Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1966, p. 14

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wcv coiti competition is tt adon fw pfm thursday dwrnbtf is 1966 s yljlj da ilngus ft 2 camp- balmma won the halton high yield corn competition spon sored toy the halton soil and crop improvement associa tion the 13 competition sow ed rive or more acres of grain corn with samples taken from the fields prior to harvest de spite the relatively poor trow ing conditions for corn in hal ton this year the average yield in ihls competition was so toushela per acre the plea rood council of ontario provided half of the prise money of 1100 this will fee preaenfed at the annual meeting of the halton soh and crop improvement associa tion to be held on wednesday january ii in the masonic hall milton claude inglls corn pride 5 planted at 18000 plants per acre in 36 inch width rows yielded 108 bushels per acres other pla were harvey nurse georgetown rjt 2 united 101 104 bus t poster campbellvule rjt 3 funks 43a and united 10s 100 bus russell hurren camp bellvule rjt 2 pride 3 bus j reld georgetown rjt 2 punka o ma m bus nor man smith campbeuville rjt 3 warwick 263 u bus bob merry milton rjt 3 coop 110 79 bus ralph cunning ham georgetown it jt 2 unit ed 101 76 bus gordon malm- strain milton ft jt 2 united 101 67 bus lever bros camp beuville k 401 60 bus dave sargent milton 1lr i djc xl 304 38 bus john will- molt milton rjt 1 dekalb 37 33 bus at federation of agriculture fwcwmt tweni speaker t jersey mmml meeting jersey club member this was awarded to the cow wrownlane kavolaa josyl owned by lorne ella of rock- ella jerseys of hornby the guest speaker a recent trip winner through junior farmers activities was al bert taylor of gsh e show ed slides- and spoke on ways of agriculture in england ire land and scotland where he had spent 10 weeks 4bort reports were given by the director to the ontario club ken ella dudley oli ver secretary manager of the ontario jersey club and ro bert hall from the canadian jersey club the associate agricultural aahgrove united church was the gathering place for about 43 members friends and guests of the halton jersey breeders association on fri day december 2 commencing with a delicious banquet ser ved by the ladies of the church at 1230 the president ernest alex ander presided for the annu al meeting and in his address outllnedthe many activities carried out through the past year several awards were presented for the parish show winners master feeds stewarttown presented an award for the highest individual boa made by a cow owned by a halton by henry j stanley agricultural represe people in the past have tended to take food for grant- ed stated it gordon bennett assistant deputy minister for ontario speaking at the annual meeting of the halton federa tion of agriculture on decem ber he stressed the choice of food has been great in this country and we have the cheapest food in the world however there are problems such as lack of manpower with only six per cent of the labor force in ontario working on farms within the past year in canada 37000 people have left the farm a decline of 9 j per cent there has been considerable unrest on farms regarding tfie economic condi tions it is time to sll down and determine on a longterm basis the answer to these problems mr bennett felt there was a representative john cockburn reported a 100 per cent com pletion for 441 members snow ing jersey calves he also congratulated the breeders for their achievements through the year the election of officers re sulted as follows past presi dent ernest alexander presi dent eccles mcclure first vicepresident mrs eva har per second vicepresident lorne ella secretary treas urer ernest alexander ont ario club director ken ella directors mac alexander bruce nixon don- matthews duncan moffat jack feather- stone m c beaty ernest da- vies mrs eleanor robinson halton farm safety council bruce nixon highway accidents who causes most highway accidents the main danger is not the speed demon or the impaired driver but from you and i the relatively good drivers who aomotlmes let their minds wander from the job of driving whether youre driving in town or at higher speeds in ihecountry you are handling a lethal weapon so lets keep our attention on the job all the time safety councils annual ii defensive driving was sug gested as the only way to stay alive on todays modern high ways when halton and eel county safely councils held their joint annual meetings in milton thursday- const a connor traffic safe ty coordinator for the burling ton district no 3 headquar ters of the ontario provincial police gave a short talk and showed an excellent film on defensive driving tacticsjlur- ing the afternoon portion of the meeting the fum emphasised the abcs of careful motoring a attitude count b back down if necessary and c clear space should be left around your vehicle they all add up to the big d defen sive driving const connors noted a whole new world has opened up with the coming of the auto mobile our laws stem from customs and many of the basic rules of the road are standard in each canadian province he explained he said that unfortunately some people fall to accept their responsibilities in traffic and no law will ever be suc cessful if drivers do not obey the laws of their own free will motorists must constant ly beoi the alert for poor driv ing habits by other drivers even if they are safe them selves he warned the film snowed the results of a 25mlle driving test in which one draw a 25 mile stretch of heavy traffic very carefully obeying all rules an other driver drove the same route and was asked to break any highway rules he could to get there faster the unsafe driver arrived five minutes and 20 seconds before the careful driver but to gain that time he had to make 138 infractions of the laws was the time sav ed worth those j38 infractions any one of which could have driving is only answer kiwanis club honors halton 4h clubbers by h j stenasy a atvin hamilton mj form er federal minister of agricul ture spoke on china and- trade at the kiwanis club of kingsway meeting in toronto on oecember 5 in attendance were 17 of the outstanding 4h club members from halton county mr hamilton stressed the great need to expand trade with communist china and the many advantages of doing this you cant judge a nation by its system of government he stated you must judge the- people in china it takes 500- 000000 people to feed some 700000000 of population thus one person in china is only feeding himself and onehalf another there- are 70000000 students in china with very little newsprint to assist in their studies learning must be done by memorization he awggsslsil that a trade office should be set up in can ada to trade with china this office would help to clear cus toms and show our sincerity to trade with them he also emphasised the need for an international selling agency to assist with the sale of products from western nations to com munist countries he told the 441 members to search for moral principles and not to be ashamed of canadfanism we forget he stated that there is still good in the group the family the province the nation and the world together we can do what we cannot do atone got him a ticket or worse taken his life asked the film narrator const connor also stressed the new rules governing stop ped school buses he noted police officers in the district had charged eight drivers for breaking the new rule during the previous week a brief question and answer period followed his talk the chairman of the halton farm safety council mrs tom alderson welcomed the guests and members and began the meeting with a safety film entitled the miracle ofieara- dlse valley reports on local activities were given and it was noted that in peel county over 100 slow moving vehicle signs had been sold as compared with nine sold in halton county hal wright provincial farm safety specialist with the on tario department of agricul ture and food reported to the group on the provincial activi ties during 1966 in the field of safety he mentioned that a resolution was being approved to make it mandatory for all vehicles travelling under 25 miles per hour to be equipped with a triangular slow mov- he suggested that we try to ing vehicle sign he said 9000 ridgexepbetweenthe were i4 standard of livingof industrial th ye anttm the nations and the billions living x praine provinces over in underdeveloped countries 20000 were sold bu1 wilson president of the halton 4h club leaders as sociation was introduced to the meeting along with john mcgce winner of the 1967 trip lo israel and verna thomp son delegate to the national 4h conference in washington next spring books were then awarded to members from the following 4h clubs acton 4h calf club marjor- ie johnston halton 4h beef calf club david jackson east halton 4h holstein club mur ray brownridge halton 441 jerseyguernseyayrshire club lois mcnabb west halton holstein cah club l y 1 e stokes halton 4h conserva tion club stuart nurse halton 4h corn club larry picket acton 4h grain club bob leslie halton 4h grain chib donald mcclure halton 4h sheep club janet hunter halton 4h strawberry club mary lou brown halton 441 potato club bryan robertson halton 441 homemakfhg clubs norma moffat and joan mc donald mr wright stated the on tario provincial police are more rigidly enforcing tractor safety rules on highways to day he stated highways are built for speed and high speed and slow moving vehicles just dont mix he emphasized the fact onehalf of the people who run into tractors on high ways are farmers who should realize how slowly a tractor is travelling mr wright mentioned that in some counties where safety poster competitions are held between 000 and 1000 posters have been entered he felt that this was a very worthwhile pro gram as it made the linger people in the com jnlties more aware of safety ictices today production r man in agriculture is far ahead of any other industry but be cause of this mechanization more and more farm people are becoming injured and of ten killed in 1966 10 of 14 fa tal farm accidents in ontario were caused by tractors thus demonstrating the need for the safer use of farm machinery halton county farm safety program includes- the sale of slow moving vehicle signs first aid kits and fire exting uishers available through the agricultural office milton and distribution of safety ser viettes available free to- any farm organization dont lose control of your car or your temper for real returns invest in safely good future for agriculture be cause people had to be fed but there are going to be terrific changes on the farm this is where he feels farm organiza tions can help in the condi tioning of people to change education must be emphasiz ed with the future farm oper ator requiring a much better education than in the past one of the problems men tioned by mr bennett was that of convincing people that they should be involved in or ganizatlons trying to improve their industry and standard of living no longer he stressed can we consider only results you are part of a large indus try working towards a com mon goal at he noon luncheon in st pauls united church milton elmer foster chairman of the halton farmstead improve ment centennial competition presented certificates and prize money to the 23 com petitors this competition was a joint project by the halton federation of agriculture and the ontario department of ag riculture- and promoted the improvemept of the appear- once of the farmstead bruce mcclure georgetown rjt 3 received lop prize money of 50 the next four competitor were george e readhead mil- ion rjr 2 140 ross lawrence milton rr 1 s30 kenneth ella hornby rjt i 120 c c patterson milton rjt 4 10 mr foster stated that he hoped this was just the begin ning of improvements on farms throughout halton county for the centennial don oarbult georgetown the judge for this competition complimented those taking part oh the considerable am bition shown by each on im proving their farmsteads roy coulter secretary of the halton federation of agricul ture for many years was com plimented on being elected a second vicepresident of the ontario federation of agricul ture at their last annual meet ing directors chosen for 1967 were oakville denzll lawrence frank hall tom alderson mrs viola alderson esqueslng chester early roy currlc mr and mrs spencer wilson nassagaweya clifford brown mrs mary brown wil liam mahon william hoey burlington harold middle- brook mr and mr harold dawson tom foster elmer foster is retiring as a director after many years of faithful service to the halton federation of agriculture pension plan payments due of he e wwllafy agricultural repreeeneadve before the end of oecember alt halton county farmers must give some consideration tc the canada pension plan similar to the income tax far mers must pay two thirds of the canada pension plan con tribution by december 31 if their contribution this yeav exceeds 140 the remainder i paid by april 30 the first step is to calculate your net profit on the farm op eration slrrrfftr to that for in come tax this is the amount of total farm receipts leas farm expense and allowable depreciation it doe not take into account personal exemp tions a selfemployed farmer must earn over woo per year lo pay on canada pension plan contributions are based on earnings over 1600 and up to a maximum of 5000 thus the maximum upon which any farmer will pay is 4400 the rate of payment is 34 per cent of the carvings at the present time the maximum contribu tion possible by a farmer for himself is 15440 advice can be obtained from the local office of the depart ment of national revenue tax- a i ion division in hamilton were right there when you need help twnan tneitrs en emergency a call to us gets action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton out s530640 mail early this christmas december 17th k the hst date for bca christmas mail delivery christmas card unsealed with not mora than ave written words of rsetlnfse- mmjmmm09bmvmm trwuv holiday hours station soturoay dsc 24 dosed 6 pm closed all christmas day saturday doc 31 closed 6 pm new tsars day cake mixes 43 mifiidewhip 59 maigtkgfades 53 steakettes 65 cottage rod 5 bacon 89 szusec jautivvsttv i sbsticceo olooma ms i tow tmuuv tooati iimimimna isez jstni rose pkkles 259 144znet assofno ancouros 5gft1ws arks l jse mkt ma mm sbutsvc tstotumm m mai39t mum mh39c iri5c stokelys peas 599 sot sen smiio hksn aseuso corns iultaa maxwell house 88 ssstsvtt smim ijearsructeuutt 4seznet tomato juke 263 emsrri inm- on boiti fmkt esiutt tteznet fruit cocktail 33 bbttwrt am mi amzresnta avw gkerveu 3s potato chips 59 solo margarine 93 tnr sen in ctue ate kad tea bags 63 249 i 391 mn tat csawnoa tweasttt ma 6i9 smi mmtsmmtar stat heeu 1mb 43 uvt 171 uff t i mmtmm ice crean 8s tvtnm i earn pewertlwtsi 37- save an- i nwnrndn 11 fgcvypsts x57 j a 69c sunshine fresh produce 1 grapes 2 29 jfajuv av m

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