Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1968, p. 19

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blood donor clinic held monday at legion hall monday the red crow hlood donor duni wi held in the legion hall operated by niiru fruni hamilton willi total volunteers loimi were allen mckcnie murray harriurri anna arnold hark auger loin manes suan allan katie lleplner harry hiiliiiiiiii james lee ctnieton i orhes ikniar kwlm holi lriu jeuie irice verna mtirchlsorl stclli rritnelle aithilulil hmnio will am ivndrcloil jl daniel mead john kohson kin dinkci w ii llalhday w iv- jon koulliidftitll i dwlird llelferiian i d imirt sum mcledran niril ranndek williain diinind ilciheir llmicm arrlnir kurd george llirgiave claude ook oirk vim stralen alice inihy wendy i ahian i cshe duhy gladys davidson allien vheslra i awiente s dvsyer alio nome oiville iorle sidney pasma jake iasina alton kowsell donald mclulyre rayinoud sail harry llolstede idward i ihotl richard lee dorson i nel ron sliiiiiii i red gordon harvey taylor willi iu gillespie ins wilson ry masniiv slly dak llein llietiier- allan i llely ihii voimghlul goldon rectf liir oclilralr john wcldoii harry kloon roliert llfl iuiiliiic jenkins audrey wilsou sean dwyer jirry kelley- aud unvvtnan jhrry jthalel i olua rinshiilnl v nl reed alev oinniarulo g llowinan i dtvavd lliusimi jouph hiiy niivey ihtlier wn i mivn niiiiiini 1iai ralpli vhelra william assidy hugh ullkiiison reginald marsh willi ml ieddle hone lolliililli geoige hayhss i ule middlelon iliilip drysdale dennis vanlllerk martha kelly ivlre i ranelli j giiham john turkos ronald pipilliiu i liner rosell ann noilon i ill hieus ieorgi i ee doriilhy jordan onrad siillou joe llolsltde s dolsude john ramsey atllixl kiiaih william llioinpum allien mitsli ill i ulyu marshall joaph dean mallieson w i lelehei i heresi miro karen ietjjns i lilian ook jijiil llj lllttll nonua iioiiiiiiii llurv inslot liiheit hum- morris kdniis i inn p maiyo miiiiii i allan lav uimiird ivikms roheii alleiihvrohngniitd senior citizens convention described to club members it doesnt hurt a bit claims william holiday especially with ihe holp of prctly nurse donni mitchhi of hamilton mr holiday wai oiw of many who qavo ihe gift ol life at the red cro blood donor clinic monday staff plvnsi mygoidiisii by david i cohen aiound unci around in your lovely glass dome surrounded by ornaments colored so gay with shells of all hues to complete your home and make it a beautiful place to stay you i life is a short one and happy its true as you swim through the watct ui cleat and there have been some times when i envied you all yout peace and your freedom from fear i sornelintes wonder just what you think as you swim round and round in your bowl it you wonder about us the human link and how well achieve our goal you seem to study us as we move with big deep eyes so clear ill venture lo sav you know we love and hold you so very dear i 01 you are a strange little golden scamp that we care lor each day that you live and you light up our hearts like a shining lamp willi each moment ol pleasure you give mas mini hie he ol leisure and iree liom care in vom own little wotld ol glass we will walcli and attend to your cseis tare seacli das and each moment shall pass mrs george i ryer club counsellor presided at the regular afternoon meeting ol ihe golden age club on tuesday ol lasl week mrs jack llargrave was thanked for having generously donated all the prizes given the winners of games and contests at the rcccul annual picnic mrs jack cossar and mrs don reed delegates to the kith annual convention ol the united senior citicns ol ontario incorporated held in waterloo lutheran university aug 26 2k gave short reports ol the proceedings mrs cossar passed on some of the points dealt on by the excellent guest speakers dr m d dymond minister of health for ontario di d k grant dueclor ol medical services lor ontario hydro di i m dutloii ominiiinly progtams branch ol ontario depl ol i diicalion and miss hope ho i iiislcnl liiumm canadian wellaie nuiicil section ol aging mrs reed gave a concise resume ol the resolutions brought forward both had found the convention immensely instructive delimlely iiitetestiug and very picas ml ol the 7i clubs alfihaled ho clubs were represented by ss delegates and visitors from all over ontario and all were very well looked alter by ihe university aulhorities and ihe convention committee both delegates thanked the club for the wondeilul experience and imped olliers warn drivers of oil film causing crashes in rain during the week ol september i to 7 olficers ol milton detachment ontario provincial police investigated sl general occurrences including one complaint of assault which proved to be tinlounded one disturbance one break and entci two minor llietts three complaints ol malicious damage one liquor investigation resulting in one person being chatged one landloid and lenml dispute one impaired driver one missing persoli located lor other police dept and id other complaints ol a ininoi natute a total ol 10 accidents were investigated including lour personal injury accidents in which six krsons were injured and six properly damage accidents total propcily damage was sh14s there were three persons charged as a result ol these accidents causes ol accidents were dangerous and careless driving speed too last lot toad conditions lollowmg loo closely failure to yield rightofway and driving on wrong side of the road three ol the accidents investigated during this past week were caused by travelling too last on wet roads the drivers were seemingly unaware that during the early pari ol a rainfall paved roads become quilt ihppcry due lo the oil lilm laid down by vehicles using the highways mixing with the rain all drivers using the road would he well advised to adjust their speed accordingly until sulficicnt ram has fallen lo eliminate this condition cpl k kingman said gentle handbag needed for peaches i ood specialists at macdonald institute iniseisilv ol guclph suggest several ways ol keeping treshlv seeled peaches tiom turning itroun sprinkle the piepared truil with sugar to toim its own svrup or sprinkle the innt with lemon orange or pineapple juice a thud alternative is u immerse the peach in a sugar sviup in ontaiki the tiesh peach season lasts trom midsummer to eaily tall both ireestone and clingstone peaches aie grown in ontano the clingstone peach has linn smooth llcsh but is used ten eating onlv tally varieties not including the red haven show varviug degiees of clinging the ireestone peach has a paler softer flesh its name being derived trom its chief distinguishing feature the llcsh pulls away irom the pit generally speaking most vjtieties available in ontario tail into this category starting with early varieties such as red haven through jubilee and ending with the klbertas since peaches are easily bruised they will require gentle care the home economists al macdonald institute university of guelph suggest sorting the ripe from the underripe fruit allow the underripe fruit to continue ripening at room temperature away from direct sunlight refrigerate the fully ripe peaches at once selectqne paints 20 off cm weed oratmrltafl 179 oanral purpeu paint r0 398 spray bombs ro kits 9 c special 298 special carpet sale stock colors only special up to 495 sq yard oil ends vinyl floor coverings s53 eree delivery lakeview discount centre would picpiil lo it to 1 11 i iii loiivlmlloll tllxl yclf ml jlllliis university kllltsloii mis kcnmily moved iiciily vole ot lit inks lor those line re pons six i i hies ol i itthre weie pliyed with winners lidies lusi mrs reisey second miss mtdreeoi pliying is jeiits lusl mrs i 1ijjimhi uloihi mrs allen i luce lihles ol lrokmole weie pliyed with winneis ladies hisl mis mill ii mrs lliifrivo penis lusl i dwtrd ium icy second itoh win tun mis llcriiiilou uul he i helpers served a nice hiiich to com i ii de i pi lm si n i illernoon sheridan college courses m adult on srpiunher h with the cointutnceinent of lkisscv in ihe i xttnstoii division sheruliu oltige ol appll4il arts ind technology heins j new venture i living completed u successful yeu in the diyluue piomins the ollfgc looks forward lo the new cllillene ol meeting the ululr ediicilionil deeds ol the peel lliltou conummily c hirellor 4d ihkmsiluj i i unihltoii uuheiletl lml while thiliit priority would ht to offer etc nmn courses tmvdenl lo those in the diytuue pouuiiu there would he pleirty of speiul inlet est onuses lo nieel the needs ol i limns roitps m the ueiv ontv i need is tslihfishtcf he uu ihe collene n udhu to set jjp 1 course ul 1 tune md pkice con veil icnl to the uotip thit wants it he htiled hii- lo d this ilfettvelv he hoped lo e s l i h 1 1 sh o o i t in at inj omuulkcs loi adult diiciliou in ill tin i iie conunuiulies in the iwti louuiks i lieu tuiictioii would he lo puhhcie hit ivuhhihlv ol adult i due itioii louises ind itlvisi on ihe selling up ol new oiils one suih coinnullee is ilreuly undeiwiy in the oikvdle jici undei ihe mspices ol the sociit plinuiiii oiuilii ind the i lijlit ion oiuuuttte ot the hunhei ol ommeice i his kind ol puhhe support is usually necessuy lo niike lotd adult ihiliimii i reihty iteintiim in septemhei most ol the coiuses will he dieted it the lliunptou impus hut there are some ui the oikvdle irei lluse uiclude the advanced iecluiicil i veiuni lasses which are otlered in oikvdle schools a special scries ot daytime courses lor women and two courses at the i ome uk ampus this introduces education the acton free prasi wedn september 11 1968 fly dry garden flowers for indoor beauty why not try drying flowers or indoor decor jiioh when frcathcut flowers uc not jvaiublc mowers tit he dried must he picked hefore they ire lully 0cu becuiisc the drying prvtess will cuixe them to open further i lowers chosen for drying should not he too succulent they should he picked helou i hey wilt from tht afternoon tun jnd dried iuckly to aisiuc rmwl tiiiihiy fotkscoinh hommy fsurtcvsi lmjcrnjtice lohe amir jildtlrawflnwer ium 11 he easily dried after mcking reluove tlu foliage and tuv ihli stms- tolticf in snull huiklilh hi should ik hunkpstde down u a cooh dark place which is well veipdjlcdr mjny hiterestiril ahailnumenls can he uiade with flowtis preservtd tins wiy kind of decentralized program will he expanded in jjniiary il it proves successful in this day and ae no one should feel that they have enough education our vet are jvolahle lo ut lo previous knowledge stimulate new interests or show you how lo use your leisure tune mow profilahl now is the lime to ttnd a course that ills your need and- lomi in swin to adfilt idlication mm iviumi the oregon police havivhren eiiloimterm niiuy hijili iiichhi divhor reading in arrested driverv tested tince the uie adopted ait nnnlicd cotiscjit llw a numltvrof fliitsl arroitcd have lud readings of 10 vdr cent many morcv have hid readings over 21 mt cenl hlood alcohol teils of persons killcd in oregon ttallic aciidcyits ast year indicated thiil more than the hall ot the victims had been dunking thcit are lwl kinds ol dien who never amount in much those who camioi do what they ire told and iihm who tan jo nothing else summer goods and many other items 25b reduction symon hardware iga foods i0a foods iga foods ica foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga mnns ira innils iga kl ic hbu i syrup 2 m 49 juice 2 29 c0cktail 49 iga brands are your key to extra savings choice green frozen foods mil uttlll ullumtutuih mortos uumisllo ulullmuih fmhch fries wiiuujumi uuiuit ouhge juice imth cod fish stix 55 3fi55 u mntociofuji cahibin i sum cantaloupes 399 valencia manges 79 musseu sprouts 29 mushrooms 69 shop thi iga way in the dairy case margaribteio uhuicuuu cheese cuts st 69 kuurd 2h29 ipeas 2 33 3002i0ttle plus deposit gj2 ginger ale 10 r0tl guest i li iac coffee 67 chjckennooole mil 2soup 10 tomato ii 02 i0ttle catsup 29 iga flour 89 tuuii t mui fumwui mal potato chips 49 uh mm uutmijuih uh cookies z 51 uiuiiucmmi ma allsorts 49 bakery treats dvim fwt ifftl m iiwi k i iga pies2 79 sr 45 39 uhtlmt cheinrou w villi giaif wise hous boneless round steakroast or rump roast 89 cooked meats wieners uimiitiaiicu side racon m peanut am bunirjj ho special unity ju avl oft hla1 ui 4t rlautt al hwhwuil wincim scope 57 alu seltzer rwl kk0bent toothpaste 7f peps00eht tooth uush-i- with tiff purchase of thch special items too ieceite bonus tapes wmicm can k ii jo for f0m 1 cutlf rcates sirs or utm hucnainjiu cutificans this weeks iga bonus tapes rsiooo uwistan corn oil rssoo s2oo uiwstan appiepie ss2n mwutah ctutcamtn ss1000 imniin choco 1000 imuistah kleenex v wertj cart 200 krtlah round chuc llllll sidewalk n days sausage rrr 43 lb cabbage 2 19 foods ioa foods ira food ica foods iga foods iga foods m roods ka m i

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