dft the acton free press wedneaday october ii 1967 bleak moosonee destination for ontario regional tour ontarios nortmand wttco is aiu ol premise despite its btop ontloek and drcttaeka vunost tot the ssptehrter wwhn of the oatsrtft- regional development cemtnlastoa tbs farttattan srss extendad by ths northern ontirio dmhpment council tad tr ontario northland railway tlw major tell toronrtosundsy still m eight oclock in lb moraine retunaadnlthe same hour the following wednesday v as chairman of the central ontario regional development conwrdssion acton mayor u duby mads the fasclnattqg and unusual trip with cttasr regional representatives he war asslgmd a special train stction lift explained corojrtsiog two steeping cars and om auditorium car for moat iocs tnd a private car wasplck- ed op at north bay tor a lounge car too grouftad four business meetings en roote we picked p memhtra erf our tost council at cochrane sad the only other slop was at otter rap ids where ws had a tonmlmite tweak to view and record on film the vast hydro project there which is beat seen from the rail way upon arriving at moosonee at i0 pm monday weproceed- 4 to the docks where cret ind- luu waited with freighter canoes to take us over to moose factory laund sleven men shared one otthose unusual motordriven canoes which in drlaaung rain had to detour a lane sand bar to reach the historic island moosonee ts the end of the railway and ontarios first and only odewaver port labeglnnlng to take shape the settlement is small tank ed by the btgrcaf station there one part of tl town is the indian village during the season hunters meak snoreunf at moosonee greeted regional development trippers who ihere embarked in motordriver canoes for moose factory mayor les duby took the trip as chairman of cordc harley to halton by harry harley mp the government has survived its first vote of nonconfidence in the resumed session it did this fairly easily with some assistance from two members of the opposition one ndp and one social credit and despite the vote of one liberal against the government at the present time there axe four vacancies in the house of commons and in effect this benefits the government as the majority 3 of the vacancies are in the opposition the vote itsell was of confidence in the government and was based on housing policy i should explain that a vote of nonconfidence in the government while based us ually on one subject means non- confidence in their ability to govern if the government loses seen a vote it does not mean the government has to change its policy on that particular subject b means that the government has to resign and call ageneralelec- tlon in effect therefore a non- ccefltece motion is a call for defeat of the government and a general election it is not a sim ple natter of criticism of any particular government policy the parliament of canada has since gone on to study the budget presented last jane the min ister of finance noted that expo has had a very favourable influ ence on our balance of payments and exchange position in addl- social evenings bazaar planned the legion ladles auxiuiary held their october meeting in the lesion hall president mrs g james in the chair the ladies welcomed a new member mrs mary logan to the amdhiary a letter of thanks was read from the r mede hospital for their donation in september there is to be a social even ing la erin on october 26 and an other one in brampton on nov ember 9 any member wishing to so is asked to get in touch with con syria fater convener of the has members are asked not to for get the basaar on october 21 and to support the conveners of the du rent tables after the meettnc a social hour waa enjoyed ton tourist attractions during our centennial celebrations have helped a great deal the minis ter has asked tor a voluntary re straint on prices and costs h has said the federal government- is reducing its expendlturer greatly and has asked for other levels of governments and people generally to do the same he noted the federal government has reduced its proposed expend itures for the next year by 650 million and expects the savings will be increased further the scale of borrowing of provincial and municipal governments has actually exceeded that of the fed eral government this year and even more so last year it is hoped other governments will be enabled to reduce their ex penditures as well for the next week the consideration of the budget will continue and will be punctuated by three votes at in tervals of two days based on opposition amendments to the budget from an over come te moosonee on jama bay to bag the wild geese and ducks the hudson bay company has been at moose factory since 1672 with the present hudsons bay post there it a small mus eum in the ancient blacksmith shop one of the oldest known buildings in ontario in the ang lican mission the picturesque church has holes bored in the floor to keep it from wandering during high water breakup in the rlng the touring group viewed the generating plant at moose fact ory island which provides steam heat through overhead pipes up and down the few streets andlnto the homes hospitals and other buildings the newer beds at the indian and eskimo hospital were still a riot of color at this late date and so tar north mr duby was sur prised to see they later toured the sags installation and the rcaf ra dar base on the pine tree line about 100 are stationed there and live quite selfsufficient from the town mr duby and his fellowtour members were surprised to learn that it diagonal lines are drawn through ontario the centremost point of just slightly northwest of kapuskasingl the northern most point in the province isstlu 300 miles north of noosonae the north pole is 3500 more miles north it you travelled the same distance south you would be in south america at moos onee youre south of england and on just about the same latitude as berlin and warsaw but the great inland season of hudson and james bay act lite giant re frigerators and their ley waters control he climate the only harvests there are from the rivers and the forests what you see is the fading trail of the last great glacial age however its considered that the land compressed once beneath mountains of ice is now slowly rising again it appears at first sight the land is worth little bit the group learned how drainage could pro vide agricultural land mining companies are currently explor ing some dream of diamonds aadoil as a potential port moosonee is within easy reach of europe there are 10 regional devel opment councils in the province which sent representatives tothe unique tour with the parent body pemtmgbee the basement floors in the y have been painted by the ys men gary bateman ric coe ed leatherland elmer smith pat mckenrie and volunteer wayne wheeler pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st worth gait telephone 6217580 i thursmisat a milton a73272 i oxum theatre lr ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 11 i i r oct iwsm casino roy ale color peter sellers ursula andress boston beanie cartoon saturday matinee at 2 pm sunmontueswbd oct 1s1 4171 ainp color michael caine shelley winters sv lllill kill i fleassancsnv3 mwmmwmsoiomr reamn wtlttn rithmeric- car jm things which have vision especially ailed several i thustlsat oct 19mm1 hombre color paul newman diane cilento i recommended as adult entertainment magoos lodoe uothek- cartoon saturday ms a 2 pvw wwrtt rather- oabo 1 1 1 1 1 1 will donate vases fill need at manor the dulot of devonshire chap ter iode held ttit october meeting at the- home of mrs h p holmes park st the regent mri llrtkea presiding reports warn given on the an nual tag day and it wan gratifying to find that over 1160 had been raised msmhtra were thanked for their efforts home and abroad secretary mrs holmes read a letter from headquarters asking for fundi to buy a raw xray machine for kor ea a donation we voted to be atnt it was noted that flower visar were in short supply at the min or and it s or a4 it is suggested that each member donate a vast to bt brought to the mat meeting tor us n the manor swallowing your pride occas ionally will never give you indi gestion t1n f what covrle 9 crtetrt quality ba products save you money gasolines i motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils w oaaeesat oil burner finance plan 10 veart to pay 4 small carrying charge dependable service i o9 thompson fuels ltd phone 853 2370 acton after hours 8532174 fhcere thank to all the people lending assistance to the chamber of commerce during the sportsman show also a special thanf you to cecil and bill nellei for fhe ussy of their property and the following tyler transport acton rotary club sports corner maple rock shooting range johnson real estate lamb real estate frank heller ft co and the bank of montreal acton chamber ofxommerce new frigid aire valuepacked economy 10 audti oiecj tee eu ft corns til space aevlng cabinet only 24 wideh- come toueh fullwidth fruit g vegetable hydrator compare frlgldslre door thelf for 16gal csrtoni sftlb size freezer cheat chill orawer for meati manning electric acton ontario general election 1967 notice of holding an advance poll i notice is hereby given that a poll for the electoral district of halton west will be open on thursday friday and saturday the 12th 13th and 14th days of october 1967 from 8 am until 5 pm and from 7 pm until 10 pm 9 am until 6 pm and 8 pm until 11 pm daylight saving time r i the polling place or places for the said electoral district will be located at burlington nassagaweya acton esquesing place 2154 parkway drive place 5087 lakeshore rd place 492 beverley dr puce 640 north shore e place residence mrs lawrence sharpe rr 1 campbeilville place 66 nelson court acton place residence d williamson no 7 hwy silver creek for the purpose of receiving votes of the voters who expect on the day fixed for polling fo be absenlfrom aid noble to vote is the polling subdivisions for which their names appear on the lists the bollot box or boxes will be opened and the votes counted at 7 pm standard time 8 pm daylight saving time on the 17th day of october at the said places doled at burlington this 22nd day of september 1967 d h mcmillan rttemlng officer