding debenture payment for actons now centennial library it was agreed to include the interest rate at 6 per cent this may bc altered in the tinuil reading in the event lower in terest rates can be obtained clerk jack mcgeachie inform ed council he would be unable to attend the an rural clerks conference in wei land today thursday on account of pres sure of business in the ollicc approval was given lor acton parks board to adopt a new park charge as follows pedes trians no charge acton resi dent with car no charge and al others with motor vehicle si per visit council also 0 approved a progress pay ment amounting lo 13824- x5 to kerr construction for llie new ijwrvry building 0 adopted a new insurance ratitvnient policy for town employees agreed lo allow i lie hell telephone co lo install a service along the norlherlv bor der ofthe tony seynuek pro per tv within live feet iroin t he lot line approved payment nl s87i85i to armstrong bros construction lor road- resur facing aiul paving in town instructed soliciloi ahlo braida lo prepare a oylaw ixgaiding installation ol t new uitcriiiuin liom acton hlvil to young st agreed 10 have no i com in it tec investigate l lie possi bility of adopting a loitering by- jaw in the ubsencc of mayor les duhy and reeve 11 ii iliiiton deputy- reeve r t parker was acting mayor with councillors mrs doris fiver c i leather- land i g 6ikes kul masil es robert diinkwaller and william williams present a aftefnoon auxiliary begins new study the september meeting of the afternoon auxiliary of klio church acton was held -sept- tember s at the home of mrs d leslie the president thank ed the hostess welcomed all and opened the meeting with a call to worship which included parts ot beautiful prayers mrs d kennedy and hei committee took the worship service and instead of the usual opening hymn mrs leslie play ed a medley of hymns on the new organ assembled by her son after the devotional period with scripture reading from acts first chapter and privci by mrs r l davidson mrs ken- nvdv introduced the new study the church grows in cana da which was wrjtlcn for ill denominations at the request ol the canadian council of ctlu re li es hv douglasjj wilson editor of religjon ior the montreal star in this centennial ear it was lei t the part- plaxed by the chutvlv school should be iwoiil- ed k program one deals will tlv gixwth ot t lie presjvterians and was shown by moans ol a panel when mrs kennedy interviewed mrs a j buchanan re he com- ing of the presbyterians to what was known as the western sec tion ol canada nyneh onfiiio and quebec and miss ruby clark iv the hastcm vvlion xovi scblia prince edward is land ami cape breton this covered the period- tivin cham- plains time to the union in lsts when ill pivsbxtcrian jiroups united and formed the presb- tviiah cluinfh in canada a letter was ivad bv mrs a- mclnlyre fivim miss margaret kennedy ol the bhsl field ot j n ilia telling of their jvrcit strug gle to ieeil the hungry f mis kennedy thaiikevk lief helpers and closest with the singing of ions kihg shall reign victorious o the presideitt thenmok o er for the business which consist ed of the reading of reports roll call invitation to nassagra- yyvva ttiankollering on oytubei- t ihv fall rally ol branipton pivshytcrial at tnion chuivh on september 28 and the neces sary arrangements for the fall thankoffering the date of which is not settled as plans had to be changed all seemed happy to be meet ing together again and to enjoy the dainty lunch provided by the committee miss helen holmes shows group slides the daughters of knox held their regular monthly meet ing monday in the ellen anderson room- at knox presbyterian church j president mrs bill toih pre sided and guests were welcom ed the meeimg opened with a short worship service lollowed by the business- final plans were made lor the fashion show tins month spon sored bv ryans of guelph kaeh girl ansvyered roll call x with the- niiiubcr ol lickels sold a member ill the groitp lissi- helen llulluev showed colored slides of liet ivcent trip ii hufj ope accompanied by mrs bert mow i tliese were enjoyed thoroughly by everyone the nieeiing closed and lunch was served i roiil ibenew kiicb- eiietle recently coinplclcil- some if i he high selioof students are wearing the recom mended school urfilorins do you uke your ihot water really hot and plenty of it for your laundry for youi bath for your dishes for your children for dozens of other things about the home nine beauties parade before judges repeat performance friday for title the actorveio proas thursday soptombor 15 1966 nine attractive miss aetou fair contestants wljo paraded net ft re a panel ol three judges saturday alternoon at the high school will repeat this perform ance friday evening at the night sluivvol the lall fair before the winner and two rumiersup are uinoiinced the change hr judging was de cided following public request when fall fair patrons express ed- a desire t see some of the judging in previous years a panel of judges chose the win- ner and lwi attendants on the saturday prior to the fair with miss acton iair being crowned at lie friday night perlorm- aiuv all nine contestants will pu- atle belore a ilillereiil panel of judges friday night while tin sltpirnirirtriiiaiuc goes on lol- loyving inlet mission miss acton fair will be crowned bv lasl yeii s oueen miss palti mckay ami her wo nimiersup niinid irics yyill he on display hut not handed ml iliuiiip the crowning result if saliiiiuiys judging reiniiils a closeguardd seimit by coiiiiniltee inembei s and these along with points g lined liidn night veil he totalled lor each gii llo ilelei mine a winner oi saturday a small crowd ol supporters sal in the bleach eis il the high school auditori um applauding each con lest ml as she relui ned to her seialler heiny in lei viewed hv the judges in liyin i lie iiils walked iroin llu-ii- l hails in a i ing in fhe centie ol the andiloi iiitn l he judges i lun where they chat ted briellv w illi lire three inter viewers beloie relurniiig to their seals coiumitlee chaiiinan william nellcs was master ol ccrt-inon- ice for the alfeinoou and wel- coiird the amlince mril an nonmed llie name age and ad dress ol each conlcslant last years liss atlon riii pell blonde paljrmckav sup plied judges yv i i f i senile v uls out i ct u iiud ills results to oilier committee ineiiibers i air biiml president lack marshall was oim on hinj in welcome t hs- i routl uul assist committee ineniheis choose queen for centennial next year for the 1 00th birth day of cniuulu the mlsa acton liilr coinnilttee in pliinuhik u special event to name it cen tennial oueen lodges for the saturday per- loi iiiance inv hided miss pal knox ontario vicepresident of the huiior fanners associa- lion major it flench from l he lllh field regiment iuelph contests races at firefighters picnic sunday sunday alternoon firefighters ind their laiuilies eiijovcd heir iiiiiual picnic logellur al the scout hall i lainnui geis were harhecued and enjoyed with sa lads pop chocolate milk and col lee iji the program ol spoils mainly for the- children the bil lowing were winners girls 4 s cindy w iillouay janice i hornliill hiv 4 s randvimc- i nly re randy van fleel and dennis manes lied ciii is 6 7 colleen mhiillo way judy pink lyiys 6 7 scoll withers liniinv lk girls cofleen spielvogel iercsa mc- iillouay ami imily llodgsoti tied boys 8 hilty mcciijio- yvav colin price ulrls 1012 carolyn duval margaret fi izcll hoys 1012 mlephen mel nl re tinuny mcln lyre hovs and girls 12 and over susan mctiilloway dale man- es dave hodgson ladies shoe kick donna kra- pek by a shoe lace needle and thread race janice withers and fddie mcclilloway ladies soil- ball throw pal friell balloon throw jillni krapek 1al friz- ell do it now dont put your lawn furniture away in need of repairs lawn and deck chairs rewebbed 200 to 400 h ppe adult workshop hornby yont north halton associsation for the mentally retarded v call mrs louttet acton 8530676 mrs isham campbeliville 8549966 hope centre hornby 8783369 1 w if sg voull eke hydros new j jrlot water service which l provides you with a nw mo dern automatic elec- trie yater heater and all the hot water you need for one attractive low monthly payment our staff will be pleased to tell yon all about 1 this allinclusive hot j vvater servicta cton hydro electric 3mmission substandard towels rorj 129 special 97c reg st69 special 119 special 77c 3o10 magnetic gorlers wethair clings fo rollers 10 rollers in pkg rep 100 pkg spcial79c pkg ladies j ax pantifesv sizes sml 3 pr in pkp v 207 value special 169 pkgp boys turtle neck puliovers with long sleeves sizcsa 16 black or while reg t79 special 99c ea just arrived a shipment of imported bulbs from holland tulips crocus narcissus daffodils lilies hyacinths hintgn s 5c j0o store the store thatgiles you a better choice a better quality if f j a lower price y- iinil chiirlis wells i rout tlu ciuilph biisiniss collim conlestiiiits iniliuliil 17-vviu- olil susan itlaik liom viin township l iai iut iivln 1iitimrii lioni lvsiik town ship isyiaidlii maivanl tjiv ens irin towiisliip i vyraioljl uaihua mcliaihiin ailon id- viarold hrottihi mikiown al ton lo vcholll lllilll otioilluiii nassajawiya tomiislilp 17yiih old oiiiisi iaikii ai ion hv yiaiiilil linda kiiiuts ailun anil id warold kina siliuls ii in jltmvnsliip jihikih fill the liiday 1 1 jl h show will inilllili miss allvson rdwiirtfs ol urailllonl ilinniii miss snow ouriii ini ihv llni viisily ol waliikin liiiiiiiv ko- ims anil tiiry sprtivii in hiilh liom iiiilpll iulio milioii iiiiimltlic iniinbiit ini luili ml nilhsp iliajiitiiiii mu sprowl vicichiiiriiiaii miss mckay jidin cliapiuaii huh kiir l ii i li u l cm miss nillic tivbmiiaiir a lyiinvr winnii and lawrrtiii i lihishv all loiilislanls will ridi in ionviiluiks during ilu- saliir- ilay alliiiionn paiuk iasl wars winnri miss mv kay is llie laiihlii unpopular tnlirlaijiei clill mckay aiul mrs mckay ol spivsidiv sltc al lipuleil ailciai liijjh miiocii aiul is now a imirdiissir in milton willi ilu- opillillji sillilll mil viiralioiml sec i ions al llic si honl or ilu lcil i millnu iiroliihiifhas juinpccl lioni 211 lasl year icj ncai 110 ilijs nioiilh till scliiicd liorfjk- mij luiica hoys lout hall iciin icaclv s play smaller lii m honls in lli auii perso ml cohi maicoll ji who iiiiiliiwiiil an operation- in iiulph on tuisilay is convil- isi incj now satlslacloi ily mr aiul misti koitnvalilsim visilucl on siimlav it sivcrn miidji willi ml and mrs licit wood urine foils son dl mr aiiil mis tlai 1iiiv fulls is al tiiiilini- onlariii am ic nllul al folkc at ciuilph iriiiulk hnpi inr a spivily ic iciviry idi mrs stan norliiii v in j is a paliiiil in fiiilph icn- iial llnspilil this wiik itiiiuk inv son v lo limiii 1 1 1 1 p llohliv llnkin- is a pa liiiil in faiilpli iiiicraltlosii i al loi t real mail in a ice in jm iil in a ucinl i ar in lidcnl mis mary miauliv allinilcil illi- ucililhij nl lici niici in win jliatn mi salnrilav aiul spent i couple ol days willi lici daiiili- iiianil son inlaw in liiikiiiiw mr anil mrs syil i ami en- liilaincil iiieiiiheis nl his si ill al llieii i nl lajie al mialoid lasl ueikeiiil they enjoyed loaliii ivalei skiinp anil a liu liei lie siiiper mis ii ink 1iv ol km kwuinl ami mis anna siullll alleniled t he lenlli annual picnie u ilu- wansliinili lainilv h e i l al uiddiii valley ink alderslml lasl sunday uelalives wen- i here lioni kiin inline toronlii wllloulale ooksiille uiirlliiij- loii ancislei knc kiood and aetou mary mollat lias iilunieil lioni wliuliiitilii llousi when- she was colloe shnp supervisor lor ilu- summer aiul is liiin- ninp her seionil year il mcdon ald llisliuile iuelph miss donna shorlill ilaiipliler ol mi and mrs hurry shorlill ol llalliiiilnl a hiiiuer ailun llijih siliool sliulenl is eiiiolleil in welliiiillou lolki uiiiveisily ol iiielph a iwoilav itaplisl mens illi liiviiiv was held on llie week vml al llie iuelph wide onler eiue piuuiiils over ml nun liom ontario aiul ouehec look pail anionj lliiin jeorije llar- i fp ol ai loll held sei ulil y a jruiip nl ineniheis ol ailon llniled chinch allellded llie sei viie siimlav iveiiinj in kill hen el meiuoilal arena ill connei lion willi the 22iul ihiieial hiiiii- i il ol the united inn i li ol cm ada mr and mis ii lliu lev ami son have moved iroin money ciceklci s2 nelson fotnl lu loriiiii lioiiie ol mr anil mrs led itankliu and lainilv mi hurley is einplovcil al mieio ilasliis mi and mis mick llolinc willi loiuiii acton tin- i li li- 1 lack new toll uiimrs newton nl tiirniilo 11 irhclcil the ion ve ol the aiiadiu i assoc i clion nl in e liiels al si iiilin new hruuiwiik anpnl 2 iii l and sel i they liavelleil til si lopelhii hv car mr uul mrs tom iorilon eel- ehialcil i in- 1 i idlh wcilclill nn- niversaiy sunday id leiiioini when a lainilv parly was helil lor them al llie inn lie ol their ilaicliler allelic mrs llol hi uce ilie natheilnp was a sur prise in lie t oiiple mr lack mainprise ol mun- iixal sun ol mr uul mis iluy maiiiii ii is mi a liiisiness hip to new zealand lie is only aw iv ahnllt two weeks hill his llilhls slop tor some hours at honolulu i iji anil ullier places ol special inleiesl mi and mi idee allan anil mr iiilin allan lornnlo miss lean sin il i iiuhiville mr anil mf ss- al lliiir llolloii seahii iii wen- khest s at llie 1 1 iii i ail lal i weddliljj salnrilav and visileil oveijhe weekend willi miss ii la fvaicn laiili a i ken olliwa visileil willi his lainilv ovei llie week end mil attended the hull ait ken uechlliicj waym- ailken en lolled lasl week al kveisoll iolylei llllii al si llnnl tniuiilo in seem ul ii a n hilec tin al ill ill ui inn il lie liars ate belli sold as a iiiiiii i aisinp picijci i i the ai ion ii in li ol tlu nhill llallon a so i ill hi li llie mentally keluileil ilievl he selling llie liar mil llli-l- iii e cuds al i lun immiii al the i in ac inn pu k u ill he liniiip yilji ac inil j his wiikeiiil its ai ion lall laji tunc acain i s tr i tcinliiiitttoti8avwyiiih0uii at ir l iivirril i uprtf i iliidot 1dr ptogfa lritmnilni its so easri this woek you limply got double the amount of your cash remitter taps complete dollars only will be doubled i important for easy couiillntj ul the checkouts only complete clolluih will he doubled for cxunipler if your ch rcglhlcr tape tolals ji864 you will receive an iiiulltlonal 1800 in lionus tapes fuke v j- a tape days prices effective sept 14 15 16 and 17 we reserve the right to limit qiuin titles i tablrite canadas finest jquauty rte f blue bran6 beef blat bono removed boneless blade or iort roast ifce ireslilytjriiiiihl shoulder or cross cut rib roast lb iresiiiy minced chock lb 69c i tablcrlle 5llccl 5 varieties 6o pk c0jgbeats 27c alylfejmrnfsc or triangle kenltakettb lb 63c fraservale frozen mixed vegetables 2lb pkg -tk- a y pkpd0iggsfs ajjfornia a canada pears canada noj1 grde jc siieij35 6 for 39c ihtord w c 2 stalks 29c ods save 29c beef or irish 24 o tln swifts stew 2 for 89c save 35c luncheon meat 12n tins pr em 2 for 99c save 17c rose sweet mixew ifror jars pickles or relish 3 for si while swan twin paks tissue 2 for 49c sweet juicy vjjmcia 0 r g je jit dozen x tfr v z s- vto all acton fajtsffjvisitbrs wesordmvitation to visit our store this weekend our staff will be ready andpleasedykgf w i the management and staff at iga foods wish the directors of the v fall fair board another successful and record breaking year

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