ut ninetythird yearno 27 iii mall ty tlit- ll ofrlco dpt- iald in cnh ut rtmi ontario acton ontario wednesday january 3 1968 j ton pagos ten cents f- v v special meeting of council j so decks could be oeared for a new year m business- doo council bald j special meeting ontario houslngtorpotamao or last wednesday rdgfct low rental homes for senlor-clt- dealt with were several items atens in acton didnt rtivoal a of business which included a re- true picture sorrto of tho senior solution on low rental housing citizens eligible did- not till out mayor- las duby rreported to goachlo was instructed to conrjl council the reeerti survey of the duct a rosuroyfor ssrjor cltlr tens housing wtllch coulibo followed by an arplicatldn for additional- hbustnglf ihosurvoy shows tt hood v i appointments payments and de ctstons on tenders for demolish- lng a barn owned by the town and a new tractordoier foriho town dump the latter was deat with first and council accepted the tender of track and tractor co for a john deere machine for the dump at a cost of 112088 eight bids were submitted car hit by trwfn is mm youth funeral service is being held today wsrjnusrjayrfoirdavidtbe leuan 17 who was idued last sunday morning whan the car he was driving was struck by a train he is the son of fruit farmer john uclellan former ly of acton and lira uclellan of hr 5 hamilton the youth was returning home at 130- a m when his car was truck by a train in saltfleet township just halt a mile from his home he car guesrjofiialrev others did not understand he meaning df tho forms he urged council to as sign a committee to deal direct ly with the golden agors a motion passed reduosting the o h c to provide rental housing accommodation on a gearedtolncomo basis for sen ior citizens td be comprised of four bachelor arid two onebed room units as indicated in the survey dated in november in addwon the welfare committee of council was tuithorlzoif to look after the program for senior euiaens housing clerk administrator jack mc- repeat winner in store draw the big stuffed giraffe in ac ton pharmacys christmas draw was won by dennis mitchell the v same boy who won last years was alcaeintte xte road race set was won w barbara pratt he is survived by his parents throughout tho year pharm- aisters lois and joan and broth- tc run yundt and his staff es- or frank mrs j joeque of um4la ty gvon ou lbouf aetna the fovmer helen mclel49 go special colored certificates ian is an aunt tot babies born during centennial i funeral service is at the don ald brown funeral home stoney creek iuppoirttjiiint of 1r h parka td tha credit valley conservaf tlon authority was confirmed al though reeve hinlon made ji motion this appolntmont and an other to- committee of adkist- ment be tabled for studyby the ultnlhlstratloacommllfoe tbe mayor reported ho rocelved a call from tho cuc a chairman enquiring about the actort ap pointment and council actod but left the vacancy on tho com- mlttoo of adjustment to be flllod in january council authorized paymont of financial statemont number 12a of 117837 also approved pay mont of 101357 for watormain construction from churchill lid to yoneo st five replies wore rocelved to an advertisement for domollsh- lng a barn owned by tho toun on tho formorjiufriagol farm four of the repllbs agreed olaiocktbe barn down at cost to the town ranging from 490fo o70o one applicant that of u mc isaac of rr 4 actbn agreed to pay the town 41 for the priv ilege dl demolishing the barn council accepted ms offer the highest bfd drew stsres ofdlsbolief and a reassurance from the clerk that bis figures were right pinal item on the agenda was a resolution that- council accept the recommendations of the planning consultants regarding the coming bylaw an ontario municipal board hearing to hear the proposed new zoning bylaw will be held in the council cham bers starting at 11 am wednes day january 3 mayor lei duby presided at the special meeting attended byjho entire council couple two children escape from blazing home on 25 sideroad year george lee was lnstallod as 1908 mastor of walkor lodge last wodnosday night other officers aro shown lnsido town staff presentation bill sheppard who has retired from the town staff was a special guest at the works departments christmas gettogether at the pump house mr sheppard began work with the town crew in 1956 he was presented with a wallet on retirement and other mementos by mayor les duby clerk-admln- lstrator jack hcgeachle super intendent alt duby and councillor bob drlnkwalter no 2 committee of counclland the hydro linemen were also guests at tho turkey dinner cooked by alt duby and assist- pick on miss three phone calls bank inspector fraud three known attempts at the bank inspector fraud wore re ported by pollen this past week three persons wore contacted by phono dec 20 and all three promptly called their bank man ager or police to report tho sus picious call all three were llstedas mlss in the acton phono book the caller said he wouldphono back but did not so tho police wore unable to make further contact ono woman wont to a dlffor- ont phone to report tho call which pollco commented was wise the three wore asked toasslst a socalled bank inspector mr and mrs william parsons and their two children aged tour and six months escaped from their blazing homo on no 26 sldoroad two mllos south of acton oarly friday morning bo- fore flames onvolopod tho house flames caused by spilled oil igniting under an oil burnor gut- tod the kitchen and jiving room and crept up thekjuititlons of tho old log homo before breaking through the roof smoke and water damage in the dwelling was oxtenslvo and flamos charrodtho upstairs no estimate has boon made of dam ages mr parsons and bis wifo flod when they first notlcod tho flamos carried tho childron out side and returned for clothing they aro staying with rolatlvos acton flroflghtors responded quickly to tho ore call at 1215 am in freozlng temperatures the flro was difficult to fighfas aluminum siding covered the old log exterior howeverflrefight- ers had flames under control in about an hours time and stayed until 3i30 am to make sure the tire was out two trucks were used to fight tho blaze one carrying water from the town watermains smoke ejectors were hooked up to a portable generator and clearod smoke away so fire fighters could get inside the house and extinguish flames cm bedded deep in log partitions the house is located on the old packer farm acton nrehohter had a difficult time ex tinguishing the blaze which broke out in the home of mr and mrs william parsons on 25 sideroad south of acton mr and mrs parsons and their two children etcaped oil ignited and gutted the inside structure covered with aluminum unhurt when of tha log siding staff photo press announcement premature saturday night a farewell to christmas new years and even to the whole yearlong centennial celebra tions will bo said around a blaz ing tiro this saturday evening january 6 occasion tho annual chamber of commerce christmas tree burning and mayor las duby la all set to light the are atjjo pm chamber members will serve eoffeeond doughnuts to everyone who comes for the big bunwipln the field just north of tbe town dump on churchill road south tho trees will be picked up friday heaped onto tbe evergreen mountain ready for twelithnlght in past years the occasion has drawn a largo crowd with re- freahmonts dispensed from a truck and uio firefighters on duty quiet new year in acton quiet broken only by the peal- lng of church balls and muted celebrations from private homes ushered little mr lmfl into ac ton police were delighted moat people must be using good com mon sense they observed acton and district people cola- r brated at the legion ball and tha music centre where gala new years eve parties attractedcap- adty crowds moef people however quietly celebrated at home or attended private patties board rescinds original motion to abandon stone school rooms cyril bishop last yearsvice- chalrman was named public school board chairman for 1968 at the boards inaugural meeting tuesday evening in- the robert little school staff room vic brlstow was named vicechair man since tbe board is continuing its two year term no oath of office was administered but board secretary billy mlddleton began the year with prayer bill benson has resigned from the board but no replacement has been named by the board as yet and the subject was not dis cussed during the regular meet- lng v present were trustees bishop brlstow doug manning orval chapman and murray smith with tbe secretary and both prin cipals mr mlddleton declared mr bishop duly installed and pre sented him with the gavel as he installed him in the chair after mr bishop promised to try to give tbe leadership the office ne- qulres mr mlddleton handed out new agenda folders to mom- bers to start tho year routine duties to begin the year included reengaging the secretarytreasurer mr mid- baton adopting the salary sche dule for secretaries and care takers naming the regular meet ing date as tbe first tuesday of the month excepting july and august at alternate public schools committees named were fin ance smith and chapman prop erty manning and brlstow mr bishop will be chairman of the management committee with all members of the board this is tho last year of tho present school board system a new area board will include act on schools in 19s9 minutes wore road of a spec ial board mooting on do comber iti which a previous motion to abandon rooms in tbe stone school preparatory to applying for the mz bonnott addition was rescinded the original motion was reported in the froo press account of the regular december meeting and uto press was unaware of tho special mooting tho minutes revealed tho full mr mrs c mcenery ballinafad mark 50th wedding anniversary oounw wmhnno annivhsarv was cele brated on wednesday evening december 27 by mr and mrs cam mcenery many rela tives rtsci friaods gathered in bjllinafsd com munity hall for the anniversary celebration the mcerjervs were married in acton in 1017 lived wire and then fanned at ballinafad staff photo nearly 200 guests brought hearty congratulations to long time residents mr and mrs cam mcenery when they celebrated tbe 50th anniversary of their marriage on wednesday evening december 27 the occasion was marked with a reception in ball inafad community hall with a program followed by a dance and lunch served by the ucw many gifts cards cut and pot flowers were given to the couple to mark the happy occasion dancing was to medougalla orchestra of bolton taking part in tho musical pro gram were mr and mrs fred shortitl miss nancy shortill sandra early gordon smith and sharon hume miss hume from milton cleverly mixed a chorus about the mcencrys with old- time songs to give a musical account of their courtship master of ceremonies was a nephew jesse mcenery among the guests from a dis tance were her brother and family mr and mrs guorge evans mr and mrs harry montgomery and mrs davldcar- rethers of wlngham mr and mrs klrby williams and miss martha orr of cooksvt he a threelayer wedding sake was specially made for the even ing annie evans and cam mcenery bad a quiet wartime wedding at the brides home in acton in 1917 in those days they recall the war effort was considered above everything else and no one had elaborate weddings or many now clothes u was even consider ed patriotic to be shabby the mceneryu remember rev large of the methodist church conducted the ceremony with family mombora present the couple tlvod in acton at first and both of them worked in the glove factory later they moved to ballinafad to tbe farm where they still live mr mcenery is retired now and their only son ernest has taken over the work of the home farm with them live ernest bis wife and their son and daughter bill and carolyn they are members of ballina fad united church and mrs mc- enorv is 1 vc w wmlyr board met december 20 with area supervisor mcneill who had been in touch with clerk ad ministrator jack mcgeachto a survey was made oxtondlng to 1972 a motion passed that the pertinent resolution relating to tho stono school bprusclnded subsequently tho sketch plan of the school addition was accep ted and tho application to tho department was sent immediate ly for approval at the regular mooting tues day new chairman bishop said the press report was premature and lod to a mlsunddrstanding ho referred briefly to a dis cussion on th mattor at council said the position with iww homos had changed and concluded i feel no one can question uio boards thinking when thay ask for the now facilities when final approval of the 300000 general contract is ro celved tho board will muot with council and tenders will bo call ed the addition is to include four classrooms a gymauditorium washrooms and supply room cost is ostl mated at 20 a foot a motion was passed concern ing tho wagus of uupplytuacliers as they wore not included in tho 10g719gb schedule the minimum salary for a supply teacher increased to 24 a day from 20 a day beginning this january- a supply teacher who teaches more than two consocutivu days will after the original two days be paid at his or her own salary level which takes experience in to account this second aspect oj the motion is retroactive to septombor members realized the impli cations of tho supply teachers not being included in the new teachers salary schedule whan cuiinucd jvi 3