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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1967, p. 18

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c4 the acton free press wednesday december 20 1967 greeting cards chronicle manners customs events it all began in 1843 when john calcott horsley a prom inent london artist drew the first christmas card horsleys pioneering greeting was a tryptich a prime example of contemporary recording the central panel showed a jolly family with young and old tip pling toasts from brimming glasses while the two side panels gave a sobering effect with scenes of the poor being clothed and the hungry fed prom that time on christ mas cards have faithfully chronicled the manners cus toms and events of their times one christmas card collec tion that of norcross inc greeting card publishers houses hundreds of cards that capture for posterity the fads and foibles changes and evo lution in sports fashions modes of transportation cur rent events filial love amuse ments even childrens pas times and music making according to miss esther mooney who is a curator of the collection many of the cards are gems of social com ment in an english card of 1892 said miss mooney the formality existing between children and parents in that victorian era is quite clearly expressed by the artist he de picts a little girl on bended knee at her mothers feet sol- m we welcome the holiday season with the sincere hope that it proves to be the happiest one ever for you and your family j b mackenzie son ltd acton georgetown to you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with joy 113 dec 66 mi all year long our many friends wish us well by continued loyal pa tronage we take this happy oppor tunity to express our gratitude and sincere christmas wishes management and staff thompson motors acton limited mm emnly offering her a christ mas bouquet just 40 years later a christmas card of 1930 shows how relaxed filial rela tions had become with its breezy greeting that says 3 cheers 4 a metry christmas and you dad christmas card artists have always been quick to pick on innovations as subjects the advent of the horseless carriage was duly recognized in a card of 1910 cut out in the shape of a car of that vin tage it cheerfully puns you auto be happy as you on pleasure s motorcar steer merrily thro chnst- mastide speed gaily as jun aluays auto and in 1950 the early days of television were noted in a christmas greeting which shows santa tuning in tv an historic event is fre quently the inspiration for a christmas card when lind- berg flew the atlantic the ar tist drew his spirit of st louis flying over new york on a 1927 christmas card during world wars one and two christmas cards became unblushingly patriotic verses like on christmas night with holly berries gleaming bright our thoughts fly true oer ocean blue and take a christmas wish to you on a 1917 card brought balm to homesick doughboys personalities who were household words of their times often popped up in christmas cards a topical card of 1934 offered ave famous faces for the price of one it showed the duke of windsor then the prince of wales i mussolini garbo chevalier and mae the message from the sacred manger brings hope and happiness anew merry christmas i the mutual life assurance company of canada robert s hart agent 341 orville rd acton bus 4164513460 res 5198531527 west all wishing the lucky re cipient seasonal greetings in their own particular style in 1959 christmas cards en tered the space age when so viet ambassador mikhail men- shikov decorated his seasons greetings with pictures of three lunik satellites and af ter john glenns space flight american card companies came out with a spate of cards that featured space ships or biting santas and rockets in the prosperous 1960s christmas cards have blos somed forth with a rash of current status symbols vic torian cards showed the magic lantern or the piano every welltodo victorian home possessed on christmas greetings of today it s the transistor radio and the stereo hifi the set of golf clubs or the scooter elegant ladies in furs and golden cadillacs that mingle with the holly and mistletoe drive spirits in earlier times polish pea sants drove spirits away from their crops during the 12 days between christmas and epiph any they burned pine resin all night to rout witches from their homes and on christmas eve they wrapped cloth around the base of trees to keep spirits out and fired shots into fields to prevent supernatural beings from harmlne land keetins2 ron holloway barber shop 8530328 joy to the world j may the spirit of his birth warm your hearts with joyous love russmac beauty salon good tiding of great joij if m tie too come t a i- to adore the child lying in the manger and to ask his blessing upon near and dear mae and andys restaurant seek source of star the wise men followed the acton since st matthew first des cribed the star of bethlehem its mystery has fascinated mankind was it a miracle or was it a brighterthanusual star or other celestial object astronomers while seeking to identify the star emphasize that it may have been indeed a mir acle that cant be explained in terms of natural phenomena however research has provided material for conjecture that the star may have been a natural oc- currence a danish astronomer tycho brahe discovered a new and brilliant star in the constella tion cassiopeia in 1572 since that discovery the am ericana says it has been sug gested that this might be an es pecially brilliant star visible on ly at long intervals a reported appearance of a bright star in that part of the heavens about the middle of the 13th century coupled with avag- ue account of a similar appear ance a little more than 300 years earlier led to the thought that these might possibly be former appearances of the star of 1572 if as this might indicate the star appeared at intervals of 310 to 315 years three intervals of 300odd years from the time it was first reported would car ry it back to about the time of the birth of christ johannes kepler a german astronomer made discoveries that led to still another theory about the star of bethlehem in 1604 he observed a configura tion or close grouping of the plants jupiter saturn and mars he determined that such a con figuration occurred each 805 years and calculations estab lished that the same groupings might have appeared in 6 bc which some research indicates may have been the correct year of christs birth since legends identify the wise men as astrologers this theory accounts for the fact that as reported in the new testament only the wise men saw the star white ch most popu for a quarter of a century people have been senbmentall dreaming their way through a white christmas iiike the calm contentment of a snowy landscape may you and yours have he serene peacefulness of blessed christmas meadows bp service rockwood ont 8569584 the sounds of christmas are happy sounds the glorious ringing of church bells the echo of merry voices midst the i softly falling snow and our i wishes to you a very merry christmas bill toths shell service it wis in 1941 the black- clouded war years had already begun when hollywood released a motion picture entitled holl- deckinc the halls decorating with red and green iraditional ai christ mas traces back to the early use of red berried green holly to dctk the halls ar day inn the was the ever by but holiday inn ten especially irving berlin- mas the poignant sage thats made it popular it has been ian french spanish inavian nesian hlu helping santa in northern europe where santa claus arrives on a white horse boys and girls put out food for the horse 311 queen st e acton ont norms barber shop sing our this voices have a its christmas tree friends extend our thanks acton ruth ken

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