Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1968, p. 17

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kftin township ichooibord chamfln roy wkmw jeft preijitt lh public ifseakinig ttophy to oiprings tthool principal bruce mcphrton following thijrdiy contest br and a biucw canity n chpnno myden look fteit puco in the eoott to hrmg tlw fro phy to htr school staff photo brenda bruce ospringe student takes first in public speaking osprinfe student brands bruce speaking on usd took first place in tha erin township public school speaking contest at ospring school thursday ev ening runnersup were botty van zoalan of brlsbano school and jean watering of hlllsburghs ross h uekay school tha farmer spoke on the pros and eons of canadas four seasons tad the latter chose abraham lincoln u bar subject judges were urs cecil cham bers of erin urs marshall a teacher at erin union and lome brown principal of the erin school they admitted exper iencing a difficult ii mo choosing from among the nine contestants three from each school tha judges complimented the speakers on their stage pres ence and noted one boy gordon smith of brisbane hadcompevdv they advised students who used biocraphles as subjects to ln- jtct their own interpretation into the story to add interest top speaker brenda bruce the judges said knew what she was talking about in spite of a difficult subject they compli mented her onan excellent job a fact borne out by the attention she attracted from the audience brenda was presented the win ning trophy by lionel watson school board memberandofticlal timer brendas win was also a vic tory for ospringe school and principal bruce afaephorson re ceived a large trophy up for annual competition for tho first time this year the school pro ducing tho top speaker oach year will be presented the trophy bett van zoolan of brisbane school second place finisher was complimented on her good delivery as well as an interest ing talk other ospringe contestants and hairsubjt vip tim of osprlngo who spoke oh uustangs barbara gates of os prlngo who spoko on winston churchill brisbanes other two contest ants were cord smith and mar ilyn delaney gord spoko on the first russian in space hlusburgh schools two other contestants were jacldo irwing who chose joan of arc and mario graham who spoko on queen elizabeth school board chairman roy wheeler of rr 1 orion acted as chairman for tho contest and brightened the interlude when judges were making their decis ion with humorous anecdotes mr wheeleralsolntroducederln township school board members present lie urged formation of a home and school association toco men relationships botwoon parents teachers and pupils in tho area mr whoolor also congratulated speakers on tho quality of tholr performances wlnnors of tho contest will compote in tho next level with erin union eramosa and pus- unch township school wlnnors at rockwood centennial school on february 19 wtnntts in thi er n rowih p schools pib i c ipeaking contest thursday t ospr nqi school were brenda bruce centre who took rt with her isd tope betty v in zorlen left of brisbane school and jean weter no q h hsburcjh school cime second and third res poet velv snfl photo we would like to express our thanks to the people of acton who have given us such a warm welcome we especially appreciate the public notice of welcome from our predecessor mr kenneth mann former owner of the cameo shoppe and the token of welcome from the chamber of commerce it is of inestimable benefit to all concerned that mrs mann mrs sinclair and mrs cloke will continue to serve in the cameo shoppe and there will be no disruption through the change of ownership we are looking forwarckto being residents of the town as soon as arrangements can be made e r and john ball farm page cockburn is peterborough rep taylor leaves halton office by h j stanley ttvroa members of the staff or tbf otfarlo department of agri culture and foo1 worldng in halton ru bu leaving in the near tytiffu ttwso aiu jolirf cockhuyrt associate agricultur al rjpreiientauvv geott taylor fcxtejon assistant fprtwdjeb- tlus of hattdi anil pool and mrs anne joustan clerk-fieim- graptwr in the haltort office john cockburuuiheeil work ing out of the brampton ijflce slrlce may 1 1s he has win coordtiujni the 4h and junior farmer work in both counties and was tho acting agricultural representative for peel for 1966 while he mi norry took tlm out to rorolvo his masters dogroj at tho ontario agnciltural col lege john has an outstanding agri cultural club record as a mem ber f aherfoylo lll clubs in wellington county his father was a 4h calf club loader for many years mrjhn rucotve 1 training in his 1h program un- don herb norry ai1 henry stan ley whop thoy- worjwd in well ington n the farm people of poucntui- ty are meeting in the junlrjr farlnoi buridlng brampton on wuttnesdiy tyonlng february 1 to honor john who take urhls duties as agricultural itoprwa- onfatlve rl peterborough t ly murch 1 any halton county friends would lie welcome geoff taylor arflvotf a hilton on koveinlur 15 1005 to work as extension assistant for the countios of halton and peel working ou of the milton ofticu prior to this he had rraduated from tho komptvlllo agricultur al school and worked for a year as a salesman for the united cooporatlvos of ontario dur ing tho past two years ho luv built tip a reputation for hard work ted nihusfanj fn lkand junior farmer activities in rocoimliron of his efforts in 411 c lid work the haltori 1h club leaders ayoclatlon prtfwntoil gooff with an arm- ehalr at their annua mooting iff will ho leaving th apart- tiwat itn1rlrfh 11 to take np farrrtlnb al iltll t gorho tn huron county he will he mar ried on march ji to miss susan majtin a mumbur of the junior termers as oclatton arrd a jcraduate of the komptvlllo agri cultural school home economics course mrs anne dustau has worked full timo for tho milton office since april 1367 ino will bu leaving in midmarch for cal gary where her husband tho kov t m dustan wilt lie as suming his new dutlub as rector of st stephens church tho acton free press wednesday february 14 1968 fff offer interesting programs for farmers week at guelph mondays theme is market ing and handling grains econ omists an animal sciential and a marketing authority will cas- cuas problems and factors invol ved in the marfcotingandhandllnf of grain j business systems for farm ing is the tuesday afternoon theme farm management and the impact of tnannude products ah agriculture are the main top- lea of discussion all day wednesday will be spent on heef cattto manage j merit systejn feeding man- agemepl feedlot planning aw fonces affoctlng market prices tor beof trill m featured ttuirsday hai two topics soybeans in ontario in the morning and manure handling in the afternoon farmers week m wtu be jwld monday through friday fubruary 10 to 23 in the war memorial hall at the ontario agricultural cotlogo guelph the wuuk is set out in a ser ies of packaged programs dealing with a particular subject spoakors from tho ontario de partment of agrtculturo and foodj the university of guelph an leading farmers wit give presentations on various topics another chango in jhe program for the woektsjtkat on tuesday thv ladles- program will be in- jegratol with jhoj mens prog ram the morning session that day will hetnalnlyconcornedwuh vouth ami th farm fimuy on rloay khe wdmonsbro- gram will be held athercpurt memorial unitod chlirch dean avemai guelph the topic for the day is family and com- irlunlty hulatlrjq outstanding speakers among them dr mar garet nu of now york will part icipate in the program sponsored by macilonald institute and the homu economlcsbranch ontario department of agriculture and food dally regions begin at 1000 am and are schodulod to end by 3 45 pm on friday tho increasingly impofiant topic of silages and feeding brograms will have the attention of the speakers and the people who attend silage rations silage supplements feed handling systems and the use of silos will be discussed each year several halton county farmers travel toguelph for one or more of these ses sions farm accidents costly safety survey shows uun uorhliuru and fire anmilar warnlnir sltmal ll 4111 farms had ai two important meetings for farm community man machinery and fire has boon chosen as tho 10e8 tho mo of farm safoty council of ontario tho annual conference of this organization was hold at tho unlvoruty of guelph feb ruary 5 6 and 7 hoprosontlng halton farm safety council woro gerald carton and william har ris tho uso of slow moving voh- lclo signs was graphically illus trated by ontario provincial pol ice constable h g elson traf fic safoty coordlnator in his addrou slow moving vehicles vs high snood traffic it was indicated that this trl- irene de vries 4h club president tho first mooting of tho acton group for tho current 4h pro ject featuring fruit wis hold at tho homo of mrs macnaught- on on saturday fobruary 10 officers of tho club wuo oloc- ted and tho results wore as fol lows preiiuont irene dovrloj viceprosldimt corlo mixwoll secretary kathy lynch troas- uror hloko bollort roportor mary ann frouli othor me ml f rs of tho club aro shirley sayers and diane do vrlts tho leaders mrs lynch and mrs macnaughton will toach several techniqnts by which fruit can be used in baking and cook ing a few of tho dishes theyll be preparing aro shortcakes pies and puddings also a study of tho storing conculons food values and decoratlvo values will bo ta ight tho girls expect to find this a worthwhile anj very interesting club angular warning signal is rtlll not completely accoptod by both uban and rural people in that many aro not yet aware of its purposo this was designed to bo used on all vohicles travel ling at speods under zs mph which includes all farm vohicles it is easily visible in daylight and luminous at night on reflec tion from headlights oscar snyder farm safety coordinator tor tho farm safo ty council of ontario reported on tho farm accident survoy hold in nlno counties during isggc7 ho said that a total of 632 accidents had taken place or in othor words one in thrcl farms had an accident during the year of thoso thoro woro p6 fatalities and 36 pormanont in juries in addition 448 tempor ary injuries woro rocolvod in cluding brokon lunbs brulsos cuts otc a total of 90g4 days off work woro recorded and at an avorapo of 20 por day this would equal 181000 medical bills totallod 89867 property damage j giving a total of 819000 or an aver age per county of 91000 this loss could bo greatly rodneed if oach and every family woro to stop and think of tho torrlblo consoqnences resulting from carolossneis on tho farm 111 vj 111 two meetings of importance to two sognvnts oftho farm com munity will bo held in toronto during the wook of february 19 it was announced at quoons park today tho ontario plowmans assoc iation will hold us annual meet ing and convention in the king edard hotel toronto on feb 13 and 20 with tho ontario as sociation of agricultural soc ieties holding tholr sixtyolghth annual convention on fobruary 21 and 22 dalogates representing os plowing matchos will attond the plowmons coivontlon whon re ports on the succoss of last years internationa plowing match will bo presented dele gations from six counties will sook to host future plowing matchos wellington county del egates will report on tho arrange ments being made for the 1968 match which will be held on the jack gilchrist farm near guelph guest speaker at the annual luncheon will be rev dr f c stewart of kitchener a registration of closeto 1000 delegates is expeetedatthe agri cultural societies convention a program hasboonproparedwhlch will include discussion on the problom affecting the fairs of the province winters the time why wait for spring s i prefinished panelling iriful i 895 1 i i two uauriful 1ustic fanhs acadian tt85 grey elm m r sherwood knotty pine both good quality j16 paniu with a two coat varnish nnish 8 95 4 my daddy is the esso agent for furnace or stove oil call jerry skirrow i- 8532340 powor humidifier only 9995 ihmalled i ten tile ceiling tiles fast easy practical for do it yourself modernizing 13v2c 15c m co sale pbicc sm any quant v vinyl asbestos tiles 12 x 12 116 texturi patterns long wearing ealy cere over wood or concrete for kitchens hallt rec rooms lit marbiized pattern 4 colors spatter pattern 2 colors j crescendo ftextured pattern 2 colors 15c ea 16c ea now muuiuu summerset lljujirm 1 portmie basebomw heaters i fuss lirtua i ill ml 1bh m iiuwahs eesk ftsfwas tfcmuiat cumj a j h qq i i i ping pong table i 3 lively fldkeboard fop sturdy interlocking legi 15 i i j b mackenzie son ltd 2 church street acton 8531660 r

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