ballinafad 2 th acton fr pratt wadnasday saptambar ii 1968 presentation wi meeting baptism sale and students in district events beanmore thief engineer touts european tanneries by mrs r shortlll on friday evening august 30 a presentation wot tendered mr and mrs choi pioulte jr in ballinafad community centre a pleasant social time was enjoyed mr elwood snow called on mrs jamieson who expressed the t congratulations and good wishes of the community charlie and kay were then presented with tsyo lovely matching tables arid lafop to grace their home here in balljnafad mr and mrs frank smith willed a week ago with their toninlaw and dsuglilcr mr and mrs norman swann of st catharines so iti back lo school again tiny fiveyearolds are gelling their first taste of i classes far kindergarten have been organized as follows three alternate days one week and two such days the next week our very careful bus drivers are tollcitoui of these wee one for which parents should be builders bids to be sought lowcost units council authorized the ontario housing corporation to proceed to seek a builders proposal for acquisition of the necessary und for building lowrental gearedtoincome units in acton reeve llinton explained that the o h c people had examined sites all over town but had got nowhere wivh acquisition attempts now they will ask builders for bids grateful many of our teenagers are attending high school for the first time we hopo they will nuke every effort to enjoy and take full advantage of this education which comes lo them right at their door wayne french is attending college heights vocational school in cuelpli transportation to which 1 available this year wr behave danny spear u ill at ihe preseitt with rheumatic fever ebenezer mr and mrs donald mclean visited in hamilton last week with mr and mrs clayton beswlck mr and mrs robert mciucry have returned from an enjoyable motor trip lo eastern parts which they look with the davidsons mark shortlll visited craig woods in georgetown on the weekend the occasion being craigs birthday two little pals had a good chattering tune the womens liustitufe met ut doris moffat graduate niirse rabid cat bites youngster by mrs r mclean the choir enjoyed a barbecue at the home of jom and audrey r itching presentations were made lo sue ward who is leaving for toronto teachers college and to joy lluyward a bridetobe mr and mrs arthur diamond enjoyed a weekend trip to maniloulin island little laurie i urly younger daughter of mr and mrs don early who hud the misfortune to be bitten by a rabid cat is nearly finished with her aniirabies shots she has been very brave about them mrs art norrish finished hie study book on japan at the september meeting of ihe u c w mrs early and mrs trousdale also assisted in the meeting lunch was served by mrs hnley and mrs stanley norriih congratulations to doris moffat who has finished her course al guelph general hospital and graduated with her registered nurses degree doris motfat jind carol lucas held a shower for sue richurdum of guelph who is lo be married ut 1 heneer litis saturday william boyd of mornslon and aberfoyle took the service on sunday while mr rinley administered communion at his churchesthere ure two types of people those who go to ihe window in the morning and say good morning lord and those who snuggle under the covers and sjy good lord its morning jesus christ can rive us eyes thai can see beauty where other people see ugliness we can look at family life from many viewpoints jesus gives us eyes thai can look on each oilier with love and respect if we live by dos and donts we lake all the joy oul of christianity freedom happiness living our lives to ihe fullest is a worship experience we cannot afford to miss sandra tarly sang bleu this house very sweetly the junior choir also sang a selection the home of mis jessie mclnery on wednesday for a dessert luncheon and regular meeting a flower show was a feature and many items of business weie discussed ihoic having been uo summer meetings a happy event look place al church service sunday moiiilng when ihe sacrament of baptism was administered lo tiny robert shortlll infant sn ol cpl and mrs hois shortlll of billish columbia rev mr johnson performed ihe baptism among ijioe seen in the congregation lo witness die occasion were hie paternal grandparents mr and mrs i j miortdl the paternal grcalgulidfalher mr harding price life material graiidmohicr mrs carter of brampton ulso robert shortih of guclpli and many other relatives und friends who were able to at lend the 4 service ross mary lou and little robert ure vucationitir with llicir respective parent having arrived this week miss anne shorlill will begin her course at i akeshoie teachers college on tuesday sept 10 mr mel ady held a clearing auction sale on saturday mel has sold ins farm and expects to return to the west he resided on the former gavin cree farm for the past ik years mrs win smith has returned to iter teaching duties at belfnuntuln school mr allan jamieson lias resumed ins four months work period al ihe paper mills where lie carries on practical application of his engineering course al waterloo university we understand his brother murray will begin his studies at waterloo now 1h mr george rogers has not been enjoying his usual good health librarians of north halton met monday evening in georgetown with miss redely the regional representative mrs isabel watson actons chief librarian attended plans were nude for observation of book week in november miss theresa marzo and miss gail fryer flew home from vancouver september 1 after motoring to the west coast with miss elizabeth atkey and miss sandra slingerland who are now residing in edmonton alberta mr and mrs kenneth papillon mr and mrs gordon curne mr and mrs wayne currie dundas attended the cumeirvin wedding at port dover saturday james lurrie the groom is the son of mr and mrs cam currie former residents of acton and is a nephew of mr and mrs g currie friends gathered at the home of mr ond mrs peter binnie after the graduation exercises of the school of nursing guelph general hospital for miss sandra binnie attending were miss kay binnie from earl grey saskatchewan drs frank and doreen mucdonald from mississauga and others from acton guelph brampton and ballinafad former acton residents who visited recently in town were mrs sophie hunnger and her son fred bunnger with them was freds wile stancy daughter of the british ambassador to thailand prof eunnger had a years leave of absence from queens university to study drama in paris and he was married in lugland he is now returning to queens where he teaches drama prof eunnger who attended school in acton was an actor and playwright ijelore commencing ins academic career the eunnger visited with mt and mrs ted foottit the hi neighbour welcome service has welcomed several new families to town recently mr and mrs c pifke have come from wdlowdale to iso wynford place he is retired mr and mrs r morell and family have moved from toronto to 100 churchill rd s he is employed at the ford plant mr and mrs j r patterson came from rockwood to 66 roteford terrace with their two young children hes a butcher in georgetown shes a lab technician at guelph university dr and mrs r d buckner left malton by plane tuesday after living here 1 1 years they held a very successful auction sale at their home monday afternoon after visiting in great britain they sel off lo make their home in jamaica daughter miss jean buckner is now living in oakville and son robbie is attending the university of guelph best wishes of many friends and patients go with ihe buckners for gas appliances javav richardsons tv appliances 301 main st i milton s7s6949 talk about farm fresh pick your own apples at chudleigh bros rr 3 milton 41 68782725 september 20 to october 20 no 24 hwy large family bag 150 f container weekdays 100 pm to dark sat ft sun dawn to dark bronte f dwarf apple trees no lad der to climb bring tha family applet 40 below retail store prices atso potatoes grapes pears mcintosh red delicious northern spy russet and golden delicious apple cider and other products available drop in for a special treat p farm fresh led cold apple cider and warm cinnamon donut g s ross chief engineer of lleardinore a co limited will leave thursday afternoon for a three week tour of i uropo to see the latest developments in equipment and techniques in some of the worlds most modern tanneries his itinerary will lake him lo i nglalld i runic italy germany and sweden peiniluioii has also been obtained to visit the laimliig induitiy in vcchodovaklu in cethouovaklj this indiidiy is completely under state coiilrill a delegation from czechoslovakia toured ihe bcardnipic plant laul fall along with delegations from lour other iron curtain countries- 1 hey all commented op the excellent quality of canadian leathers mr kojs will hpond considerable lime at iheseiinuie ducuir in paris this is jhe largest annual iiiteriulioual loathe lair in jhe world i i unhain and 1 i lurcui uisiitjiit tilt nijiijger for liaslern canada have already left for paris where they will be exhibiting the companys iuodiicls for six days icardmoic personnel will be laying at the hotel de crillon plate de la concorde which is alio the headquarters of the ii s delegates takingparl in ihe vietnam peaie talks i xporls account for a hiilhlunllal portion of the ompanys annual niiilti million dollar sales and their exhibits are encouraged by the oopartiuoiil of 1 rade and coiumcrce pollock and campbell 1 unit n loi i til hh graof mimoiriais mlmqbiat fn having 43wlr si north oait tt lthm 1171110 southern fried chicken tub serves 8 to 1 0 persons 525 box 14 pieces buns honey 390 box of 9 pieces 250 individual dinner plus trimmings 135 light snack 2 pieces french fries 80c flshburger 65c cheeseburger 40e and 50c hamburgers 35c and 45c fish and chips 50c french fries 25e onion pings 25e sandwiches made- to order hours open monday lo thursday sam to 9 p m friday and saturday a m to it midnight closed all dny sundays deliveries 50k extra bp snack bar 8532114 ryans i division of grafton fraser limited suddenly shirts spell fashion the finest backtocampus selection in our history look what s going on those easy care permanent press shirts from tho great manu facturers like arrow forsyth tookevan heusen look like a million dollars tho new colour blends are so subtle and clever include gay tattorsal chocks rich woven chocks track stripes deep toned plains suddenly young mon s stylos spell fashion move with it wear the latest traditional longer point collar styles completely permanently pressed never needs ironing yours a ryans s6 95 to 8 from arrow plains stripes checks etc in both oxford cloth and arrow s famous tencota fabric turf green wood brown smoke blue etc from forsyth include traditional brooks button down collar in light ground tattersal oxfords woven checks terrific selection from tookevan heusen beautifully made shirts for discriminating dressers now fall plain shades most subtle designs neat stripos turtle dickies fit under sport shirts or dress shirts for that sophisticated casual look arrow permapress dickies are only 2 v no down payment on ryans all purpose charge account kyan s of guelph division of grafton fraser limited 115 wyndham st n