m thurdy 0ttmber 15 1966 umehoote tf ir about 0 township ratepay ers attended a nassagaweya theahaidates night in ligny hall thursday evening but they only met the chaj- lengers and one of the incum bents township reeve william coulter who was chal for the townships top post for the second year in a row by al lan adman was not invited to the meeting neither were pre sent councillors william ma- hon or ross gordon or deputy- reeve william hoey who won the townships only acclama tion councillor mrs anne mac- arthur was the only incumbent councillor invited others who spoke were council nominees mrs elva newton and a l gut goutouski none of the four incumbent school board trustees running for seats in mondays election received invitations to the meeting but all five of the challengers mrs frances sweet mrs willie essery pat rick redgrave carlo bryce and robert j gregg were there to make a speech officials in charge gave vague answers when asked where the remainder of the candidates were that evening ed woodhouse who lias been active in the nassagaweya ratepayers association chair ed the meeting queried about the other candidates he said apparently they chose not to come allan ackman who was run- ning for the reeves seat was also asked where the other candidates were thats what im wondering he replied who organized the meeting a reporter inquired mr ack man said the ratepayers ar ranged it i were the other candidates in vited the reporter asked i imagine they were i was in- vited to come by the ratepay ers it all stemmed from a cof fee party at my house five or sixdays ago he replied this n contacted each of the candidates who ftvsfsfatffftlat jtysf iw jttk munkmb a presentation was held at theospringe public school au ditorium on saturday evening december 10 when the com munities of acton erin and esqueslng also friends and neighbors honored jack and lorna marshall nee lorna bessey the popular couple are well known mr marshall was pres ident of acton fair in 1965 and 196frr and mrs marshall who comes from erin township is employed with the kearns mc- kinnon clare and kearns law firm in gueiph dancing was enjoyed in the school auditorium to rowans orchestra from ortoh mac sprowt of acton acted as master of ceremonies for the evening miss donna rid- ler read an address which con tained a list of 312 donors all typed on three white ribbons douglas delaney and clar ence denny presented the couple with a china cabinet james leitch of erin town ship and fyfe somerville of acton spoke briefly extending congratulations to the bride mia flxtxhd both mr and mrs marshall thanked all for everything all joined in singing for they are jolly good fellows lunch was served the presentation committee was comprised of r l david son uoyd mclean don mat thews burt watson mervin harness calvin sprawl ron britton calvin aitken lawr ence hemsley mac sprbwl ert rennick mrs kevin ibreen clarence denny fyfe somerville keith ldtch and winner fryer aw wsf jmkat a new leaflet has been issu ed listing all the art associa tions of ontario and first on the list is the acton art club president george bowman secretary mrs laura dhtrich the directory was compiled by the community programs division of the ontario de partment of education provincial grant to purchase land were absent all replied they were not invited and most didnt even hear about the meeting until the following morning r speeches through the evening blasted the present council and school board over the twoyear term and plunkett report the quarry issue zoning the new school addition high tax es the debt position and stop sign problems toronto controller margaret campbell a personal friend of mr ackman dropped in 6n the meeting to urge voters to sup port him in his bid for the reeveship this man is a great fighter and a very knowledge able man i assure you she said another guest who spoke tor mr ackman was guelph law yer william voris who urged voters to support mr ackman and the slate of candidates proposed another speaker was town ship planning board member maurice newton who review ed the boards actions over the past year and dealt briefly with the plunkett report the wj met at the home of mrs a w benton on wednes day evening last week we extend sympathy to mr patrick helsier and family in the very sudden passing of mrs heisier on thursday eve ning the funeral was conduc ted by rev f n young at the moclure funeral home on monday with interment in uraehouse cemetery the vims met avt the home of mrs a wbenton on thurs day evening with 10 attending scripture was read by mrs jas noble and mrs bert benton led in prayer text word year was answered by a verse of scripture the treas urer reported an increase of a few dollars over last year with a membership of 11 the ladies read appropriate christ mas verses or article it was moved and seconded that the 1966 officers toe re installed for 1967 president mrs vi mitchell vicepresident mrs roughley secretary mrs a w benton treasurer mrs a c patterson literature secretary mrs gis- by supply mrs patterson home helpers mrs mitchell glad tidings mrs bert ben ton welcome and welfare mrs patterson convener automobiles continue to be mother troudbegrta driven at just two speeds haircut mary youre fcegm- lawfiil and awful nlng to look like a boyt general sthl wares factory service depot fergus ontario requires repair man to service major appliances apply to a smellie or telephone 8433800 t laminated mams for the new bridge being erected across the school creek from the cen tennial library to river street were placed monday footings were completed two weeks ago and construction of the footbridge await ed arrival of the beams man woman injured in weeks accidents several serious accidents in the north ohalton area were in vestigated by milton ojpp during the past week an ac ton man and a campbellville area woman were injured late monday afternoon on highway 401 at the milton ov erpass the most serious crash of the week saw a 36yearold acton man alan john cox of rjr 1 acton hospitalized with severe head injuries his east- bound car left the highway near the overpass hit a de partment of highways sign travelled a considerable dis tance flew over 90 feet in the air and rolled over mr cox was rushed to mil ton district hospital the 1963 volkswagen received 1000 da- mage to the roof and all four fenders const l kneale re ported mr cox was later toperred wtbe jotepit brant memorial- hospital in burlington an rjr 2 rockwood mans car collided with a deer on the guelph line a mile south of 30 sideroad early friday morn ing causing 250 damage and killing the deer the driver was ross gordon game war den jim milford was called to dispose of the deers carcass fire broke out in the car of charles e wright 188 church ill rd s acton on highway 7 extra help at post office for yule rush postal employees are up to their ears in near acton friday evening and the car was demolished before firefighters could douse the flames the engine caught fire just outside acton loss was estimated at 109 nassagaweya resident ilia jean locke suffered face and chest injuries in a onecar ac cident on the nassagarweya-es- quesrng town line sunday her car received 500 damage when it skidded into a ditch striking a tree and some rocks and an rjr 2 campbellville man william george pickett had 200 damage to his car when it skidded on a curve and landed in a rock pile on the first line nassagaweya saturday afternoon gift exchange caps christmas meeting of acton institute ies baking and all other good ies carols were sung mrs fryer and mrs graham as santas helpers gave out the exchange of presents the meeting closed with the lords prayer and institute grace the committeee of the month served a very delicious christmas lunch mrs e lam bert thanked the hostess and lunch committee homelite christmas meeting for iode chapter the duke of devonshire chapter of the iojdje held their- christmas meeting at the home of mrs w t seatty fol lowing a buffet dinnerassemb led under a committee headed by mrs r h elliott mrs a e newton and mrs beatty there was a short- business meeting at which yearend do nations were approved a new member was welcomed into the chapter the remainder of the even ing was spent by the mem bers demonstrating their han dicraft skills for each other a pleasant christmas party and exchange was enjoyed by all those present mrs fred anderson brook st was- hostess for the decem ber meeting of acton womens institute mrs lindsay opened the meeting with a christmas poem the legend of the christmas tree the ode and collect were repeated in uni son roll cah was answered with safety habits at christmas mrs anderson read the minut es plans were made and com mittees were set up for the penny sale and euchre to be held on february 10 mrs mary graham as conve ner of agriculture and cana dian industries read the meaning of white gifts at christmas explaining over 400 million cards go through our post offices ihome economist mrs e lambert read a poem christ mas dream train mrs m mcauiey as histori cal convener reminded it was the anniversary of the bomb ing of pearl harbor and read a poem one solitary life miss nora kenney gave the legend of decorating the christmas tree safety prevents sorrow and explained the meaning of the mistletoe the plant of peace meaning good fortune is hung in your home flvfrs fryer read the modern- version of the night before christmas it is so foolish to drink and drive alchristmas- mrs lindsay gave a poem ab out the lovely fragrances ar ound christmas such as cook- chain saw carol wharton sings in west acton dancing teacher carol wharton is leaving dec 18 for a three week singing engage ment at the airport hotel winnipeg while she is there she will also dp- two tv shows and a radio show one of the tv shows is a cbc production to be shown across canada and the other is a local pro gram the radio program is called the cbc swingers new design lightweight fatter cutting double fuel and oil capacity only 14 v4 lbs lass bar and chain and cute through 15 hardwood in 12 seconds and the cost is lowl see it try tt buy kl new zealand yule not alj living christmas trees are spruce or fir in new zealand theres one called christmas tree that doesnt even need decorating it blossoms withits ownred flowers the tree earned its name since it blooms in dec ember and january kerr son ml no 2 acton out phane s5s19s9 you are all invited new home open for inspection thursday and friday december 15 16 at v 31 wellington st 1 acton out free coffee everyone welcome j e mcmullen builder tree day acton literally mail incoming and outgoing christmas mail is heavy and extra staff has been added to cope with the rush sale of three cent stamps has also been heavy but the mail is going through on time postmaster gordon mc- keown reported three regular staff members are working steady night shift in order to clear the mail and four part- time assistants have been en gaged during the day to help six regular staff members thursday of last week the christmas rush began and since then mail has been heav ier each day the postmaster commended patrons for mail ing early and bundling christ mas cards up and handing them in at the wicket this expedites the mail in record time he emphasized workout steady night shift are regular staff members mrs charles perry mrs hartley coles and mrs harvey kirk- wood regular staff members during the day include post master gord mckeown assist ant mrs chris britton mrs john chapman vic bristow alec frank and miss alice pil- kington part time help in cludes mrs jean marcoux mrs joe whitham mrs john mchugh and mrs a combe pot luck dinner for iode chapter a pleasant christmas meet ing of lakeside chapter of the 1josojs was held at the legion hall tuesday of last week be ginning with a pot luck sup per mrs j inglis read a christ mas story and mrs a orr con ducted a contest mrs c irish man led in carol singing with mrs m mccullough at the piano there was an exchange of gifts and a short business meeting at guthries scotch pine tree farm crewsons corners i sat and sun dec 17 18 and until christmas 100 pm to 5 pm hintons your christmas store for choose and cut your own tree 100 too a m fefe approval has been given for it of r000 to conservation acquisition wrueture for the area tras made jf- r simonett finergy and re puppy in show a german shepherd puppy dusty owned by mis awe johnson was in competition at a sanctions show for pup- pies in oakvilhe last saturday and won a first for- beat of breed and third in the group aoaatmtn iinwasaainn let your acton pharmacy help you s merry christmas with only 7 shopping days to christmas books games mechanical toys dou camuaob toy dishes sewlno machines table and chaw sets gift suggestions tout sets boxed paper boxed hankies towel sets luncheon cloths sewlno baskets boxed chocolates christmas candy in bulk candy canes suppers snow boots sm our complete assortment of christmas decorations for tree and christmas table glass ornaments tinsels wrappings electrical tree sots indoor and outdoor tree tops garlands ate baos corsages table favours and decorations candles christmas crackers tablecloths napkins y ju gifts for all come in end see our excellent choice of gifts for every member of the family pharmacy otfvuftmaft 8s91sm ssasjamsjs be sure to visit santas to yland in the basement remember hintens is your christmas store i filntons 5c tol stj open every night til christmas except sa1 a13jvs omdiw i f n