v the acton free praia wednesday october 11 1967 vietnamese refugeehas new hope after foster parents plan adoption lira janet m armatrong rd stony hill farm rr 1 acton has financially adopted ung due duong it 10yearold vietnamese girl through foster parents plan po box 65 sta tion b montreal the sponsoring means new hope and a chance in ufa for the child who otherwise appeared doomed to a life of helpless pov erty in one of the worlds de pressed countries the report on the uttle girl says due duong posed for her pic ture on the path leading to the refugee camp where she lives she wears old worn clothing and stands barefoot on the rocky ground a few scrawny bushes grow there nothing else the place itself creates the feeling of hoplessness ung dues parents are from china they came as refugees from communism many years ago now they have become homeless again this time the viet cong drove them out of their home in 1954 they were among the countless families who fled having chosen to lose everything rather than live under commun ism just after they found shelt er at blnh long the communist terrorists struck again they fled to blnh tuy about 109 miles from saigon there are eight children in the family due duong has three sisters uu eleven on nine and huong six and 4 brothers dung eight minh five thong four and little van two the old paternal grandparents live with them too who are totally dependent of the family when they moved to their present home a little hut the father had to go into debt to buy it it will be many years before installment payments cease the hut measures 30 ft square and has wooden walls dirt floor and sheet iron roof furniture consists of two beds a cot and a table with four stools nothing else the parents cleared a piece of forest with back breaking toll they built a ricepaddy that yields enough for nine months only they also have some sweet potatoes corn and vegetables around the house and the mother raises four piglets to be sold later they have no cash in come at all the four older children attend school to pay fees the family has to sell some of their much needed rice the children run around barefoot and in rags but they study due duong is in the third grade she is a diligent good student she hopes to be able to study atttfbecome steadi er she told the lntervlower but whether this dream will ever cone true depends on the help she gets more than 8000 children in eight underdeveloped countries warmth of the welcome from the family he had been helping for several years mr lindsay who admitted he had gone to greece partly to see how his dollars were spent was so impressod by the operations of plan that a he adopted another child before leaving greece and b on his return accqptqdciyoluntary post on plans board of directors the close relationship botween the child arid the poster parent develops right from the begtn- ing tho new parent gets a picture of tho child and a case history giving all details about the child and the family through monthly letters they continue to know each other better from the 16 monthly contri bution the child recelves8cash support plus clothing modlclnes school fees otc there is a full- time dlroctor and trained social worlcors to look after tho welfare of tho children in oach of the eight countries where plan op- orates korea hong kong vlot nam creoce colombia ecua dor peru and the philippines tho plans purpose is to pro vide lifegiving care whtlo tho child grows up and learns to bo- come selfsupporting every child roust go to school children of all faiths are assi sted because the plan is a non- sectarian nonprofit nonprop aganda independent govern ment- approved organisation about 100000 children have been graduated in tho 30 years it has been operating jack k mitchell of montreal tho plans canadian information director said tho thousands mora children are in desperato nood and may be chosen by age sex and country information can be obtained by writing fost- or parents plan po box 65 station b montreal constable peter addresses wi mian nora kennoy wawliosteiim for the october evening mooting of the acton wi safety was tliu theme throughout tlw entire mooting mrs lindxay opened with a poem i know son willing good about you and a hi lent prayer in memory of mrx evans roll call wahansworudwltlimy own safety hint which brought to light a good many nafaty hints correspondence rtoalt with namely a tralnlngschool bak ing with yeast nov 010 a thank you wai read from marl harris winner of the wi bur sary congratulations wore ex tended regret was oxprosbod on not being ablo to accept an invitation to attend tho georgetown wi mooting tlw area convention is to be held at waterloo untvorsity on october 24 and 25 a resolution was dlflcushod on the mhum of sprays and insect icides awroathwastoboorder- od for remembrance day miss kennoy introducad tlio umehouse welcome district newcomers products displayed at wi 5n now are being cared for through foster parents plan by individ uals and groups in canada they contribute 16 monthly to the childs support and exchange let ters each month with trans lations both ways supplied by the plan canadians who are foster parents include the pearsons the diefenbakers and many other wellknown persons they also include many ordinary people with love in their hearts and a need to share it with others less fortunate many individuals and groups such as schools and employee groups are sponsoring children as their personal centennial pro jects to foster patents the magic word is love when pauls lind say of montreal visited greece he was almost overcome by the by mrs a benton early in the summer tho law- son family fourth line sold thoir farm to the lister family the lawsons who have recently been with mrs osborne in the village moved into their new home on the fourth line last weekend ve welcome the listers to the neighbourhood they havo three children who are attending llmehouse public school sunday school will open for tho fall term at 130 pm next sun- lazy drivers how many times have you dri ven for miles with a dirty wind shield just because you were too lazy to stop get out and clean it off how many times have you been too lazy to put on your turn signal because you didnt see any traffic in the rear view mirr or laziness is one of the commonest human traits but dont let laalness cause you to have an accident priinipals meet principals from acton brook- vlllo campbellvllle and milton public schools met with halton area no 4 school inspector w l mcneil monday of last week in campbellvllle public school campbellvllle principal james watson described some highlig hts of his summer course for pub lic school principals the principals plan monthly meetings if your furnace fire it now is a perfect time to convert to modern natural gas it dosn t take a large cash outlay there s no down payment and the cost ot the tur- nace plus the supply ol gas can be paid lor with equal payments you can enjoy the benelits ol a natural qas forced air heating system you ii have balanced heat and humidity a conitont supply ot iresh filtered air even heat throughout the whole house and ot course tree service though you ii likely never need it there s nothing like natural gas or complete comlort and eldciency in stall a new gas furnace system now and find out lor yoursetl this winter see united gas or your heating con tractor ask about the 4 steps to total indoor comlort united gas p stan martin heating celled 1i2543s23s 774 rennie ave gas company allowance honored omfettton for estimate hamilton ont all work guaranteed est 1947 a l arts m30640 owls cemect mim64 riemer equipment company all work guaranteed plumbing heating installation campbell safety day october 15 church service will be cancelled that day on account of annlvorsary services at knox georgetown the wi met in the limohouso memorial hall wednesday even ing last week mr n loughrm of streetsvllle and mrs brown- ridge of milton sold displayed and explained tho amway pro ducts made in usa and dis tributed in canada on speaker constable campbell whom talk was on safety adults make tlw same mistakes as the children and more of thorn three hundred people alone are killed 0000 hoirpltiiumtd just wrongfully oronhiiuj the streets always walk on the left hand hide of the road facing traffic sold const able campbell as there are 2400 000 drivers it pays to be extra cautloun lie described motor cycles h an accident on two wheels looking for a place to happen always check your car inevery way before starting out always expect the unexpected some may say they are good drivers thero is no such thing as a perfect dri ver always koep twocar lengths behind a car on tho highways on drugs keep out of the reach of children dont bocomo a drug addict dont have any thing to do with strangers that post as hank managers beware of all salobimjn magazines al uminum books otc when you go on a vacation notify the police and lvo your name and addreaa they will sadly check your lionw for you ive your neighbor a key llavc them change a unlit or change the drapes every day do not let rwwsiwr pile up at your door its a sure give away that you are not at home ask your neighbor to park hl ear in your drive way make the place look an if it wa lived in mrs anderson thanked the speaker all agruudwehadlieard something really worth while tho hake sale for octahui 27 was iikoiihwh i is to iw in simpsons searn mrs davidson gave a report of tho directors mauling ffuxt year the district annual to lie at boston church itoll call to be a hobby thoru is also to be a district day on novomnor 7 mrs lindsay rlomid with the lords prayer and the wi grace committee of the month werveila delicious lunch miss kennoy wan thanked for the use jf her home and all who helped never allow bellies bankets hw or anything to be placed n ilr even for a short while such temporary stores 1 1 unlet a heiard lakeview discount cintmt voul hiaoquartim for building supplies paints wallpapers brushes etc floor covering tile phone 8531190 f how much longer do we have to wait you at a taxpayer dont have to keep on waiting for the kind of provincial legisla ture which protects your taxdollar invest ment the choice is between allowing the present government to keep on studying such problems as spiralling operational costs pollution control investment protec tion etc or giving the goahead to robert nixons policies with a purpose liberal for protective action now this is the man for halton west whose talent capacity an for will be devoted to serving you well jack lush family man resident in halton west riding rcaf pilot in world war ii graduated in economics from queens university successful business career in financial man agement extremely active in community affairs because jack lush has the business experience to co ordinate the riding s spe cific legiilativp needs with the liberal tax reform program because jack lush will provide elfec five representation based on personal in volvernent in local legislative needs because businessman jack lush is ded icated to the policy of improved govern ment services largely financed by the elimination of cosly inefficiencies because his peoples protection plot form is oriented to the local scene to protect your property values against sky rocketing education costs air and water pollution problems unfair exprop riation adjustments as well as the many aspects of savings protection welfare housing business development etc 0 now ontario n e cl s lit b r a fee iwff 8530110 46 mill st e