y everton dam means large lake near here can you picture a lata marly four and a half mite in length stretching from the cramoaakrla township boundary alone th kramosa river valhiy over highways 28 and 24 onr 200 residents of the township who crowded into th osprlng school auditorium uonday night have a mor precise picture of uw proposed reaer- voir now th ntlr scheme- planned by th grand river conservation authority was outlined to then by authority gfflcul jim bi4r in three hour ibubv r the proroaed kvrtfi uem will hold hack an v eetimaied 4w0 wawanu cover an pp roil mils am of pwur it will be situ aiad fwwldrd ifaet bak from thelirsmasa- rin lowhun and beck the kramosa river fcud the otaansst irjsbssthsst part of th watershed overth ftrsf llnirlo 2a hlghway atf dross no la highway bewwatvirlrife tor almost flva trillas tlw- department of highways wu be forced to i build hbrldgs ovr tjwjwwyormttd lakewhich wtu b closest to aotoh where it orosws no 2v adlstano of about five milae mr bauer outlined the hi story oftbe unprovu- meat on the grand river systenyfor thv audience and gv ratepayers a chance to askqueeiloiuiafter- warda there want plenty especially front those who coum find themsalve flooded out when the dim isbulnv in 1954 the authority surveyed the spaed hlver of which the kramosa is a part from preston to th sources preserving water in the upper areas it was fu would help alleviate flood conditions and sewage dilution for guelph a number of sites for reservoirs ware surveyed before three ever ton hespaler and guelph were chosen mr bauer emphasised the authority felt trust- rabid they could not givimieflnlte answers since certain approvals were still lacking cost of the program would be divided the province pays si 12 th fedsrsl government pays another si 1 12 sod the rest is divided up among tho 71 mim- iclpalltles in the watershed a th province has only approved a 50par cent grant to acquire land for the reservoir when the ijormal grant is 75 per cent the federal govern- men is still not convinced they should contrllmle their share so the authority has been standing still until tbey get a federal commitment liut mr bauer emphasised they intended to proceed with the dam the ontario water resources commission has pointed out 111 th low flow period the orand river has only enough water lo meat dilution require ments after flv reservoirs are constructed by 1m0 if the population continues to expand the auth- orlty will possibly belooklng for additional sites mr bauer called on the authoritys ehglueer to describe the features of the proponed everton dam and the reason for aehicling the site mr jones- said th dam would be eaonadaarihfllled embank- meat with reinforced ccporota control structure and spillway he sl the proposed site waildsal for a dam since rock was close to be eluvtaca uyropunic an ijic it actio farmer acted as apakwsmsa fc ratepayers and aw many ue ion sum of hlh wlrt reason for seuctlonof site the authority thought hey coolclduthn most with um less anrount of nloney froni thef everton site alternative alb in arlurll could ttl 1st developed bycity ofcuelph estimate when the ilam will- be constructed no said mrualier we would like to ho doing if now tout it lakes hyeeeohstructlon years to- bqlld tharesarvblr u takek sik lolne months be fore the isnd can be bought the authority will ac- qulrx lis land and cocuaruclioivsllo initially apy- one living arouiid tho slfe would not have to be off before four years timber and puuiwood on the land is sold trees will he replanted with the authoritys own planting program will the authority not do anything until it gets approval from the federal government if the federal government turns it down the authority will have to find the mnney elsewhere why should erin township pay a grant when it receives no benefits there is a pollution abatement charge for erin of approximately 10000 and an additional outlet liability of 700ua trip is not charged for special benefits guelph for instance pays more for water alutement total charge of 17000 la spread over 10 to 20 years mr bruce brought dowd tlu house when he asked if this was going to he a dam site or a damn site he was reassured of the former by mr bauer who told the meeting a survey would lu made by flying 3000 feet a method suitable to give legal descrip tion to the registry office pnvaie lanu arnuffu reservoir urea wtuepllagaajutfaull atonf tholakl i hopolioy haa3rei aetjtor coitageshiihl is lui- ely- icijv would owners uf isnd affected r flooding lai ap- prwehed liullvlduaily appraisal is done by a qualified appraiser and he would do each individual parcel then s land negot iator asters th picture and makes an offer on tho appraisal th land owner has the ojiportunlty tu negotiate if theres a wiilu ufforoiuo ufisdidou a second appralsurls called in the aulhoiity suts a certain day and values sru froren so iipuwpors can talut advantage ofnflaiboiuuiiressurejii the jdeaf situgtion said ur llauof s wliun tlui authority cmilrolji alillje laiuj wltliln vjew wtjie lake imflvjfcof funds ptynts thls tlie aqlhoritr depends- imi jhv- toswpcotancilstiiii8a ojlg rtiiiulatlons so unsightly holldliigif are nut erocto1 on private lanif arnuhd reaurvtiti area win r w- likely iiyj wltiland iwiurs lit cojnpenssm for any tiii- provemoats llsiy makebefore the fveete of values tves said mr bauer the ajiiiraiier takes this into oouslderaflon two faetorsarvcoiisdurudt diireculloniulimlllou values for land are set whoii uxproiulated for tlui highest and lust iiwof tlw isnd us it ults said auth- orlty nollcllor mr stewart but mr liauer said there is auiiilwr uihcuil of thought which couhl lai li force when the dam is twill this would paya per son wlsjt ii takes to seiup in u slinllsr situation some whew else how long iloes the laud sltv when we freetu were ready to ilo imslneau said bauer lu the land owner eumiwnssled for tlw incouvuii- ience of lielng uprooted no only for costs of moving will the reservoir contamlnato wells no the eramuaa hlver is the cleaiwst fresh est and lies part of tlie whole watersluiil will the lake lie used for reoreatlon you but i ilont know to what uxtont saidmr bauer he suggested it could lie a fishing lake but it could be just a looking lake wlsire yisi cant oven put your finger in many other questions from tho audluncu were answered befor tie meeting adjourned at 1130 afterwards many stayed to chuck maps to sou whose land would 1st affected by tlie flooding approximate location of everton dam reservoir ht jtdtoit mttt ptts ninelytliird yer no 11 acton ontario wednfsdav january 31 1968 autluimi u hvtimiil riuu uaii ijv otu itml cwflim nu4- fltl 1u1h1h itlld lit mill ml alhtth 0uswil fourteen pagestsn centt reconsiders decision bill williams finishes term councillor bill williams has reconsidered his resignation from acton council following a talk with deputyreave frank oakaa and will finish out his two year term dr oakes deputised to discuss mstgnailon with him reported mr williams conditions had changed since ha had notlflxd council he could no longer con tinue he had cited shift work for lilnabllltytoattend meetings the three shifts councillor williams worked have now been reduced to two which will onable him to attend at least 50 percent of the meetings and possibly more if be la unable to attondsomo meetings he could still be assigned work as a membor of a eommlttea staled mayor uuby councillor earl masales said be was in favor of retaining mr williams on council becauso of his experience and tho fact bud- gat time was approaching i concur with mr masalos said councillor c porry i support mr masalos com ments said councillor mcken- ale mr williams said if council would be willing to accept 50 par coul or better ha would be willing to remain romlndedtha deputy- reave dr oakas also said ha wanted to correct any i mprosslon that ho had talked mri williams into reconsidering he was not persuaded agreed the mayor a resolution passed unan imously which stated due to mr williams reconsidering his re signation thai ha continue as a councillor with at least 50 par cent attendance at meetings twocar collision at drivein lot a collision at hoods drlvein friday jan 26 at 145 pm in volved cars driven by gerald la- marche elgin st anil allan grant r it 2 the volkswagen driven by mr grant entered queen st from the drivein lot and mr grant stldhlsvlslonwas blocked by snowbanks the car struck the vehicle driven by mr lamarcha proceeding west on queen st the car driven by mr la marcha received an out mated 150 damage and the other car about 100 damage chamber of commerce reviews year outline plans at buffalo dinner mrs j shadbolt passes examination a new businesswoman in town is mrs john shadbolt tldey ave who is now associated with sydney k lamb in his real est ate business she has just passed her ontario government real estate examination oohdon mttohtom 100 dunbjrton st guelph capad unhurt when hit new model car ikidded on ic at 7 45 am tuesday left no 7 highway and craihed into a hydrotle brace knocking it off the pole broke off when it was hit but the brace kept it up it wasnt long until ontario hydro appeared with new pole constable penric of the north hel ton opp investigated the accident which occurred est of crewsons corners staff photos highlight of the annual mooting of the chamber of commorcu last wednesday ovenlng was tlio report of the years aetlvltlos given liy president paul nlolsen after a buffalo dlnnor sorvod at ufa station hotol the small but soloct group listened attentively to tho long list of aetlvltlos starting with the citizen of the yaar cele bration and concluding with plans for the coming year mayer las duby a spoclal guest spoko brlofly calling the chamber a very important group although ho admlhod lu was disappointed in tho poor showing of membership for tlui annual dinner im cortalnly not disappolntod in the chambor of commerce council needs tampering by organization uke the c ofc continued the mayor wo look to you people soma of whom are more qualified than we for the job he urged members to find something unlcue to put acton on the map and later in tho meeting suggested perhaps the altitude and the difference in temperature bare might be a fit subject mayor duby recalled how many times ha had been exasperated when listening to the radio report of weather when the announcer gave out a reading of one or two below zero ha had looked at his own ther mometer and it read 1z below people on the other side of town would report a lower read ing than this the temperature range in acton varied as much as 12 degrees the mayor de clared perhaps t he mused tho town could become a familiar name on the dally weather re ports in his recap of the past year mr nielsen handed out bouquets to those members of the chamber who made the citizen of the year dinner and dance a huge success there was a urge at tendance the committee of orv chapmaja john rol and frank heller worked hard for the centennial year celebration cooperation between the town the hydro commission and the chamber was reaponjibl forth holiday season lighting being turned on for centennial year th retail section of th chamber promoted old fash ioned day which the president proclaimed was bo of the bast proraorlnna urchaiau lu acton uvor stagod ho cited the dills printing co for tluilr cooper ation the brief on parking wo prohontod to council and the department of highways was followed almost to the latter mr nolhentoldmomhorsthls brluf alono juktlflodthueslktonou of tlio chamber he suggasted tho ouliloor sportmons show a first in canada as far as ho was awaro was a herculean task carrlod out by chief engineer john shadbolt with most of tho oxecutlvo helping cooperation with cecil and bui nellos and thu town teachers intlia schools engage t marks inspector council pissed a resolution at their regular meeting tuesday night ongaglng e t marks as building inspector for the town of acton mr marks was picked from two applicants interviewed by the committee meeting in the board room of the new hydro building council took care of business in a record two hour session followed by half an hour for enquiries a further rcsolutlciy passed that the building inspector be paid one hundred per cent of the building permit fees with a min imum yearly salary of 500 an exception was made for permit fees tor municipally financed buildings which council felt would not require the building inspect or fees are usually based on the figure of two dollars per tlooo worth of building permit fees the clerk told council are based on th con struction cost helped make tlio show a success although it illd lose soma money lessons learned at tlta sports mens show would hold tliein in good stead when a mggr and better show this yaar is plan ned it ml glil be the ovent of the year wa have the physical facilities in tlio park and lake to make it a succsss mr nielsen stated wo re not going to let the idea die one of tho largest crowds ever to attend a meet the candidates night turned out for the chamber sponsorod event in october also cited the indus trial dlnnor was a highlight of tlio year it was sponsored in cooperation with tlw aeton development commission the chamber supported the united churdi womens santa fair by buying candy canes to distribute five hundred donuts and 400 cups of coffee were distributed to the hundreds who attended the twelfth night christmas tree burning another chamber spon sored event the president thanked tyler transport and dills printing for their co operation mentioned also were a number of contacts with prospective new remand follows charge of assault following a complaint laid sunday january 21 a charge of assault causing bodily harm with intent lo endanger his was laid against an acton man in court in milton on january 22 he was remanded to th ontario hcepltal for 30daysforpsyebiatrieeitani- lnatlott paul nielsen head paul nlejsen was returned as president of acton chamber j of commerce at the annual meeting in the station hotel ust wednesday members present accepted the slate of officers as presented by the nominating committee with only minor changes other officers elected were first vicepresident orv chapman second vicepresident john shadbolt secretary chris sehuts treasurer ted pratt two year directors are telford heidi john rol fred gord on and mike da jong one year directors are don tlmmlngs and a new member in don undsay past president is rev andy mckenzle correction 979b taxes collected happy about uv8f the 1s47 town taxes being collected youll be happier then to know the article in list weeks free press which stated 7m of the jm7 taxes were collected was partially wrong the figure should have been m collected the paper had hardly got out of had before the phone rang and town manager joe hurst checked us on the figure it was our mis take the people of aeton are even more elvie minded than we real la industry in cooperation with the developnunt commission the chamber has also been active in a campaign to save the cnh station from closing in aeton industries have been contacted and figures gathered a letter seat to the up among other plans for this year projected is possible orgulzatioji of a horticultural society plans are already forming to consider the idea of a shopping mall on th mill st business section were going to take a good hard took at this mall said the president reminding the meeting if the chamber dldnt do it no one else would as a parting shot mr nielsen congratulated the town for the terrific job of snow removal after th recent storm nino braids remarked he had bsea in hamilton after the storm and recommended to relatives there thai they visit acton to team about snow removal after seeing streets there mr braids also expressed his thanks to the chamber for their continued support to the 4h club program orv chapman conducted ts election of officers and th in stallation ceremony was per formed by the mayor treasurer ted pratt gave the financial report a power failure in the long- fleldchurehluqueen st area thursday evening was soon cor rected a fuse had blown la a tranxfortnr only the shadow knows for sure it seems that on th whale th weather bureau u nor reliable than the average ground bog on february r according to the encyclopedia only superstition people believe the story about the groundhog coming up trot us hoi on that day to look for his shadow sdaoot the btfslllwe guide to all our adieus in this modern age has sot confirmed this friday its urn for th furry utile fellow to emerge from his home again aavj tu us how much of th wisaar math r we ean expect before th balmy brasses of spring relax the story goes that he sticks ms head out and if he sees his shadow he beats a hasty retreat back to sleep because theres going to be another sts weeks c wilier u he doeenf as his shadow mr crouadhog stays oaf of his boat because cfrh is aot car away ror those of us who cant dadds whether the irliialgfs or th toudor paopl are right this friday u gtba tnemorahj day will the grosfidbog appear or wu it bar as the ag head predict that the worlds moat uarellahl progaaslcaiea- is aot about to make ms annual progmeticatlo were collecting evidence for both atsas