Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1966, p. 6

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i 4tr j acton free press thursday september 29 1966 a i r iiff i janet aitken bruce hurt wed in knox church september 10 tweedsmuir history places second at area convention mrs f dufticui mih g hen- dcison and mis h marching- ton attended the womens insti tute convention ot the guelph aiva septemhci 19 and 20 at the wai meiuonal hall uniycimly ol guolph p- mis out held attended as a voting delegate mi slanlex burd associate tditoi ot the kitchenervvatei married at 530 pm on satur day september 10 in knox u prcsbytcriun church acton mr loo record spoke to thernem- d mrs bnkc m w fec bers at their banquetnaom p lansing michigan mended the womens institute s f for their long and valuable ser- dua ngnt vice in the guelph are- gnomics at michigan state the progress of the women s unlvcrsltv institute was outlined to mem- bm h f j ben and delegates at the 27th aukcn s unugh m- 20 auction sales clkaring auction sale convenlionm this area mis small president of fed- ciated womens institutes of ontario stated nil institute cmembers are public relations of ficei s people judge our orgurt- uation bv our conduct prizes were awarded for the tweed smuir history competi- of 146 acre farm registered and grade llotslctn cattle tractors implement liny feed house hold goods etc nd mrs calvin aitken ol r r 3 acton i he grooms parents are mr and mrs fiank hull of bloomfield ontario he giadu- ated from ithe ontai io agricul tural cojicgc in 1965 and is a former summer assistant agu cultural representative lor hal- lion and silverwood came sccji tall basket standards of pink the undersigned has icicixed mstiiutions liom lloyd braide1m to sell bx auction at the farm lot 11 ion 9 tpof ei in sit uated on the 9th line adjoin ing the lllage of ei in on saturday october 1st commencing at 12 30 p m sharp the lollowmg ss reg grade holstein cows the herd consists of fresh and spnnging cows on rojp with lull pedigrees top oung thoin lea daughters this has alwaxs been a high pioduc- irig heid has been premiei ev hibitoi and ptenner breedci at wellington countx black and white show theie aie 10 grade hcileis readx to oreed several oung heiler calxes cows all tested loi pregnancx before sale iull description and bleeding dales gien on sale da cata logues on request fi ank dobson oi pedigres cattle selling un- dci covci tractor implements teiguson tiacloi in good condi tion masses fciguson tractor manuie spreader int no 45 baler foid 2row coin planter mcd tiactor cullivator mccor- miek deei ing 13disc fertilizer and giain tractor drill new idea ti auor moxei 7 ft cut john p s de dc4rvorv ki4ccs- carnations white chrvsanthe- and wiil on ond with mis marchington as cuvutoi this is the second time silxerxxood received second piie earlot this summer at waf a aclon the halton aiea convention the wlnnlng j second pne xxas awarded to silverxxood mrs russell miller mrs g bura4h leaders attcnded-lead- enship naming at milton recent- v miss sheila campbell and mhstaura henderson took part in the jumor faimers tug-of- 20 auction sales clearing auction sale of cattle horses pigs poultry implements etc the undersigned has receixed instructions trom james l loixigstreet to sell ox auction at the farm on the 8th line erin twp sit uatcd 2 miles north of ballina fad 2 miles south of no 24 hxx on saturday october 1st commencing at 1 p m sharp terms cash xvith clerk on da of sale- no reserve as proprietor is gixing up larming relatives friendsand neigh hois of mr and mis hanv maichmgton gnvc a suipuse party in celebration ol then 45th wedding anniversaiv last week end the xvere piesented with a pole lamp miss n burnholt is home ag- in recuperating from an opei ation in brampton hospital larvann baines daughtei ol mr and mre j barnes von second prize in birth to six months class at acton fan local exhibitors enter milton fair milton fair last weekend chew acton exhibitois and xisitors stan matthews and choicelea tarms showed horses and mel mccullough showed guei nsex s manv domestic awards went to actomans mis norm robeit son mrs george young mis murrav scovne and mrs vic morris in opening the ian mpp george kerr announced that al though it xx as not finalied it was indeed most likelx that the provincial agricultural mus cum would be located near mil ton heights beside the kelso proprietor or auctioneer not conservation park responsible in case of accident sale dav 7 c hrurrincr rqih auctioned s dhone 8564246ja cnr station o w main clerk not b2 al3 full c21 auction sale like now new idea 6 general purpose bale elevator bale bunch cr 14 it weeder corn or pota toes 1 hp coin cultivator 36 extension laddei diag spring tooth cultivator 1 h p electric motoi 20 grain auger power cmerx woods oat rollei household goods woi m m xvith piano piano bench 2 piece of modern furniture air condi chesteilield suite xictrola sew- 1 tloncr etc ing machine radio bedroom dishes elect nc sloxe i angel te clocks locking chairs oil lamps quilts dishes some xerx old 2 bedsteads springs and j malliesses noji bedstead diess crs quills couch tables pic i tmc liames child s ciadle old jnanx other ai tides tut farm at the same time and place the laim will be sold consisting ol 146 aeies moie oi less this is a good laim in a high state ol cultivation on the t ai m is elected an 8 loom biiik house modei n bath oil luinaee beaulilul laxvn also a windows broken the propretv of frank mchardie milton m the agricultural milton ifan grounds on saturday october 1st atl 30 shajp an conditioner cost 540 in juno bed cheslei field and chaii as new admiral tv vik ing electiic stove refrigerator with lieeei near new hoover vacuum eleanei electiic ironer ilooi polishei hair divei small dining table and 4 matching chaus oak china cabinet single 3 loom apaitment vxilh bath bt spung mattiess and match laige nank bain 96 78 vviths ide diesser bed and good stables stalls loi 56 cow s matching chest commode 2 box stalls stable eleanei milk- slv high chests ot drawers constable nick fanon of t he cton opp detachment invest igated damage to four xxindoxvs at the cnr station monday night four xvmdovxx at the rear of the building had been broken and it is presumed the damage was caused bv children throw ing stones the investigation is continuing mums and pale pink gladioli xvere placed in the church loi the dpublermg ceremony pel- formed by the rev a ii me- kenie the bi ide cnlcied thccluiicli to the music ol praise mv soul the king ol ileavcii plavcd bv oi gainst l a hansen she was given in niaruige by hei lather calvin aitken her floorlength aline gown xvas of xv lute silk oigana ovei lalleta its empiie bodice dim med with a band ol velvet nb- hon delicate guipuie lace loim- ed the cappucci sleeves and a wide boidei at the hemline a ietachable ham mowed liom the waistline and it too was en hanced bv a wide boidn ol lace a coixmioioui leaves and a deli cate peaihtd spiatheld hei veil ol silk illusion llei peul necklace was the gilt ol the gloom she can led a cascade bouquet ol pink sweet ilea i t loses with siephanolis and lei n matron of honor was the budesonlv siski mis william leithead ol guelpli and the bndesinaids weie miss nettie tixssenaai aclon miss shu lev cain haniston and miss mai gie alpiess ol west hill their matching gowns had deep gieen velvet bodices and apple green eiepe skuts pale gieen lace enciicled the giecjan xxaisthne and edged the rut i led elbow length sleeves in then han thex woie bands ol gieen velvet with hat boxvs lach at tendant earned a single luge white mini with xvhite nbbon bows groomsman xvas douglas heel lev ol caxugaand the ushcis were moms hull and george hufl toronto brotheis of the gioom and the brides biothei jim aitken of acton many guesits attended the ie ception that evening in the park v lew motel dining room guelph the brides mother received wearing a white and silver suit of frenoh wool with a pink vel vet hat white accessoi ics and a corsage or pink roses ijthe groom s mother chose a golden beige silk knit aekel dresj with fur stole -matching- i ea i hereel hat and brown acces oi ics with a coisagc of vellovv roses guests xveie welcomed fiom bloomfield pieton belleville- ottawa st catharines oiange xille haniston toronto cooks xllle milton geoigetown and acton districts leaving on a wedding ti lp the bride woie a wool dress with jacket in winteigreen with black accessories ancf a gaidenia coi- sage car rams esquesing bridge four receive injuries sunday four people were hurt two of them girls from limehousc when a car hit a bridge on the sixth line north of 17 sidcroad lsqucsing on sundav afternoon police said anna piarecka ol rr i limehousc received the- most serious injuries a back seal pjsscivct she i lew into the- ironl seat and crashed her in ad against the rear x lexv mu- lor when the car struck the bridtfc and 15 stitches were re inred lo lose- the cut in hei lorehead the other two pas sengers lur sistei wanda ul the same address and andrew pcter wisniuvski of willow dale and driver donat i re of toronto vvifie rll treated for minor cuts mil bruises about live year ir nl was killed in 1 sim il 1 i hi same rf7ni polici s ucl lln hr ili is ut it fiit ui at tins poiri and the apprniih x to the bridge is on a curve in the roadxxav the ficj car a 1962 vehicle xvas classed as a total xv reck in othei distnct accidents in the past week cars driven bv jack melloi of 92 wallace st acton and vivian susan perry or guelph lecevied 275 total damage xxhen thex collided on highwav 7 north of 22 sideioad on wednesdax a car driven bv carole rob- eita shepherd of r r 2 roek- vmxki icceixed 350 damage when it left the road and struck 1 tcnee thursdax on the-ching- uacuusx esquesing town line there were no iniuries leporled in eltllci accident ciilerici s covered up flow- i heiu this week lo prevent lo- ii i mfl lliwers from being nipped h the jjist trusts 4st janet aitken and bruce huff xvere married in knox church on september 10 ospringe auction sale convention in mr and mrs george hoxvard brockville mr earl how aid and susan claikson visited with mr and mrs h r howaid mi and mrs leonard fitchct ol smlrt- englantl weie recent til lox b with the lallei s eous ins mi and mis william wragg mr and mrs len buck haxe been attending a mink bleeders conxention in winnipeg and are expected home tuesdav in spite ol a heax x fog a big ciowd attended the auction sale on wednesdax exening at d g robertsons william gibson disposed of the articles in ree oui time n lends of miss emma baldic aie pleased to learn liei eondi lion has impiovcd since she presentation district news went to guelph hospital for treatment mrs m jackson attended a presentation foi mr and mrs paul donaldson at marsxille on fridav evening the lot a pi 1 shxteri ihurch was well filled on sundav morn ing lor the combined commun ion service ot the erin and local chuiches rex herbison was in charge and delivered a timelx message mi and mrs lloxd robertson guelph xisited on sundax exe ning with the formers brother and sisterinlaw d g and mis robertson workmen aie busv bricking george lang s home on the 2rid line nig equipment bulk tank 4unit milking machine with pump and pipes loi 56 cows has alwaxs hul a i 400 lb pei dax milk con- tiact this is a good location on 1 pax ul 1 oul selling subect to a itsu ve bid the laim will be sold at 12 m o clock sharp in ms on real estate 10o on dav ol sale wo when pos session is given on 01 beloie win is l balance max le- liiain on uimtgaue loi 5 veais xvilh mil 1 est at oo tfrms cash with cluk on elav ol sale- no useive- as owiici is going out ol the ilauv business ovxiici not lesponsible 111 case ol accident sale dav rclrcshmuit booth wm cilbson viiclumeei phone guelph v 41478 jlellix whcclcl elelk 20m3 cedar chest 2 bedroom rugs neai nevx lug 7 12 ft scatter uigs 3 aim chaus 2 footstools 1 end tables coftce table tv tables tlooi and table lamps nudge rnble and 4 chaus lawn chaus can pet sxxeepei small kitchen table 2 step chairs adiustable hospi i tal table sun lamp clock bath 100m scale steam iron lolding bed table rug shnmpooir elec tile kettle pictures bedding cushions dislus looking utcn sils step laddei this is abettei than axeiage sale clean and xvell c 11 ill loi ownei itall boud and auc tioiicci not icsponsible foi 11 cicleilts terms cash prank petch auctioneer tel 877 2864 m koiak cleik 20bl3 st john ambulance brigade division 332 acton ont is sponsoring a senior first aid course wednesday october 5 1966 town hall at 800 pm students 14 yrs and up 200 adults 500 1st certificate class 7 lessons and exam vpucher and medallion 9 lessons and exam for further information please telephone 8531517 p ist7 canto spcrt ceifx the eas car is here 1967 acadian be the first on your block to drive one home beat the rush the new acadians are out they re out to malct it easy to choose our ncw ca the very low pricns field exticfnely easy but tints only one reason you ii call 67 acadian the easy car its easy on the eyes easy to drive and v ck easy to ovx n look at acadian s new styling bleek new easy to like from any point of xlew come in and try out the easy car try it for comfort and handling acadian has six trim size models for 67 take your pick its very easy to buy tho easy car so drive home a ncw acadian and if you want to spread a little joy park it v here your neighbors can sec it 67 acadian the eas car on display at your pontiac dealers now see your authorized acadianpontiocbuick dealer uthoned acadian pontiac buick dcalei m cton pete masson motors limited uf i v a adun ofxtj w th a rnjt ot 136 fmy frvk inrludmq riul master cl ndf tfka trn with mimnq ttqht tan canga sonul in dwfctipn signal control fur 1 way hazard watnirtg llaihti and jp pa enger guaid deer locks on all doocs 1 a147c 351 queen st east ee uie to wauii tiimtd tnadiaii tuutbjll lcuik ojitt cton ont milton rv4ya1 8783272 wed thurs fri sat stt 282930 oct 1 in coier magnificent men in flying machines ai i star r r cartoon woooys cui ihht matinee saturday at 2 p a sunmon tues wed oct el cid in color chvritos hi sto vr- i 224j thurs fri sat oct 6-7- 2nd fiddle to steel guitar in color ll star colntry esc cj cartoon and so to bed- show times weekdays monday throfgtf thursday t pal friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pal sunday movies sunday october 2 matinee at 2 pm evening show t 8 pm h big features utile noun ofhcesizttttboam meset tmuhto nbmoululjim a bold smithcorona corsair ultirtb low ww pwce 695 order yours today under our rental ownership 12 month plan only 655 per month fancy note paper boxed 125 to 195 boxed note paper for men 125 a 1 50 photo albums your choice 3 to 450 childrens school bags plastic hasti notes chooso from 25 to 89c boxed paper feature vellum special at 89c a 98c 5 year diaries with lock 275 235 storm school bags 125 plastic pencil pouches color ball pens i i ul ink in iv i u il 49c school erasers 5c ii inch 39c slide rules 1 50 435 recipe boxes complete only 129 sexcial slvlc and coluc esterbrook markers wood x l til f to 18 l i rulers 10c to 3 00 math sets venuc 9h o 9b drafting drawing pencils 49c 79c 198 20c ea dills stationery 36 mill st e 8532030 j

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