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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1966, p. 1

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ht ninetysecond year no 15 acton ontario thursday october 13 1966 ft atlthorlrrd an second cluun mall by the pohtorrico dopnrtinciit ottawa twelve pages ten cents poly pentco to sign building lease soon general manager of beardmore and c6 ltd norman braida in an interview this week confirmed the new industry poly pentco canada ltd a branch plant of parent company polymere corporation of reading pennsylvania usa would joe establishing in acton mr braida told the acton free press he had received confirmation from company officials the formal lease for a por tion of the former wool combing building would be signed in the nearfuture renovations within the 20000 foot area to be leased have already begun to accommodate the operation of the new industry it was reported the area to be leased is on the dock level floor on the main building facing frederick street several acton people are already taking a training program at reading penn sylvania the parent company has branch plants throughout europe and in japan and this will be the first in canada products to bemanufacfured include nylon extruded parts for the automobile spacecraft and military vehicles not being manufactured in canada at present mr braida pointed out that company officials and beard- more directors have been meeting since the middle of july in order to finalize plans several weeks ago the free press pub lished the expectation of the industry thomas murphy executive of the u s company will be general manager of the acton plant anniversary open house for mr and mrs cam winn a wellliked acton couple with a host of triends thioughout the district mi and mis camp bell allun winn will cclebiate their 50th tinnivcisarv at an open house in st albans pai ish hall acton tins saturday oc tober 15 the happv couple weie man ted at st geotgcs chuich lou villi in october ol 1916 and lived in gait until 1920 then ttiev moved to a i aim south of campbellvillc as clanv farmeis thev lived theie until 1959 when ihcv i clued owing to ill health sold the farm and moved to their snug attractive home al 70 mam st noilh acton both are especially lone ol gardening and mowers and then garden is an unusually beaut it til one their home is suuounded bv a variety of colorful blooms and fine vegetables all dm ing the summei ihcv hie one clauglitci anna mrs robot t havwaid ol at- wood their foui giandihilchcn me nil mat i led now and lhe have live great giandihildrin in the net geneialion mr wtmrwus born mav i 1892 the simh child ol ucoige winn and jessie campbell winn ol milton west he was uused and educated in milton and learned the shoe business with his lalhei maivslella richaul son his wile was the eldest claughtei ol chiistophei rich aiclson and fiances annie pow ell and the inst met in 1909 they weie man led seven veus later mr winn plavcd hall and hockev loi milton teams in earliei veais he was a member oi the milton tuc de pa i linen t hack team mrs winn is piesident of st albans altai guild and a mem ber ol the chinch wa she is hcasuicr ol the new community wellaie council and also belongs to the acton blanch ol the wi both are active membeis ol the golden age club enjojing the meetings and outings both have dirticult walking but continue then lilelong m- teiest m triends lamilv and comniunil eents and get about quite well pi lends and iclativcs will ya ihei this satuiclav to extend thou congiatulahons to ill- populai couple tv winner jack pink received a portable combination tv and radio from i g a store manager harold manes he won the set during the draw saturday bridge landscaping at library volunteered tree authorized cut grass fire acton lirellghteis doused a glass hie in 1 held adoinmg the aicfik papiluxi piopeilv on mam si s on sunclav altei- noon b the tune hichghtcis aimed high winds weie whip ping tlu llaiiics along tin line ol the ilikc lowaid a niaibv oush repoihng on the centennial libiaiv plotless at council tuesdav night maoi les dub inloimed membcis the constiuc tion was moving along quite faoiabl and it was hoped the building would be opened bv the hrst ol the near with a possible olhcud opening scheduled lot latei in the spilng he noted the windows had been installed steel stauwav completed anil teiiao llooi laid he told council he had authoi ieil icmoval ol one tue which stood in the pathvvav ol the pio- posedwvalk to the budge to in elected actoss the school eilek it was a mallei ol tiigcncv to make the decision and llieie wasnt time to contact membeis of the centennial committee he inclcistood the tiee would piob ablv be dead within lie cus and could see- no sense in laving the sidewalk aiouncl the tiee- and then altci the tiee was ic moved having an odd appiai ing walk a second tru would also hae to be cut down as it is dead now couneilloi c i lcat lui land obieeled to the tiee being ic moved anil said the aicliilcct guaranteed us there wouldii t be anv trees temoved now hes changed his mind maoi dub told the couneilloi the decision to cut down the lice was not the aiclulccts anil the aichitect had not lcgiesscd tiom his commitment i he architect is in no wav to blame- emphasized the inavoi one of the points in niv plai i oi ill when i mining toi council was to save the trees and not cut them down iciuaikcd li leathcilancl he was told bv the mavor council iticln t cut down tices unncicssai ilv couneilloi robeit dnnkwal lei quipped a lew lesidenls aie uiiliappv because we wont cut nown some il the heirs pnor to the meeting it was leained one lesulenl had lequested a tiee be lemoved but had been rel used the mayor reported sam snow has oltcicd to design and build a bullae ol old laighsh stvle made liom stone and con ciele anil randv lidkea who is cinploved bv the niagaia parks commission has ol lei eel to pro vide a plan ol landscaping lor the piopeilv in cast caretaker suffers second break school caretakei albeit rob msim had the iiusloi tune to bleak a small boiic behind the knee 1liuisiliv ol last week i his is the sieoiul bleak ill the same leg within the past 20 mon lis he is still weaung a east i mm the hip down as a icslllt oi the 1 11 si undent mi robinson who in spite ol the huge cast has been doing pal t mic duties at the- school was waiting toi school eaielak ci dcoige barnes to pick him up in his cai last week he decided to get a little cxcicisc and walk to the coiiui or lake and paik avenue to wait loi mi 13a i ncs a iii pat mil on the sheet while the diiici was waiting loi a passe ngci backed up toll ing him oil bahiiie he tell hi i iking the small bone and polling scveial muscles he was i ike ii 11 iinlnh ckikiii hospi lal and iltn x lavs the bieak w is dellllllllleil he is expeelell in be laid up lui about six wnks is a iclllt ol tile sceoild ice illcllt staff jpboio bfty years of married life are being celebrated this saturday at an open house by mr and mrs cam winn dairy farmers for many years they retired from cdmpbellville district to acton main corner records another twocay smash ctons calaiinlv cornel at the uitel section l mill aiul main sluets lacked up auoth ei aeeulent imsdiv a cai dnvcivhv j l mi mul icn acton pi deciding west on vlill anil one dncii b redih mete ol loi onto proceeding east on mill weie involved in the twoeai clash constable kk 1 iiion ol the acton o p p octaehmeiit no gated and estunaiid tot il d un agv aiound sw tlu loninio iluver has bcm chained willi an improper lett tin if on monday night constable petei campbell investigated in accident on mam it s involv ing damage to two outol town cars one driven bv steven cas well of cooksvillc received an estimated 3s damage the oth er driver melvm burke dubv biaeebndge xvill be charged with lading to remain al the scene ol an auadeul ambulance contract wardens dinner report on agenda at tucsdav s eouncil meeting membeis authoi icil no i com mittee to lev icw a new ambu i nice conliacl with venna lu ll i pi ises guelph the pieseiit nintract expires in januurx tavoi dubv in ued loundl membeis to read the plunkett upon caiefiillx anil pixpaie an individual onepage icpont eaeh loi a speeul council committee ol the whole meeting not open to the public nov i the oik p igi ic pin is uo to contain unit pendent thoughts oi opm ions m tlu aie tij be tinned in to tin ileik to be compiled into a complete submission for the dcpattmcnl ot municipal al lans reeve h h ilinton reminded council members of the forth coming wardens dinner to be held in the acton legion octo- bei 27 to which council mem bers and their wives or hus- bauds arc united proposed bylaw street loitering costly maximum cost is 300 acton sheets cosllv hem loi appioval at hccii uuilei council lot copv ol the was pioeui no 2 com les the pol council it lolteilng on could become olfendeis tuesdav night acton iiiuuiil gave two leadings to a luilcniig bylaw similai to the- one in fotce in the town ol geoige- town and following a leview bv no i committee ol council will possiblv give hnal n latei iiiiehng the b livv has consideration b some lime and a geoigelovvn b law ed and studictlbv mitlce which inc ice committee ol was no 2 committee iccommen dution the bv law be adopted reeve h h ilinton chauman ol no i committee insisted the bvliivv he reviewed heloie the thiul leading bv his committee according to teims in the pioposed inlaw aiivom lull cling oi standing on 1 publii stieel 01 highwav 01 in anv public place can be lined not less lb in ho anil not mole than h00 exclusive ol costs couneilloi bill williams slat ed the b law is a must as hi told membeis he had obsei ved the downtown stieets timing tile past lew weekends and not ued women hail been loiced oil i he sidewalk bv peopli loll cling and been subcclcd to al usivc language ii the thud leading is appiov chi police will be askeil to en loice the bvlavv ii is expected a pel son contravening tlu m law will be asked to inov on bv police lust and in the event this is not done cluugcs will be laid council paved the wav loi the lust iwoveai dale for noini loi the irobei t little school audiloiium tluusilay novcm bei 24 in the event n elect mil is necessaiv voters will go to the polls tuesdav deceinbci 6 to cast ballots loi candidates il was also agieed to pav the cleputv it tinning olheei al the ate ol 18 pel iliv and polling links at the late ol sis pel ilav rental loi polling places will he sis pel di tollowlng arc the polling nlaccs naming the ilepulv ic tinning olheei in chaige waul 1 1 lormei post ollici mis geoiyc williams waicl 12 bp selvlee station mis william dumaish waul 2 council chain beis mis h helwig waid luxton memoiial hall mrs joe hurst and ward 4 lormer post oil ice mis trccl andei- son at the nomination meeting latepaveis will be asked to name candidates loi a twoveai term lor council public school boaul and hvdio commission polling booths will be open horn 10 a 111 to 7 pin unless it is decided to extend the tunc 111 the evening also undei consul elation is an advance poll it was decided to cngagcai clnleet donald skmnei to pi e paie tentative plans loi leno valion ol the hont poilion ol the ymca including hallway and liliunv loom loi us loi liwtrutttces i lie appioxutuite ins loi this is 2s in the e vc 111 entitled decides to pio mil with lenovatlons the aich hut will hi paid it pel cent ol the cost less the j2s0 ice a jleiitalive site loi a new dump has been located and the council is aw ill ing appioval ol lsquesing loumil bcioie tin di tails call tie linalied the siuagi and sauitilion commit ice ol eoiiiuil has bun seeking a new site loi a niinibi 1 ol 111s anil now hopes the pio- poscil loialion will hi appiov id an appliialnui hoiu i en ad mis pinpiiiliii ol wiles hns ijepot loi a taxi linnsc was annul ilowu on tlu basis ol the applicant inkniluiu in use a mss iiiodel 111 ii was pointed out il tin appliianl inteiidccl to piocuu a mine ulciii modi i finlhii iitnside 1 atiini would be glvi 11 to ills iecucsl clerk administrator lack micieacble inloimed lliinibeis hi hail iicilved tentilive plans tin the pioposed slop lights at ih mrll main midsection 1 1 din tin depai tniml ol i 1111s poll hi also noted sevetal luiiiiinii ndalions loi changes at tills coinii bail been inellld cd alti 1 a stuck ol i lu pi ins il ifiniiul agin to i lie ill pel mis sum i10111 the minislci ol high two easter lilies i the wiv loi the j 1 li tcm when ihcvoilnrfiie to bloom nations was set fvi potted lilies aie bloon pot mg again lor the second time at the home ol mi and mis jack haigiavc aithui street hie plants weie gilts i 10m then lmnlv lor i islei md al ii 1 the nlooms had died mrs hngiave bin nil itnr plants in thi g nek- 1 1 1 llcv vvcle laid ic potted and taken into the house one has two blooms on it with two mote buds icadv to buik while the othel has one- bloom and several othel buds to conic out pour footings hydro building lootings loi the new hvdio building on alice st 1 ce t have he 1 11 ponied but uickmciit vvea t lie 1 lias detained consliuction wolkels 1 1 dill pi oe ceding with cement block wui k matvnals have been 11 living al the site this week a delav was ci cited when childien plaving on the hinks ol tin 1 xc 1 vat ion caved in one w ill tilling up 4hc hole again il is hoped to piocccd with consti 111 lion as iimilk is pos sibu is soon as itie wtajiici cleats utaff photo off to school acton firefighters visited schools within the area to conduct fire drills and inspect the buildings for fire pre vention week driver bill spielvogel and firefighters sam ten- nant phil mccristall and leo synnott show sorne pf the literature which wjs handed out was must he obtained and then eilhci invitation bids 01 lendeis loi the lights will be called the clerk also told counul the depai liiicni ol llighvvavs intended to lesuilace no 2s inglnvay horn the 401 highway to the town limits 1 in town has been reitieslcd to cnnsidei txlcndiug the lepaiis to include- the slietch ol no 2s highway to the mill main couiei coun ul agieed to discuss the- pio- posal with the tlepai liiienl installation of a new 12 inch wilci niin sei vice 1 1 0111 chin chill road n to yoiiny stieet was appioved by by law 111 outer to impiove the present wale 1 picssuies ihioiiuhoul the town the cost ol the piojeel is estimated al 10000 whuli will be debeiituiitl ovi 1 a pel lotl ol 10 yeai s six applications to tlu com niiltce ol adiistunnl loi ininoi vaiiancis received no ohcclon horn council and will hkelv be appioved ov the committee a report icgaidmg sidewalk lepaii on llgin stieel sparked a knuckli rapping debate hi iwceii mayoi les duby and reeve ii ii ilinton alter the 11 eve ieiiested any major rr- pau piojccls should become the cecision ot ho entire council mr ilinton who was attend- ing his inst council meeting since i cunning horn a tup to 1 111 opt was ol the opinion ro- pau pioicets should be appiov ed in the entire council he was told the toad committee made council aw 11c of all pio- lecls to be done belore proceed ing the mayor queried t he reeves ieiiust stating i have never heaid no 2 committee icprouch no i coirmillee on any of their undei takings but no i is al ways lepioiching no 2 cum- mittii- lie went to to explain that each committee which coinpiisis seveial individual council committees had a spe ed u ob to do in older to cx- pidil business he obci led to hie uive querying the integrity ol no 2 committee oiiiing eiuiuiiies by members eotiiiiilloi robeit drinkwallcr wondued il an mteiim report i mm the devilopment commis sion would be piesented to the unturned on paye 6 population assessment at record high figures ord iiuai t flgiirci aetonh populjjovi and tax able askcaxmcnt flgiirca climbed to a new record high again this year the towns population in creased 67 to 453 and the tax able uikununt climbed to 17323623 aa compared to last years initial figure of 7242291 these figures as well as sev eral others were leleased this week by town assessor william hrskinc the figures were com piled following the annual sum mer census and assessment sur vey the breakdown of the popula tion figures show three and under 293 four years of age 102 rive 108 six and seven 202 eight and nine 216 10 lo 13 vcars of age 362 14 89 15 80 16 to 19 333 20 lo 39 years 2 071 60 to 64 134 65 to 69 127 and 70 years of age and over 221 taxes in 1967 will be based on the new taxable assessment figure plus any additional piec es of taxable property which may be added to the assessment total between the end of sept ember and december some as sessments may be changed by the court of revision actors population during the past 10 years has increased by 725 it began to rise at the time glcnlca and lakevlew sub divisions were erected popula tion figures show the changes this way 19563728 19s7 3903 19384053 1939 4204 19604336 19614205 1962 4290 19634286 1964 4293 19654286 and 19664353 mr lrskine also pointed out that the 1966 taxable assess ment included farm and resid ential at 381490 and indust rial commercial at 3464133 while churches government and town owned properties as sessed at 793420 were exempt ed the 1965 taxable assessment included residential and farm at 3719890 and commercial in dustrial at 3522401 while ex empt assessment amounted to 727030 fire prevention week sees inspections drill acton l iiehglitei s weie join id i iiisuiance eompauv nispcc tins weeliiesdav as i lie conduit cil inc inspections at scicial local industries to 11111 le i lie plevclllloll wcvk schools within tin ac ion i lie aua wcil inspected wedniscliv inoiiiing mil lie ill ills conduit cd bv the hut ighteis at 110011 tcdncsilav liichghteis liom millon hoi getown and acton prize list changes far next years fair dircetois ol the ladies tan boaul held thin iiionthh nicit ing at the home ol mis motgan maihll on thursdav evening octobo 6 president mrs m mcctilloiigh presidid m the chair the minutes were- read bv mis w j mcdonald ladles reported from each class and changes were made and good ideas were considered lor the advance prize list which aie to be handed 111 at the next nioiit h s 11101 ting silicic ills liom ospimge school hai won pnes 111 the i thel hi ant montuie essax ion list lhe dixlm t annual ol agn cultuic societies is to be held on tuesdav october 25 at sut ton this year the hostess and lunch com mitce mrs lloyd mcenerv and mrs george wallace served a dainty lunch mrs walter linham thanked eveivone 1 along with iiisui iih- inspectors ciiocd ibiuici at the george- tow 11 dull ami counlrv club su1nl1v acton inc lighters will iin utbii departments tliiiiiigliool llalton countv in a cliuuh piiatle to st johns unit ed chilli h oakulli frank rozee on tv program i 1111k roce proprietor of lunks auto collision at crew- sons corneis was one of five imiiiigi mis siaircd 011 a tv progiun vmix canada sun- clav din noon ovir iwo seals ago a nation- al i dm boaul of anada team visited acton 10 shoot pictures ol mr roic and showing the business he set up through the immigiation department the local man was shown at work in his shop and during shopping tour in town with his station wagon which he dc- sijin1 and 11 modelled himself during the visit lo tmvn he was shown chatting with bill wil son 1 liiuiier lounclllor also 1111 luded in the film were immigrants vino had set up businesses 111 tht glass industry and tv repair a night club en tertainer and a barber the film was last shown during the east er holiday on channel 6 in tor onto sunday the film was shown on i- the hamilton tv station on the program sponsored by mcmast- er university entitled space age immigrants

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