the ballinafad story fire destroys two houses oct 13 miss bern htus of balllnafad continues her remlnlscenses of the early days in the fad with this article which traces entire families who lived in toe area on a lot just south of mr fergusons there was a frame house where airs aiken her daughter haggle and percy lived mrs aiken made a tilt- by keeping the presbyterian church clean and mamngflres in two wood stoves twice a week in cold weather she also qleaned and filled a ttoxw or more coal ait tamps this was just across the read haggle was a dressmaker and made a living by sewing dresses for rftbef pebble as there were no ready ntade dresses for sale in those days after ukv years they left toe taa j on a lot just below that there was a frame bouse with an upstairs wv and mrs ban beld lived there with their fam ily archie and haggle who attended blue mountain school archie and wife jive in toronto haggle in cleveland a few rods to the south was a blacksmith shop which ur held operated and did very much the same kind of work as the fer gusons both were kept busy on the north side of that shop and joining it was a frame waggon shop- on the east corner of the lot was a small barn where a horse and bttggy were kept all these buildings were there in 1b86 but how much earlier i do not know on october 13 1908 mrs held and maggie drove to georgetown to shop about s pm ur held put on a wood are in the kitchen stove and went out for a short time in some way the bouse took fire and had made some headway before it was noticed the fire tilled the house with smoke very little was saved not even his books where be kept accounts there was a good well west of the house but no other water close by it was a sad sight for haggle and her mother on their return home the house on the lot above being so close was burned too leaving mr and mrs duncan mclean without a home he was a stone mason and had been living there a lew years ur held was deeply grieved they were given a temporary home in elderly mrs mcdonalds home on the hill east of the presbyterian church it was a great loss but friends helped in many ways in those days there was no presentation like there has been in the past 26 years however after mrs aiken moved away mrs held consented to be caretaker of the church mentioned above mr reld continued in the blacksmith work for some months then moved to georgetown where be got work in another shop some time after the fire the waggon shop was taken down as it was no longer needed later a new bouse was built with four rooms downstairs and some up also a small woodshed over the side doon a youdg man worked in the blacksmith hop for a coupe of yearsjllen left when this lot was for sale about 1912 ur jehn mckechnl bought it he and his wife janle young moved in previous to this they haovlived about two years in a house bathe east corner of the fad as they had sold their farm orrlot 30 ninth life esquesirig tyalton county in 1910 to mr d moras and his wife annie young ur and mrs mckechnle were quite con sented in their home in the tad till the winter of 1936 lira mckechnle not feel ing very well went to the home of their adopted daughter in toronto some better she intended coming home but a message was received in march saying she had sud denly passed away after that his slster- ln- law miss maud young kept house for ur mckechnle a year or so later when mr mckechnle was unable to get around his nephew jim helped to care for him till july 1939 when he passed away leaving jim in possession he rented the house to a mr scott and his daughter for some months in 1942 jim sold this property to bert rogers and his wife nettie campbell they got possession in november that year two years previous to this he had given up his work in toronto and had been living with her brother manasnah in their old home on the farm just to the south of this bert built a garage on the vacant lot above as they owned it too here he re paired cars and mowers and etc they were happy to be back among former friends in november 1953 nettie pissed away bert continued to live there and bached it when he was no longer able to do this he decided to go to georgetown and board la march 1965 bert was taken to georgetown and district uemorialhospital where be passed away a few days later in march 1958 mike norton purchased these two lots from bert the j l case co employed mr norton as salesman for all kinds of farm machin ery displayed there for everyone to see he did sell some five years later be was sent to england by the case co accompanied by his wife and two children contlnutd ntx1 wcki suddenly its spring acton ontario wednesday april 3 1968 immmmmmmmmwvmiiaimimrknm lit one mfor merglfts for your faster farads er a delightful gift sea our pleating spring style ef wearing apparel you will be thrilled at the quality marines and lew prices for the ladies full faihlened nylons bleu pull ever and cardigan sweaters slip panties brattle night gown spring millinery starve glove purse costume ewellery thee cenmetltt etc for girls lovely dreawi pantloa sweater sin blouse pyama shoe pur ate for men and boys drot and port him tie dreu sock underwear tee shirt pant shirt thoei etc boxed chocolates tr wrapped name brand from aiterttnent smiles n chuckles black magic rowntrees sm our largo atsahmant of easter chocolat novlfi eggs rabbit etc make your own basket choose from our leloctlon of basket cellophane chldt egg coloring ribbons etc buy your easter candy in bulk save up to 50 our candy dept offer you a complete range of better quality candy lines at low price special for the kiddies plush toys 89 saa our large assortment ef eastar greeting card and folders villi our record bar hundred of latest hit record special toeoid for children give rowers for easter easter hues potted plants african violets tropical plants cacti hinton s 5cto1 store rock wood scout wins queens scout badge no rockwood for the first u mo in many years a rockwood scout has been awardodaquoonsscout badge robert sinclair son of rev and mrs don sinclair was invested with scouhngs high honor in a colorful ceremony in the town hail tuesday of last week a gentleman came into a bar bershop with a small bo one day and explained that since he had an appolntmont in the neigh- borhood he would like his own hair cut first this accomplish ed he handed the small boy up into the chair urged patienco upon him and departed v lien the boys haircut was finished the gentleman had not roturned and the barber told the boy to wait a half hour passed dont worry said the barber reassur ingly im sure your lather will be back soon the boy looked startled he isnt my lather he said he just came up to me in the street and said conu along lets both get a haircut robert also has a younger brother blair who is a scout included in the ceremony was the presentation o st john ambulance association certifi cates and badges in fundamen tals of first aid to michael dales brian death jamos gol- latly and dean ingle presenta tions were made by jack mas- soy guelph district scoutmas ter robert has demonstrated to the satisfaction ofhlsscout-mas- ter and tho court of honour of his troop that he has done his best in his dally ufe to live up to the scout promise and law for a period of six months following his qualification as a first class scout he has shown through his actions that he is fully aware of the service sig nificance of tho queens scout badge he has qualified to woar the first aid pathfinder despatch rider and public healthman badges he is the only scout to be so highly hon ored in rockwood in many years pushing large chunks of ice into the current to be smashed on rocks was the chore of rockwood mill owner jim milne right and helper last week as the era mosa river broke up tho old mill which ipiedatos tho wrst survey of rockwopd still operates on watrr poyv er the ice won over tho dam jnd then was pound dcflnto millions of piece oh tho scenc rocks billow finally ihoy cascaded over the foamy wjtorfill a scene hiddeo mof of the year by fdliage 16 dlsap pear in fho narrow churn ihg channel whjch loads to loss turbulent water in he valley staff photok i v fr faf- v- clean up rivers streams first then great lakes will benefit some people are idddlngthem- selves if they think the newfron- tler for water supplies is tho great lakes said g u coutts general manager of the grand river conservation authority speaking thursday to the cana dian club of guelph people who point to polluted rivers and streams andsaywater supplies should come from the lakes are forgqttlngthat the lakes are fed by rivers and streams from a multitude of watersheds ho said ur coutts said if the rivers emptying into lake erie for instance and the grand is one are not taken care of and made cletn first lake erie will be useless as a source of water supply he pointed out that the author itys three dams the shand conestogo and luther hold back less than 20 per cent of the water runoff in the grand river valley they can store about 29000- 000 gallons which lsequlvajentto a rainfall of 77 inches over the entire valley since the average annual rain- fall is 34 inches there is enough water to meet the valleys needs if it is managed properly but the limltsdprotectlonfrotn mcgibbon hotel pining room under new management chinese and canadian cuisine under i c b o act fast take out service for your orders phone 8773664 10 off on all orders of chinese food 300 and up open friday saturday til 1 am closed sundays dining room entrance off mill st 1 main st n georgetown the three dams could result in damages in excess of 40000000 in such cities as guelph gait and brentford additional protection will be provided when ave more dams are built at west uontrose ev ert on guelph hespeler and ayr at a cost of 30000000 ur coutts said the unharness ed and uncontrolled runoff that now flows into lake erie is our future water supply in addition the dams will pro vide constant flows in the rivers throughout the summer to dilute effluent from major centres from the nucleus of major rec reation areas and allow for ad ditional river uses such as boating the five dams are part of a comprehensive resource man agement plan being prepared by the authority covering all as pects of land and water conser vation the plan includes small dams protection of natural waterhold- lng areas creating and enlarg ing forest tracts and opening new recreation areas ur coutts made special men tion of the authoritys valley lands program which envisages the creation of open space alongside the river and tributaries by pre venting undesirable building on land subject to flooding or eros ion municipalities in the brant- fordparis area have set aside money this year to start a valley land buying program despite heavy demands on municipal bud gets the authority is encouraging other rapidly developing areas such as tho guelph area to take similar steps said ur coutts he urged municipalities totake advantage of provincial grant and authority contribution available for valley land pur chases the tremendous competition for land is making it more dif ficult each year to accomplish these goals he said jack lush is delegate jack lush of burlington has been named a delegate tothe lib eral leadership convention in ottawa this weekend ur lush was the liberal candidate for hallon west in tho list provincial election he is one of 20 liberal mem bers of parliament and candidate who were named voting delegate at the last assembly of the ont ario liberal party only imaginable difficulties can be ouercome