utht acton fr prats wednesday december 30 1967 sttt fjrtss editorial paga ckrijtnutj tajt and ptejeht when charles dickens wrote hit clastic a chriitmai carol it became a best seller because the people in it were to real others could identify them on their own street or neighborhood dickens took a long hard look at the christmas of his day and found little in it that was good he looked back at the christmas of the past and immortal ebenezer scrooges change from a sensitive youth to a tightfisted miser then he looked to the future and it boded little good for ebenezer perhaps we should all sit down at christmas reflect on the past think on the present and wonder about the fu ture i can remember christmas as a child it was a time of awe and mystery the christmas story with its stress on the birth of christ was somehow accompanied by the myth of santa claus with no perceivable ill effects as far as i can remember there were no psychiatrists around to tell us we shouldnt believe in the jolly old elf from the north pole on the contrary there were dally radio programs from the north pole which we children followed religiously the newspapers carried a comic strip which was read avidly it featured san ta claus his elves and reindeer no rudolph wasnt one of them he hadnt been created yet there was oonner and blltzen and cupid and comet end vixen although we had no fireplace the stockings were hung close to the near est chimney which often had a pipe and a quebec heater on the end of that there werent too many skeptics in our family to wonder how santa came down the chimney through the stove pipe and past the red hot fire in the heater he could do it thats all there was to it we left alunch a glass of warm milk and a piece of mincemeat pie for the weary traveller it was invariably eaten the religious significance of christ mas was not lost either there were carols at school and of course pag eants at church and the inevitable christmas concert in the depths of the depression presents were often practical rather than playful some were homemade we appreciated them maybe more than the expensive gifts given today christmas day was a time of feast ing trlere werent many turkeys around then chicken was a luxury at least at our house sometimes we had a goose the aroma of the fowl cook ed in the coalfired kitchen range per meated every part of the house some how the fowl of those days had a dif ferent taste than it has today there was the inevitable goodnat ured argument at the christmas dinner table about who would get the drum stick and the wishbone it was the prize deluxe in the event you got the part which was known in catholic homes as the parsons nose and protestant homes as the popes nose it was just your bad luck you made the most of itl some how even though christmas fowl was as much a luxury to our parents the children seemed to get the choice parts most of your close relatives would manage to come by for a visit some time during christmas day they were served homemade ginger beer or if they were lucky there might be a glass of elderberry wine whomped up on the sly during the summer the evenings were a pure delight with a christmas tree lit by bulbs which all went out when one died maybe youd have a story read perhaps a game of cards as you sat around the heater in the living room you didnt go too far away from it at any time in the cold winter months when jack frost painted lacy designs on windows nostalgia sometimes clouds tho rea son and perhaps it is better we dont remember the less pleasing things of christmas as a child it was a time of poverty for many men were out of work and prospects for the unemployed were often dim the picture has changed today as we approach christmas 1967 there is little unemployment in this area people are more prosperous than theyve ever been there is money for expensivejores- ents there are furnaces which run auto matically in the houses a car in the garage refrigerators well stocked with food in the kitchen are we happier perhaps in some cases but the rush and tear to prepare for the great christian festival often leaves us neurotic and full of anxiety for the future christmas is still a family festival a special time for children parents are still making sacrifices to see their child ren gel something worthwhile out of christmas but the content has chang ed now more is made of the expensive toy or the choice of clothing it should be more love more under standing more peace less anxiety and a faith in the future in spite of their lack of material goods in the depression years there was no lack of lava in the family there were less disruptive in fluences you cant turn back the clock but you can still have the commodity your parents had in abundance these nerve- wracking days need not be a part of your life especially at christmas fill your heart with the peace of the real christmas story if youre worried anxious and ner vous take time out to examine the real motives behind christmas ignore the crass commercialism take time out to have a very merry christmasl tfctej alice st may be one of the shortest in town but it is one of the brightest with the hydro building and private residences displaying a brilliant display of christmas lights hydro chairman ted tyler says the name of the street should be power st snap udgment something that comes unsnapped loo often a neighbor of ours says the warm days weve been having are for the de linquent people who havent yet put up their outdoor lighting k centennial picture gaueru flctcntiolf linl v h c lire n tympanist neil anderson plays the two new tympanis purchased by acton citizens band and presented for the first time at sundays concert in the high school auditorium bass drummer bill buchanan admires nells technique staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley as somo brilliant clod once pointed out christmas comes but onco a year and it a jolly good thing it does think of what wod be like if we didnt have the glory of christmas to pull us out of the bleak little lives of selfishness misery and loneliness especially in these bracing northorn climes is christmas a necessity it is cold the nights aro long and the festival provides a splash of color warmth and love that enables us to face the dreaded long winter ahead oh ill admit it ts a bit of a drag in some ways the gentle day of oy has bu- come the focus for a multitude of lrrele- vancles theres the darn tree to put up the rid iculous cards to be sent to neighbors you saw yesterday the horrors of gift shopping and the stupid bird to be stuffed trussed cooked and eaten in addition to these trappings which make perfect ladles swear and strong men weep there is the incredible commercial ization of the event in every possible as pect but dont blame that on others you dont have to take part unless you want to admitting all this there is a magic in christmas in the very word that still holds up theres a vast satisfaction for exam ple when you finally get the tree to stand up with no more than a 4 5 degree list and its all decorated and you realize that despite what your wife said its the best tree in town when you sit down to write those cards you discover that you still have a great af fection for old friends you havent seen for so long and you wax quite lyrical and ask them to visit you sometimes alas they do and you must admit you feel as though youd climbed everest when you get that last package wrapped and sit back admir ing your good taste in gifts paper and rib bons then theres the turk for a number of years this has been my baby at our house and when ive made the dressing trussed the brute and stuck it in the oven i feel something akin to the pure pride and joy of a woman who has produced a real baby theres the fun of spoiling your kids rot- ton and putting yourbolf in hock for six months christmas wouldnt ixs the same if it didnt make you a little reckless dut perhaps the best things about christ mas are the simple ones theres the won derful moment of peace and quiet on christmas eve when everything is done and the stockings are hung and the fire murmurs and tho tree glows and you talk warmly and lazily of christmas past and christmas present thon theres the church service with its ancient simple story so familiar so real because youve known it all your ufe and the gastlc juices churning in your stomach and the postchurch salutations of merry christmas really meaning it and the opening of the presents after church theres love in thenrw you realize this daughter of yours tried to get some thing really special for her dad and this son of yours spent his last five bucks on a gift even though hell beat you for ten be fore the day is over and nothing fits your wife as usual and of course dinner but the time you enjoy this is when you are 14 and have an elastic stomach not when you are 44 and have a dyspeptic one after the dishes which are a real pain in the posterior because all you want to do is sleep some carol singing restores the spirit and the old carols sound like new this year were having a quiet family christmas after many years of having a large fairly noisy one hugh said he was coming home for christmas even if he was in australia it may be a mess because we fight a lot in our family but not at christmas time may you all have the christmas i hope well have r acton ocmp links a popular spot private course adacent to town there years ago war located on what is now are no links here now although a new known as the cemetery hill and beyond course is being made on the first line into beardmore property outside of a what were the three gifts the wise men gave the christ child according to one person it was gold francincense and mirth the entrance to beardmore and co is again one of the most attractive places to see during the christmas sea son dont fail to see it if you are con templating a tour of the christmas lights and sights be careful during the holiday sea son if you drink dont drive the acton a free press phone 853 2010 busins and editorial office founjrj i ii jn plivhrd rvrry vvcdftrulay at titu si a oniifw vwmtxr o ih audl borrsu ul trjj in chna and ovkna ajwrininj r c- nn request subscrip tion pjwhk n jjuivr 4 00 in canxju 1700 in ill lainin uihrf nan canada tinjlc copm i ov auihurij snori cum mail pul offtc cvpjrirrwni ottawa adtcrtiunf i actaptcd on ihv lttrtdiiiori that m hc emi j fpoerrprucl error ihr pinion it thw adirrtmrtf apace oc cupxd b trw rrnmrtjut item lofrihcr with rrjukubl hirmn lor uffutur il ot be lturycd lof but ihv balance- of the adrrrtiarmroi will be mul tar ji the jpplkjblf rate in the rvni of j tvpotfnphual rrnk ftftifrtiatnaj foods or wnur at rurtaj pru food or acrvace ma rwit sr id adtrrtittnf t merer an otter to wl anj ma he miihdrawrt al anv linw mi ca laet david it dtlia pubjiuirr hanlr- coin don atydcr copynglu im ad m 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free praia of thursday december 18 1047 hurryl hurry christmas is just a week from todayl stores with christmas gifts advertised for sale wares coopers drug st or elliott llros symon hardware coopers mentr wear elsens clothing store acton home oakery jf wilds jk gardiner watch maker j et marks manning electric tal bot hardware htntons sfto 91 carrolls groceries mceachern electric kemlrlcks hairdresslng bralda shoe store bo rachun jeweller hotchons dakury john stone and rumley homo furnishings acton poultry farm rev wg luxton rector of st and rews anglican church at hamilton beach and st matthews church at aldersbot has been appointed rector of st albans church acton and st johns rockwood mr sg bennett had outstanding exhib its at the royal winter fair with his cattle baxter laboratories is installing large now equipment it is hotsted in through the roof 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free proas of thursday december 20 1917 christmas shopping ads russells fan cy groceries fruits and confectionary nelson and co novelties and practical lines conway and mclean l starkman tea aprons 25 fancy work gaor hynds jeweller xmas fish specials at stauffers wm landsborough meat shop phone la your order for xmas fowl cw kelly guelph a new record will make avictrola practically new again w williams boots and shoes jr livingstone groceries fine footwear at kennoy brosrruwnoff acton creamery cc speight pte thos bennett is recovered from his wounds and in at the front again the electorate of halton spoke strongly in favor of union government a womens vote was a large contributing element al though it was thought since they lacked ex perience there would be a large number of spoiled ballots this proved not to be the case there was not a single spoiled ball ot in the 400 at acton one of tho saddest deaths for a long time is that of mrs georgle barber who leaves her husband and three motherless children blood poisoning set in after an operation the church op st allan thi martyr anglican curner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb sunday december 24 1967 advent iv 900 am the holy eucharist 10 30 am church school 10 30 a m holy eucharist celebrated lor the firsl time in the parish by l he rev laurence g duby 1100 pm the first eucharist of christmas monday december 25 christmas day 1000 am the second eucharist of christmas ama christian reformed church minister rev p bro acton ontario sunday december 24 1967 1000 a jn english service 1110 am 6unday school 2j0 pjn alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 1012 aun everyone welcome maptfl avenui baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c ljr sunday december 24 1967 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 a m sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 p m evening evangel 7 45 p m wednesday prayer meeting a 8331950 george f77m5 acton rarrtst church founded 1m2 pastor rev stanley n r res 144 tidey ave ph tsmus sunday december 24 1967 christmas sunday 1000 a m sunday school classes for ail ages 1115 am morning worship his name is jesus 700 pjn evening service family night a service of story and song special music all welcome wednesday 7j0 pjnpravcr bible study thursday bjoo pjn choir practice no bhjv on friday text and they brought unto him gifts gold frankincense and myrrh matdhew 2 11 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 22 1802 the public schools will close this attar- noon the teachers and their puplla will remove to the new school building aftar vacation actons fine new school rendered nac- s5siry by increasing population will sup ply ample accommodation for many years to come the building presents a commanding ap pearance its architectural outline produc ing a handsome and pleasing effect from all points of view its site is 02 by 30 feet two stories high surmounted by una bel fry and has a splendid basement under the entire building the material is first cltsa and the workmanship superior the school is entered through a commod ious open portico of artistic design from the vestibule the two schoolrooms on the first floor are reached a fine wide stair case leads through an arch to the upper rooms the architect is mr john cam eron when the seats and desks are in place all the new school will lack is a new tall tad a union jack to float from the pinnacle of the belfry on special anniversaries 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton december 10 1107 a sad occurrence took place in the neigh borhood of kilbride on saturday night the hth inst which was attended with the lost of two lives and has cast a gloom through the locality in which it happened mr james coulson farmer and an old resi dent of the township at nelson a few year ago built a commodious brick house which was occupied by him and his son who was married on the night in question a fire broke out in the kitchen occupied by john coulson the son and was first discovered by mrs coulson senior who after satis fying herself the adjoining utchan waa on fire gave the alarm mrs coulson junior took her child came down the stairs and unfortunately opened the door of the burn ing kitchen and instantly the flames which had hitherto been confined found vent and judging from all appearance struck bar down both mother and infant were beyond saving by any human hand church notices trinity church the united church of minister rev gordon b turner ba bj organist dr george elliott ma ph d sunday december 24 1967 1000 a m christmas service sermon the christ event the reality of christmas nurery provided sunday school sunday school classes cancelled to crublc children to attend services with their parents 740 pm the brass quartette will play selected arrangements 8 00 pjn a service ol carols and lessons presented by the trinity choirs christmas day 1000 am a service of meditation and communion the sacrament of holy communion will be celebrated evangel pentecostal tmerhaclr paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 1532715 thursday december 21 7 pjn c a carolling sunday december 24 1967 1000 a jb sunday school mjoo am christmas message the radiant star too pm christinas eve candfetjejbc service and sacred christmas music tuesday s pm prayer service aaad bible study thursday at pan christ ftmhaaaa dors preutttrlan church rn camaoa knox cavuawrl acton rev andrew it aartxantte ba eld mr e a hansen ba organist and choir maatai sunday december 24 1967 945 ajzv churcb school for agaa 3 to is years 9 45 ajn ministers cbtaron member ship class withdrawn 4his sunday only hjoo ajn christinas sunday worship and baptisms special music by senior choir 7 jo pjn service of nine lessons and carols the birth of christ in scrip ture poetry and music everyone most welcome this is an invitation to attend the church of your choice on sunday