Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1968, p. 1

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j leishman park maintained decision reserved by omb on other appeals at hearing in a are boorlong hearing which filled the council chamber to capacity last wednesday twr offlctals from theontario mun- lctpat board heard u appltca- hon forcnngm in tb towns lnj abntntlijru chairman d jamieaan and v sroe-cnnttoanhgiinroodup- held only one objocuooi that of i ujstraepiyer to rrln4 ypoafarttetr home reserved decfsion or-aiinply- clarlffed oro phap of the byaaw for otherp a written judgment from the qub will be received by toe town and men an amending by law may be passed by council next step another amjbheai- lng although decisions ere re served the questioning and of- xldal subsequent remarks in dicated the direction decision would take some changes have already been approved by coun cil they will reconsider others extra seats were carried into the council chambers to accom modate the unusually large group of about 40 spectators and inter ested parties t hearing be gan at 11 m adjourned for an hour and continued until nearly 8 rjni q1lb chairman was d jam- leson and the vicechairman n greenwood bruce payne appeared as sol icitor for the town assisted by paul smith both of the firm of payne smith and smith charles leatherland appeared on behalf of various acton rate payers douglas law me r for the seynuck estate and t holden for dills printingandpubliahing project planning associates ltd have acted as planning con sultants to the town since 1s63 and their representatives pre sent were uarttn daks bead of the municipal planning depart ment and dennis flood jack licgeachle appeared as a witness for the town of acton formal objections were filed by a group of hill e homeown ers anxious to maintain a strip of parkland opposite their homes dills printing and publishing co ltd with far lotting cate gories on one piece of its prop erty trinity united church con cerned about parking require ments when a christian educa tion building is built e marks and roy goodwin ulll st merchants who wished to be zoned commercial urs edith ueeaehtfrn urs ben rachun ur and urs da rogers who wished to be toned cemmercial john goy jack ridley and james ucgudrey eastern ave who wished to be toned com mercial tom branclewlcz who objected to property being toned 02 on elisabeth dr backing on the lake a p green co who objected to being zoned ul and u2 in dustrial with the line bisecting the plant few incidents m qpp hook acton a pp report that from december 31 to january 6 the acton detachment registered 657 miles travelled during 200 duty hours traffic activities included two motor vehicle accidents involving property damage only que resulted in a hit and run accident where the driver responsible fled the scene pre sumably to escape civil liability there was one charge laid under the highway traffic act of stopping at the wrong place at an intersection ten warning for less serious offences were issued to motorists one domestic assault was in vestigated this being the only complaint of a serious nature there was no court this week due to new years day falling on the scheduled court day charles leatherlandqc coun- sal for most of the objectors took the stand himself to protest the rerahing of mill and arthur ti from rl thehbjhest presidential category project rubjnlng asociatoil uv concept of cooseriamoir t sonfngv was renewed jverl times duringtneibesringasown- v era oijirivate property objected v b the restriction on their prapr0 llt th iseymidi ostatedhw printing and publishing and tbm brandewics all own utjidadjoln- ins the school creek or fairy lake mr daka explained the orig- inal intention was to maintain the conservation of park zoning all along the creek but this had been changed by the planning board where it was thought to be impractical lator the com munity planning branch reverted to part of their original suggest ions the zoning was to protect the flow bf the crook and allow tho creek bed to centre- an open space- system to penetrate as mucti bfvlhq community as pos ysible he visualized footpath along the creek where thervjwas brarooiq salda toorpatrj could becrated perhaps tnjm the library- right through to tioseynuckproperly v clislrrrian jamleson asked what plans iccncllhad for usi andac- quisluon dfthelahdin question v ho said if there is no intention of purchasing the land and putting it tq some use and if it is siilt- able land for building its use should not be restricted the flrst qwjectlbni voiced by charles leatherland oh behalf of john uchugh and neighbors ulll e was at having a public park in an rl zone all other parks are zoned ol the parkland in question is a strip 50 iofij deop and 580 feet continued on pace 7 post mortem reveals death due to accident acton had a icataccident in 1967 although it wasnt offic ially reported to the police until 1968 acton o p p detachment learned tuesday that a post mor tem following the death of janet wilds of gait showed sue had died due to injuries in a car accident urs wilds was a passenger in the car other soninlaw a allan green of acton when it was in collision with one drivon by john kersomans on november 26 her injuries were reported a bruises and cuts but tho bruises resulted in a blood clot which travelled to tho lung and caused death on decombor 10 this is actons first fatal ac cident in some yoars 4 fire destroys home contents last night acton mrwlghters couio do nothing to save this new cement block house on 30 sideroad just north op the gueotminl fire completely dest royed thenow homo of mr and urs don cook rhrir rockwobd near eden mills last night tuesday while the young couple was away in toronto neighbors turned in the alarm when thoy sawflam- os inside tho cement block structure acton fire brigade res ponded quickly but by tho time they arrived at the home on no 30 slderoad just off the guolph the fire was boyond con trol firelighters could only stand by as the struc ture and contents burned corcely it was believed a cat was the only occupant of the house both mr and urs cook and their infant daughter were away believed in toronto when the fire brokoout and had not been contactod by tho tlmetihe house was a complete loss they buht the house this summer moving to the eden mills aroa fromtdr onto paul froohllch a nolgh- v from immediately across 30 slderoad phoned in tho alarm whon his son said ho saw tlrelnthocook home ur froohlichs daught er lynn an acton high school student said the tire looked like it could be controlled when she first saw it however it suddenlyer- upted into intense flame tho roof collapsed and the inside becamo a roaring inforno thero wasnt time to tako anything from the house another neighbor harry koolmol arrived on the scene early but- he could do nothing to stem the blaze -he-ueribedasud- den eruption of flameaf ter the are had been con tained inside the family pet a dog was rescued from a trait or parked in the rear of the bouse v- neighbors believe the fire started in the furnace ht ninetythird year no 38 tln sftt acton ontario wednesday january 10 196b au jtfess tweluo pages ton centi reeve predicts regional govt by 1970 at inaugural meeting esquesing council 1 doubt- if there will be many more inaugural meetings of es- auealng council said newly el- acted township reeve george currie in his inaugural address to esquesing councllattnelrday- ume meeting uonday reeve currie hazarded a guess that regional government would be in this area by 1910 if so therell only be one more inaugural meeting in ho town ship be predicted its coming and it may be here faster than we expected ur currie who was reeve of the township last in 1959 remind ed council who subscribed to the oath of office in a body that as put of the government they were beginning the second century he advocated looking back at tho achievements of the past 100 years so the next 100 years could be faced confidently reviewing councils work in 1967 he singled out the road needs study for special mention he asked forthe full cooperation of all on council so mattors could be expedited as quickly and ef ficiently as posslblo 1 dont mean for you to agree with me all tho time explained the roove if you do woro not going to get good govornment starting with deputyreeve tom hill serving his first torm in the deputyreeves chair each member of council and township staff said a few words to mark the inaugural tho deputyreovo said hed go along with the reeves prediction about roglonal government in 1970 you cant stop it its progress ur hill referred to his new experience on county council as a big jump county business is big business he emphasized councillor bob lawson affirm ed his support of tho reeve in 1968 he said hu was concerned with thoughts about full agree ment on every topic ill up hold my end he said ill offer suggestions which i consider thought provoking to render dis cussion id bo remiss if ididnt say what 1 considered best for all councillor cf pat pattor- son said ho intended to work purposefully with tho group tho raovo lias my every support wilfred losuo toldtho mooting ho was ploasod to bo back on councll ho assured tho reeve of his support esquesing needs roads he stated its the peoples big need hoadvocatod making it the main aim tor 1988 clerk k c lindsay predictod therell bo blood on tho moon this year thore are anumborof controversial things coming up and youll all get down and scratch the vote ran township clerk told the mooting hobopedtopart- tally retire some time this year he said his assistant ur french was getting to the position where be can handle things assistant clork del french assessorart benton and his two assistants stephen saxo and geoff denny also spoke brlofly as woll as bud snow in a resumo tho robvo octllnod steps already takon by the pro vincial governmontlncludingtak- ing over tho comploto adminis tration of justice tho jail in crease of grants for the child rens aid and a recommendation that tho pool and halton county boards of health unite the reovo suggested thoso were actions suggesting regional govornment was imminent bum by tights ear goes off road sunday morning january 7 at 150 am a car owned by robert vuotstra r r 3 erin ran off tho road on malnst while travel ling north the driver claimed a southbound car was intho centre of tho road with high beams he was blinded and went off tho road tho other driver did not stop fveyearold struck by car on sunday january 1 at 2 pm a youngster struck by a car oa church st art cooprrostordtrraot was driving west ob church st wfaan fiveyearold gary u efcun ran out in troht of hi car pouee said the lad aafjr4 a bruised kjc the road was covered with soow and supptry at tn urn acton opj lavatlatd record low temperatures tor jan 8 gripped by subzero tempor- aiuros which dropped tho mer cury tho lowest its been this winter acton and district shlv- ored through a cold wave which arrlvod sunday and loft softly tuesday leaving a blanket of fluffy white snow temporaturos ranged from 12 below to a 24 roadlng reported in another soction of town while some rural residents exposed mora to tho wind reported evon lower drops in thormomotors cars wouldnt start and gar ages and service stations did a land offlco business recharg ing dead battorlos unfreezing frozen radiators arxk pushing stalled vehlclos plumbers wore also busy unfreezing watorplpes children bundlod warmly to brave tho first blast of the cold wave uonday their faces cover ed with scarves and only bright luminous eyes showing the sun shone brightly but temperatures stayed below zero moderating tuesday as a low pressure area moved in accom panied by big white fluffy flakes of snow the biting cold was a clear indication winter has arrived to stay for a while at least tuesdays snow brought a spate of accidents to the district rnad with icy tops were mad slipperier by the light snow caus ing cars to leave the road burning of green draws hundreds a happening that turned into an acton tradition the yearly twelfth night burnlpg of the green brought hundreds of spectators to churchill rd s saturday evening hats and shoulders crownod with snow in a driving storm they ringed the hugo bonfire in a picturesque scone all in shades of white grey and flame tyler transport truck dis pensed coffeo and doughnuts and some children sharp from ex perience of past years spent their wholo tlmo in the lineup to bo sure of getting some there wore 500 doughnuts and 400 cups of coffeo which disap peared just about as fast as the snow on the blazing trees as sisting with tho chamber of commerces outdoor treat were ur and urs ted tyler jr telford reldt and orvatchap- man gait man mm a young gait7nanwaulied and a london man seriously in jured early tuesday morning in an unusual mishap on highway 401 near ullton dead is 21yearold douglas lawrence anderson of 86 cedar st gait an employee of the service centre on highway 401 near preston he was killed as he attempted to assist a strand ed motorist mayor los duby when he fin ally found a parking space in the jam lit the bonfire which by then was liberally dosed with gaso line sas the crowd began arriving by car and root many towing trees they found the gates to the field north of the dump lock ed youngsters hopped the itnc- as a hasty search for a key be gan after an emergency run in the cruiser to locate a key a firefighter sitting right out on the road in the fire truck dis covered he had had one all along but thought it was for the other dump gate charles heard fitts vacancy an p board charles heardaformerpubhe school board trust will till tb vacant seat on th board for u final year tb vacancy wcauadby bill busoos rtlgnrioa board number decided to list th name of former trust draw them from a hat and contact team is order tb third ma aakad agreed to return bringing experience to the group or its last torm before tb regional board of education task over starts 15th year duncan moffat is installed as last hs board chairman the last year jor th acton district high school board began with the traditional inaugural ceremonies uonday evening la the high school staff room board secretarytreasurer frad salt for the drat and but time administered th oath of offfloa gave the invocation and declared them duly inatalktd thai 1 no chant 1 tb board personnel for it final yr tom watson was again mauoimal mhttno of eaquwlncj townahlp council wai rwld rioht back left to right ultnt clrk del french councillors ssijh- ai aaondey morning and afternoon whn member took tk oath wilfred utile robert bob uwton and c f pat pahron stt zvtislti3 of offlc sealed cnlre ia new reeve gorg currlo flankod 2 bvuncmilvrtomhmiuftndclrklrcundv photo ilnbxiunllo fat a nasaagaweya representa tive chester anderson is be ginning his second year of a two year term as a council appoint possible change ahead under the new regional board of educa tion seldom 18 th members thoughts as they considered the agenda of th meeting which last ed until nearly midnight duncan uotfat who i begin ning his istfa year on the board was unanimously named chair man for the flnal year of ua existence h la it pleasure and honor to be chairman lor lb last yaar h said with vow co operation i snail do so to th beat of my anility thu i tb href time ur uohu ha fata chairman he previously wfuurl th honor when nominated tom wauon last year chalr- tnaa i vie thai r man go tb comrnitte with ta hrt dund a chairtaaa ari ttbrmlbmmt toawti- aoa ray arbic rianccat- r anderson tom wattes tranaportatirja karwtaucilmu chester anderaoo property bay arbic ktwis ucphall re atari th year th board me rootln raotioa oovutac thvbacmtat byt nbuta coqud oa t

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