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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1967, p. 1

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tftmj jfitt ptt ninetysecond year no 48 acton ontario wednesday may 31 1967- authorized as second class mall by the post ofdct department ottawa eighteen pages ten cents firsthand account bearded roy downs of m0- lon who write for the whoa champion and acton free prase was able to get a seat on the bus to ottawa with the halton delegation and saw ffarst hand the demonstrations whtcfe led tip to the unruly mob dem onstration- before the locked gates of our country staid om parliament buddings ebs stor ies are ughughted hi todays pree seek arena parks manager to replace recreation director stdgwom won parfriagfot pawed at anno paving of the extended park ing lot af the community cen tre began tuesday the lot will be extended over the one end of the race track and cars will hot be permitted in to the park itself for a trial period this summer a stone trail will be built for pedestrians from the park ave sidewalk to the arena door a new flagpole is paint- ed ready to go up other impovement under way this week is the laying of a cement sidewalk from bow- er ave to the new hydro building ceremonial tree pianting ceremony is performed by chairman of the library board george lee with cub gerard van opstal assisting and cub jeff patterson delivers a presen tation address mayor les duby and board member fred new wield spades while rev ritchie mcmurray dedicated the spreading birch a pack wolf cubs under akela dorothy jordan and baloo mrs bob grant presented the gift to th library staff photo crowded b two other mun icipal meetings out of the coun cil chamber nembers of the parks and recreation board fin ally met last thursday evening iri the fire hall the roller skat ing program had already driv en them out of the community centie disturbed only by the occas ional bleeps from the firefight ers radio- communications sys tem the boards agenda rang ed from immediate tasks to long range plans and lasted unnl after 11 oclock chairman john goy presided over the meeting attended by members mrs h otterbein brendan aheine sonnv towns lev earl masales ted tyler jr secretary art cooper and rec reanon director howard pearce with mr poarces resignaion in their hands main item on the boards mind was to find replacement as soon as possi ble mr pearce is leaving june 2 i this friday to take a recreation post in kingston whether to hire another rec reation director br whether the board would do better to hire a combined arena manager and park superintendent was dis cussed two committee members mr gov and mr aherne had alreaoy attended a meeting of the administrative committee of council this group and lat er council itself gave approval to the recreation and park com mittee making the change it was decided to advertise twice for an arena and parks manager applications are to le in before the evening of june 8 when a special meeting of the administrative commit tee of the parks and arena hoard will be held during the discussion before the motion was passed mr goy recalled that recreation di rectory following a two year university course are mostly asking 6 000 oi up we have students off on expo trip eighty high school students leave for expo june 14 and re turn to acton june 21 it was teacher bill coats who first stimulated interest in the local students joining the elmvale plan which is organizing expo accommodation for hundreds of high school students alt across canada teachers going with the stud ents are mike bevan ian me- glllhray mrs laszlo miss atkey and mrs walker to weigh if acton can afford it if we feel the biggest part of our recreation comes from our arena and park then per haps the arena manager and park superintendent could do the job added mr aherne we need both but we need nlf arena manager more mr tyler agreed we need a worker more than an organizer most organizations can get the ball rolling and take care of themselves i think how ard should be commended but i dont think we need a recrea tion director our biggest problem is cur ling ice said mr townsley this can only diminish said mr goy we must put up with it about 800 in provincial grants would be lost with the change in administration but a grant or s600 is still available milton operates under the system being planned for ac ton with former actonian lar- rv arbic the arena manager there if we operate efficiently without loss of revenue who is in charge is not serious com mented mr goy with the resignation of sec retarytreasurer art cooper in their hands as well the board continued on page 3 ys mens auction rajses nearly 400 animals bite boys at school sfc nearly 400 was cleared by the ys men when they again held their very popular auc tion sale it was in the com munity centre on saturday af ternoon and attendance was as high as 500 at the peak hours auctioneer jack holmes was assisted by veteran roy hud- ley for a while mr hindley recalled when the ys men first began their annual pro ject 17 or 18 years ago all the members of the club assisted along with willing volunteers from the ys mcn- ettes a few wives and young people and other adults who simply offered to help front page editorial attend weekend etfehu this weekend is on opportunity for actomans and former residents of town and district to renew acquaintances three special community events starting with the of ficial opening of the new centennial library followed im mediately by the official opening of the hydro building saturday conclude sunday afternoon with decoration day observances civic pride should be manifest these proiects show an awareness on the part of citizens for the future of acton and yet recall with reverence the part those who have gone before played in the development of town and district two aclon boys bittenby animals were given lockjaw in jections this week philip timmings was bitten by a dog at the robert little school grounds mr timmings was told by the health unit the dog had not been caught michael marchment a grade nine student at acton district high school was bitten by a groundhog he was carrying into the school last thursday morning under observation the groundhog died and it is being tested for possible ra bies michael picked up the am mal while in a search for na tune classes ancj he went to pet it in the school the am mals reaction was a bite the ontario safety ieague has issued a warning this week for everyone to avoid animal life that appears sick abnormally friendly or aggres sivc if bitten or scratched bv anv animal suspected of being rabid wash affected area with soap and water immediately and consult a doctor without delav reduce rate for township purposes but overall tax levy is higher terry waterhouse mohawk graduate terr waterhouse graduated in business administration from mohawk college of ap plied rts and technology at a convocation held at mcmas ter university hamilton may 12 present were his parents mr and mrs william waterhouse and miss carol swackhamer he has been placed in the specal development course bank of montreal oshawa although esquesmg coun cil managed to reduce the mill rate for township purposes from 9 13 to an even seven mills taxpayers in the town ship face an increase in the mill rate this year with the exception of residents in the milton high school area council unanimously passed the 1967 budget at a special meeting on wednesday night after a two hour session re viewing the proposed figures submitted bv the township auditor councillor c f pat pat terson told the press through a combination of good man agement and economy there is a reduction in the township mill rate however taxes for school purposes have put the overall rate higher ratepayers in the milton high school area actually will enjov a better than two mill reduction because of a drop in the high school levy the in dustrial and commercial rate shows little change in that area complete resume of the budget is reproduced else where a reduction in the rate for township purposes was op posed by councillor patterson who argued ratepayers want better roads and they were prepared to pay for them im not going to soft pedal anything i think the rate should stay at 9 13 he said deputy reeve george cur- rie spearheaded the opposit ion which urged close adher- unce to the auditors figures but later made a concession to mr patterson bv raising the rate for township purposes by 76 mills so an extra 884146 could be raised for road pur poses the extra combined with an additional 6500 00 already pin pointed for roads make a total of 15341 46 and al lows for road expenditures of 30682 92 over the amount of the present approved bylaw this most councillors felt was adequate for additional road expenditure this year al though there was also some doubt about whether the de partment would approve the full amount last year said mr currie we asked for 25 000 extra and we got 15- 000 this year were asking for 33000 total expenditure on roads would amount to 147682 82 if the additional request is granted by the department members reviewed theses- qucsing rate and credited in creased per capita grants from the province which am ounted to almost 10000 with helping to lower the rate the pubhc school boards requis ition was also reduced 33888 to 251477 from 285385 which also affected the mill rate considerably councillor patterson said he was opposed to lowering the rate for township purposes when everyone wanted better roads but further discussion partially convinced him the additional 76 mills would be likely not all passed by the department everybody in your area will tell you the township roads are in bad shape char ged mr patterson were already counting on 33000 over and above the by law countered councillor tom hill that will bring road spend ing to almost 150000 said clerk k c lindsay if the department lets it through george currie re minded him continued on page 3 all citizens invited library hydro building openings saturday decoration day sunday ont hydro chairman is speaker the chairman of ontario hydro george gathercole will be among the special guests of honor at the official open ing of the new alice st hydro building the ceremony will see the culmination of long time hopes of the hydro com mission the program at the entrance to the spankingclean modern new building is scheduled for 345 pjn to follow the cere monies at the library which begin at 230 rood hydro commission chairman ted tyler sr will welcome the anticipated crowd greetings will be ex pressed by dr j d fleming president of the ontario muni cipal electrical association and a gordon stncey presid ent of the association of muni cipal electrical utilities the countys tww members of parliament dr harry har- lcy from the fcrirtal govrpk- the library wont be open saturday afternoon for ex changing books no instead the band will be playing outside throngs are expected to be standing on the new turf and the chief lib rarian will be unveiling the of ficial plaque its the date chosen for the official opening of the towns centennial protect and all the citizens of acton and district are invited to come to share in the pride of the moment saturdav afternoon the cere- mon is scheduled for 2 30 in time for the public to applaud tour hae a little lunch and then proceed over to the of ficial opening of the hdro building it was earlv in march when the library was completed the books moed over and the public admitted for the first time to see the new facilities the entire history of the choice of project and progress to its completion were detail ed in a special fourpage yel low section of the free press that week however the official open ing was postponed until phea sant weather made it possible for the ceremonies to be at tended bv as many of the peo ple the ubrarv services as possible meat and george kerr from continued on ptffu 10 the date stone willbe un veiled by w a roedde of the department of education and he will pive a brief address the plaque will be umcilcd b the chief librarian for mnn years mrs isabel watson official words of dedication will be said b the rev a h mikcnzie representing the ministerial association presentation of a kc will be made bv the architect and contractor others who will likelv speak brieflv are dr harr harlev m p george kerr mpp a representative of the recently formed region al hbrarv board and architect donald skinner the band will pla outdoors under the shadv trees which add to the hbrarv s fortuitous location the are scheduled to begin their concert at 2 10 pjn library board members who are planning the event are chairman george lee fred new rev ritchie mcmurray ted pratt and mavor les dubv with secretarv treasur- ei doug copeland librarians who will host the general public are mrs wat son miss esther taylor muss madge chapman mrs george williams and mrs bob dnnk- walter the unior librarians will be serving coffee and doughnuts to all the guests former librarians library board members and members of the original centennial pro tect committee have been sent invitations to attend decoration day here on sunday the annual decoration dav scrvicv this sunduv altcrnoon will follow the same pa tern as in previous vears a large crovvj of visnors lor nci resi dents and actomans is again expected lo shac in the out dooi interdenominational scr viee and ihcn o assist in plant in r at ravvs 1an bouquets are placed in the cemeteries prior to the serwee each vear graves in st josephs ceme- terv fairview cemetery and the pioneer cemeterv are an- nuallv decorated designated graves are planted with a bright red geranium bv mem bers of some of the sponsor mg organizations william nicolak is parade marshal again this vear and two bands will be included acton omens band and the guelph pipe band the service in the sunny meadow at the entrance to fairview cemetery is expected continued on page 10 preview of a colorful and interesting display of arts and economics and industrial arts classes are contributing selee- crafts which will be shown at the robert little school audi- tions for the display which will fill most of the auditorium tonum thursday afternoon and evening all grades the home staff photo

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