120 celebrate milestone tho acton froo press wednesday april 10 1968 five 50year pins presented saturday at lakeside iode golden anniversary taking another look t tho lekeilde charter at saturdays banquet aro ovor25 yearmem ber mrs stan matthews formor regent miss emma robinson of mount forest and miss laura scott of kitchener qvcr 1 20 attended the 56lh anniversary of tho chapter staff photo presentation of golden fifty year pins to five members of lakeside chapter of tho lode by the provincial president high lighted a gala banquet saturday marking the chapters 50th w rth- day over 120 merrlbers former members and speclal guests at- fan9d the banquet and happy celebration at knox churchj t t beaming provinciipresdent vrs w e morrison proclalm- ed the occasion unique when she- made the presentations of sq year pi charter roetyibers mrs isabalivatson mrs cucy walters mrs stellar adamson and mrs marguerite tlrylor then capping everyones pleasure will a similar surprise presentation to longtime mem- foor mrs gnorpe musmllo mrs morrison declared to have so miny 5flfyear members in a chapter is most unusual the chapter organized in 1917 as children of tho empire grad uating to it primary chapter in honored head table guests at lakeside i o d e anniversary dinner includod seated mrs stella adamson gait a charter member provincial president mrs w r morrison behind tho cake immediate past regent mrs c nellos regent mrs h h hlnlon standing mrs isabel watson charter member mrs marguerite taylor a charter member mrs w simmons of guolph the first regent mrs lucy walters a chartor member and mrs e lidkeo regent of tho duko of dovonshiro chaptor of the i o d e staff photo 1934 the charter received in 191b the original woolen flag and the primary chapter charter ware all on display the first rogunt emerald cooper simmons was an honor ed head table guest and was pre sented with a centennial spoon toasts proposed with prldo and responded to with entertaining reminiscences dotted the pro- iran bit arlof dills a charter member of the duke of devon shire chapter proposed a loast totyakeslde chapter on its gold en milestone j measuring ac complishments ii terms of pride and fellowship lakeside sec retary mrs j dowdlng respond ed mrs r m macbonald another devonshire charter member proposed the toast io tho charter members saying at my ago time is a precious gift these girls she went an wero tho best and most energetic girls in acton at tho umo and she rocallod many occasions with thorn mrs adamson ropllod point ing out mrs macdonald gavo them tho dignity thoy probably lacked wo built the founda tions with enthusiasm you built tho walls with maturity she said to all tho members mrs a j buchanan proposod the toast to national and provin cial chapters going back to tho origins of the order and carry ing through with improsslvo lit erary allusions to the curront challongo of change admitting sho lovos fo talk nlnoyoar provincial president mrs morrison ropllod assuring tho guests the lode is a mag nificent power for good in tho country during tlio half century tho chaptor has only lost 11 mombors by death and carnations woro placod in a vase in momory of vlda ramshaw hilton edna john son ovorholt tina thompson colos josslo walker ethol fry- or eloanor mcnlvon marion mcdougall nolllo wilkin clara grlndloy olla armstrong som- orvlllo and jqssio russoii lands- borough mrs rao vest paid a moving trlbuto to thorn mrs a orr road a short his tory of tho chaptor rogrots wore ovprossod from mrs g e anderson tho pro vincial echoos socrotary who was unable to como duo to hor welcomed sack to acton for the lakeside chapter of the i o d e golden anniversary is miss m z bennett now of kitchener with her are mrs w middleton and mrs c perk ns who have been chapter members over 25 voars staff photo pinning corsage on provincial pres dent mrs w r mor nson at the lakesde chapter i o d e 50th anniversary banquet is convener mrs r spielvogel staff photo mothers sudden illness regent mrs e ltdkea brought greetings from tho duke of dev onshire chaptor of the iode regent mrs hlnton was acap- able toast mistress jthe to wiring annlvorsarycake made by mrs nellos and iced uy mrs george young was cut and served after i candle lighting cemmbny by the charter mem bers red white and blue accented the tabids in tho church stewart memprial nall bouquets streamer menus novelty place cards and candles all echoed tho- colors in the clusters of flags mrs h holwig said grace mrs j jocque was standard bearer mrs c pickett was pianist mrs rudolph splolvog- ol dinner convener introduced every porsonpresent from mom ory mlsd jessio coles sweetly sang smiling through and mrs a orr thanked everyone who took part outoftown guests wore mrs j b adamson gait mrs rob- dredging starts on fairy lake dredging on fairy lako began again last wook on a round-tho- clock basis workmen soon had tho dredge working after tco oncaslng tho machine and pipe li no had molted warm spring woalhor loft tho lako cloar of ice unusually oarly in splto of oxtra thickness this winter tho drodgo will bo operating until tho job of cloanlng tho lako is finished it will take at toast tho months of april and may to drodgo tho romalndor only that portion beyond tho big bridge will not bo dono tho drodgo is presently loc- atod beyond lakovlow subdiv ision alongside farmland on tho wost shoro of the lake ert armstrong hamilton miss m z bennett kitchener mrs fred boyd clarkson mrs cam currlo gait mrs stanley coy wulowdale mrs ted cargo guelph mrs hector guthrie guolph mrs ed huf nagel allis- ton mrs frank uumbor strat ford miss mildred bollinger toronto mrs tom jones mor- rluburgj mrs allan lelshman barrio mis julie losnlowiph prtiston mrs malcolm leltch welland mrs lachle mckarslo milton mrs wilfred mcdonald streotsvllle mrs bruce qmaixl new hamburg mrs clare pros- ser braoebridge miss emma robinson mount forest mrs joseph hdld hamilton mrs v b burnley guelph mrs c schneider guelph mrs howard switzer hlllsburg mrs j j stewart guelph mrs harold sutclltfo royal oaks michigan mrs m w slmtnons guelph mrs william sproston toronto miss laura scott kitchener mrs frank torry owen sound mrs norman wright guelph mrs charles wood toronlcu a telegram of regret was read from mrs l frowo of bobcay- geon and miss francos hurst of richmond hill others who sent rogrots mrs vera harvey reld wlulamsvlllo new york the third regent mrs agnes dobblo paris tho first bride of tho chaptor mrs viola waller moorhousooshawamrs pat batty wulowdale mrs vio let smith cochrane kitchener mrs isabel bruce hussoll ot tawa mrs ruth gibson max well guolph mrs holen cullon guolph mrs torry hunt grelg aylmer miss flora moffat van couver mrs dotty ryder fltz- slmmons vancouver mrs bos- slo vlncont toronto mrselma honderson collins toronto mrs betty dolphin weston mrs what counci 1 did continued from pago 1 tho cost of tho service no 2 commlttoe is to review tho rates and installation costs ronewod tho police agreo- mont for tho local opp do- tachmont with tho commissioner of pollco for tho provlnco tho bylaw was passod on tho same terms as last yoar passed a bylaw to execute an agreement with the cnr to install a wator main under tho cnr tracks at tho town dump crossing agreed to send councillor bob drlnkwaltejtjto cor dc secondary lovol of govo rn- mont education course at the university of guolph on april 26 27 and pay the 15 registration the reeve stated ho had express ed a definite interest in attend ing but was prepared to drop out in favor of another councillor all councillors attendedthe two hour session with bui williams in tho chair for committee of tho whole tho mayor presiding for tho general meeting north halton opp charges wf during the week of march si to april 6 1968 inclusive per sonnel of north hilton detach ment ontario provincial police worked a total of 1043 hours and patrolled 10405 miles as result of patrol 78 charges were preferred 105 traffic warnings uwro issued and 165 vehicles were safety cheeked then ware 72 con viction there were four property dam age accidents investigated and four personal injury accidents resulting in nine persons being injured property damage to talled 655000 causes of accidents were failed to signal follow too closely on wrong aide of road thar war au charges laidai a result of these accidents thar wan 40 general occur rences during thli period in cluding three theft lovest- igattom a iaaughon into vufel damage resulting in five paraout being durgadj one par son charged with assault two persons charged with impaired driving two liquor investiga tions resulting to two persons being charged under the liquor control act one personarrosted for other police dept s a result of continuous in vestigation of a break enter and theft uhich occurredln dec ember 1967 three more persons were arrested and charged all other occurrences were of a minor nature shortll mill st sheet metal plumbing heating acton 8530270 specializing in clare bros heating equip registered united gas dealer we carry a complete stock of pipes and fittings for service cau 8530270 citizen of the year annual dinner saturday april 27th at acton music centre band hah wallace ave social hour 630 pm to 730 pm followed iv dinner presentations to honor actons 1968 citizen of the year st john ambulance brigade admission 300 per person tickets available at nielsens clothing gordons hardware or any chamber of commerce member vojma murray miller toronto mrs lucy mcarthur mcdonald guolph mrs elsie ross ilex- dale mrs marie lorno kitch ener mrs isabelsmlthvvlulam- son dayton bhlo mrs verna dean toronto mrs helen and erson greenwood toronto mls wilrna mcmillan brsmptpn ruth e robertson merlin mrs ethof prudhorntne henderuoost catharines mrs bessie raw- lings maplosdeif neshanlo stat ion new jersey mrs jessie anderson hobortson iclingtdh miss- mario barbour george town dont disregard safety rulesl dont be foolish around your farm this iprlnfl accident can happen in the beil of wealherl loose stabling is a com mon danger nt this time of year another hazard is a slippery yard be careful not to tall and in luio yourself even when you are corc- ful an accident may hap pen be prepared to meet the com of omcr- rencles with cias farm family protection plan for information call ed pasmore 56v7s4 rochwood clac lnsihantl- for easter from hintons florist department say it with flowers i easter lilies british columbia grown daffodils fresh picked and flown direct especially for hintons specially priced for easter potted mums ivy geraniums fuschias geraniums etc hintons 5c to 100 store snummosksmmh igw w pure waul wo u 4 hfj t4 a- mr ad a n iv f vjc kh illju ky tit h you have it ill with mtanv sit l nielsens clothing fakiaebtjsm