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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1968, p. 18

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1968 g the acton frx prgn wadnetday february 14 rural mailcarrier in 1913 had to sound his post horn by larry martin rural malldriving 1968 atyte la attn do aaay ob tbt drivar must contend with traacharou road and inclanwnt waattwr on the rout ha must be praparad to- handw mumayllablo namaa sdviot homaataadlbf sparrows from tba datwsry boxas on want b deasst hav to 700 btsxuad by hlmaau hatt- tw job farraar and jamaa erwutn train buyar all of campball villa tba rout includad au round trips waakly at 22 and on half mllaa par round trip six daya waakly tba mall iaftctapbauvilfe poet offloa at 10am on tba do though u provtda aach third una gualph una and cooriar or drl amployad in p hortb 10 and ono half niltes through massagawaya a hla aarrloa with a post horn which ba la to sound distinctly on approaching and leaving tba post offlca andoccaatdnallyalongy tbaroaf providing- boras was just one tasponslbtllty acquired wtdw transporting b it 1 camphall- ville mall in early 1913 whan joseph stokes began tba route according to the original mail contract which recently turned up for a yearly salary of jso plua one dollar per king edward mail boa sold mr stokaa con tracted the job under a bond of jar asihanassagawayaeramosa town una frbjp there it truvi ellsd least seveneighths 4 a mile along be town una totho second une then turned booth oil the second une as far as tho dividing road between lots five and six- u then went east seven- eighths of a mile te campbell- ville arriving in food time for coonectionr with train no 642 at 517 p rrt mall contractors were requir ed to carry a stock of postage stamps and accept applications and money for money orders and treesfarapenny program attracts many applicants mora than 30 property owners grand river conservation auth oritys tree sfore penny pro gram this year thlals about ave times as many as usual for this urns of year according to richard v patrick the authoritys super visor of conservation services he credited an extensive pub licity campaign last yearwlthths unusually high demand in addi tion to newspaper radio and television publicity several thousand pamphlets describing the program were distributed throughout the 2600 square mile valley tba program is open to any landowner who agrees to plant at least 2000 trees and protect them for a minimum of 25 years trees are available for one cent each and the authority wiu supply a machine and man to plant them atnocosttotheowner if land is unsuitable for tree planting the authority will pay a subsidy to the owner for hand planting fraud thefts investigated milton opp report m gen eral occurrences during the past weak including one alleged break enter and theft being investigat ed one fraud investigation one person arrested andchargedwith having possession of stolen goods one minor theft one as- aault one liquor control act in vestigation resulting in two per- sons being charged under the liquor control act during the week of jan 26 fab 3 inclusive personnel of milton detachment ontario pro vincial police worked a total of 961 12 hours and patrolled 6987 mites on area highways as a result of patrol 2s charges were preferred 41 traffic warn- lags were issued and 35 vehicles were safety checked there were 28 convictions raglatered in mag istrates court there ware 11 property dam age accidents investigated and 7 personal injury accidents result ing in 10 persons being injured total property damage of 9745 causes of accidents ware speed too fast for road or traffic con ditions driver lost control old not have right of way and illegal ly parked there were four charges laid as a result of these accident a mr patrick said the authority last year planted more than 291 000 trees on 40propertleslnnlne counties in the valley the trees planted in each county were brant 123523 dufferin 13500 hanthmand 4980 helton 13300 oxford 2000 perth 2100 waterloo 51200 wellington 57010 wentworih 23500 postal note from boxholders and to issue receipts it was clearly stipulated the driver was to carry th post master general or any of his agents without charge any assistants hired were to be sober steady honest men and over 16 years of age no liquor was to be carrier oh tho mall vehicle while it made ts rouads although the term danger was- not clearly defined the driver had to protect the mall from it a sidebag was slung over the shoulder for wceptibh of way letters and all mall was accent ed provided tt wad further than one mile frftm the post offloe i five dollar tines were impos ed for defaults including nan- collection of trial 1 from king edward boxes or failure to de posit mail at the next post office the fines werejyaposed at the discretion of 4v postmaster general if a driver was unable to make his rounds it was his duty topey for conveyance by some other person no member of the house of commons or senate of canada could be admitted to any share of the contract or to any benefit arising from it witness to mr stokes con tract was murray crawford justice of the peace of camp- bellvllle at the time today rr 1 campbell villa r do it yourself doesnt work in insurance either why run tin- risk of do it your- mlf ineurnncr j our t xiwrt lirlp innki b it iihii r w r unci ires nx- m imlvi- cull lie today bo safer bbvo money sco your safeco export dennys insurance agency it mm it w acton islolto r hesidcmces r c jvmlf 8 te jw3 bill 8332645 hrod 853 2565 acton tfachur daulvi hirn of loriofipkl- bond rupf wllh only nlrpor lnjirri wit h blmrir cli llic ifurj irl liirn ed cjyer vi no v hicjbwy well of ario frftliftfrrioon mr hind w lfn to 1iosmtil jmt riylrnrd itftfl rwilnmm for lcerdtiont tstilf pliotnl traditional trouble spots glen norval not flooded serious floodbig which has some southern ontario commun ities asked to bo declared dkas- ter areas last week hai almost ignored the traditional trouble spots of glen williams and nor val a few wet basements arc about all that glen williams got out of tho high water day last weok credit valloy conserva tion authoritys hold officer stan whlto said tho cold weather friday night savodlho day tho credit branch and black is delivered by george stokes n i- 1017 creek through norval wore at son of the man who in wiz ii j j aii thinire n 0 thoir banks and ovor- rnaprtorxo rvrfr r approachlntor leaving the post suu tho ml sp0 but f ssce wdcasionally along ute sltta rm friday wator throatonod to 3 canada pension plan will pay survivors benefits in february radway tapes 52000 cars a tetter to najaajaweya coun cil from the canadian national railway polnta out 52000 rail way ears had been taped with illuminating tap and were being taped at a rat of 4000 per year the utter aay a tin illuminating tap la not th wool answer tt listed ueaaxlv apaad taenia lapse human error putting the foot on th accelerator instead of th brake and suicide as other factor causing train car trash udrorowr grada aatwre- hon u th only real way to pre- vg edmalabs atxttrely 5fhls htast bs approved by th board of t governor on th lmoima mwarlparlryao- oxrdaac to taw latter ejat jsry bwtigmtlng a aecleasi itat kutod toer i ta majtwaa latelaat i ear asotld be survivors benefits under the canada pension plan will first become payable in february 1966 benefits include a lump sum death benefltawldowspen- sjon a disabled widowers pen sion and benefits to the depend ent children of a deceased con tributor details of this aspect of the canada pension plan were made public by national health and welfare minister maceacben for a survivor to claim any of these benefits the oeeeasedper- son must have contributed to the plan for at least three years any required contribution to the plan la considered to be a con- trlbutiorl for a year thus can ada pension plan survivors benefits become payable in feb ruary 1968 to the survivors of deceased persons who have made the required contributions for the years 1666 and 1967 and for the month of january 1968 provided the contributor died in january 1968 or had commenced to re ceive hla retirement pension ef fective from february 1968 and died at a later date as the retirement pensions under the canada pension plan survivors benefits will be sub ject to annual adjustment to re flect variations in the cost of living th department of national health and welfare which ad ministers the benefits of the canada pension plan has 126 otfleea across canada to assist individuals in applying for bena- hta staff member are trained in all aspect of the plan and are prepared to offer assistance and advice in individual cases mr maceachen urged persons with questions about their eligi bility for survivors benefits to consult cpp staff in the dis trict and local canada pension plan offices amounts of widows pension and disabled widowers pension depend on th average pension able earnings of th contributor th pension for a widow under 65 will be 2550 plus 375 per cent oftne deceased contributors retirement pension a widow 65 or over will receive 60 percent of her de co aso 1 husbands retire ment pension widows or disabled widowers pensions may be as much as 65 monthly losser amounts are payable of course where the de ceased contributors earning were less thanthe maximum pen sionable earnings dependent children of a dec eased contributor will qualify for a benefit of 2550 per month for each of the first four children and 1275 for the fifth and each additional child a lump sum death benefit is also payable this amounts to six times the monthly retirement pension of tho decoased contrib utor up to a maximum of 510 if a contributor had not roachod pensionable age at the time of his death a retirement pension would be calculated as though ho had in order to determine tho amount of the widows or disabled widowers pension and the death benefit the calculation of a widows pension is dependent onanumbor of factors including her ago whon widowed whether she has de pendent or disabled children or is disabled herself canada pon- sion plan staff at district or local offices should be consulted for details in individual cases sunworthy ready pasted wallpaper 69 solid colors 8 colors to choose from easy to apply brightens your rooms omb hearing for township nassagaweya council learned they would have an ontario mun icipal board hearing to sir any objection to th official zoning bylaw for th township march 25 at 11 am council has been working on th bylaw for th past two and on half yeara along with plan ning board and hope it will b adopted at th hearing sinflle roll bbss amazing indooroutdoor ozite carpet 6 55 now you can beautify any room in the house m your hom we have everything to fix up your home from basement to attic free delivery lakeview discount centre main st n acton 33110 reach tho wvor hit the temper- ature drop reversed tho creep ing level ttiourh ihu villapvi pot off scott free some sections of i queslnr anil chlnpiacouy roails were under wator lucause runoff from holds hid nowhere to ro downstream il huttonvllle somo families homos experienc ed minor floodlnp and residents near tho rlvor were jittery in cause of reported ice blasting in the norval area theyre blasting again in norval mrs john howard of huttonvllle protected iw trlod calling tho police county council evorybody but they all turn their lacks who do you rot in touch with to havo it stopped nobody knows and it seems no body cares now open in georgetown the brampton canada manpower centre has opened an itinerant office in the georgetown volunteer ambulance building on james street office hours 1 5 pm tuesdays phone 8774121 during these hour for information at other times v call 4511240 brampton the new service is adopted to interview employers clients seeking employment or training c- canada lrrtwwer ceolre dapmrtnuuil of msnpowr wtd immigration you save twice with trim amd price specially selected value checkd branded well trimmed blade or short rib roasts 59 ideal for meat loaves or burgers k fresh ground chuck 69 c lb schneiders mb pkg jm jflba red hots 49 prices effective february 14-15-16- 17 plenty of free parking reg 133 value chase sanborn 6oz jar instant coffee 99 save 6c carnation 6oz jar coffeemate 49c best buy save 6c bee hive golden corn syrupy 39c beat buy save 10c holeis- twin pack potato chips- 59c save 11c delsey tissue 4 59c white swan save 25c pkg 36cs facial tissue 379c fresh produce us no i larg heidi lettuce 235c us no 1 brussel sprouts 29c 128or container mf fjmk jayex 69 rag 109 value giant sis breeze with borax 89 schnhotrs he 1 lib pko save 13c libbyt fancy 14oi tint graten peas 2 485 rindless bacon 69c

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