Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1967, b2

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a vfc editorial page aabhbksst to si clecthh ph the dwatep before the next issue of this news paper is put to bed ontario will have either reelected the progressive con servative government or given the man date to one of either of the liberal or ndp parties signs at this writing point to a re turn to power of the pqs with a reduc ed majority split of votes between the nops and liberals will prove the undoing of voters whod like to see the entrenched tories defeated whats going to happen in helton west unless pc supporters get over confident and fail to support george kerr at the polls with their votes the new riding will see its old member re turned if they dont there could be an upset with either jack lush or ted aaacoonald representing the riding matron east has three new candi dates jim snow for the pce robin skuce liberal and bill gillies for the ndp the latter contested the last elec tion in the old riding of halton senti ment favors the pcs here but votes could topple sentiment jteene jteakfaf the honorable j j greene cana dian minister of agriculture is noted for his salty speeches which usually have a lot of common sense in them in a recent address to the nova scotia agricultural college he was at his best with some anecdotes to illustrate points he wanted to bring out we think they are worth repeating talking about the constant rush to day he reminded listeners all of us should make a practice of slowing down periodically modern man spends too much time hurrying and scurrying said joe hes not always sure just where he is going but hes in a fever ish hurry to get there this says mr greene even shows up in our communications they are often abbreviated beyond sense for example a few years ago a washington government survey was earned out on the migration of birds attached to the tiny legs of thousands of birds were little metal strips which read notify fish and wildlife division washington biological survey however they ab breviated washington biological sur vey to wash biol surv the metal str1prthenread-netlfy-flsh-and-wild- life division wash biol surv if youre seeking guide lines from these columns before casting your vote better look somewhere else last weeks editorial about residents of the north end being more selective drew some response most of it approbation one was not so salutary george kerr was in to point out he and his government had and would continue to give much attention to this area if reelected he said highway 25 the fairy lake dredging widening of queen st and other shared govern ment expenses were a good indication this area is not neglected- if reelected aar kerr said he will have highway 25 from acton to os- pringe rebuilt if he does nothing else it wouldnt be fair to ask the other candidates now what improvements they have in mind for this neck of the woods because theres not an issue till after election results are tallied wow- ever you could poll them personally next thursday night a meet the candidates night at the high school will be a good chance a few months later they received a note from a canadian farmer which said gents i shot one of your crow last week and did what you said i washed it biled it and surved it it was bloody awful mr greene advocates lots of sleep and profitable use of leisure time for instance leisure is a time to read good books and since lime can either be your best friend or worst enemy you have no moral right to read trash leisure is also a time for escape says he leonardo da vinci gave this excellent advice every now and then go away have a little relaxation for when you come back to your work your judg ment will be surer since to remain con stantly at work will cause you to lose your power of judgment go some distance away because your work ap pears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of har mony or proportion is more readily seen now you dont have to go to le onardo da vinci for that kind of sound advice i once knew an old gentleman said the minister of agriculture who had never gone more than 20 miles from his home he was comfortably off and not too busy also a bit bored his mental horizons were rather limit- ed one day i talked him into taking a trip to yellowstone nlationalearlcihe change of scenery i argued would op en his eyes and widen his horizons as i was leaving i said dont forget old faithful i wont he promised im taking her with me on that note we will leave the minister of agriculture hoping he will continue to keep the country laughing ij high interem rate minor pandemonium has been the immediate financial reaction to ot tawas abrupt lumping of the interest rate on national housing act mortgag es to an 8vi maximum from 7v4 the financial post comments borrowing costs in general have edged up in response and somewhat higher interest on savings may also be the result however when the political smoke clears and financial markets set tle down strong plus factors could emerge the financial post says that ottawa is at least now out of the sub sidy business for middle class housing and firmly into the subsidization of more urgent needs the fact is there isnt a housing crisis in canada as a whole but there is a crisis in lowcost housing for low- income families in vancouver toronto and montreal the financial post com ments that if overall interest rates now rise substantially the 8 maximum on nha loans wont bring out fresh supplies of mortgage money but tf the governments belief is that interest rates will stabilize and if it is willing to slow spending to see that they do then confidence and money will return to the mortgage- market that is the governments gamble and unlike most players ot- 1 tawa has the power to make the wheel stop close to the numbers it has select ed dr harry harley halton mlp was the second liberal party member to publicly criticize the governments increase in the interest rate in an inter view he said the people who need help are those who are above the me dium j income range where they can quajifyfor public hocsina but do not earn enough to move into the nha or conventional mortgage field dr harley feels the present nha ceiling of 18000 on new house mort gages and 10000 on existing houses should be raised he also wants to see more direct government spending in the public housing feld central mortgage and housing may have to embark on a program si milar to that of the wartime houses when 50000 houses were constructed to meet the emergency during and right after the war he said this was a view published in these columns months ago and one we still feel is logical country roads lead to a wonderland of brilliant foliage days ahead promise more color every rise and turn pre sents another portrait of the canadian countryside which cannot be equalled at any other season its good to be alive in october with clear blue skies and brilliant sunshine adding zest to living staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley theres an old superstition that tilings good or bad run in sequences of three im inclined to respect it during the war casualties on my squad ron always seemed to follow the pattern wed lose a pilot today perhaps two the next day then none for a week then three more it happened to me one day i was shot to ribbons by flak had to land at 140 rriilos an hour no flaps no brakes fortunately i remembered a movie jammed on throttle jumped on the rudder and groundlooped just short of a nasty ditch two days later i had a bomb hangup and had to land with a 500 lbs bomb fused and ready to go dangling from my left wing that was the smoothest landing ever madetnwbrtdwar 11 theonlytbing that was a bit disconcerting was that the control tower made me land not on the landing strip but on the grass beside it so that i wouldnt ruin their runway when i blew up the very next day i was shot down this business of things happening in threes is still going on monday the furnace goes on the blink tuesday your wife gets ugly about the garbage or something wed nesday some jerk creases your car in the parking lot even the good things come in threes and thats what happened to me this week three delightful opportunities for the week end and i can take in only one of them sickening first of all i signed up to help super vise a trip to expo from our school this in itself should prove a fairly hairy exper ience cant you see me marching up and down the halls of a monastery in the middle of the night in my pyjamas and raincoat trying to prevent boys from being boys and girls from being girls id just committed myself to this when old australian buddy dutch phoned to remind me that this was the weekend of that ancient and honorable bash known as the canadian fighter pilots reunion same place montreal and he had booked me on a flight to and from the flesh pots of that fair city i was sorely tempted to withdraw from the kiddies excursion go to the wingding and take two weeks to get over it as usual but my wife said youre not going you always come home looking like a skeleton and that was that resigned and feeling quite noble i was packing my stuff for the expo trip and pat ting myself on the back for doing my duty rather than my pleasure when number three came up an invitation to be a judge in a beauty contest on saturday this is one ive been waiting for for years ive judged essay contests public speaking contests apple pie contests at thetail fairrand forthreetrearrtave been- a judge for the leacock award for humor but ive never had a chance to just sit there and gawp at those cute kids leering inside and pretending i chose the winner because of her talent rather than the way she parts ber chest all i can say is shucks and all i need now is for mike pearson to call up and say ive been appointed to the senate pro vided i can be there saturday morning to be sworn in oh i havenf given up entirely i could go with the kids to expo slide over to the fighter pilots party skip the bus ride home and catch a plane to the beauty con test but i think theyd probably bury me the next day on the other hand that might not be a bad idea im not long for this world anyway not unless my wife cools it out a bit about going to college last friday night she came home all fired up about her course at 4 am sat urday i was reading the part of socrates in platos dialogues and had to rise at seven to get kim to her bus for music lesson m centennial picture jailer view of acton im 1919 loaned by from an aeroflamt j smith the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founjcj m h jnj pub ihj crr vvdrww3ay ji mi o s v n ontana mmtxi of the uj i bjicu ot ciru in ihr cwsa nj ow advertising imt on rqun subscrip tion u jbu m jjvjrke 54 00 tn canada i0o in ml vikiniru olhcr iun crdji vi rifle cnpkl lx auiraottsij sond cu mail putt office dpjitmrii oi juj 4jt tiding it accepted on ih lonjtthtn thai m the cvnt uf ipofrphcat error iht portion of ite heriim tpace oc v t itw rrvtvom item together hh nejtuubu illuttjrh lw ifnunr will not be ttvtrfvj ivir but ihr kiutkr o ihe jrrirtcmnt mill he pa i j ur ji the applicable rate in ih cnt ol j tporjphi frrr jertiing foodt tic rmv t a wrong pru jmxhh or tcci ma no n m ajrmirtz i- mcrvlv an offr u kii jn ru rx iihdtn n lime dula nimu mmi rubluhinf co- ltd dai ul r dilli publisher hartley cokt editor copvniht 167 don ryder ad manager a 20 years ago back i s sues 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of taken from the itfsue of the free press of thursday october 9 1947 thursday october 13 1892 favored with delightful fall weather the 1947 fair established another record of achievement although hall exhibits havent come back to prewar levels president howard swltzer welcomed the crowd messrs r r parker and johnny gray had charge of the arenaperformance friday and the horse jumping was the first item with a concert by acton boys and girls band better artists have never appeared and the midway was wellpatronized on saturday the band led the parade of school children winners of the home and garden improv- ment coatest were chas holmes colin mccollk f chandler chas mason wil liam landsborough and hv dron fortyseven babies were entered in the baby show and the winners were sharon white welvin mclsaac janice mlron wil liam cook carolyn wright kenneth mc lsaac karen and bryan johnson best doll carriage donnle price mar ilyn rognvaldson joan courtney beverley price bicycles betty wilds roncoleman anne mclaughlin oldest married couple mr and mrs george chapman 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday october 11 1917 the ladies of the iode spent monday afternoon at the parish hall preparing and packing christmas parcels for the 29 or 30 men of the 164th battalion from acton who are now overseas knox church guild had a splendid even ings program on tuesday musical num bers were given by messrs harry stuckey and alex shand on guitar and violin misses graham and mcclure and messrs james smith and thomas mcclure in vocal quar tettes and a solo by miss jeannle orr a piano solo by miss may wildgust and read ings by miss daisy folster and margaret wilson james symon is installing a new gasoline supply tank the last of the seven story dry lofts at the tanneries is now being torn down the drying systems have been modernized and improved and the old lofts having become obsolete are gradually being torn down mrs john stalker has received word that corp fred wright has been admitted to hospital in france having been gassed he is very unwell bit we are hopeful corp wright left acton with the firstcon- tingent in 1914 he has had a wonderful career at the font and escaped any serious injury until he was gassed this month even the bagpipes and scottish dancing at georgetown fair was better than the third rate race horses which scooped up so much money at acton fair the annual exhibition of eramosa agri cultural society in rockwood on tuesday was very successful the enlarged building and improveohrack added much to the gen eral interest of the show the concert in the evening was quite an event and a suc cess mr w r kenney has moved to his tine new residence on church st mr joseph mcclure has also taken possession of his new brick residence on the same block a branch of the chatauqua literary and scientific circle has been organized in acton with the purpose of taking the pres cribed four year course of study acton members will meet weekly in the homes of the members officers are president rev j s edge vicepres dr urensec- retary miss lottie speight programme committee h p moore mrs uren mrs moore and miss maggie brown the grand concert in the town hall was i decided success the programme opened with the overture bridal rose played by sig gllonnas orchestra whose playing far surpassed anything in the instrumental line ever heard in this town the lady vocalist of the evening miss a delamere burrows sang some rather rime worn songs and it is a matter of regret that her personal ap pearance showed a carelessness as to de tails of dress that was hardly in keeping with the other artists nor was it compli mentary to the audience mr frank wright billed as the irish comique hardly came up to expectations our own mr beard- more sang in a very finished manner 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian chamoion milton october 10 1867 a school for instruction of volunteers in cavalry drill has been opened in toronto with col jenyns as commandant and one of the officers of the 13th hussars as ad jutant it will be of great benefit to this important arm of the service the fau show in connection with the nassagaweya agricultural society was held at haltonvlue on tuesday the day being clear and pleasant there was a large turn out of people both old and young who all seemed bent on having a holiday and who judging by their pleasant countenances ev idently enjoyed themselves to the full the horses stock and implements were shown in a field directly opposite mr lyons hot el and the grain roots etc in a suitable building in rear of the hotel the excellent arrangements of the secretary and direct ors in conjunction with a proper division of labor among the judges facilitated busi ness very much and long before sunset the work was done the prizes we reaward ed the people began to wend their way homeward and everything passed off in the most satisfactory manner a r- church notices 3 the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb trinity church the united ctiurch off minister rev gordon b turner ba bj organist- dr george elliott ma ph d sunday october 15 1967 trinity xxi 9 00 am the holy eucharist 1030 am church school 10 30 am rrholy euctiarist bethel christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer acton ontario sunday october 15 1967 1000 am english service 1110 am sunday school 2 30 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 1012 jm everyone welcome sunday october 15 1967 laymans sunday 10 00 a m trinity united preaching mr alan lauder 11 30 a m churchill united preaching mrs robt kerr sunday school 10 00 a m junior school to gr 4 1115 am senior school gr 5 to cr 8 acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 map1e avenue baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor robert c lohnes sunday october 15 1967 worxd mission conference october 15 through october 18 maple ave baptist church guest speakers sunda ii am 7 pin rev gerald morehouse monday 7 45 pm rev jack bart rev george bracham tuesdav 7 45 p m mr and mrs f petit- clare wednesday 745 p m rev charles tipp rev st clair robinson special music and displays throughout a friendly welcome awaits you acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m tboman pastor 8532715 sunday october 15 1967 1000 am sunday scbool 1100 axn morning worship 700 ptti evangelistic worship tuesdav 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday at 8 pan christ ambaawh dors sunday october 15 1967 125th anniversary 125th 1115 am morning worship rev wade jumper ba b4 guest speaker and he blessed them 700 pm evening service rev wade jumper speaker accord ing to thy word evening soloist mrs ruth maxwell of guelph a welcome to all to these services wednesday 7j0 prayer bible study thursday 6 30 explorers thursday 8 00 choir practice friday 700 pm b h f meets a century and a quarter of witness presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h wcxetude ba bj muajster mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday october 15 1967 945 am church school for ages 3 to 15 years 1100 ajmv orvine worship sermon theme the abolition of the laity 130 pjnv presbytery of brampton survey in erindude everyone moat welcome

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