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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1967, p. 15

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kelso monster caught deplore untidy the acton free press wednesday september 13 1967 mew ii r i i i i the monster of oun eden a recordbreaking 25 inch 7 pound brown trout was hauled from glen eden lake at kelso by dick cairns of 325 kingsleigh court milton thursday even ing he hooked it with small wet fly and a fly rod with an eight pound test line staff photo disputed gkn road allowance can be closed only by judge solicitor terry bainestold esquesing council it was doubt ful tf the township has the right to doaa glen st in glen will- lams as requested by norm nor ton a property owner seeking clear title to bis home mr balnes the township sol icitor said the old road allow ance was in a subdivision defined in bmsots survey wbicb dated baer in the lewrwafae ostoted aaneeobot aackuxfwt jodie which said 1 ii the road allowance is not assumed by a municipality tor public use it may be closed only under the registry act 2 it the road allowance is assumed it can only be closed under a bylaw mr balnes said the township clerk could find no record of a bylaw assuming responsibility for the road allowance so the case falls under the first cat egory tin only person with the pow er to close the disputed road all owance is a judge the solicitor stated procedure tor closing esquesing council briefs at their regular meeting last week esquesing council arranged to meet with the blue chip building restoration co to discuss fixing up the township office the company had made and inspection of the building at councils request and reported the ntranceway wall had 60 to 65 per cent of the bricks cracked discussed raising the township trailer license fee to 20 from the present 10 building inspec tor tom mclean reported be had dtfflculry collecting the present fee sometimes council also dis cussed what action to take ag ainst a trailer park operator who enlarged bis residence without a builduf permit road superintendent bud snow told council dead elms in the township were causing a prob lem some trees were posing a road haaaxd aadthe superintend ents under jtandug of responsib ility for the elms stretched to any tree which might be ahasard to traffic he said township equipment would not handle soma of the trees watch were two or three feet in dtamebsrso he coaldat eat them down council lor jim goodkrt felt present eo tpmaot was adaojaate bat council decided to watt and see u they coald qwattff under the winter works program for aid gam panaisston to a neu mann r r 1 arrpn to run a garden and lawn implement bus- i on hta property on lot 25 i two angler lands big brown esquesing dump oi4 jdakfotliej fodhij the monster of glen eden lake has been caught dick cairns who has to go down in the books as a persis tent fisherman caught the leg endary mg one at kelso last week when the shouting was over be had a 25inch brown trout that tipped the scales at seven and a half lbs and measur ed 15 and a half inches around the girth a real trophy fish mr cairns elated at usprixe catch said 111 probably never catch another one like it in my life his persistence paid off for the past three weeks he has been fishing at kelso almost dally trying to land hie ugbrute everyone has been talking about several anglers have seen or hooked onto a giant fish there but until mr cairns got there nobody had been able to land him 1 tried flies i tried minnows and i tried worms and then i went back out with flies again discuss amalgamation of group at st albans parish guild st albans parish guild re sumed their monthly meetings wednesday sept 6 at the home of mrs v bristow the pres ident mrs ea pratt was in the chair the meeting opened with the guild prayer and a scripture leading by mrs c holmes the minutes were read by mrs o lindsay followed by the trea surers report by mrs r halt the proposed amalgamation of the various womens groups in the church was discussed and guild members were encouraged to attend the deanery meeting in erin during october at which time a speaker will discuss that topic and answer questions it was decided to hold an old fash ioned tea at theome of mrs e a pratt in december miss brenda denny showed beautiful colored slodes taken by her father on the familys recent trip to fort henry and expo 67 a lovely lunch was served by the group in charge crocuses bloom m pratt garden corcuses in september crocuses in september mrs sydney pratt 126 long- field rd has two beds of the attractive spring flowers bloom ing in her flower cardans she is mystified they just came up she explains we did nothing special the crocus of course is one of the first spring flowers to peek out of the spring snow their appearance is unseason able be said waving the ug ranker around for all to see thlscra- ayfly pve got here finally got the brute the fly is one be has doctored up to suit lilmself its only a tiny brown and white fly quite dull and unappetising in appearancebut it did the trick and thats what counts mr cairns said it took about 15 minutes to bring the fish to shore he went for the fly near the west end of kelsos late officials at haltonregloncon- servatlon authority the owners of kelso say mr cairns brown is the biggest to date from those waters browns have never been stocked at kelso so the fish must be an original that was there when the stream through the park was just a trickle five years ago speckled trout and rainbows have been planted and the record rainbow was a 23 inch five lbs two oxs fish this fish iron ically was never caught it was wash ashore after being killed by a lamprey and two young boys found it and took it to the con servation office i have never heard of anvthlmr over five pounds from kelso before said an amazed dave murray field officer for the h jtca reeve george leslie com plained about the untidiness of the township dump at the last regular meeting of esquesing councll he urged some action to keep the dump more tidy were going to have to put a lock on the gate someday agreed councillor fat patterson it isnt only the dump re marked councillor tom h1u theres garbage all over the road too some people from georgetown choose to use our place in stead of their own said mr pat terson and this doesnt help mat ters no action was taken 55180 issued township permits nassagaweya zoning adminis ter s w savage reports building permits with a total value of 55180 were issued in the town ship during august bringing the years total to 861980 no industrial or commercial licenses were applied for but the list included two residences a garage and 15500 worth of re novations and repairs we havent delivered like this since the good old days the days may be old fashioned but our cleaning techniques are modern free pickup and delivery custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 am out by s pjsa cash and carry 1867 u 1967 main st n phone 85311m li their secret engagement is still a so everybody is saying the street would be the same with someone elso handing down the decision be continued mr nortons request to close the road allowance was postponed until the sept 5 meeting when councillor pat patterson object ed to the solicitor representing both the township and mr norton neighbouring landowners jack lucas and gary cooper objected present at tuesdays meeting suggested that the township sol icitor look at these things be forehand so he doesnf take up the time of council this initiated a spirited discussion of legal cost labelled fantastic in some instances mr balnes objected to the in sinuation maintaining the law so ciety had a watchdog keeping a close eye on legal fees and quick to pounce if they were out of line he had an unsympathetic aud ience further discussion was term inated when deputy reeve george currle said the trouble could be traced to the last few months when the township started closing streets reeve george leslie said the next move would be to take the application to a judge to have the street dosed 014 9a atoned half at perta corner 124 mill s at wilbur phone 8532160 every day is bargain day on one or more items at sports corner read the classified section in this weeks issue and dont miss our booth at the sportmans show sept 16th 1867 ii 1967 old aaiched at the holland shop made in holland blankets ioo off sl5b io off for holland shop patrons only special draw for 10 in merchandise friday sept 15 old jaaiched this is your best buy in afg cuft refrigerator bioi 1230 cu it size twodoor combination 110 lb top freezer only 09 high frigidmre greatly special reduced meim fdc12tj with cyclamatic i i8b7 u i9b7 manning electric when grandpa was a boy he courted grandma in a buggy and was awed by the first horseless carriage today we meet automotive needs with an old fashioned concern but we use modern uptodate equipment for an old fashioned bargain bring your car in now front wheel alignment dynamic and statk wheel balancing motor tuneup radiator repairs grants motors 252 queen st e acton 8532930 1867111967 hintons 5c to 1 store mill st acton days sale knitting wool elgin floss lady galt assorted colors rtg 49c special 31 fairr floss by nealandsharding assorted colors rag 149 spd1 99 for fall planting dutch bulbs we have just received a shipment from holland tulips crocus hyacinth daffodils and many others bird foods cages stands accessories dog leashes treats ate visit v hartz mountain our x supply department gold fish foods bowls aquariums and all accessories p gold fish special reg 25c 5 cashmere bouquet toilet soap 1 bar free with 3 at reg price 45c special all for 36c insulated coffee mugs assorted colors 59c value special 19 ladits half slips assorted colors 69c sflt bag- heavy duty laundry dvtercjamt super value 117 special sale 79c nylons micro mash 1st quality special 19c lowweys rag 59c r crystal matm spocial 39c lb for school ready to wear for boys and girls boots shoes school supplies lunch kits visit basement toyland and join our christmas layaway club a small deposit will hold any article special 300ft roll clear plastic food wrap wizard brand reg 1 ob valve 59c womens reg 995 pr swede leather casual shoes by corona broken sizes and colors special 99 end tables 1498 990 coffee tables 14 98 998 hesaodts 890 colgate 100 mouth wash reg 109 mntal cham save on television black ft white and color hifi and radio combinations portawi tv cm record players transistor radios etc

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