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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1968, p. 11

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fr the acton free prcsi wednesd february 1 4 1 968 canadian at olympics we are in the midst of the quad rennial groaning season when canadian athletes participate in the olympics canadians dont as a rule expect too much from the summer games but the winter olympics in grenoble france is a horse of a different color since we ar a land of ice and snow weexpiectour athletes wih k well in the frozen sports- apdlhey do but yoxio- flever kow it fronv the criticism wj drecoi o refsretentavve j 1 since 1900 when expatriate cp- yfckof gdrg 0tl6n iwon i b steeple cwse at the fwu olympic parries jelbeit wearmg the iolorvbf the u canda hl been well represented af every summer and winter qlymplaov but wrote hrstbrian henry rox borougk canadians often rrefuse to glamorize thefr owivachievrfteri our successes have ben far greater than w realize seventy- two athlete represent can- ada at grenoble in six sports at the summer games in mexico city over 140 canucks will compete in 13 sports cost of the program underwritten by the canadian olympic association is 500000 compare this with the esti mated 22 billion the russians spend each year onsports facilities and devel- opmen of athlete weavepifeam t money- fof pur phmpic bugger j comes j from voluntary cpntribottdnr wflich lyhlttce government grants really j show the upportwf the cbyntryi oorsf international v calf for sacrifice ir idm cv nbrmai social life for deoscatedathletes is 6vr fpr months you can show ybur monetary vup- portwhkk is both tax deduct ibfe t worthy wlth a contribution to the can- adlan olympic association if every canadian contributes just twoandahalf cents the objective will be reached- editorial page iytyivr sufif pcuter line ours is called the most technically advanced civilization tiver known but even so we seom more vulnerable to the weathers vagaries than our grand fathers were this was painfully brought to mind by the ice storm that struck canadas most denselypopulated section in midjanuary the interruption of electrical sorvice across much of southern ontario left thousands of families without heat light cooking facilities hot water some for several days- fallen power lines are serious en ough for housekeepers but there is also the shutdown of schools stores factories and offices the hazard of con tact with live wires the cost of repair ing wires and poles in ontarios jan uary storm the cost of hydro repairs wasestimated at several million dollars toronto mayor bill dennison re quested the ontario government to share this expense with the municipal- off tke eufff i can state emphatically there is no better beef than canadian the next time you hear the manager of a hotel or restaurant say he imports beef from the united states because it is better tell him his statement is bologna thomas d burgess professor of animal science at the university of guelph i know now why they made february the shortest month in the cal endar its the dullest the duke of devonshire when ask ed what was the best thing about being one of the 26 dukes of england replied the best thing is that you can always get a good table at a restaurant im glad i like sports otherwise it would be pretty dull in front of a tv set these weekends cheer up ladies you get the soap operas all week ties concerned the suggestion was hardly reasonable it would be inequit able to tax farmers and townsmen far removed from the scene or those in affected areas who use gas or oil for most of their energy needs for the ben efit of a particular group of industrial and residential hydro customers another more reasonable suggestion after the storm was that all hydro lines should be put underground of course this is desirable for esthetic reasons streets are more attractive when not cluttered with poles and wires there are instances of course whora electric service lines are being put underground but they are usually restricted to newer parts of cities and towns perhaps some day a crash program of burying unsightly wires will reduce the fear ice storms create now until then well have to put up with the in convenience they can cause playoffs are here for some local hockey teams and others stand on the threshold of the annual elimination con tests good luck to all a car driving along with windows fogged up on the inside through con densation adds unnecessary danger to the streets says the ontario safety league it may indicate that the driver is also a little fogged up mentally if he opened the window a crack the misted glass would clear teacher johnnyl what are the great canadian parties johnny liberal conservative and cocktail i look 30 dear she i dont think do you he no pet but you used to phrtte frw the past tangled weeds and fallen logs be- como lacy fringe in the aftermath of a winter tee storm the black creole near the sewage plant glistens as the suns rays soften the snow and turn trees into glistening necklaces hung on the valley staff photo m sugar and spice by bill smiley hut 09 joiv firemens parade comet west on mill st in 1904 as spectators watch from the wooden sidewalk the heed of the parade la petting mrt secorcft aarden where ab suiwmar kef la now mr telle who own the men riding 1 die gamble end mr george k wall the old flu bug or something oqually vlrulont hit mo on tho weekend this column comes to you via gobs of aspirin hot toddios and shoer willpower sunday morning i woke up fooling like a mackerel not just out of tho sea fresh and qulvorlng no ono of those that have been guttod packaged frozen and then cooked ovor a hot fire and rofrozen and recooked my wife had several theorlos as usual first i had a hangovor plain and simple theres no such thing but i reminded her that wed spent the previous ovenlng quiet ly watching television and fighting as usual proof positive camo when she offered mo a hair of tho dog and i recoiled in horror next sho docldod i was going through the change of life with those hot and cold flushes i polntod out that my breasts hadnt grown and that i wasnt growing any more hair on head face or logs which hive always boon llko an airedales sho was dlscombobulated finally sho proclaimed it was foodpols- onlng because kim and i are always thaw ing ash and stuff and thonrofroozlng it for somo reason obviously id had bad fish turned but wed had stoak all fresh couldnt convince her that i might havo tho flu which has boon knocking peoplo on their kelstors for weoks atatlme around here all winter thats bocauso i novor got sick or rathor im halfsick all tho time but novortako a day off when i do about ovory threo yoars sho panics and starts demanding to know where the insurance policies are i never have a clue so i just groin and say loommoo- lonol which increases her anxiety prob lems which are already grade a whatever it was i take back all my pub lic and private utterances about peoplo whove had the flu this winter to public pampering yourself take some whiskey and an aspirin or to myself what a slacker do anything for a few days off work i dtdnt have a headache i wasnt sick at the stomach i dldnt have a sore throat or the snuffles or the sneezes but i havent bit like that since october 1944 when five burly germans set about me with flat boots and riflebutts for some tritttne crime which i cant even recall a i took the came escape ma him fa r d the uae i read thatttae lfett coae4oatteger i tf boast read upton sinclair since i was a clangor ous criminal my wrists woro wlrod to gether as wore my ankles thore wore no handcuffs it took somo physical manoov- oring and i could soo out of only ono oyo but i road and tho pain floatod away about the third night tho feldwebel in charge actually brought mo a tin of pois onous coffe and we talked in a garblo of english german french wo had only the most rudimentary ideas of what tho other chap was talking about but it bucked me up i think be felt better too it was about the samo last wookond i read i ould read for only about ton min utes at a shot without halffainting but amidst the fever and tho cups of coffoo proffered by my personal local foldwobol i roroad the last enemy by richard hillary and tho new and now heros max by max ferguson cbc and freo- lance radio comedian hillary was a young englishman oxford upperclass ogotlstical solfcontrod who realized through his own suffering ho was shot down and terribly burned mans in humanity to man tho university of suffer ing it was his only book he was killed later in a nighttlghtor it took mo back into a world of training and nlghtflylng and spitfires that was like rouvlng an epoch fergusons book is consciously funny but it is funny and both wrltors are in dividualists who offer somo hope to all tho rest of us who fear wo are bolng ground between tho upper and nether millstones of tho twentieth century got tho flu read simple the acton free press phone t53 2010 busmen dnci editor al office ikji v itrwj k f irte- vrs4 enj rulj ftlu pi oiiitf ratirihi4l i iliunwni rvamuvtbu jlltiuenw lw titfnel thjfvd i by l ihe- uum uj itw uoi be- ij m j lh pfiluibw nit in itw tft ttf j hpihfhl4l klnr jjitmuinj fuhlt m urtuti j l e uivmg pnr ir wikur lake wul he- utij ajtwilionj it nwtvlv h uler lt wit mj ml tw ulikdiiun ev lltv 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday february 12 1948 a very pretty wedding was solemnized in st josephs church when bertha shirley daughter of mr and mrs- wesley march- meni became the bride of bernard thew of milton thvs mens clubvskahpg carnival ppogratri in the arpna isan interesting ope but actons population must have beeri how keeping warm wjnners fqinolspeed skating contest vera carbitylor may spiers ifiranj withers- gregory brr j- rriaris race prad kenfnef vwtnjibrs in fancy costumes -youngest- girl ruthoundsborougti helevtfcandsbpr- ough marjorle winter elaine armc bob landsborough warren wagner johncinir- erqn rodney eorcd agame of broom ball was played be- tween theys men and mjgh school girls when the girls lod by pnogoaltho referee had to firo tho gun to keep tho wild ys men under controlr we are very fortunate that mrs may dumarsh has taken ovor tho junior girls class at the y as sho had a great deal of experience in this kind of work in kit chener 50 years ago taken from tho issue of tho froo press of thursday fobruary 21 1018 advortlsomont when you own a ford you- can doaway with many artlclos that are a source of continuous ovpenso por instance not only your drivinghorse and bdggy but single harness blankots whips currycombs brushos horsoshoes pitch forks food bins etc in their place you havo a spoody dopondablo dignified roomy ford car it is vastly superior to tho narrow cramped buggy and when it is standing ldlo it does not oat three moals a day prices from 405 to 070 tho drama of the doostrlck skulo presontod in tho town hall undor tho sup ervision of tho intormodlato rod cross girls was a highly gratifying success mr dan rltchlo lmnersonatod tho oldtlmo toachor and in tho cast of scholars visit ors and committoomon woro boyd clark nell mcnabb mrs a g clarrldgo miss martha graham miss 011a armstrong miss laura atkins miss e graham miss mary mcciure wm laird miss myrtle soper mrsw v colllor miss dora clarke miss daisy folstor mr and mrs w h stewart miss jean mcleod miss e ronwicv mrs wm laird miss alva harvey miss madgo chapman miss bes sie mullin miis margery hope william cooper w v colllor a g clarrldgo gordon mclood tom savage adam orr harry harwood miss l m royco miss bortlo smith miss poarl bakor harold wlldgust thos mcciure aiox mann jam- os smith miss m z bonnott h swack- hamor jamos mcintosh sitt ijrcss the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb sunday february i bib i8 900 am the holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 am morning prayer ethel christian reformed church minister rev p brouwcr acton ontario sunday february 18th i8 1000 am english service 1110 am sunday school 2 30 pm alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 am everyone welcome mapie avenue baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rey robert c lohnes slmday iiibriary i8lh 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole tamily to attend church 945 am sunday school all ages 1100 am morning service 7 00 pm evening evangel 745 pm wcdnesdiv prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday february 18h 168 945 am church school for ages 3 to 15 years 945 am ministers church member ship class for teenagers withdrawn this sunday only 1 1 00 am public worship ol god i sermon theme why attend church everyone most welcome b a c k issues 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday february 16 1893 on friday last the store at moffatt wae destroyed by are caused by a lamp whlcb the proprietor accidentally let fall the mall was- saved but everythlpg else includ ing 30cf was lost lalng bros will give one of their popular xphonograptflc concerts in glen wtlllame this evening and in eden uittsmonday acton llcrrtihiltuial and agrlculluralsoc- iety will now receive government aldms- srs john dutf president and james- kirk- woddmpp waited upon the minister of agrlculhjre to present the case fow he desleed refcognllldrttuuibeen secured and the socloty is on an oqual basis financially with similar exhibitions the society onters its new era under very favorable auspices through the ex- ertloos ol ltswanagempnt tnduielfbe rarity of its friends it is- out of debt president is john duff viceprosldont a j currle sec treasurer george hynds directors messrs j h matthews john williams john harvey t h harding and william hemstreet honorary directors are g c clarke n agnew i g matthews w h storey and j e corry guile a number of boys are having jolly times with their harnessed dogs and sleds st valentinos day passod almost total ly unobserved mr jamos matthews who recently pur chased from mr a b wright the property known as the gore has a number of men taking wood off lt 100 years ago takon from tho issue of the canadian champion milton february 13 1868 during tho past wook a now and fatal dls- oase has appeared in east flamboro amongst horses which entirely baffles the skill of tho most oxport vots after being attacked by the dlsoase the horses tongue becomes swollen and apparantly paralyzed and death follows in a very few hours from suffocation mr reuben sparks of the sovonth concession has lost four valuable animals during the past week and as the dlsoase appears contagloustoo much care cannot be takon to prevent the spreading thereof the post office of lothian in the county of halton has boon suspended benjamin jones fostor street near the post office returns thanks for past favors and begs to inform the public that be is prepared to furnish any article in his busl- fcness as cablnotmaker and undertaker and now has on hand a large stock of bedsteads chairs mirrors tablos etc and has also on hand copps patent spring mattresses which he will soli cheap for cash he can now supply along with coffins in oak and cloth and an elegant hearse which can be hired for reasonable charge to any part of the county church notices trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bd organist dr george elliott ma phd sunday february 18th 1968 1000 am morning worship nurtery provided sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 1115 am senior school gr 5 to or i acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8531615 sunday february i8lh 1968 j 45 am church school and adult bible class morning worship reverts to 1100 am the inescapable christ 700 pm evening service first ol pauls missionary jour- nies wednesday 700 p m prayer and bible study wednesday 8 00 pm teachers meet thursday 630 pm explorers thursday 8 pm choir practice friday 7 p m bhf where shall 1 go from thy spirit or where shall i dee from thy pres ence psalm 139 7 note change of morning time sunduy february 18 evanoe1 pentfcosyal tallttnaclfl paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 85j271s sunday february 18th 1968 1000 a in sunday school moo am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassador friday 7 pm cruaaden

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