li r r past pmshmnis mow for acton branch of the legion was a gala social occasion with eight of the former presidents on hand last friday night the occasion was parr of veter ans week celebrated the length and breadth of canada from left former presidents les doby gord beatty of guelph jim milne of rockwood vic patrick bud mcdonald of toronto district commander dave capperauld george musselle zone commander bill shields max storey and al kirkness the plaque pic tured listing all president of the branch was also unveiled staff photo personals mr gib jordan is a patient in guelph genera hospital mr and mrs ron lewis have returned after holidaying in england mrs isabel murray is a pa tient in guelph general hos- pital mrs alec mcdonald is a pa tient in the western hospital toronto mrs andrew j aitken first line is a patient in guelph general hospital mr and mrs r westlund of brownlee sask visited with mr and mrs g w mckenzie master mark bray son of mr and mrs joe bray is in guelph general hospital bryon walker left wednes day to spend two months with his uncle in california ronald mcknighl is home for the summer holidays from variety village vocational school at scarborough mr and mrs norman water- ton of owen sound spent a few days last week with mr and mrs s g matthews mrs bertie smith ofbiw- manvilie visited mrs jessie kentner and other relatives last week mrs w t a bell of toron to was with her mother mrs r m macdonald over the weekend mrs mary mcauley spent the weekend in stratford at tending the golden wedding an niversary of her cousins attending playground lead ers training camp at bolton this week are kathy krul el aine johnson marianne coles and paul cooper mr and mrs thomas hall mrs john thompson and mr and mrs clifford hall all of guelph visited with miss dorothy simmons on sunday cons nick farion is out of hospital and convalescing at his home in welland the ac ton ojp officer was injured in a car accident the many friends of mrs c britton of the acton postal staff regret that she is a pat ient in guelph general hospi tal and hope for a return to good health for her mrs richard cushner and young daughter kelly of chat ham visited with mr and mrs rudolph spietvogel mrs cushner is the former ruth spielvogel visitors with mr and mrs a long and family were miss monica fitzpatrick and mr gerry loomis norman wells and mr and mrs charles overvold yeltowknife north west territories miss sherry morris of the mrs a c stewart of god- bank of montreal staff is erich and mr and mrs moles holidaying for two weeks in and family of toronto visited england she flew on satur- with friends in town on sun day night and was met by day they attended service at her grandparents from hamil ton who are also there mr and mrs h c rogn- iwaldson of elliott lake and mr and mrs r thorarinson of vancouver have been visit ing with mr and mrs j tat- ton mrs thorarinson is mrs rognvaldsons sister miss marilyn cripps daugh ter of mr and mrs stanley knox church and mrs moles unveiled the portrait of her father the rev dr a c stew art mrs moles was the form er katherine stewart mrs alex near mrs duncan moffat mrs m nellis and mrs marg whitresd were in montreal for four days over the weekend attending expo they attended a banquet on saturday in connection with huntsvibe where she will be working on the staff for the summer srix associated countrywomen muskoka baptist conference y members of the duke of devonshire chapter of the io dje dressed again in their at tractive centennial gowns on tuesday to call on one of their members miss m z dennett who had been unable to at tend the chapters tea on sat- miss jill hurst has received word that she has successfully completed her second year in the four year honors physic al education course at the university of western ontario uraa londonwith second class hon- rak ors mr and mrs joe hurst of arthur street were in ottawa for the weekend visiting mr and mrs peter hurst who are leaving by plane on friday for their new posting in lagos nigeria where peter will join the staff of the canadian high commissioner this is senior citizens week as proclaimed by coun cil esquesing schools field day is today in georgetown park first coat of new paint was put on the wading pool at the park this week today is the longest day of the year and the first day of summer new white marking lines appeared on the streets during the night monday thursday is orientation day at the high school for the grade eight students big program of events for nassagaweyas centennial cele brations this weekend the toronto jaguar club is having a rally of old cars at hoeys elm tree farm sunday an advertisement of spec ial interest to many this week will be that of sheridan col lege of applied arts and tech nology or the community college as its more commonly called this is the first official notice weve had of registra tions for the opening of the new type of school m 1 harley to halton by harry harfey m p main interest on parliament hill this week has of course revolved around the middle east the house of commons itself has been considering es timates of government spend ing in various government de partments one of the recent days was devoted to external affairs and the first speaker was the prime minister who spoke on the israeli arab problem the prime minister propos ed a six point program as a basis for solution on the long standing problem it was point ed out that these problems had been put aside in 1956 by cre ation of the united nations emergency force this lasted eleven and a half years but as no permanent solution had been brought out in those years the only thing that had been accomplished was time to again accomplish a cease fire and not solve the basic problems would probably see a recurrence of the struggle some years from now the prime ministers plan was as follows fl withdrawals of the milit ary units to avoid contact to approximately the previous li nes there is some doubt in many minds here as to whe ther israel will withdraw fro jerusalem and the fortress the united church is seek ing volunteers to help with summer vacation bible school tyler transport ltd has added a modern highway cruis er to their fleet of charter coaches high school students will be demonstrating the spinning of wool at the centennial fair making spinning wheels was a school centennial project the fullwidth name above gordons hardware store has been changed this week there is new backing for the large lettering and a pro crest acton citizens band will play at the official ceremony recognizing miltons centennial project sunday evening the town fixed up the mill pond added a small bridge and wat erfall the grade eight banquet is a week from today and high school viceprincipal joe bra is guest speaker robert lit tle principal g v mckonzie is speaker at the erin gratle eight banquet this week both the united states and the soviet union have provid ed films taken in space to the expo theme pavilion man the explorer the two countries also have space exhibits in their own pavilions which dominate the strait of the gulf of acaba 2 referral of the question of the international rights ov er the waters of the gulf of acaba 3 the rights of israeli ship ping in the suez canal 4 reestabushment of a united nations force to main tain the ceasefire lines whe ther canadian forces would be welcome in such a force af ter egypts request for our immediate removal is ques tionable 5 a demilitarized zone be tween the opposing forces 6 some solution to deal with over one million arab re fugees from israel who were misplaced after the creation of the state of israel it has been suggested that countries like canada might be willing to accept some of these people a immigrants preview of expo program given by choraliers sunday the acton free press wednesday june 21 1967 5 with three more donations a preview of their program and the arrival of a brand new bus for transportation the acton legion choraliers are heading into the starting gate for their performance at expo 67 they leave at 1 am saturday morning july 1 for montreal and will be singing in one of the bandshells on sunday july 2 and monday july 3 they re turn to acton on tuesday tyler transport has a new 40seat bus for the trip there are 29 choraliers including leader george musselle and pianist george hall going with them is the composer of hymn to canada a featured number on their program herman freuler free press editor hart ley coles is going along also to take pictures and write an ac count of their experiences for the free press issue of july 5 a few snags in arrangements are being ironed out this week via long distance calls to mont real beds breakfast and box lunches are being reserved this sunday evening in the high school auditorium the men are going to give the town a preview of their worlds fair show plus extra numbers to fill the evening their perfor mances at the bandshell at ex po are limited in time three donations are added to their travel music and uni form fund this week j50 from former citizen of the year fred wright 25 from the georgetown legion ladies aux iliary who asked them to en tertain last week and 10 from hillsburg presbyterian church where they sang last sunday morning leader george musselle goes to montreal with the distinc tion of being actons citizen of the year past presidents dinner at legion hall friday many attended the legion past presidents dinner an ev ent coinciding with veterans week in canada at the legion hall friday night comrades of long standing joined in the spirit of camar aderie and listened to the story queen proposed by george musselle a delicious dinner served by members of the ladies auxiliary was followed by r 5 jwords of welcome frqm first short program grace was said vicei qaa james the introduction of- past of branch 197 as k was un folded by past presidents at tending h h bert hinton acted as master of ceremonies for the by chaplain rev andrew mc- kenzie and the toast to the eden mills camp edgewood starts busy summer season elect gord james legion president mr and mrs kirby williams of port credit and miss mar tha orr of toronto spent sun day in town ond visited with their brother mr alex orr and mrs orr they attended the dedication service jn knox church and renewedac- quairrtances with many fri ends gord james was elected pres ident of acton branch 197 of the canadian legion at the branchs annual elections sun day he succeeds max storey who has held the post for the last two years elections were held for most of the offices with president being one of the few filled by acclamation other officers elected were first vicepresident bar ney ennest second vicepresident bob angell secretary john chapman treasurer gord mccutch- con sgtatarms earl waller poppy chairman jim hig- gins poppy committee charlie thomson ed footitt trustees max storey bert hinton norm cunningham propert chairm jack cooney george musselle conducted the elections and the installa tion of officers assisted in the latter by vic patrick and art ford planning bd continued from page 1 for the plan the reeve claim ed he should be doing it for himself this has been kicked ar ound for the last five years said mr drinkwalter he sug gested the council go ahead with a plan of subdivision on a cost recoverable basis injected the mayor we have a competent plan ning board if we dont ac cept their recommendations theres no use having one re iterated mr perry maybe youre right but if we wait it wont be long until this area is developed fore cast councillor tyler i heard the reeve said council earl masales we have a man on planning board acquainted with law has he anything to say mr bralda said that it would be quite legal answered councillor drinkwalter its mr grieses obligation not ours to get an agreement with mr seynuck finished mr tvler the item is not in the plan ning board budget the reeve concluded when the vote was called for on the planning board res olution mavor duby council lors perry drinkwalter and williams supported it against were reeve hinton deputy reeve oakes and councillors mckcnzie masales and tyler further discussion on the resignations occured at an ad ministrative committee meet ing monday and its expected thevll bring a recommendat ion about the resignations to the next regular council meet ing tuesday earlier in the planning board meeting rev thoman ot e angel pentecostal tab ernacle presented his plans to the board for an addition to his church the planning board raised no objection to the committee of adjustment for the side yard variance the board also had no ob jection to the application of sesto construction or the braida application for minor variance to allow each to build homes on lots 69 plan 603 and lot 111 plan 670 in accordance with sketches as mr braida the chairman had a conflict of interest he ab stained from voting jack mcgeachie announced the ajax hearing date as sept 13 expenses of secretarytreas urer iain williams for a cp ac meeting in toronto were ordered paid accounts paid amounted to 25128 two birthdays were celebrat ed last sunday at the home of mr and mrs william mclean sr mrs j ashworth and mrs b auld toronto were the bir thday guests those present were mr and mrs h ash worth mr and mrs r auld miss connie wallace mrs flora funston all of toronto mrs elsie miller acton mr and mrs a g mitchell mr and mrs w mitchell mr and j mitchell all from ballinafad on monday evening a bridal shower for frances kierstead was held in hamilton at the home of mrs robert g forsys esauesina council tne man both personal l3lueiikj uuricii and miscellaneous were receiv ed by the bridetobe continued from page 1 the work council also read a bylaw the first and second times to prohibit the keeping of cattle sheep goats and swine in the builtup part of glen williams defined as the area to receive mail deliv ery the bylaw would not af fect farms of 20 acres or more asked the clerk to get es timates on air conditioning the township offices before they take any action donated 2s to the halton plowmens association for priz es for the annual plowing match to be held in nassaga- weya township this year was advised to pursue a on wednesday evening the executive of the harmony club of guelph met at the home of mrs william macidonald for a pot luck supper followed by a business meeting camp edgewood at eden mills is a beehive of activity these days last week a picnic from st pauls lutheran church guelph numbering 200 invaded the grounds this weekend a mens re treat from st marks lutheran church port credit are enjoy ing the scenery also another group from dix ie and cooksvillc about 100 were here and sunday st johns lutheran boy scours jnorevigorous tax collection waterloo policy in correspondence from the department agreed to lend 900 ft of snow fence and 50 posts to hornby park for the annual garden party with the parks board to be liable reviewed insurance cov- amps tsrchridretrwili5iatr- july 2 and continue to august 26 for information write mr neirberg edgewood camp ed en mills mr and mrs bill henson and daughter kim from aus tralia who have been visiting mrs henspns sister mrs erage with the broker 7 reeve george leslie presided jf j bright and family left at the meeting with deputy- wednesday by plane for eng- reeve george currie and coun cillors tom hill and jim good- let clerk k c lindsay and as sistant clerk d french also in attendance land to visit their parents be fore returning home by boat for australia the journey will take five weeks mr and mrs bill wilson have returned home after a trip to expo rufe stays put friends of the rev d r sin- three state road depart- cla minister of eden mills merrt engineers walked into rkwood presbyterian the hunting camp of russell c e j svm gatbrearh at new smyrna m the death of hs mother beach fla recently and ask- n m ed who is the next of km of jf- f wl1 i pe general rufes i guess you hawl 5 might say i am replied gal- znt breath who buried him and ssl 3 placed on the grave the mar- and mr p ker at rest general rure f san f with 19001961 its right in the tnps tq nevada anzona van path we planned for the road one engineer said but weve got orders not to disturb any burial plots if we can avoid it after three days of figur ing the engineers routed the highway around the grave smiled galbreath im glad they didnt disturb general rufe he was the best deer hound i ever owned police play cons bruce moarthur and cons peter campbell of acton ojpjp were entered in the hal ton police golf tournament at burlington on friday but nei ther won a prize about 50 policemen from all the county were entered ot re e as of june 30 1967 the public school board of the fownship school area of nassagaweya is discontinuing the pay ment of dental bills for preschool and public school children the public school board of the township school area of nassagawaya depot taxi now radio equipped for more efficient service call 8532600 for prompt service len adams prop couver and calgary from here to expo then home to scot land presidents was done by w middleton and john gay district commander dave capperauld and zone com mander bill shields were in attendance and introduced by the chairman president max storey urged legionnaires to attend the el ection of officers for die branch sunday the evening concluded with entertainment by vince mount- ford and his group ebenezer new minister called to three point charge ebenezer church was filled to capacity for the biennial memorial service on sunday afternoon rev david nichol son of campbehville presbyt erian church was the special speaker the hakonettes joy hay- ward and wilma and ruth mason sang two selections mrs newell presided at the or gan after the service the members of die congregation enjoyed renewing old friend ships at a recent meeting of the three churches arkell eden mills and ebenezer it was un animously decided to invite rev russell finley of deser- onto to be our minister it is with regret that we say goodbye to rev and mrs lee- man and janet who are mov ing to palgrave the june uxw meeting had the pleasure of hearing a most interesting talk from miss glenys hughes the sister of mrs don joss glenys has been attending covenant col lege and gave a most interest ing account of her work at bathurst church toronto on saturday lie relatives and friends of the fletcher fa mily enjoyed a reunion at eb- enezer guests included a couple from california and the simpsons whose ancestors came out from the aid coun try together nearly 135 years ago geergefteniwy take this opportunity and pleasure of thanking our many friends and customers of the past years for their loyalty and patronage to us during our 13 years of business as acton motors we feel sure you will be most welcomed by the new owner k paulsen ws jtttvittr call us for all you plumbing and heating installations mpairs business location 17 mm s w etawash danny im r any sarvtca wnk call acton 530640 ouelph wlmm a l riemer equipment company make wedding gift furniture blil theres no need to ponder over the choice of that wed ding gift you can solve the problem easily and-perfect- ly by the selection of a gift for the home what is more practical more appreciated than the gift of something that will have a definite and import ant part in the making of a new home whether it is for a shower or wedding a gift from acton home furnishings will be a gift that youll be proud to give acton home furnishings 47 mill e acton 51420