Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1967, p. 7

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4 j xt- -rc- 1 tf 17 real estate 300 acres near dundalk on road to lie paved full 3o0 acres on one side of road approx 190 workable 60 acres maple bush large bam with cow ties pig pens attached pole barn large brick house hydro and running water are in price reasonable at 32000 terms m k hendry real estate and business broker phone 9232812 dundalk ont 17cl3 17 real estate neyv 3 bedroom claybrick bungalow with attached garage 6 miles north of milton aluminum windows storms and screens forced air heat hpbcrc lot close to school phone 8789666 between 7 9 pal 19 legal christie woods real estate brokers 189 main st milton 19500 full price 2 bedroom brick bungalow and garage situated on large lot living room with fireplace separate dining room kitchen 4 piece bath full basement with extra 2piece washroom and partly finished recreation room this home is in immaculate condi tion well landscaped rear yard gives considerable priv acy 21500 full price 3 bedroom bungalow and garage l-shap- ed living and dining room kit chen with ample cupboards 4- piece bath with colored fixtur es full basement well land scaped village home 10900 full price 2 bedroom clapboard home living room with fireplace large lot country homes 25900 full price modern stone and frame home situated on 113 acres kitchen with nat ural cupboards separate din ing room large living room with fireplace 4piece bath master bedroom has 3 piece washroom 2 large bedrooms full basement breezeway and garage country lot 600 down 4 acre site north of acton on good road full price 3400 e a mitchell ltd realtors 24 queen st east brampton phone 4516232 17cl6 notice of application to the ontario municipal board by the corporation of the town of oakville for approval of bylaw to regulate land use pa pursuant to section 30 off the planning act 17cl3 take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of oakville intends to apply to the ontario municipal board pursuant to the provis ions of section 30 of the plan ning act for approval of bylaw number 196780 passed on the 15th day of may 1967 a copy of the bylaw is furnished here with a note giving an explanat ion of the purpose and effect of the bylaw and stating the land affected thereby is also furnished herewith 19 legal 6000 full price 3 older type home bedroom farm 65000 full price 100 acres sit uated on main highway 4- b home with all con veniences large bank barn lots 10 acre lots close to milton price 8900 terms call 8782095 8786057 17cl3 leonard r chandler real estate broker courteous professional service thinking of selling for fast results list with leonard r chandler a leading real estate broker 8249199 rr 1 moffat homes farms acreages businesses 17c49tf km for the choosey family early possession for this immac ulate 3bedroom bungalow in red brick with attached gar age beautiful panelling in entry hall and dining area at- tractive living room good siz ed kitchen smart bathroom large lot with patio and nice ly landscaped with trees and shrubs this is an exception ally fine home for a refined family in a refined neighbor hood price 21000 farms 100 acres in central burlington area large bank barn imple ment shed and ivistorey 8- room frame house productive light clay loam soil priced at 60000 100 acres in east hamboro dis trict large barn 2car gar age and 8room block and frame house good garden soil convenient to guelph and hamilton markets price 42400 18 acres campbellville 4 bedroom frame house com pletely modernized bank barn situated 1000 ft off pave ment 5 miles north of 401 cutoff commuting distance to toronto cuelph hamil ton open for offers for sale 2bedroom bunga low with attached garage pan elled living room full base ment large jot close to down- towir 4 bedrooms situated on good residential street well treed spacious lawn paved drive finished rec room many extras pric ed for quick sale at 19900 campbellville new 3bedroom all electrically heated home basement fully finished will qualify for vl a only 5500 down payment carries for 12442 principal and interest any person interested may within fourteen 14 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the tqwn of oakville notice of his objection to ap proval of the said bylaw toge ther with a statement of the grounds of such objection the ontario municipal board may approve of the said bylaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the bylaw will be considered notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection the last date for filing ob jections will be august 9th 1967 dated at the town of oak ville this 26th day of july 1967 s a featherstpne clerk the town of oakville po box 310 oakville ontario note the maps referred to in bylaw no 196780 are avail- jle for examination at the clerks office oakville admin istration building 1225 trafal gar road oakville ontario dur ing business hours monday to friday inclusive thinking of buying or selling think of h keith ltd stella parton milton 8786705 17cl3 acreages 22 acres wooded with stream 550 per acre 15 acres scenic area wooded 10000 5 acre parcels for building sites tsjoos each 10 acre parcel for building site ffjooo for prompt and courteous ser vice call your gibson yfil- loughby ltd representatives annaarchie cairns 340 main street bast phone 8786980 17cl3 the ad in tins space last week was stopped becaus it got re- otf isfsbbi 100 acre beef farm 42300 is the low asking price for this 100 acre beef farm close to acton all the land is tillable and produces bumper crops year after year a large bank barn 55 x 100 all set up for beef cattle and hogs with water on tap the extra large brick house has 8 rooms that will accommodate a large fa mily or 2 families if so desir ed forced air furnace and full basement low down pay ment with good terms call today and make an appoint ment to inspect 10 acre homesite 2500 down payment for this beautiful rolling treed- lot 5 miles northwest of 401 with school bus at gate call mrs- king milton 8783551 paul s starr company limited 173 woolwich st guelph ontario 17cl3 the corporation of the town of oakville bylaw no 196780 a bylaw to amend bylaw 1965- 136 the oakville zoning by- m whereas it is desirable to replace the maps annexed to by law 1965136 by a more useable type of map and to clarify some of the general provisions of the bylaw the council of the cor poration of the town of oakville enacts as fol lows main structure of a house pro vided not less than 75 per cent of the garages length is be tween the main front and rear walls of the house and the floor area behind the garage portion is not greater than 60 per cent of the total floor ar ea of the garage 3 renumbering subsections numbers 16 to 27 inclusive of both to numbers 18 to 29 4 inserting a new subsec tion numbered 17 as follows 17 landscaping o r landscaped area means an area of land or the roof of a parking structure not more than 54 inches above ground comprising lawn shrubs trees lowers and paving slabs or other similar textured surfaces without access by vehicles ex cept emergency access by veh icles such as fire trucks or am bulances with a not less than 20 per cent of its area capable of support ing the growth of and planted with grass and with shrubs or trees that can attain a nor mal growth of up to 3 feet and b not less than 10 per cent of its area capable of support ing the growth of and planted with grass and with trees that can attain a normal growth of not less than 15 feet at a density of not less than 6 trees for each 1000 square feet 5 renumbering subsections 28 and 29 thereof to num bers 31 and 32 and chang ing their position in the section accordingly 5 bylaw 1965136 is further amended by removing section 19 thereof from part ii to part i so that the heading part ii residential is in front of section 20 instead of being in front of section 19 6 bylaw 1965136 is further amended by deleting from par agraph c of subsection 30 of section 1 thereof the words on land abutting any of the streets listed in subsection 2 of section 45 brigade losing one fire the canadian champion wednesday august 2 1967 t i ii n i i i fa i i a a milton is about to lose a fire truck the ontario department of public works is taking back a 1951 fire pumper that has been housed at the local fire hall for the past three years while the truck was not in top mechanical shape it was used occasionally by the mil ton brigade as a standbv truck when the two regular pumpers were in use we only used it a couple of times to take extra water to fires chief a e clement ex plained but it made me feel a lot better just to know- that we had a spare truck in case the other two trucks were tied up the pumper was originallv used in the niagara falls area as an emergency measures or ganization training pumper when it was taken out of ser vice there it was assigned to halton countv emo and through the e mo it was housed in the milton fire hall pumper the only one in the county with room for another large truck milton was also given per mission to use the vehicle in emergencies which was a boon lo the town its arrival came just shortly after a bad period of grass fires when there were many occasions that both reg ular pumpers were out fighting couitr fires leaving the town virtually unprotected chief clement explained now the department of pub lic works wants it back some time in earlv august the pump er will be taken out of the milton hall leaving milton with a twopumper brigade the fire department also has a 1960 van truck used for carrving extra equipment to the fires plus an antique 1922 inter national thev use solelv for rfarades and social outings pft cherries i ed bylaw 1965136 by is amend- 7 bylaw 1965136 is further amended by deleting from par agraph e of subsection 2 of section 46 the words para graphs a and c therefrom and substituting therefor the words paragraphs b and d 8 this bylaw comes into force upon its approval by the ontario municipal board passed by the council this 15th day of may 1967 f m anderson mayor s a featherstone clerk summary bylaw no 196780 purpose of the bylaw to substitute for the existing zoning maps a new set of maps which are letter size the bjrtawalsrmrakes snuimberof changes to the general provis ions of the zoning bylaw effect of the bylaw the present size of zoning map is double legal size and has proved difficult to work with the new zoning maps use the same zoning symbols and there have been no changes made in any zone boundaries the changes to the general pro visions are as follows 1 the changes brought about by paragraph 3 of bylaw no 196780 are continued ram page 1 en out of it the fruit drops a couple of feet to the plastic sheeting and rolls gentlv into the collector bins from there the cherries are rushed to a nearby bin of ice- cold water where they immed iately firm up while they are being rushed to the barn to the pitting machine five inspectors check the cherries as they head down the conveyor belt toward the pit- ter removing any stray steps or leaves that fall during the shaking process the pitter grasping about 100 berries at a time pushes out the pits and sends the fruit past two more inspectors to the canning op erator once canned the cherries are quickly weighed and sugared lids and labels are affixed and they are loaded into a truck to icad off to the freezers nr hughes reports his crop this year is better than the last three years crops in both quality and quantity his yield is expected to be 150 to 175 tons of cherries thanks to the plentiful rain the fruit is big and soft and full of juice this year about 100 ton will go for export to britain and another 50 tons for pies the remaind er are sold through a a retail outlet at the farm and whole sale to stores and supermark ets throughout southern on tario burlington deputyreeve frank rogers was accosted in the lobby of the town hall by an irate tax payer who was indignant that no union jack was flying from the town flag pole while the queen was in canada the deputyreeve dispatched a works department employee to find one but it was discov ered the town does not have a union jack or at least one could not be found it seems the lady was angry enough at paying her taxes 1rauty salon vogue beauty salon a new cosrfure designed just for you and complete beauty service call 8782461 192 main street hennys hair styling 198 mihst milton caul 8783263 for appointment k modern equipment expert styling coloring waving c52tf iuctmcal servici 55 credit union members on flight a group flight of 55 milton and district residents left on wednesday evening of last week for a funfilled month in europe and britain the fliers all members of holv rosary parish milton credit union ltd left malton on a boeing 707 jetliner with stopovers in prcstwick am sterdam hamburg and rome they will return on august 26 credit union manager jules frijters who made the ai- rangements for the group flight said the credit union hopes to be able to charter a 167scat plane for a trip to europe next year enquiries have already been received and arrangements for the charter are being made mcphail electric industrial commercial domestic electric heating complete electric home 66 charles st milton 8789513 mcoratmo drapery broadloom residential industrial commercial readymade drapes in stock for custom service call 8782067 for home appointment r syers 228 main st 8784067 met general contractors tv and radio servici durnan tv and appliances sales service philips tv tape recorders rca stereo tv appliances sparton tv and stereo 222 main st 8784445 otf 1 deleting part viii there- from and substituting the fol- lowing for it part viii 58 maps the maps in the part index ed as numbers 58 1 to 58 40 are an integral part of this bylaw for the purpose of show ing the land in the various zon es hereinbefore provided and the map indexed as number 58 41 42 and 43 is an integral part of this bylaw for the pur pose of showing the lanes re quired in the downtown com mercial zone 2 the maps annexed to this bylaw and numbered 58 1 to 58 43 are substituted for the maps at present annexed to by law 1965136 and indexed there under as 58 1 to 58 8 3 bylaw 1965136 is further amended by 1 deleting subsection 2 of section 16 and substituting therefor the following 2 except in commercial and industrial zones the mini mum distance from the wall of any building to a flankage lot line shall be 12 feet and in in dustrial zones the minimum distance from the wall of any building to a flankage lot line green hedge atlcast5 feet high shall be 18 feet ana 2 inserting the word ever- 1 urc green in front of the hedge in subsection section 1 thereof milton pharmacy 246 main st 8782343 prescriptions picked up delivered free delivery burning rectal itch relieved in minutes exclusive healing substanea rcueres pain a it shrinks hemorrhoids if you want satisfactory relief from itching piles heres good news a renowned research laboratory has found a unique healing substance that promptly relieves the burning itch and nam actually shrinks hemorrhoids this substance has been shown to produce a most effec tive rate of healing its germkilling ropertie also help prevent ifinction a at the present time sub section 2 of section 16 of by law no 1965136 only indicates side yau requirements for cor ner lots in residential zones the amended subsection will provide for an 18 foot side yard tor a corner lot in industrial zones where the side lot line is the street line b at the present time the zoning bylaw in its definition section refers to a hedge at least 5 feet high it is pro posed to insert the word ever green in front of the word hedge thus defining a buffer strip as meaning a strip of land with lawn with an ever- a row of trees for its en- length word j paragraph vu subsec- 5 of lion 2 of section 17 of bylaw no 1965136 prescribes the type 3 inserting the word ever- of landscadn required be- green between the words har- a area and a zone 19 legal ions of the zoning bylaw part i and makes paragraph 20 the first part ii residential regu lation 4 paragraph 6 relates to the definition of unsightly stor age as it is presently worded only certain streets are pro tected with the removal of the words on land abutting any of the streets listed in subsection 2 of section 45 all streets where this definition is appli cable are protected 5 paragraph 7 is simply a correction in the paragraphs that have to be referred to location of land affected all of the area known as the town of oakville 19cl3 20 auction sales in ease after case very striking improvement was noted even among cases of long standing and this improvement was maintained over a period of monthsl this was accomplished by a new healing substance biodyne which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulate growth of new tissue now biodyne is offered in ointment and suppository form called- preparation w ask for it at all drug stores satisfaction or money refunded sewing machines singer t sewing aaachine sales service rental phone 874861 milton fabric centre services and repairs on all makes of sewing machines 20ctf rxyolan building contractors ltd home improvements renovations w alterations additions k commercial or industrial ul 42263 call irving roofing for roofing eavestroughing aluminum siding reroofing our specialty phone 8786020 milton free estimates 21ctf garden services formosa landscaping contractor seeding and sodding weed spraying fertilizing tree trimming patios 8783263 mctr painting and decorating tailoring repairs enjoy delicious ftavorcrfsp prrxsttrr nd catdttn jutcywmmmar tailoring alterations general repairs reasonable see our sport coats and slacks freds tailoring shop fred verstraete 217 main 8783302 gil vansoelen painting contractor industrial residential interior exterior call now for free estimates 8786t37 box 114 milton 21ctf ay and shrubs in paragraph vii of subsection 2 ot sec tion 17 thereof 4 bylaw 1965136 is further amended by making the follow ing changes and additions to section 1 thereof 1 renumbenng subsections numbers 4 to 15 inclusive of both to numbers 5 to 16 2 inserting after subsec tion 3 thereof a new subsec tion numbered h as follows 4 attached garage in cludes a garage contained or partly contained within the where residential uses are per mitted in this paragraph har- d shrubs are required to be planted and the new regulat ion will require hardy ever green shrubs 2 paragraph 4 of bylaw no 196780 introduces into the de finition section of the zoning bylaw two new definitions namely a definition for an attached garage and landsca ping or landscaped area and the subsections of section 1 of the zoning bylaw are being re numbered accordingly 3 paragraph 5 transfers sec tion 19 to the general provis- walter reinhart brampton livestock exchange i snelgrove licensed auctioneer farm sales household sales and appraisals phone snelgrove 8431071 bolton 8571726 collect kitchener 5197427437 20ctf this week treat tne family to juicy tender flavor crisp fried chicken in the party pack 21 pieces of chicken 5 25 ves we have delicioui crisp fish n chips complete auction service households dispersals or farm sales chris a schouten auctioneer graduate from kansas citf auction school sales conducted anywhere please call collect 8782576 20c44tf tasty treats try our burgers shakes const tailoring alterations and repairs knights mens wear 202 main street phone 8784472 21o47tr weu driuino well drilling j b ruttan r r 2 milton out phone burlington neison 44025 custom upholstery refrigeration domco refrigeration domestic refrigerator and freezer service phone campbellville 8542605 21ctf milton upholstery now owned and operated by lome arthur phone 8789094 r r 3 milton reupholttery auto trim upholstery riptn custom built runutun free pickup and dalrwary xotf phone 8786028 and well have your order ready murray hood drivein base line rd west of highway 25 at milton king refrigeration industrial commercial sales service reliable and efficient campbellville 8542228 1 21ctf halton upholstering reupholstering custom built furniture chrome kitchen chairs rug and upholstery ahampooing free pickup and dalhrarjr h jensen rr 2 ounpbelhrllla phone 8549939 21c52tf harolds upholstery 379 pine street call 8782056 reupholstering chesterfield suites chrome chairs truck seats custom building and i re styling free estimates pick ups and deliveries harold kelln 21d3

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