Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1966, p. 5

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bunting gun powder at mahf rock shooting rancf by art ilawes top scores at maple rock shooting ranges this week in eluded wayne leadston 21 and 19 art havves 20 bud webster 19 dave johnson 19 gerrv la niarche 19 and jack wenxle 18 visattng shuutois included bob cunningham buino tone guo c r kclgoui and how aid smith chris dennv return ed after a lengthy absence arid calmly bioke 23 clas 1 he members have decided to continue shooting as long as the weather permits a neve competition will be staited and prizes aie to be arranged for i the pheasant season in this area is from october 19 to nov ember 12 1966 it will be noted the season has been etended a week longer than usual the reason for this is that most local pheasants aie stocked and those not harvested during the hunt ing season usually die because ot the seveic vvmtei weather it is hoped the- lengthened sea son will enable- hunters to har vest more buds and thus ehm mate this waste- in this regard we have been trying to get some lnloimution about local stocking piograms conducted bv the department ol lands and forests but as et have been unable to get anv in formation of any kind shooting homs lor pheasants are from ham to s p m in all ruffed grouse season is fiom october 1 to december is in this area in mans areas the ruffed grouse are increasing in numbers as ihev have passed the low point in then cycle hunting success should be im proved over last veai but the cold spring weathei mav have paitiallv limited the increase a on monday sept 12 we hail the opportunity to attend a gun show in the oakille arena this show was sponsored bv cor bel ts spoiling goods of oak- vi lie while this was a small show of modern and antique arms it was quite good as the tiowd was small enough to enable one to be able to examine the lire- aims closelv the show also in cluded two films one taken bv some oikville lishermen who louineved to great bear lake and another supplied bv rem ington- showing duck and geese hunting methods in various areas of north america one interesting displav was by peterborough guns limited who with the cooperation of remington and ruger are sell ing canadian centennial guns there are two guns the remington 742 woodsmaster autoloader in 108 cabbie and the ruger model 1022 snorter 22 autoloader each gun is en graved on the receiver and has a silvei centennial medallion inlaid in the stock the engrav ing on the receiver reads can adian centennial gun and this is above the centennial emblem and a pattern ol maple leaves these guns sell as a set or individually both guns in the set have identical serial num- beis the guns are registered to the owner and the companv keeps these on their records and each owner receiver a cer tificate of registration and au thenticity suitable for framing these sets are reasonably priced and shotild one day prove to be valuable collectors items as only a limited number are being manufactured the moose season is now open in the fai noi th and most seasons will be opening within the net few weeks we would gratefully accept anv icports on hunting condi lions and oi unusually siicccss- lul hunts these reports can be mailed to me in care ol the acton free press recreation student hired to direct program at y carl chadbuin secondveai student in iccieation at the uni versitv ofguelph has been hir ed bv the acton ymca boaid lor the veai as y piogram dn- ec tot the new dneeioi has previous experience woi king in the y al noilh bay and will be opciat ing a piogiam in con tunc lion with the town iccicatun pio giam spearheaded by recreation director howaid pearcc the two men will woik jointlv in oidei not to have duplication in iccieation thioughout town and i he y mr chadburn will be in town monday to review the y pro- giam with board members and cvvll start his duties immediate ly slutf photo actons celebrities mayor les duby and mrs duby and f l wright current citzen oi the year rode in style in an open convertible during the fall fair darade hone shoe pitch winters llmiination seues toi lt noise shoe pitching contestant began satmdax morning ami competition continued thicugh out rhe div duung the second annual competition at acton i all fan location was changed to behind the community centre the moiiimg series doiermin ed the vauous classes contest ants vyould appear in with the lirsi eight with highest points emerging into jass a and the net eight into class b results of scries a are as follows tirst pne l gohlte aurora swond wilheit schuett guclph thud couitland ken goderich fourth llvod rogers flora and fifth rov broham breslau in series b the winners pick ed were fiist i lovd markle guclph- second td davies u- burn third art wilson hamil ton fourth george rogers el- ora and fifth clarence hummel of anss cash prizes xvere awarded phyohs now against arkell rockwood murray tavlor came up with is strike outs when the rockwood juveniles imu out victorious m their semi finals vwth brock road the linal game plaved in aber- tovle was a 53 win lor rock wood and gave them a three to one average in the best three ol live series thev now playoff against rkcl who downed bad ciuick in that semitinal drop semifinals t three games to one rockwood roclcwood drop ped their semifinals with hills- burg three games to one in the intercountv playoffs the last game on monday night in hillsburg saw ron lit tle lead his team to a 71 win over rockwood hillsburg now meets glen williams in the final round the acton free press thursday september 22 1966 surge of interest in library foreseen by regional official brownies depicted national flowers on their float during the saturday fair parade the youngsters enioyed ridinq in the parade after their hard work of decorating tin nishine stocking and upd ating actons new centennial libiaiv weie discussed at a lib laiv boaicl meeting on monilav evening ol this week libraiv boaid members have been meet nig almost weekly in piepua- t uni loi the move to the new lililuy on ilk kolich i idle pub he m hoot gioimels attending this weeks meeting and assisiing in the discussions were chules bi isbm duel lib- i u kin ol hamilton public lib lanes and secietarvtreasurci of the south central regional lib- iai coopci alive and e h buckeilield of oakville chair man ol the finance- and budget committee of the coop mi bnsbin announced that a credit prize lists summarized continued horn page one grand champion lemale title both these winneis were rib bon winneis throughout ihe en tire contest in the market cattle competi tion doug gardhouse leceived the bank of noa scotia tiophv for the best steei oi huilei shown by a gnl oi boy and the s e holmes and son tiophv for the best group of thiee am mals went to wheelei biotlieis the j b ledger trophy for the grand champion steei ol all beel breeds went to bert wheel er mel mcculiough popular dairv herdsman liom acton was master of all he surveyed in the guernsey class competi tion taking 12 firsts as well as taking the giand championship and tops lor the best herel the only competition not won bv mi mcculiough was the junior lemale championship w inch wvnl to t mcnabb competition in the jcisev dairy class was keen as show men had then heids in good condition for nidging e alex ander won the grand champion ship on both male and lemale as well as the innior male cham pionship senioi lemale chain pionship and the red rrbhon loi the best heid in hie show w j nornngton won the wil mcr frvei challenge tiophv foi the best herd of avrshires in ihe show as well as taking the grand championship for both male and female beasts he historical plaque lor nelles family on sunday an histoncal pla que was unveiled and dedicated commemorating the nelles set tlement and among the manv nelles relatives attending were mr and mrs cecil nelles mi and mrs bill nelles and son brian ol acton the ceremony took place at st johns churchy aid yoik and was under the dnettion ol the major henrs nelles mem onal committee and the haldi mand county museum assoc la tion the plaque to this pioneei famik reads the nelles settle ment 1785 altei rcceiving lands on the grand river in 1874 the sli nations indians invited cap tain hendnck nelles a loyalist from the mohawk valley to set tie there with five ol his sons he and robert the eldest estab lished larms in what is now sen eca township anil built houses in which thev lived until cap tain nelles death in 1731 and roberts removal to grimsby their grants continued in 1787 were later changed to w9 veai leases and john nelles leased 2s acres across the river william warner and braham nelles ic ceived crown patents in 183r from the original nelles tract in seneca granted to their fath er and biothei in 1787 the nel les settlement contained about thirty lainihes in 1828 the plaque wes elected bv the archlkeological and historical sites boaid ot ontario was top winnei thioughout ihe competition losing only one class lo gary dobbie lot the senior heilei call class in the holstein competition j biandci copped the dave mams challenge tiophv with the best hei d while waul biovsniidge won the yiand champion lemale competition and v bennett took honoi s lor the giand champion male competition in the sheep classes was limited to only loin exhibitors who showed their pi i7e animals in the southdown class tied lovxden was the big winner iopping all classes in eluding the best ewe in class the only class he dropped was the best ram in class which went to gouge woods in ihe oxford downs mi low den took all lust pi ie jib buns rohei i comloit was ihe big winitci in ihe sullolk class taking all classes hut the besl esse which went to w r bake in ihe sluopshiies r condon look all ud nbbons tied loss den once again took lust class honoi s in ihe shoi i wooled sheep with eight lusls and r comloit was tops in the coninieicial lei tine class tnliies in the homcciaft dis plav s vseie plenlilul and atliael ed i lot ol attention liorn ian pat i ons hi special elasses dublin w i won lor the best institute dis play limehouse 4h club won loi lop 4 11 display the acton fiee press homcmaker special being run loi the- inst time was won bv mis gcoige young ac ion with eight otliei entiles be ing iiidged whether the heavy di aught hoise is giving way to the mod cm i u in tticloi oi nol is a quest urn but eniiies in ihe heavy hoi ko wlisscs at the luu this eai showed a decline f i oni pievious seals in the chiles competition choicelea paims bad ihe only eiitia ssiniling with hiooel nine in the heavy hoisvs in harness class j bannciman and r mccutc beon won many top ribbons with then enti ies j bannciman had the sole win in the belgian mate class and r mccuteheon had three wins in the perchcion class ed snow and dc liner toid battled i out ssilh tine enti us in the hog exhibit with mr snow copping the championship lor both top boi and sosv tn tnes in this class sseie imiitcd to tvso exhibitors in the junior horse show sponsoied uiidii the supers i sum o the canadian horse shows association hie compe t it kin was keen as horsemen put then mounts tluough the vauous lumps and peitoiman ces ron purdv or cheltenham ssith his mount elegy won the championship and susan pctt caledon with mount jet tin nst taking reserve chain pion spectators gathcied aiotind the enclosure vsherv the uders perlormed and cheered then tasorile hoise and rielei jud3etoi the competition james sioddart hamilton was kept busy luminc winners with competition so joten st john ambulance brigade division 332 acton ont is sponsoring a senior first aid course wednesday october 5 1966 town hall at 800 pm students 14 yrs and up 200 adults 500 1st certificate class 7 lessons and exam voucher and medallion 9 lessons and exam for further information please telephone 8531517 most beautiful babies named by three outoftown judges the second annual hihy show al saliiiclav s ian alti acted a laigv nunihei ol cm i us iiu tlllcc jilt l tossil lllllges mis barbara whei le piiston mis i ois shasv kitchener and mrs othotlis small jiielph hid i dillicull time choosum winneis lust pi ic loi gills up lo six months ol age sscnt to jiulv noble daughtu ol mi and mrs rohci t noble ac tun with sec ond place- going lo 1aiv ann b lines ilauuhtvi ol mi and mis harnes geoigetossn in ihe class loi boss up to fsis months ot age ihe leil lib bon was pinnul on michael biiicc- ufga son ol mi and mis oum ol call mil second place- i ibholl ssellt id lelllcs wllllls son ol mi anil mis w diets til ac ton lust puye x nine i loi mils liom siveirlo oinonllis ol it vs is dihoi h in siokis d inch in ol mi and mis allan siokis ol georgetown scc one pi ie- vscnt to lulie ann sugint elinghlci ol mi iiul mis i s ugi nt roc kssood lii lie same class loi boss top in the poultry shovs this viai the buds weie ol good satiety and goidtm ridlei ol r r 2 giulph lid tin enmpelitoi vsilh 67 lusts m seconds ami six thuds a complete- list of all tin prize winners vsill appeal iti next ssuks issiis ol 1 lie ac inn ti ic puss ssinnei vsas shawn riihardson son ol mi and mrs bniee rich aulson roe kssood with dvvavne cm lis son ol mr and mis till tis ol i loi nbs taking second pi in- i in ihe class for girls fiom h to 18 months ol age 1 esa pcuv daughter ol mi and alls chailes piltv rockwood was champion and second pi ie vsiiil to panic la timmeiman daiightei ol ml and mrs tim meiman rr i acton paul bui ion son of mr und mrs bui ton guclph took first pi ie loi the boys in 13 to 18 month old group ami tommy iuiils son ol mi mil mis pin lis glen williams look second pi ii mo t7ti k s aiiiseil on time lot tin besl sit ol twills up to two veils ol igi- i he iiulgiiig was on ihe pi it loi m it ihe i ii end of the 11 in i robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountain view s georgetown 111 mill st actor monday from 4 pm for appointment 8773971 for the purchase of reference books has ben established lor the acton library from the co op special proiect fund this ciedit is in addition lo a pre vious giant ol sfiw liom the cooperative furnishings and shelv uijj vvie discussed al length and aieln led don skmnei was autliiiu ed lo piepare specilications on which costs may be determined discussed also were various ways the physical move irom ihe old quaiteis to the new lib tars can be accomplished it was estimated the move could be accomplished within one week previous lo ihe meeting board members and the visitors in spected the library building the visitors expiessed their pleasure in ihe site of the lib raiv and ihe design ol the build mi mi bi ishin loiesaw m ihe no loo distant lutuic- ihe use bv adults ol twothuds of ihe aiea and the childien one thud he invisaoncd a great surge in the use- and appreciation of the building bv the adult citizens of acton picsent foi the meeting as well as the two visitois were c ii in niii i gcoige- i ee and boaid iiu minis i i ed ness r mcmlll- li i copelanel ted pratt l ijubv boaid secretary esther lav lor and architect don skin ner hassar0 vrclifty milton ejsiel 3272 thursfri sat sept 222324 paradise hawaiian style in color elvis prrsley short subject mr chat cartoon tell me a bedtime story above program shown at sunday matinee sunmon tues peyton place i ana turntr 1 lov d nolan adult intertainmfnt sept 252627 in color wed thurs fri sat sept 282930 oct 1 magnificent men in flying machines in color al i star cast cartoon woodys cup joint show times weekdays monday through thursday 8 pm friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pjw sunday movies sunday september 25 majinee al 2 pm evening show at 8 pi pfl r u u v everyone is invited open house see page b3 wed like you to meet our manager john a edgar john was assistant ivfanager of our brampton office and has had considerable banking and tcusl company experience come in and meet john hell be glad lo assist vou vith your financial and eslaite problems and senior teller mrs m keith dawson liigaiet has had considerable banking ex- pciiciice and vvill ise vou friendly courtse- halton peel trut has many friends m north halton county lt col john barber has been a director of the companv since its ncedtion th advisory board fo- north halton includes john t armstrong reford gardhouse maurice c beaty michael ledwith john goy and dr b d younq halton peel trust savings company head office oakville ontarlcd offices inf brampton burlington cooksviue milton simcoe delhi and georgetown 1j

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