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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1966, p. 10

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u the acton ff rws thursday september 39 1966 4h calf grain club members conclude year at acton fair aclon fair marked i lie conclu sion of anotliet very successful club veai lor acton 4h call and grain club members on friday september l all 10 members of the acton 4h grain club cxhfoitcd their 15 lbs or herta barley and their weed and forage plant collec tions winners in the barlcv verewa ne ait ken norma les lie bob i eshe leah leslie keith aitken and bill lasbv these exhibits will compete against others from halton peel and wellington at the firm fair on thanksgiving weekend for the weed and forage plant collection keith aitken was first followed by wayne aitken bob leslie- petei lvnch and catherine lasbv there five col lections will compete at milton fair lor the 150 in prie money piovided by halton county council on saturday afternoon the 411 call club members paraded their calves before the judge pivtlu meek ol frln all ii members wei present wilti the exception of walter blum in showmanship first was wune aitken second keith aitken third mujoue john ston fourth bill lasbv filth boblasb junior darrv heifer first carolyn spear second john brown third peter i vnih senior dairy heilei first marjone johnston junior beer tleiler first kevan mitchell second leah leslie senior beef heifer first catherine lasbv second keith aitken third slewait mccul- lough steers first bill lashs second bob lasbv third wavne aitken these top two steers aie cii- teied in the queens guineas class at the roal winter fan the club leaders ulio juiidid the 4 llei throughout the yeai are nino biaida and kiissell mui rav new law partners georgetown men beginning early in oclobei frederick a llelson and ken nelh langdon will be associated in partnership in law piailtit in georgetown mr lingdon is the son ol magistrate and mrs kenneth langdon and graduated irom osgoode hall in 1961 he has been asstnlated with a toronto law lirm he is the eighth mem bei ol his family to choose a law career his grandfather prac need law and all four sons he came lavcis two becoming magistrates mr hclju founeilv chiil chemist with baxlei labs in ac ton has been in piatlue in nohjelimn sinte ls7 meeting christian families special pleasure for rudds tormer acton pastor jim rudd has u i it ten anothei leltei which is oeing cucularized am ong 1 1 lends he tells of his work in india snkakulam snkakulam distnct andbia prodesh india august 1966 dear friends a ciiciilni letter to our fiiends relatives and piaei paitners is long oveidue we know but we have thought ol ou man man times and have been aw ne ol com interest and piaeis loi us in max and pait ol june we mioved a lool holida in dai leeling the maicstic kanchen longa range ol thi himalaya mounlams was a sight we will nexei lot get incn upon re turning tcnhc plains to oui woik on the suk akulini and tekkah fields we sec on eei hand oppoitunil ies lui senilis jesus chnst we begin to leel thai basic to an ne all stiateg ol christian ad- inco is a personal acquaint anceship with the christian fa- n dies on oui liclds therelore in the lirsl week ol august 1 spent tie das in kas- iiuga isiling llic chnstians i i pastoi john chailes we went into the ho mi ol each chustian in tbaoaiea talked wilh thtn about tiled woikand tin n lumlii- icul the bible with them and praxed with hum this was a ers jialil nij and olul expnunce lor me pitsonalk i villi tell ou about tulisid as a polu eman whom we met tue tuhsidas uul his wile tu ned u the loul about thiee ears ago attei a nitical per i id ilui lies he became ti ill with tubeiculosis and was tikm to the king george hisin il m isakhjpatnam 1 he docioi s theie operated on him bu it appealed as though h wouil die howcvei he sin ued mil mailualk ginned bak hts sj length the famiu iieiitcd t hi ist as their sai- ou and ni the are living cil for llim spending much u thur fiee time in bible stu t and devotion and maintain in a good witness in their home recent l thev had a sec rd child boi n to them a son 1 ic irst bo is in his teens ml he addition o a new bao wtteorn waim mwmtloaal ltk ww 5000 bostmms has mom than thirty ymra wptrltma i fostarini bod wil in butlnwa mi community lit foe mora inform tfea about wjoouk ss 8v0ms ksc s il t welcome ncwcomek8 um this coupon lo in us fcnoii oure hrr nsnue aildrptm town i 1 please have the welt come wagon hostess call on me i would ilk to sub scribe to the actea free press i already subscribe to the acton fra press fill out coupon and snail to clrculauon dept tbe actoa free press now is a real joy to them piav loi this lamilv the following week i carried on the same ivpe of work onl in snkakulam town itself rev p knipanandam is the pastoi ol the local church and his age and ears of experience plus his rich knowledge of chnst make him a ver good pastor he and i called upon about hall of the chnstians ol the town shued their experiences and praed with them this past ten das we as a fimilv have been living in tek kih and i hjve been cai rvung on visitation with the new pas loi mr g p gnana piakash you will remombei that we had asked vou to pra that a pas tor be i on nil lor this chinch and praver was answeied when hi tramc- last- month- wc also -hoc- oppoitunities as we look lo- waul the tutun in the middle ot seplembei we hope lo have an evangehs tic camp on the snkakulam field i alwavs look forward to such camps not onl because we can preach the gospel but also because at the fellowship which the workers have with cuili othei in oui leisure time suili camps mvariablv turn out lo be deeper life cxpei lences as well as evangelistic- elloits our vcoik among high school mil college students in siikaku lini is another oppoitunitv we aic on the threshold ol a new colege eai some ol our old students are back to resume- studies in the government arts college the poktechnic instil me or one ol the training schools manv new students have also come wo want to bung these voung people to a decision foi chnst it thev have not u reacu mad one and lo obituary i robert hopkins dies in 18th year this commumtv was sadden ed last week bv the death ol seventeen veaiold robert hop kins at guelph geneial hospital on satuidav septemnei 17 robert came lo acton with his familv irom st calhannes wlun he was two vears of age and at tended rohei t little public sell ool beie he bad just enteied high school when he became at i in toil with the disease which claimed his lite roui veils later dm mg his long illness he main lamed his siinnv disposition and though hi was hospu ilied wilh uic i easing rreqneniv his com age nevei labeled lcft to mouin his loss m- his nioihei and sleplalbei jean and 1 orne masales sisteis td ilh hopkins at home helen mis kriih mainprise ol help them to see that the yieai est goal is to scek and du the will ol god another program prcsmtlv in the of ling is a bible sinet proieet being conducted b the snkakulam bfole auiiliaiv president mr sundai singh b a m sc gr the bible soc letv is ottering the four gos pels in telugu attractivek put up in a plastic envelope to all seniors in high school esperi ments in the past have shown it lo a suiyesslurtoiiclusion m moii- than it schools nd piav that as these oung people read the seriptuies thev might un derstand the wav of salvation and aceept lesus chnst as then lord i giki bless vou each one and thank vou lor oui lellowship in this week through vour piav ers yours sincerck in christ jim and marion rudd bar bara peter and jonathan we specialize in armstrong c0rl0n and tile 8v2 l16th gauge 5 color variety i service gauge 10v corl0n up to 20 discount on listed stock wall panelling 495 for sheet 4 x v lakeview discount centre main st n acton t 8531 190 dusjty roads speeders bother esquesmg township ratepayers w a w m s hold meetings campaign organizer rsquesing township council bus were- ill choked up with dust on moiidav sepleinhti l when naii latepiveis swaiiiied ii lo i iii llltlllllg i usui 1 slnllll ieaitling dustv ionl kiik ins mis i olliaui iiul scmil de legates 1 1 om i in i iglith line vvnc soon to kaili anothei de legation ol thin headed bv c a matliii all horn tin 22nd suit load 111 i wm also pieseot to complain ol dost piohums before die entire gioup was i unshed complaining ot heavv i i neks spieiling ami dust pmli leins comic illoi s weie all elio kut up and sv inpilliilii lowaiel tin nuisance being eliioiinli ii el lv lalepaviis llowtvei coiiiuilloi pal pat teison it iiundeil the deli gallons lie toad budget was haidlad i tii hi lo list until llu i ml ol ihi mn 1 his was ii lined at til ml vlillliis st ned i ill linn h il onh 111 e ii spuld twin lllls viai reeve cieoigi lislie iiiiundttl tin diligalis il woitlit nisi loon ill anolbei jiohh to spuid e ill nun on llu 142 units ol i o ill llllollllolll lslllisui mi ill ic son sngeisteil pei it s liit vi ii s lollllill sluillil si i isilll ivwkh ioi tills pill pilsl mrs ollcnoi told nniiit i smile liiivks will eli i l iiu at is cissivi speeils ilaimin sonu will doiilji between 70 mil so ii lies pi i horn ilinlji i in l ii ul she woiieleiiil il llu loads could not in posted with signs i egulalnif spuil limits the neve- iiiited that signs coulil onk be postiel in buill up aieas coiiiuilloi pal lei son was ol the opinion il 1 1 inks ed bv mis oheun it was a mallei loi the police councillor tom hill siijgist oil pel haps i he depaitiiiiiil ol highw ivs be askid lo look it llll iii i lllll si t it sllls hullll lit authoi ie il iii iiilmp spt i il 1 1 mi is be ion i in di k hi s it 1 1 count illni ilitiison sml in acton biothers john hopkins and seott masales at home and ins giandparents mi and mis john frank acton the i uncial service liom the rumlev shoemakei runeial home was eonducted b rev a h mckenie at 2 10 p m on mondav seplembei 1 tollow ed bv lnleimnil at tauvuw cemeleiv acton the pall beaiers weie meil hams bei i flafladav clarence blown alt tiank bus chisholm anil keith mainpi ie that the maiontv ol students are willing to accept this gilt in addition a telugu bible is given ireelv to each school lib rary heie is a tieniendous op poi tunitv to get the bible into the hands ol the vouth ol ind ii pray for this project as we seek to inaugurate it and bun hayday atgolfclub ronnei acton lesidents gib anil mnic ii i and then lo sons tel in mil dwavm in uli il a hav l it the- cieoigctown goll and counlrv club iuiiiik rile havs ill loin ol hi in won club ihampionships in i in final loin naineiit loiinds teliv won the inu eiown tin ovii all c hinipioiiship 0v iv in took the imioi eup anil l iu and gib eaptuied lilt bush unl andwile championship mailing a letter your envelope should have correct postaye in upper right corner t hr nt mo of person aiio bli uuld r ll e ive the letter i r t p t numhfif irftm ni m e post c i i c t b o or ur r o lj n uftibe r a is 1 p i r t humm o r h usi- nf ss i loc k i nd uite nu nihlr i iqc to- n or city ii lvisii i onn it f n uc province nri r nm- s s m up- s st a latter with th comet address is delivered right way a letter with a wrong address takes longer on its way informat see your book yellow pages lelt ralepavtis woultlnl mind aing in t mia mill oi lun to it t mill i ouls reeve it in i in u kid i in is what we waul to know alter some ol llu i ilipiveis pitsint soil thiv wollldll i ii i let ill iiiiiiasi in llu null i ili- il tbi got good ioiiis kiim i is lie leiniiitlt tl tin ill in in ill i tie il si ili miill il the nominal inn meeting oi when llu v ii mil a lull showing i ten oi iwihi iloltu nu lease in lavi s in eoiiiliisioii the nfvi sml in toulil piiiimsi n t ii i ii j until ffu 101d loiiiintl tt t had an op pollllllllv lo itvllw lilt sllllll ion obituary mrs russell kayes buried at fairview i nm i il si i in i w is lu id il llu k iii li i slim in ikt i i im ti il hunii on i i id iv si plembt i 2 loi most lille k ivl s nit mil lull i who pissiil in i in oikvilli liuspil il on si pi t milt i 21 mis kims is iiiiiwii hi i t i llll 11 llltl kllssi ii ll llu ii lionu h l 4 ai inn mil i son lollrlis kill it us old llllil is llisillll llllil mill ills itllll mis inl wilson k r mi ftloiin h i p ii i nismi uul mis alt v miklull ittllni il id sisin s lii iii i mi s u i dit d i i milton i isie mis r a swindli liuisl billm il id i il ii in mis si in in lis ii illni ilul aiul noiiiii mis i ml wi son ul i nm luiusi mi s k in w im w is in lit i 2mii it ii hitl in t n ill im t ijlit nionllis mil illi mil il hliu mount mi pulilk s hool inl a ion in ii i hool mil mis in ii i ii 1 oil ihi s ilii il ai lull tin iti ii mi ki iiu ion dm d llu linn i il si 1 1 ii i mil uiti i nu ul n is in i in i ii ii i t in t ii i i illln mis win llillll olllll ml kins skpltllltl ion ild mi on ml i 1 1 ii ml no i jt mllllllll i idiisiii l llillll uupiit ii hi mi it i mil i i m pin ii in inn ii unl i in ii ink liu 1 i i iiiisin mis kins h ul i iv n m mil koikuiidd the hoik wood iicsbvliiiiii w ms and wa held tin ii sipieinhei ineciini leeentlv aj the home ol mrs oidon swaiiston i he piesi iliil miss mlnme nnkell opiii 1 ll willi llll pot iii t ulltllllllll iii llu tit miii n- lik n in mi- i lilt iii ill vlt it llillll tn l willi pi im l ollt it il in mis ouln a n iliiii mil math not iloilllsiil was llillll ll mis i i icinin dm lit the business miss p ivntii slalt it iii it miss iiiii i is a leluinid missioiiai v in mid like i n in available as a i nst sptakti on oi alioiil ot lobe 21 mis i lavloi nl llolslt in llu wile ol llu im uiti pastoi was pi est nl im the meet int assist i tl in miss m niikell the two fave a must inleiisliny talk on i be dead sea senilis miso aitken moved u vote ul thanks to the hostess and nil who hud taken pai t espenallv mis lavlcn i lie meetiii clos ed with a hi inn mid binedli lion i i he wa followed i lie pit si tltiil mis i loliiisiim in l 1 11 1 l i inn ii ami a snu d nine u k- lllllll fair dates hat i ic sept 28 29 10 oct i i im oil 7 8 10 oeoiyetovvn sept 10 oi i i klliheiiri sepl 26ou i ottawa wmlei iau on 24 29 loioiilo froutl wmlei lair nov 11 19 liiiiullv peisnntliti mil t n oi nl knillin uul ollui hobbies the aiiiage milk eoiv in can ada pioduees three ions ol milk plus 163 rbs per yeai tfavmm 64 1ntkrest paid on guaranteed investment certificates amounts 100 to 100000 term 1 to 5 years enquiries invited halton peel trust savings company head office- oakville ortcei brampton cookfville burlington miltoa simeon georgetown w jg plitppcn of toronto hjs been appointed as aft organ ize i in the 1966 canada saving bonds campaign pavroh sav- ints division for halton and peel counties his leri iiiii rtrtttiide port villi takull malton aeton and milton ilils murks mi phippens six th veat as mi tiiyauiei lor the lunula savings bonds cam paign sales of bonds lasl vear in the nullities of malum tmd peel to talled 2 041000 get a grea1 chain saw h0melite xl12 cuts 12 logs in 10 stcondc ells trees up to 3 in dlimmler weighs only kil less bor ids and chain does dozen of woodcutting chorus perfectly balanced for assy handling rugged diecast unit stands up to hardcisl oso get a free demonstration today a kerr son r r 2 acton ont t959 ride the pontiac winning streak introducing the adventurous new pontiacs for 1967 the biggest car news for 1 967 comes from pontiac canadas perennial success car gets away to yet another flying start with new styling new models new interiors new safety fea tures and new glamor options grande parisienne parisienne laurentian and stratochief series all have completely new sport coup wfft om oti styling bowing in is a brandnew series called 22 it s the last word in full size adventure cars whatever you want most from your new car in 1967 luxury high style performance or practicality youll get it from one of pontiac s 52 new models pontiac is for today s kind of people people like you 2 2 r com while safety is an intrinsic part of everything engineered into pontiac wed like to list here some of the more notable standard safety features in every 67 pontiac four way hazard warning flasher dual master cylinder brake system with warning hqht seat belts front and rear with push button buckles gm developed energy absorbinq steering column passenger guard door locks all doors inside daynight on display at your pontiac dealers now gy mirror with shatterresistant vinyledged glass and breakaway support lanechange feature incorporated in directional signal control energyabsorbing instrument panel with smooth contoured knobs and levers pontiac i967 see your authorized pontiac dealer authorized pontiac dealer in acton- pete masson motors limited 351 queen st east acton oni sine lo uitch televised canadian football lcag ne cannes see local listings for time and channel p167c

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